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Power Plant and Transmission System

Protection Coordination
Phase Distance (21) and Voltage-Controlled or
Voltage-Restrained Overcurrent Protection (51V)
NERC Protection Coordination Webinar Series
June 16, 2010

Phil Tatro
Jon Gardell

 The information from this webcast is provided for

informational purposes only. An entity's adherence to the
examples contained within this presentation does not
constitute compliance with the NERC Compliance
Monitoring and Enforcement Program ("CMEP")
requirements, NERC Reliability Standards, or any other
NERC rules. While the information included in this
material may provide some of the methodology that
NERC may use to assess compliance with the
requirements of certain Reliability Standards, this
material should not be treated as a substitute for the
Reliability Standard or viewed as additional Reliability
Standard requirements. In all cases, the entity should
rely on the language contained in the Reliability
Standard itself, and not on the language contained in this
presentation, to determine compliance with the NERC
Reliability Standards.

 Technical Reference Document Overview

• Proposed Modifications
 Objectives
 Description of Protection Functions
 Discuss and Describe System Events that Could Create
Conditions that Would Cause Operation of These
 Detailed Coordination Information
• Function 21 – Phase Distance Protection
• Function 51V – Voltage-Controlled or Voltage-Restrained
Overcurrent Protection

 What is Important to Coordination

• Settings that Protect the Generator
• Back Up for Transmission System Protection
• Calculation of Apparent Impedance with Infeed Current
• Generator Field Forcing Effects During System Stressed Voltage
• Loadability Issues During Stressed System Conditions

 Question and Answer

Technical Reference Document Overview

 Introduction and Background – Blackout

Recommendation TR-22
• SPCS’s Assignment

 The Need for this Technical Reference

Document - History and Background:
• August 14, 2003 Blackout
• Subsequent Events
Technical Reference Document Overview

 Support of PRC Standards

 Benefits of Coordination:
• To the Generator Owner
• To the Transmission Owner
• To the Planning Coordinator

 Reliability of the Bulk Electric System and Power

Delivery to the Customer
Proposed Modifications to the
Technical Reference Document 7

 SPCS has received feedback on the document that

requires revisions to Section 3.1 and Appendix E
• The level of field forcing represented in the existing document is
not as severe as intended
• The document is being revised based on observed generator
loading during system disturbances and computer modeling
• Two methods are under development for assessing loadability of
phase distance protection

 SPCS will be seeking Planning Committee approval of

revisions to the Technical Reference Document
Proposed Modifications to the
Technical Reference Document 8

 The substantive revisions are included in this Webinar

• Section 3.1 and Appendix E
 Phase distance discussion and examples will be modified to provide
more comprehensive guidance on generator relay loadability
• Section 3.10
 Voltage-restrained overcurrent examples have been revised

 Other modifications:
• Achieve common usage of terms
• Remove discrepancies between and among Tables 2 and 3 and
the excerpts from these tables
• Correct some figures
• Correct formatting problems

 Increase knowledge of recommended

generator protection for system back-up
using phase distance and voltage-controlled
or voltage-restrained overcurrent functions.
 Facilitate improved coordination between
power plant and transmission system
protection for these specific protection

 Focus is on the reliability of the Bulk Electric

 This Technical Reference Document is
applicable to all generators, but concentrates
on synchronous generators connected at
100-kV and above.
 Distributed Generation (DG) facilities
connected to distribution systems are
outside the scope of this document.
The Need for Phase Distance System
Back-Up Protection – Function 21 11

 “The distance relay applied for this function is

intended to isolate the generator from the power
system for a fault which is not cleared by the
transmission line breakers.”
 “Within its operating zone, the tripping time for
this relay must coordinate with the longest time
delay for the phase distance relays on the
transmission lines connected to the generating
substation bus.”

IEEE C37.102-2006 – Guide for AC Generator

Protection, Section
The Need for Voltage-Controlled or
-Restrained Overcurrent Protection – Function 51V 12

 “Its function is to provide backup protection for system

faults when the power system to which the generator is
connected is protected by time-current coordinated
 “The type of overcurrent device generally used for
system phase fault backup protection is either a voltage-
restrained or voltage-controlled time-overcurrent relay.
Both types of relays are designed to restrain operation
under emergency overload conditions and still provide
adequate sensitivity for the detection of faults.”

