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Favorite food k
Eating brings me so much fun and happiness. If I have to answer the
question what food do you love best,i will say it is hamburger.It is one kind
of fastfood coming from Germany but nowadays it is popular in all over the
world.A hamburger is made of many materials: ground meat usually
beef,tomato,vegetable,onion and sauce.All of them are put between 2 slices
of bread.I usually eat hamburger twice a week when I dont have enough
time to cook meal.Besides, I think it is very delicious and nutritional.This
dish provides me very much energy to work.

New words
Materials(adj) /mə'tiəriəl/ vật chất, chất liệu
Sauce(n) /sɔ:s/ Nước xốt
Slices(n) /slais/ Miếng mỏng, lát mỏng
Besides(adverbs) /bi'saidz/ Ngoài ra, hơn nữa
Delicious(adj) /di'liʃəs/ Thơm tho, ngon ngọt
Nutritional(adj) /njuˈtrɪʃənl/ Bổ dưỡng
Provide(v) /prəˈvaɪd/ Cung cấp
Energy(n) /'enədʤi/ Năng lượng
2. Last holiday
Last year,I had a wonderful and memorable summer holiday.I went to Da
Lat with my family in 3 days.We went by plane. It took 3 hours to get
there.We stayed in a small hotel in the centre of Da Lat.During 3 days
there,we visited many famous places such as Xuan Huong lake, Mong Mo
hill, the valley of Love.....Besides, we also took part in some interesting
activities. I had chance to have many special food, took photographs and
met new friends. After the trip, I felt very happy and comfortable because it
made me relax after a school year.

New words
Memorable(n) /'memərəbl/ Đáng nhớ
Comfortable(adj) /'kʌmfətəbl/ Thoải mái
Relax(adj) /ri'læks/ Thư giãn

3. Last weekend
At weekend, I usually go outside instead of staying at home.As a result, I
had a trip around Hanoi city last weekend by bus. There were many famous
places to go but the first one I went to Ho Chi Minh museum.It was so great
and big.Then I kept going to Hoan Kiem lake.I met a lot of foreign visitors
so I could practice English and take selfile with them. I also went to old
quarter(phố cổ) to have many special and delicious street food.To finish my
trip, I visited ceramic road (con đường gốm sứ) along Red river(sông
Hồng).I was amazed at it very much because it was more wonderful than my
imagination. After the trip, I felt so happy because it made me relax after a
hard-working week.

New words
Instead(+of) /in'sted/ Thay vì
As a result /ri'zʌlt/ Kết quả là
Museum(n) /mju:'ziəm/ Bảo tàng

4. Favorite book
Book plays an important part in human life.It provides us knowledge as
well as makes us relax.One of books I am into most is Hary Potter. It is a
series of fantasy novels written by British author J. K. Rowling.the book
has 7 part.The first was public in 1997 and rapidly became famous in over
the world until today. The novels is about the life of a young wizard , Harry
Potter, and his friends Hermione and Weasley, all of whom are students
at Hogwarts School where trains wizards. The main story concerns Harry's
struggle against Voldemort, a dark wizard who intends to dominate the
world.Finally he defeats Voldemort and has a happy life.This book makes a
strong impression on my mind.It brings readers many things meaningful for
example good friendship and bravery to come over difficulties.After
reading Harry Potter, I feel very relaxing and comfortable and I love it.

New words
Fantasy(n) /'fæntəsi/ khả năng tưởng tượng; hình ảnh tưởng
Novel(n) /'nɔvəl/ Tiểu thuyết
Public(n) /'pʌblik/ Công khai
wizard (n) /ˈwɪzəd/ Phù thủy
concern(n) /kənˈsɜːn/ Liên quan tới
intend(v) /in'tend/ ý định
struggle(n) /'strʌgl/ Sự đấu tranh
dominate(v) /'dɔmineit/ Thống trị, chi phối
impression(n) /im'preʃn/ Ấn tượng
meaningful(adj) /'mi:niɳful/ Có ý nghĩa
bravery(n) /'breivəri/ Sự dũng cảm
5. Favorite movie.
Nowadays,movie becomes popular in over the world and plays an
important part.As a result,I watch movies everyday.One of my favorite
movies is Hary Potter. Harry Potter is a British-American film series based
on the Harry Potter novels by author J. K. Rowling.It consists of 8 fantasy
films directed by 4 directors from 2001 to 2011. The movie is about the life
of a young wizard , Harry Potter played by Daniel Radcliffe, and his
friends Hermione and Weasley, all of whom were students at Hogwarts
School where trained wizards. The main story concerns Harry's struggle
against Voldemort, a dark wizard who intended to dominate the
world.Finally he defeated Voldemort and had a happy life.This movie makes
a strong impression on my mind.The actors and actress are very talented.
Besides, the scenes are so special, wonderful and make audiences satisfy.
The movie brings everyone many things meaningful such as good friendship
and bravery to come over difficulties. After watching Harry Potter, I feel
very relaxing and comfortable.I love it
New words
Author(n) /'ɔ:θə/ Tác giả
Consist(+ of) /kən'sist/ Bao gồm
Scene(n) /si:n/ Cảnh, nơi xảy ra
6. Favorite sport
Sport plays an important part in human life.Among many sports, I am
into swimming best. I learnt swimming from my father when I was a little
boy. I go swimming with my friends twice a week.[Swimming has 5 main
strokes: backstroke, crawl stroke,breast stroke,butterfly stroke and free
stroke.] There are various strokes of swimming and I can do all of them but
I like free style best because it doesn’t require advanced skills to do. This
kind of sport involve the movement of the whole body such as legs and arms
.[I usually go to swimming pool every week and practise swimming in about
2 hours.]Not only is swimming a leisure activity but also it has many
advantages.First, it helps us to have healthy heart, improve blood circulation
and makes us taller. Secondly, it slow down the aging process of the body., it
increase the physical resistance. Finally, Swimming helps reduce stress after
tense hours of studying and working.
New words
Stroke(n) /strouk/ Nước bài, cú đánh
Backstroke(n) /'bækstrouk/ Sự bơi ngửa
Crawl(n) /krɔ:l/ Bò, trườn
Involve(v) /in'vɔlv/ Gồm, đòi hỏi phải
Blood(n) /blʌd/ Máu
Circulation(n) /,sə:kju'leiʃn/ Sự lưu thông
Aging(n) /'eidʤiɳ/ Sự thoái hóa
slow down the aging process of the body Giảm quá trình lão hóa

