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FORUM 1: Environment

QUESTION: Importance of Primary Education in Providing All Children with a Basic

Understanding of Humanity’s Obligation to Strive for Environmental Sustainability on a Daily
CO-SUBMITTERS: Nigeria, The United States of America, Japan, Singapore
CO-SPONSOR: Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Philippines

1. Aware of the fact that environmental education is firmly planted in sustainable

2. development,
3. Having adopted the suggestion of the development of Education for Sustainable
4. Development which was strategized by the UN in 2002,
5. Recalling treaties like the Rio Declaration on Environment and Development and
6. the document of the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development that
7. are relevant to sustainable development,
8. Aware of the importance of Primary Education and the role that it plays in resolving
9. major economic problems, such as unemployment,
10. Recognizes that financial support enables students to be educated in an appropriate
11. school environment and with the necessary school supplies,
13. (1) Suggests the integration of Education for Sustainable Development into
14. existing curricula and programmes by:
15. a) Making Education for Sustainable Development as a topic of study within
16. one academic subject, usually in one of the natural sciences,
17. b) Introducing Education for Sustainable Development as an
18. inter-disciplinary topic through several academic subjects,
19. c)(calls upon all nations to make it mandatory during primary level, and as
an optional subject during further education levels)
20. (2) Encourages the teaching of Education for Sustainable Development to
21. children by:
22. a)Creating domestic teaching manuals that are relevant to Education for
23. Sustainable Development,
24. b)The crafting of multi-year, citywide plans that will see that every school
25. throughout the country and to create a school/s is any villages or towns do not have
a school/s to begin with, in Education for Sustainable Development,
26. c)Creating extra-curricular activities and organising events relevant to
27. Education for Sustainable Development such as:
28. i) Encouraging the implementation of field trips, fairs and other social
29. events as a means of encouraging participation whilst simultaneously
30. raising awareness on the issue,
31. (3) Recommends mechanisms that improve the realisation of Education for
32. Sustainable Development such as:
33. a)The development of national policies in the field of Education for
34. Sustainable Development
35. b)Giving budgetary and extra-budgetary funding for Education for
36. Sustainable Development
37. c)The conducting of research and joint projects relevant to the field of
38. Education for Sustainable Development,
39. (4) Urges MEDC’s to provide a surplus number of teachers to LEDC’s to not
40. only teach at local primary schools but also help train existing teachers
41. and help with any educational programmes such as but not limited to:
42. (a)Educating various local teachers with appropriate knowledge and effective
43. techniques to:
44. i)Pass down skills learnt to the next generation of teachers - after the
45. exported trainers have returned to their respective countries and take
specific security measures to reassure the safety of the exported teachers,
46. ii)Allow education and global issues to constantly develop, therefore
47. teachers that are not up to date cannot provide the mandatory/ required
48. education to the students. Therefore these teachers should be able to
49. teach themselves through the news or programme coursework.
50. (5) Emphasizes partnership with countries that experience environmental
51. problems to tackle issues like air pollution by but not limited to:
52. (a) Arresting and fining locals that are involved in activities that may involve
53. (b)Hold regular conferences for schools internationally held in
54. environmentally sustainable countries to create awareness with relations
55. to primary education which includes the importance of maintaining
56. environmental conditions in respective countries,
57. (6)Requests funding from the UN and MEDCs so that different educational
58. programmes can be implemented in different communities in LEDCs.
59. (a)Calls upon the UN to enforce grants that permit different educational
60. programmes to exist in LEDCs,
61. (b)Encourages MEDC’s to organize fund raisers for educational programmes
62. in LEDC’s to help promote Education for Sustainable Development.

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