IEEE C37.102-2006 – Guide for

AC Generator Protection, Section
Relay One-Line Showing All Generator
Protection and Identifying Function 21 and 51V 13


87T 51T


24 27 59 81

59GN/ 51TG

21 32 40 46 50/27 51V
51V 78
System Events that Could Cause Undesired
Operation of These Protection Functions 14

 System Fault Conditions

• Miscoordination with system protection during a
system fault
 Non-Fault Stressed System Conditions
• System Low Voltage Conditions – Loadability
• Events such as August 14, 2003 Blackout with
embedded stressed system conditions
 Loss of Critical Units
General Data Exchange Requirements –
Generator Owner Data and Information 15

 The following general information must be exchanged in addition to

relay settings to facilitate coordination, where applicable:
• Relay scheme descriptions
• Generator off nominal frequency operating limits
• CT and VT/CCVT configurations
• Main transformer connection configuration
• Main transformer tap position(s) and impedance (positive and zero
sequence) and neutral grounding impedances
• High voltage transmission line impedances (positive and zero
sequence) and mutual coupled impedances (zero sequence)
• Generator impedances (saturated and unsaturated reactances that
include direct and quadrature axis, negative and zero sequence
impedances and their associated time constants)
• Documentation showing the function of all protective elements listed
General Data Exchange Requirements –
Transmission or Distribution Owner Data and Information 16

 The following general information must be exchanged in addition to

relay settings to facilitate coordination, where applicable:
• Relay scheme descriptions
• Regional Reliability Organization’s off-nominal frequency plan
• CT and VT/CCVT configurations
• Any transformer connection configuration with transformer tap
position(s) and impedance (positive and zero sequence) and neutral
grounding impedances
• High voltage transmission line impedances (positive and zero
sequence) and mutual coupled impedances (zero sequence)
• Documentation showing the function of all protective elements
• Results of fault study or short circuit model
• Results of stability study
• Communication-aided schemes
Detailed Coordination Information for
Functions 21 and 51V 17

 Detailed coordination information is presented

under seven headings, as appropriate, for each
function in the document.
 The following slides present a section-by-section
summary for Functions 21 and 51V.
Document Format – Seven Sub-Sections
for Each Protection Function 18

 Purpose
 Coordination of Generator and Transmission System
• Faults
• Loadability
• Other Conditions, Where Applicable
 Considerations and Issues
 Coordination Procedure
• Test Procedure for Validation
• Setting Considerations
 Examples
• Proper Coordination
• Improper Coordination
 Summary of Detailed Data Required for Coordination of the Protection
 Table of Data and Information that Must be Exchanged
Purpose – Function 21

 Machine Only Coverage – Provide thermal

protection of the generator for a transmission
fault that is not cleared
 System Trip Dependability – Provide relay failure
backup protection for all elements connected to
the GSU high-side bus
Coordination of Generator and
Transmission System – Function 21 20

 Faults
• The detection of a fault is most easily demonstrated
by an example.
• In the example, it is assumed that a transmission line
relay failure has occurred and the fault is at the far
end of the protected line.
• The example presents solutions that can be used to
permit tripping for the fault while not tripping for non-
fault conditions when the generator is not at risk.
Coordination of Generator and
Transmission System – Function 21 21

 Loadability
• C37.102 presents a range from 150 percent to 200 percent of the
generator MVA rating at rated power factor as settings that will not
operate for normal generator outputs.
• This setting can be restated in terms of impedance as 0.66 – 0.50 per
unit on the machine base.
• This document addresses phase distance relay applications for which
the voltage regulator action could cause an incorrect trip based on a
fixed-field model basis.
 To fully address dynamic effects during stressed system conditions, a
conservative load point(s) or a dynamic simulation(s) of the unit and
excitation system is required to properly assess the security of this
protection function.
 The SPCS is developing two methods to assess and model these dynamic
 Most exciters have a field forcing function that enables the exciter to go
beyond its full load output.
 These outputs can last up to several seconds before controls reduce the
exciter field currents to rated output.
Assessing Generator Relay
Loadability – Method 1 (Under Development) 22

 Conservative, but simple

 Evaluate apparent impedance based on:
• Active power loading at rated MW
• Reactive power loading at a Mvar level of 150 percent times
rated MW (e.g. 500 MW and 750 Mvar)
• Generator step-up (GSU) high-side voltage at 0.85 pu
 Load level selected based on observed unit loading
during August 14, 2003 blackout and other subsequent
 Load level believed to be a conservatively high level of
reactive power for 0.85 per unit high-side voltage
Assessing Generator Relay
Loadability – Method 2 (Under Development) 23

