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The Great Houses of Amber & the Golden Circle

House Bayle​ - Noble house of Amber City; hereditary rulers of ​Baylesport​.

Known for their skill at ​wine-making​, the members of House Bayle tend to reside in Amber City and
Baylesport. They have a manor house a few leagues outside of Baylesport called ​Arbor House​.
The Bayles are among the ​richest​ families in Amber.
Vinta Bayle​, (Vincent’s third daughter), was mistress to Prince ​Caine​ for a time.
The crest of House Bayle is ​a hound's head surrounded by vines​, and the current Head of the
House is ​Baron Vincent du Bayle​.

House Cezare​ - Hereditary rulers of ​Ghenesh​.

House Cezare is known for its controlling interest in the ​agriculture of Ghenesh​, and it is very
involved in ​trade​ in Amber City.
House Cezare is said to be rather ​'provincial'​ by the city houses, but they are still welcomed at
major events.
The crest of House Cezare is an ​oak tree over a field of brown​, and the current Head of the
House is ​Lady Morgana​.

House Chantris​ - Noble house of Amber City. House Chantris is the ​second oldest​ noble house in
all of Amber, dating back to the time of Oberon's early reign.
The family is known for its ​horses​, which tend to be the finest breeds available in Amber.
The crest of House Chantris is ​a red horse on a field of gold above three crowns​. The current
Head of House Chantris is ​Lord Gideon.

House Feldane​ - Noble house of Amber City. House Feldane is a house of noble ​scholars​, and the
family is known for its ​grand library​, located in their manor house in the Eastern Marches.
Miraculously, the library survived the Pattern-Fall War intact.
The crest of House Feldane is ​a scroll on a burgundy field​, and the current Head of the House is
Lord Tujurane Ibold Elfant Feldane IV.

House Karm​ - Noble house of Amber City. The ​oldest​ noble house in all of Amber and the Golden
Circle. House Karm has traditionally always been a ​military​ house, and they were fervent
supporters of King Oberon before the conflict between House Karm, Finndo, and Osric. After
Oberon decided against his son Osric in his vendetta against House Karm, there was little of the
house left. They had little effect standing against Osric on their own and ​relocated​ some of their
holdings to ​Corilaine​.
It is important to note that ​Lord Edward Karm was husband to Princess Florimel before his
untimely death. (as the rumors go).
The only ​offspring​ of Prince ​Osric​ and Lady ​Harriet du Karm​ is Prince ​Caspien​.
The crest of House Karm is ​a golden serpent entwined around a silver sword on a black field​.
The current Head of the House is ​Lord Armars du Karm​, followed by Duke Kieran.

House LeDorne​ - Noble house of Amber. Hereditary rulers of ​LeDorne​ in the Golden Circle.
Originally a ​wealthy merchant​ house, Mishel LeDorne purchased his nobility and used his financial
power to become ruler of the surrounding lands. Over time, however, the family has fallen on hard
times, and the current head of house, ​Queen Maeve​, is really little more than a puppet to her
greedy and ambitious husband, ​Claudio​. House LeDorne has always been involved in ​trade by
land and sea.
The crest of the House is an ​upright sword over a field of grey​, ​and to its left, three gold coins
stacked in a column​.

House Redwyn​ - Noble house of Amber City. A ​minor​ noble house that is heavily involved in the
carpentry​ and ​masons' guilds​, House Redwyn achieved a good measure of prominence in aiding
the ​building of Newcastle​, funded by House Karm, to be a retreat for the royals of Amber. The
crest of House Redwyn depicts ​a castle facade on a field of blue​. The current Head of the House
is ​Baroness Helena​.

House Rein​ - Noble house of Amber “I remembered Rein as a child. I was already full grown by
then and he was a candidate for court jester. A thin, wise kid. People had kidded him too much. Me
included. But I wrote music, composed ballads, and he'd picked up a lute somewhere and had
taught himself how to use it. Soon we were singing with voices together raised and all like that, and
before long I took a liking to him and we worked together. practicing the martial arts. He was lousy
at them. But I felt kind of sorry for the way I had treated him earlier, what with the way he had dug
my stuff, so I forced the fake graces upon him and also made him a passable saber man. I'd never
regretted it, and I guess he didn't either. Before long, he became minstrel to the court of Amber. I
had called him my page all that while, and when the wars beckoned, against the dark things out of
Shadow called Weirmonken, I made him my squire, and we had ridden off to the wars together. I
knighted him upon the battlefield, at Jones Falls, and he had deserved it. After that, he had gone on
to become my better when it came to the ways of words and music. His colors were crimson and his
words were golden. I loved him, as one of my two or three friends in Amber. I didn't think he'd take
the risk he had to bring me a decent meal, though. I didn't think anyone would. I had another drink
and smoked another cigarette, in his name, to celebrate him. He was a good man. I wondered how
long he would survive.” Corwin in GofA

House Sento​ - Noble house of Amber. Hereditary rulers of ​Sento​. Though Sento is primarily rural
and pastoral, the capital city of Norn d'Sark is actually very civilized. House Sento is ruled by ​Baron
Timeus​, an austere, older man who has survived since before the time of the Patternfall War, in
which he fought as a young man. House Sento oversees the ​managing and trade of livestock​.
The crest of House Sento is ​a sheaf of wheat opposite a horse balanced on a scale with a gold
crown above, all over a field of blue​.

House Thessala​ - Noble house of Amber. Hereditary rulers of ​Mordentia​. ​Duke Laoric​ of House
Thessela rules Mordentia, a land whose primary exports are from ​mining​. This house tends to be
rather stand-offish and they seldom have anything to do with the court scene in Amber. The crest of
House Thessala is a ​seven-headed hydra with various colored bejeweled eyes on a field of

House Wayreth​ - Noble house of Amber. Hereditary rulers of ​Deiga​. The member of House
Wayreth tend to involve themselves in ​shipbuilding, sea trade, and naval careers​. The crest of
House Wayreth is a ​trident laying horizontal on a field of blue, over three stars.​ The current
Head of the House is ​King Nathaniel​.

House Kashfa-​ Noble house of Amber, Member of the ​Golden Circle Alliance​.
A Shadow of some elemental crossroads that Brand was once active within​. Lady Jasra​ is Queen
there and her son ​Rinaldo​ is Prince in Kashfa, a role he seems to not take seriously. They are
recent additions to the Golden Circle and have the interest of the Elders of Amber.

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