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Microscopy MCQ

1 If the eyepiece magnification on light microscope is x10 and the objective is x40, what is the overall

a. x10
b. x40
c. x400
d. x4

2 What is the condenser on a light microscope used for?

a. To focus the light source

b. To diffuse the light source
c. To provide the light source
d. To control the light source

3 What is the correct name for the microscope lens located in the eyepiece?

a. Ocular
b. Binocular
c. Objective
d. Condenser

4 What is the correct name for the main microscope lens that focuses the image?

a. Ocular
b. Binocular
c. Objective
d. Condenser

5 Which of these objectives should be used to first view the specimen?

a. X10
b. X40
c. X4
d. X100

6 Which of the following statements is NOT true?

When focusing the slide, care should be taken not to crack the glass slide

The slide should be placed on the stage with the cover slip on the upper surface

When setting up, adjust the eye pieces to the dimension of your eyes

Always view your specimen using the highest magnification lens first

7 Which of the following components on a light microscope should be focused first?

a. The two eye pieces
b. Objective lenses
c. Condenser
d. Revolving nosepiece

8 When maintaining the microscope, which is NOT an essential step?

a. Clean off grease and spills

b. Blow away dust
c. Oil the mechanics and moving parts
d. Wash the base and arm

9 When maintaining the microscope what is used to clean the lenses?

a. Oil
b. Water
c. Alcohol
d. Detergent

10 What device is used to test the optics of the high power lens

a. Stage magnometer
b. Stage micrometer
c. Haemocytometer
d. Glass slide

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