 May be applied when the conservative, but simple test in Method 1

restricts the desired relay setting
 Allows for more extensive evaluation of the worst-case expected
operating point based on characteristics of the specific generator
 Operating point determined from dynamic modeling of the apparent
 Evaluation is conducted using a dynamic simulation based on:
• Active power loading at rated MW
• Reactive power loading at a Mvar level based on simulated response of
the unit to depressed transmission system voltage
• Generator step-up (GSU) high-side voltage at 0.85 pu prior to field-
Coordination of Generator and
Transmission System – Function 21 24

 Coordination with Breaker Failure

• The 21 function will detect transmission system faults
that normally will be cleared by the transmission
system relays.
• The 21 function time delay must be set to coordinate
with the breaker failure clearing times with a
reasonable margin. This requirement is necessary for
all transmission protection zones (protected
elements) within which the 21 relay can detect a fault.
Considerations and Issues – Function 21

 It may be necessary to set the impedance relay to detect faults in

another zone of protection to ensure trip dependability, i.e. to
provide relay failure protection.
• When it is not possible to set the 21 function to detect these faults due
to the effect of infeed from other fault current sources, other means for
providing relay failure protection is necessary.
 The three-phase fault is the most challenging to detect.
• Must be secure for loading conditions.
• Must be secure for transient conditions.
 The impedance relay must not operate for stable system swings.
• This function becomes increasingly susceptible to tripping for stable
swings as the apparent impedance setting of the relay increases; e.g.
when the impedance relay is set to provide remote backup.
• The best way to evaluate susceptibility to tripping is with a stability
Coordination Procedure – Function 21

 Step 1 — Generator Owner and Transmission Owner agree on the

reach and time delay settings for the system and generator
protection 21 functions.
 Step 2 — Generator Owner verifies that the generator 21 relay is
coordinated with OEL functions of the excitation system. This is
especially important when the excitation system of the machine is
• At all times, the generation protection settings must coordinate with the
response times of the over-excitation limiter (OEL) and V/Hz limiter on
the excitation control system of the generator.
 Step 3 — Generator Owner and Transmission Owner review any
setting changes found to be necessary as a result of step two.
• Depending on the results of step 2, this may be an iterative process,
and may require additional changes to the transmission protection
Example - Proper Coordination
– Function 21 27

 This example illustrates a relay setting process for the trip

dependability application, but includes the considerations
applicable for generator thermal backup protection.
 In this example from the Technical Reference Document, the
following data is used:
904 MVA
0.85 pf pf
Xtr = 10%
.18pu 10%
975 MVA 345 kV 40 Ω Zsys Bus A
Xd’ = 0.415
x d ' = .21 pu 625 MVA
20 Ω
20 kV

Relays for
this line fail
60 Ω Zsys Bus B

Zsys Bus C
40 Ω 20 Ω
Example - Proper Coordination
– Function 21 28

 The 21 function is set to provide generator trip

dependability for system faults
• The relay is set to reach 120 percent of the longest line
connected to the GSU high-side bus (with infeed).
 The relay reach in per unit at the fault impedance angle on the
generator base necessary to reliably detect the line-end fault with
20 percent margin is 1.883 per unit.
• This setting, including a reasonable margin, should not exceed a
load impedance that is calculated from the generator terminal
voltage and stator current.
• Secure operation must be confirmed using either method 1 or
method 2 for assessing generator relay loadability.
Example - Proper Coordination
– Function 21 29

 Method 1 is used to calculate the operating

point to assess relay loadability
• The generator is at a stressed output level of
768 + j1152 MVA = 1385 MVA at 56.31
• The calculated load impedance = 0.62 pu at 56.31 [1]

 The desired relay setting is plotted against the

operating point to assess relay loadability

[1] Calculation details are provided in Appendix E of the Technical Reference Document
Example - Proper Coordination
– Function 21 30

 The plot shows that the desired reach cannot be achieved with a mho
 In this example blinders are utilized to achieve the desired reach for
dependability and to coordinate with the loadability requirement for security.