7. Favorite clothes
To be honest, I am a big fan of fashion so I have a lots of clothes. Among
them, I love a shirt best(or: Of all my favpurite clothes, I like shirt best). I
bought it last month at a mall near my university.When I first saw it I was
into it immediately.It looks simple but very cool and fashionable in white
and black.The shirt is made of cotton in front of it and there are many metal
buttons and 2 small pockets.The shirt is one of my indispensable clothes so I
wear it every week.My body is very fit in it. Besides, the shirt matches most
of my clothes such as sweater,jeans or trousers.In addition, it’s siutable for
every situations: school, parties, outdoor activities.

New words
Metal(n) /'metl/ Kim loại
Indispensable(adj) /,indis'pensəbl/ Rất cần thiết
Trousers(n) /'trauzəz/ Quần
Match (n) /mætʃ/ Cái hợp nhau
Sweater(n) /'swetə/ Áo len dài tay

8. Favorite place
I have been to many famous places in Viet Nam such as....but Da Lat
makes a strong impression on my mind.Da Lat is located in the middle of
Viet Nam.It is a famous town of Lam Dong province where the
climate/weather is cool and comfortable all year. People grow many kind of
flowers there so everyone calls Da Lat the town of flower.Besides flower, it is
also well-known for tourism. Visitors from over the world get there to visit
many special places such as Linh Phuoc Pagoda, Datanla waterfall and so on.
In addition, they can take part in many interesting activities, flower festival or
climbing to Langbiang peak. Moreover, there are a lot of delicious local food
which you cann’t find anywhere. Da lat is such a beautiful town that I cannot
forget it.

New words
Climate(n) /'klaimit/ Khí hậu, thời tiết
Tourism(n) /'tuərizm/ Sự du lịch
Waterfall(n) /'wɔ:təfɔ:l/ Thác nước
Peak(n) /pi:k/ Chỏm núi

9. Favorite season
The autumn in VN falls in September and last 3 months. In this season,
the climate/weather is cool and comfortable. The temperature is not very
high and the atmosphere is really fresh. During autumn, famers are busy
cutting rice, students start a new school year after summer holiday and
everyone also celebrate Mid-Autumn festival with Moon cakes and Lion
dance.In the Autumn, I come back to school . After school, I do many things
interesting such as flying kite, swimming in lake or going out to see red
leaves.The Autumn makes a strong impression on my mind.It reminds me
many unforgetable memories of my childhood,especially the first day at
school.With me, all of them are so meaningful and special.

New words
Kite(n) /kait/ Cái diều
Leaf(n)(leaves-số nhiều) /li:f/ Cái lá
11. Last weekend
At weekend, Instead of staying at home, I usually go outside.As a result,
last weekend I went out with my friend all day. On that day,the weather was
very nice and sunny.In the morning, we went to a theme park.We played a
lot of games and took many photographs.For lunch,we had meal at a small
restaurant.In the afternoon,we decided to go to cinema.After discussion, we
bought tickets to see a cartoon.The movie was really funny and we laughed
a lot.We didn’t go home until it was getting dark.

12. Your best friend

In my life, until now I have a best friend and her name’s Hao. The first
time I met her when I was 15 years old. Although she’s thin, she looks so
beautiful with long black hair, good-looking and her face’s quite cute. We
often hang out together and she always helps me when I get a problem or
get really stressed at work. She’s the first girl I can share anything and count
on. She always makes me laugh by telling me funny, stand by to support me.
No matter how our life, we are best friend forever and I only want to say: “ I
love you so much, Hao”.

13.Favourite room
My favourite room’s my badroom. It’s not very big but enough to let
me feel comfortable after hours od intense studying. Currently, I’m the
second year student at Hanoi University Of Industry so I can’t be my house
in the regular. There are some familiar things in my bedroom such as a TV,
wardrobe, bed, fan and curtains to cover the sun. That’s where I have the
most private space because I can do everything: listen to music, read books,
watch movies, chat with my friends without being managed by parents.
Although I’m living away from home, I want to go home to get the care,
management of parents as young.Of course, I can’t because I have grown
up, must come out to have more understanding.

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