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Size of water Tank 4.0m x4.0m x2.0m
Height of water tank from GL =8.0m
Water tank wall thickness =180mm
Size of column = 300 x 300 mm
Bracing beam =300 x 350mm
Concrete grade M30
Steel Fe 415 grade
1.Creation of Geometry :
File  New Project   Select Space Unit : Length =meters;
Force=KN; File Name=RCC overhead tank  Next 
Select  Open Structure Wizard  Finish.
Change to Frame Models from Truss models  Select Bay frame and
double click on it.
Length X=4m No. bays =1

Height Y=10m No. of bays =3 click Bay 1=4m Bay2=4m Bay3=2m;

Width Z=4m No. bays=1
Apply  Transfer model  Click Yes   Go to Front view icon (first view) 
Select tank portion for surface modeling.
Isometric view Select surface meshing   Quadrilateral meshing  OK
Division=10 Apply . Do first bottom, side 1, side 2, side 3 and side 4. To
remove all beam elements, Select the tank portion except bottom of tank
Delete80 beams & associated Physical beams (if any) will be deletedOk.
Fig.1 Isometric view of the model

2. Member Properties :

Click General  Define  Rectangle YD=0.3m ZD=0.30m (column)

Add. YD=0.35m ZD=0.30m (Beams at top and bracing)  Add Thickness Node
1 to 4 =0.18mAddClose.
High light column size 0.3 x 0.3 and select column portion by windowing 
 Assign to selected beam  Assign  Yes. High light beam size
0.35 x 0.30 and select tank bottom beam and tank middle bracing beam 
 Assign to selected beam  Assign Yes. High light thickness and select tank
portion   Assign to selected beam  Assign Yes  Close. De select the
3.Supports :
Front view  Click SupportCreate Fixed Add Click support 2 and bottom
most nodes of tank  Assign to selected node AssignYes  Close.
De select the nodes and change to beam cursor.
4. Loading :
Click Load & Definitions  Click Load case details Add.  Primary Number 1:
Loading type: none Title : load case 1  Add  Close.
Click Load case 1Add.
For Bottom plate:
Click plate loads  Pressure on full plate Pressure =-20  GYSelect

bottom plate of tank portion   Assign to selected plates AssignYes .

Fig. 2 Bottom plate chosen

Fig. 3 Orientation of various sides of Plates

Left side wall:

Load case details Add.

Click plate loads  Hydrostatic Select plates  select left side plates
Done. W1 =-20 W2=-0.001  Y  Local Z  Add  close.
Fig. 4 & 5 Left side plate chosen

Fig. 6 Left side plate load application

Fig. 7 Left side hydrostatic pressure diagram
Right side wall:

Load case details Add.

Click plate loads  Hydrostatic Select plates  Select right side plates Done.
W1 = 20 W2=0.001  Y  Local Z  Add  Close.
Fig. 8 Right side plate chosen

Fig. 9 Rightside plate load application

Fig. 10 Rightside plate hydrostatic pressure application

Back side wall:

Load case details Add.

Click plate loads  Hydrostatic Select plates  select rear side wall plate Done.
W1 =- 20 W2= 0.001  Y  Local Z  Add  Close.
Fig. 11 Back or rear side plate selection

Fig. 12 Rearside plate load application

Front side wall:
Load case details Add.
Click plate loads  Hydrostatic Select plates  Select front side wall plate
Done. W1=- 20 W2= 0.001  Y  Local Z  Add  Close.

Fig. 13 Frontside plate selection in top view

Fig. 14 Frontside plate hydrostatic load application
5. Analysis Type :

Click Analysis/print   No print Add. Click post print  Define commands

Analysis Results  Add Close. Save the file before run the Analysis.
6. Analysis :

From Main Menu  ` Analysis  Run Analysis  Done.

7. Result :

 Go to post processing mode.

Click deflection and see the deflection Diagram.
Fig.15 Deflection diagram in top view

Fig. 16 Deflection diagram

Fig. 17 Front view deflection diagram
ResultsPlate Stress contour Loads & Results Load case: Load case 1
Stress type: Mx (local) Ok.

Fig. 18 BMD Mx top view

ResultsPlate Stress contour Loads & Results Load case: Load case 1
Stress type: My(local) Ok.

Fig. 19 Stress contour My (local)

ResultsPlate Stress contour Loads & Results Load case: Load case 1
Stress type: Max. Von Mis.Ok.

Fig. 20 Max Von Mises

Fig. 21 Von mises Isometric view

ResultsPlate Stress contour Loads & Results Load case: Load case 1
Stress type: Max. Absolute Ok.

Fig. 22 Max Absolute

Fig. 23 Max Absolute top view

Fig. 24 Max BMD in plates

Maximum BMD Right click Plate stress contour Table.

Fig. 25 Max BMD

Fig. 26 Plate stress contour table

Fig. 27 Summary

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