Desired Relay Setting:

1.883 pu Reach at
Maximum Torque Angle = 85º


Point Rated Power Factor
0.5 Angle = 31.8º (0.85 pf)

0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0

Blinders Applied at
± 0.25 pu at 85º
Function 21 – Methods To
Increase Loadability 31

 A number of methods are available; some are better suited than

others to improving loadability for a wide range of operating points.
 The stressed system
operating point can
vary due to pre-event
conditions, severity of
the initiating event,
and generator
 Adding blinders or
reshaping the
characteristic provides
greater security than
load encroachment or
off-setting the zone 2
mho characteristic.
Example - Proper Coordination
– Function 21 32

 The solution in the previous plot is not desirable as it:

• Results in slow clearing for GSU transformer and high-side bus
faults (only one zone of protection is applied)
• Provides limited coverage for arc resistance

 In this example the Generator Owner most likely would:

• Desire two zones of phase distance backup protection
• Utilize Method 2 to determine whether a less onerous operating
point for relay loadability can be obtained
Example - Proper Coordination
– Function 21 33

 A possible solution under investigation and

illustrated on the next plot includes:
• Zone 1 set for generator thermal protection and GSU
transformer and high-side bus fault coverage
 Reach reduced to provide adequate margin against the
stressed system condition load point
• Zone 2 set for system relay backup protection trip
 Blinders are utilized to meet proposed loadability

 Use of Method 2, in this example, results in a

less onerous operating point for relay loadability
Example - Proper Coordination
– Function 21 - Relay Failure Coverage 34

Zone 2 Relay Setting:

1.883 pu at Maximum Method 1 Load Point
Torque Angle = 85º
Method 2 Load Point
Determined by Simulation
Zone 1 Relay Setting:
0.829 pu at Maximum
Torque Angle = 85º

Rated Power Factor

Angle = 31.8º

Zone 2 Blinders
Set at ± 0.4 pu
For System Trip Dependability
(relay failure coverage) Time Coordination Graph 35

Device 21 set to see 120%

Generator Device 21 Set for Relay Failure Protection of longest line connected
Total time to operate (seconds)

1.5 to generating station bus

including the effects of
infeed from other

Line Zone 3 + zone 3 time delay + CB trip time


Line Zone 2 + zone 2 time delay + breaker fail time + CB trip

0.8 time
Optional Device 21 “zone 1” set to
see 120% of generator step up
transformer and short of shortest lines
zone 1 without including the effects of
infeed from other lines/sources
Line Zone 1 + breaker fail time + CB trip
0.3 time

80% 100% 125% 150%

Distance to fault in % of longest line length
Summary of Protection Functions
Required for Coordination – Function 21 36

Table 2 Excerpt — Function 21 Protection Coordination Considerations

Generator Protection Transmission System

System Concerns
Function Protection Functions

• Both 21 functions have to coordinate

• Trip dependability
• Breaker failure time

21 • System swings (out-of-step blocking),

87B • Protective Function Loadability for extreme system

21 – Phase distance conditions that are recoverable
• System relay failure
• Settings should be used for planning and system
studies either through explicit modeling of the
function, or through monitoring impedance swings
at the relay location in the stability program and
applying engineering judgment
Protection Function Data and Information
Exchange Required for Coordination – Function 21 37

Table 3 Excerpt — Function 21 Data to be Exchanged Between Entities

Generator Owner Transmission Owner Planning Coordinator

One line diagram of the transmission

Relay settings in the R-X plane in primary Feedback on coordination problems found
system up to one bus away from the
ohms at the generator terminals in stability studies
generator high-side bus

Impedance of all transmission elements

Relay timer settings
connected to the generator high-side bus

Relay settings on all transmission

Total clearing times for the generator
elements connected to the generator
high-side bus

Total clearing time for all transmission

elements connected to the generator
high-side bus

Total clearing time for breaker failure, for

all transmission elements connected to
the generator high-side bus
Purpose – Function 51V

 Provide backup protection for system faults

when the power system to which the generator
is connected is protected by time-current
coordinated protections.
Voltage-Controlled (51V-C) versus
Voltage-Restrained (51C-R) Functions 39

 Voltage-Controlled Overcurrent Function (51V-C)

