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Published on 15 October 2015. Downloaded by Universidade Federal de Pernambuco on 10/22/2018 13:10:03.

Evaluation of cobalt oxide, copper oxide and their

solid solutions as heterogeneous catalysts for
Cite this: RSC Adv., 2015, 5, 91846
Fenton-degradation of dye pollutants†
Yi Shen,* Zhihui Zhang and Kaijun Xiao*

A series of CoO, Co0.75Cu0.25O, Co0.5Cu0.5O and CuO nanoparticles were synthesized via the calcination of
corresponding oxalates and further examined as catalysts for the heterogeneous Fenton reaction. The
structures of the as-prepared oxides were characterized by field emission electron microscopy,
transmission electron microscopy, energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction. The
catalytic activity of the oxides was evaluated by the degradation of Congo red. It was found that, among
the four catalysts, Co0.5Cu0.5O showed the best catalytic performance. Subsequently, the effects of
operating parameters including the substrate concentration, pH, H2O2 concentration and reaction
temperature in the catalytic performance of the Co0.5Cu0.5O were systematically studied. Under
optimized conditions of catalyst loading ¼ 200 mg L1, pollutant concentration ¼ 100 mg L1, H2O2
concentration ¼ 3 wt%, temperature ¼ 30  C and pH ¼ 9, the Co0.5Cu0.5O catalyst could completely
degrade the Congo red within 60 min. The degradation products were analyzed by a liquid
chromatography-mass spectrometer and the degradation pathway was revealed. To investigate the
catalytic mechanism, the pH and concentrations of H2O2 and metal ions were monitored during the
Fenton process. Mechanistic studies revealed that hydroxyl radicals and superoxide radicals derived from
Received 15th September 2015
Accepted 13th October 2015
the activation of H2O2 molecules by metal centers were mainly responsible for the degradation of
Congo red, and that copper ions played a critical role in the superior catalytic performance of the
DOI: 10.1039/c5ra18923c
Co0.5Cu0.5O catalyst. The Co0.5Cu0.5O catalyst showed negligible metal leaching and outstanding recyclability, which are highly favorable for the practical application in the Fenton process.

simplicity.4 In general, the classic Fenton reaction involves

Introduction a homogeneous solution of iron (II) ions and hydrogen peroxide.
Owing to the growth of global population and escalation of The resulting highly oxidative oxygen-containing species are
environment pollution, recent years have witnessed an ever- responsible for pollutant degradation.5 In spite of high effi-
increasing demand for supplies of clean and safe water sour- ciency, the homogeneous Fenton reaction also suffers from
ces. Thus, it is of great importance to explore technologies for several drawbacks. The efficiency of the homogeneous Fenton
water treatment. Nowadays, synthetic dyes constitute a large reaction relies on the strong acidic condition (pH < 3) and
group of water pollutants due to their massive consumption in decreases signicantly in the pH range of natural aqueous
the textile, paper, tannery and paint industries.1 The release solutions (pH 5–9).6 In addition, the treatment of large amounts
of synthetic dyes into water sources poses a serious hazard of iron sludge and neutralization of solutions before disposal
to aquatic ecosystems and human beings.2 So far, a series of consume additional time and manpower, leading to increasing
physical, chemical, biological, and electrical methodologies overall cost of AOPs.7 To address these issues, efforts have been
have been explored for dye removal.3 Of these methods, directed in developing heterogeneous catalysts for the Fenton
advanced oxidation processes (AOPs) are considered to be the reaction. Heterogeneous catalysts offer the advantage of facile
most feasible choice. Being one of the most extensively studied separation from the effluents. The heterogeneous Fenton reac-
AOPs, the Fenton reactions show great application potentials tion mainly takes place at the solid–liquid interface and is able
in pollutant degradation because of the high efficiency and to degrade pollutants in a wider pH range with less metal loss in
comparison with the homogeneous Fenton reaction.8
So far, numerous materials have been studied as catalysts for
College of Light Industry and Food Sciences, South China University of Technology, the heterogeneous Fenton reaction.9–16 A series of excellent
Wushan Road, Tianhe District, Guangzhou, 510640, China. E-mail: feyshen@scut.
reviews summarized the heterogeneous Fenton catalysts in the;
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI:
literature.6,17–20 Among the reported heterogeneous catalysts,
10.1039/c5ra18923c iron-based catalysts such as goethite,21 hematite,22 magnetite23

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and metallic iron24 nanoparticles have attracted considerable Catalytic activity measurements
attention owing to the properties of redox pairs of FeIII/FeII. It
To evaluate the catalytic activity of as-prepared oxides, a widely
cannot be denied that the FeIII/FeII redox pairs show high effi-
used azo dye, CR was selected as a model pollutant. The
ciency in the activation of H2O2. Nevertheless, the iron-based
experimental procedures of CR degradation are as follows: stock
catalysts generally work in an acidic condition. The stability of
solutions of CR with varying concentration were prepared by
iron-based catalysts is still a great concern and iron leaching is
dissolving analytic-grade CR powder into double-distilled water.
always inevitable particularly in the strong acidic solutions.25 In
Published on 15 October 2015. Downloaded by Universidade Federal de Pernambuco on 10/22/2018 13:10:03.

