ArcGIS To TiberoOLEDBConnectionGuide

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OLEDB Connection from ArcGIS to Tibero

Document Version History

Version No Date Author Change Log

1.0 13/2/2014 TMAX Singapore Team Document Released
1.1 14/2/2014 TMAX Singapore Team Modified point Provider registration
method to add command prompt
method to check udl file registration
as double click method didn’t work
at HK side.

1.1 Setup OLEDB Connection for Tibero –
To setup OLEDB connection for Tibero, use the 32 bit libraries provided under
Tibero client. Then register these DLLs with the Windows 64 bit if your Windows
and ArcGIS is for 64 bit.

1. Change directory to the client installation directory e.g.

cd C:\Tibero5\client\win32\lib

2. Register the DLLs with the following command -

c:\Windows\SysWOW64\regsvr32.exe tbprov5.dll
c:\Windows\SysWOW64\regsvr32.exe msdtb5.dll

After registration, the following pop-up windows will be displayed. Click Ok.

3. If there is any error and you want to deregister then use following command-
regsvr32.exe /u tbprov5.dll

4. Provider Registration Verification-

Create a file on the desktop and rename as tibero.udl.

If this step can’t register OLEDB Provider in ArcGIS then try following-
C:> C:\Windows\syswow64\rundll32.exe
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Common
Files\System\OleDB\oledb32.dll",OpenDSLFile <udl File path>
5. Now you can see Tibero OLE DB Provider by selecting [Provider]. OLE DB
Registration is Verified -

1.2 Add OLE DB Connection for Tibero in ArcGIS

The 'Add OLE DB Connection' command can be added to an ArcCatalog toolbar using
the following procedure:

1. Start ArcCatalog.

2. On the Customize menu, click Customize Mode and click the Commands tab.

3. In the Categories list, select ArcCatalog, and the Add OLE DB Connection command
appears in the Commands list.

4. Drag this command onto a toolbar, such as the Standard toolbar in ArcCatalog. The
tool icon is a cylinder representing a database.

5. Close the Customize dialog box to activate the command. Clicking the tool icon
displays the Data Link Properties dialog box as it did in earlier versions of ArcGIS.
6. Click on the Connection tab and add Data Source : <IP>,<Port>,<TB_SID> .Then
specify the username and password. Click on the “Test Connection” button.
7. Click OK once your test is successful.
The OLE DB data source you added is displayed in the Database Connection folder.
Click F5 to refresh the Catalog tree if the connection does not display.

8. You can right click and Rename your OLE DB connection. Double Click the
connection to view the DB tables.

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