• In the voltage-controlled function, a sensitive low pickup time-
overcurrent function is torque controlled by voltage supervision.
• At normal and emergency operating voltage levels, the voltage
supervision is picked up and the function is restrained from operating.
• Under fault conditions, the voltage supervision will drop out, thereby
permitting operation of the sensitive time-overcurrent function.
 Voltage-Restrained Overcurrent Function (51V-R)
• The characteristic of a voltage-restrained overcurrent function allows for
a variable minimum pickup of the overcurrent function as determined by
the generator terminal voltage.
• At 100 percent generator terminal voltage the overcurrent function will
pickup at 100 percent of its pickup setting.
• The minimum pickup of the overcurrent function decreases linearly with
voltage until 25 percent or less when the minimum pickup of the
overcurrent function is 25 percent of its minimum pickup setting.
Coordination of Generator and
Transmission System – Function 51V 40

 Faults:
• Generator Owner(s) and Transmission Owner(s) need to exchange the following
• Generator Owner
 Unit ratings, subtransient, transient and synchronous reactance and time constants
 Station one line diagrams
 51V-C or 51V-R relay type, CT ratio, VT ratio, settings and settings criteria
 Protection setting criteria
 Coordination curves for faults in the transmission system two buses away from
generator high voltage bus
• Transmission Owner
 Protection setting criteria
 Fault study values of current and voltage for all multi-phase faults two buses away from
generator high voltage bus. This includes fault voltages at the high side of the
generator step-up transformer.
 Relay types and operate times for multi-phase faults two buses away from generator
high voltage bus.
 Voltages on the high-side of the generator step-up transformer for extreme system
contingencies. Use 0.75 per unit or power flow results for extreme system
Coordination of Generator and
Transmission System – Function 51V 41

 Loadability
• For the 51V-C function:
 The voltage supervision must prevent operation for all system loading
conditions as the overcurrent function will be set less than generator full load
 The voltage supervision setting should be calculated such that under
extreme emergency conditions (the lowest expected system voltage), the
51V function will not trip. A voltage setting of 0.75 per unit or less is
• For the 51V-R function:
 The voltage supervision will not prevent operation for system loading
 The overcurrent functions must be set above generator full load current.
IEEE C37.102 recommends the overcurrent function to be set 150 percent
above full load current.
• Coordinate with stator thermal capability curve (IEEE C50.13).
• Note that 51V functions are subject to misoperation for blown fuses that
result in loss of the voltage-control or voltage-restraint.
Considerations and Issues – Function 51V

 For trip dependability within the protected zone, the

current portion of the function must be set using fault
currents obtained by modeling the generator reactance
as its synchronous reactance.
 To set the function to detect faults within the protected
zone, the minimum pickup of the current function will be
less than maximum machine load current. The protected
zone can be defined as:
• The generator step up transformer (GSU), the high voltage bus,
and a portion of a faulted transmission line, which has not been
isolated by primary system relaying.
 The undervoltage element is the security aspect of the
51V-C function. C37.102 states:
• “The 51V voltage element setting should be calculated such that
under extreme emergency conditions (the lowest expected
system voltage), the 51V relay will not trip.”
Considerations and Issues – Function 51V

 Seventy five percent of rated voltage is considered acceptable to

avoid 51V operation during extreme system conditions.
• A fault study must be performed to assure that this setting has
reasonable margin for the faults that are to be cleared by the 51V.
• Backup clearing of system faults is not totally dependent on a 51V
function (or 21 function).
 The 51V function has limited sensitivity and must not be relied upon to
operate to complete an isolation of a system fault when a circuit breaker fails
to operate.
 The 51V has a very slow operating time for multi-phase faults. This may
lead to local system instability resulting in the tripping of generators in the

 Phase distance functions should be coordinated with phase distance

functions – inverse time-current functions should be coordinated with
inverse time-current functions.
• Time coordinating a 51V and a 21 leads to longer clearing times at lower
Considerations and Issues – Function 51V

 Special Considerations for Older Generators with Low

Power Factors and Rotating Exciters
• Older low power factor machines that have slower-responding
rotating exciters present an additional susceptibility to tripping for
the following reasons:
 The relatively low power factor (0.80 to 0.85) results in very high
reactive current components in response to the exciter trying to
support the system voltage.
 The slower response of the rotating exciters in both increasing and
decreasing field current in those instances results in a longer time
that the 51V element will be picked up, which increases the chances
for tripping by the 51V.
• If it is impractical to mitigate this susceptibility, Transmission
Owners, Transmission Operators, Planning Coordinators, and
Reliability Coordinators should recognize this generator tripping
susceptibility in their system studies.
Coordination Procedure –
Function 51V 45

 Voltage-Controlled Overcurrent Function (51V-C)

• Overcurrent pickup is usually set at 50 percent of generator full
load current as determined by maximum real power out and
exciter at maximum field forcing.
• Voltage supervision should be set to dropout (enable overcurrent
function) at 0.75 per unit generator terminal voltage or less.
• Overcurrent function should not start timing until undervoltage
supervision drops out.
• Time coordination must be provided for all faults on the high-side
of the GSU including breaker failure time and an agreed upon
reasonable margin.
Coordination Procedure –
Function 51V 46

 Voltage-Restrained Overcurrent Function (51V-

• The 100 percent setting for the voltage supervision
must be at 0.75 per unit terminal voltage or less.
• Determine an agreed upon margin for trip
dependability. The voltage supervision should not
drop out for extreme system contingencies.
• Time coordination must be provided for all faults on
the high-side of the GSU including breaker failure
time and an agreed upon reasonable margin.
Coordination of Generator and
Transmission System – Function 51V 47

 Setting Considerations
• For the 51V-C function, the voltage supervision must prevent
operation for all system loading conditions as the overcurrent
function will be set less than generator full load current. A
voltage setting of 0.75 per unit or less is acceptable.
• For the 51V-R function, the voltage supervision will not prevent
operation for system loading conditions. The overcurrent
function must be set above generator full load current. IEEE
C37.102 recommends the overcurrent function to be set 150
percent of full load current. (For some applications a higher
setting may be necessary.)
Example - Proper Coordination
– Function 51V 48

Generator Short Time

Thermal Capability

51V-R operating
curve with ≤ 25% For examples with
voltage (fastest 51V-R
operating time) range of 51V-R operating numeric values, see
curve with full
from 100 voltage (slowest
Section 3.10.5 of the
to 25 %
operating time)
Technical Reference
Time in Seconds


Phase OC on
Line - 51LINE 0.5 s or

Fault Current
on Line
Current in Amperes
Summary of Protection Functions
Required for Coordination – Function 51V 49

Table 2 Excerpt — Function 51V Protection Coordination Considerations

Generator Protection Transmission System Protection

System Concerns
Function Functions

• 51V not recommended when Transmission Owner uses

distance line protection functions
• Short circuit studies for time coordination
• Total clearing time

51 • Review voltage setting for extreme system loading

51V — Voltage controlled / conditions
restrained • 51V controlled function has only limited system backup
87B protection capability
• Settings should be used for planning and system studies
either through explicit modeling of the function, or
through monitoring voltage and current performance at
the relay location in the stability program and applying
engineering judgment
Protection Function Data and Information
Exchange Required for Coordination – Function 51V 50

Table 3 Excerpt — Function 51V Data to be Exchanged Between Entities

Generator Owner Transmission Owner Planning Coordinator

Provide settings for pickup and time delay Times to operate, including timers, of
(may need to provide relay manual for transmission system protection None
proper interpretation of the voltage
controlled/restrained function) Breaker failure relaying times
What is Important to Coordination

 Settings that Protect the Generator

 Back Up Protection for Transmission System Protection
 Worst Case Survivable Condition
 Calculation for Apparent Impedance with Infeed Current
 Generator Field Forcing Effects During System Stressed
Voltage Conditions
 Loadability Issues during Stressed System Conditions
Settings that Protect the Generator

 The generator protection set-points are

described in the IEEE Guide for AC Generator
Protection (C37.102) for both Functions 21 and
51V based on machine - system reactance and
 The previous examples illustrated the set point
Back-Up for
Transmission System Protection 53

 Providing back-up for transmission system

protection requires careful analysis and a
balance between tripping security and
 These coordination concepts were discussed
and illustrated in this presentation.
 Undesired tripping during system stressed
conditions that are survivable must be avoided
to maintain a reliable Bulk Electric System.
Worst Case Survivable Condition

 The protection must be set to avoid unnecessary tripping for worst

case survivable conditions:
• Operation of transmission equipment within continuous and emergency
thermal and voltage limits
• Recovery from a stressed system voltage condition for an extreme
system event – i.e. 0.85 pu voltage at the system high side of the
generator step-up transformer
• Stable power swings
• Transient frequency and voltage conditions for which UFLS and UVLS
programs are designed to permit system recovery
 When coordination cannot be achieved without compromising
protection of the generator, the generator protection setting must be
accounted for in system studies.

Question & Answer

Phil Tatro, System Analysis
and Reliability Initiatives

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