The initial pH of CR solution was adjusted by adding 1 M H2SO4

principle, other metal redox pairs such as CuI/CuII,26,27 CoII/CoIII or NaOH solution. A predetermined amount of catalyst sample
(ref. 28–30) and MnII/MnIII (ref. 31 and 32) are also capable of was added into 100 mL of CR solution under magnetic stirring.
activating H2O2 to generate oxidative oxygen-containing
The degradation of CR was initiated by adding a given amount
species. Herein, we synthesized a series of cobalt oxide,
of H2O2 solution. The suspension was stirred throughout the
copper oxide and their solid solutions, and further investigated
experiment. The temperature of the suspension was controlled
the catalytic activity for AOPs. The catalytic activity of as-
by a programmed heater. At given time intervals, 2 mL of aliquot
prepared oxides was evaluated by the degradation of Congo
was sampled and ltered through a syringe lter to remove
red (CR), a widely used azo dye in textile industries. Although
catalyst particles. The concentration of CR in the ltrate
the syntheses of cobalt oxides and copper oxides were widely was analyzed by UV-visible spectroscopy (lmax ¼ 500 nm).
reported, however, as far as we know, very few studies on The concentrations of dissolved metals in the solutions were
application of these oxides as heterogeneous Fenton catalysts
analyzed by an atomic absorption spectrometer. The degrada-
are available in the literature.28 The effects of operating
tion products were determined by a liquid chromatography-
parameters including the pH, CR and H2O2 concentrations, and
mass spectrometer (LC-MS) equipped with a Novpak-C18
reaction temperature in the degradation of CR were systemati-
column and UV detector. The mobile phase consists of
cally studied. The degradation products were identied and the
a mixture of methanol and water (75/25, v/v) with a ow rate of
catalytic mechanism was also explored.
0.8 mL min1. The concentration of H2O2 was determined using
a UV-visible spectroscopy. The details of the procedures are as
follows:34 aer removing catalyst particles, 10 mL of 3 M H2SO4
Experimental sections and 30 mM Ti2SO4 were added into 2 mL of pollutant solution.
The solution was diluted with 40 mL of distilled water. Aer ca.
Synthesis of metal oxides
10 minutes of shaking, the solution was transferred into
Metal oxides were obtained from the decomposition of corre- a cuvette for analysis (lmax ¼ 406 nm).
sponding oxalates as reported by Lua and Wang with slight
modications.33 In brief, oxalates were prepared via precipita-
tion reactions, where nitrates, oxalic acid and ethanol were used Results and discussion
as metal precursor(s), precipitant and solvent, respectively. The
Structural properties
precipitation reaction was conducted at room temperature and
the resulting sediment was aged at 120  C for 12 h using an The morphology of as-synthesized metal oxides was observed by
autoclave to obtain oxalates. Puried oxalates were calcined at FESEM and TEM as shown in Fig. 1. FESEM images (a–d) show
500  C for 4 h in air to obtain metal oxides. Four metal oxides that the resulting metal oxides are composed of a number of
including CoO, Co0.75Cu0.25O, Co0.5Cu0.5O and CuO were ne nanoparticles. TEM images (e–h) indicate that these ne
synthesized. nanoparticles exhibit a quasi-spherical structure. Based on the
TEM images, for each sample, the sizes of 100 nanoparticles
were measured and the average particle sizes of CoO,
Co0.75Cu0.25O, Co0.5Cu0.5O and CuO were calculated to be 18,
Characterization methods 24, 23 and 16 nm, respectively. The insets shown in Fig. 1e and h
Field emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM) and present the high-resolution TEM images of CoO and CuO,
transmission electron microscopy (TEM) were employed to respectively. The distances of the lattice fringes were carefully
observe the morphology of the samples. The elemental measured to be 2.46 and 2.45 nm, corresponding to the spacing
composition of the samples was determined by an energy values of CoO (111) and CuO (111), respectively. Fig. 1i–k
dispersive X-ray analyzer (EDX) equipped in FESEM. Powder X- displays the elemental mapping images of the oxides, which
ray diffraction (XRD) patterns were recorded by an X-ray clearly resolve the distribution of oxygen (red color), copper
diffractometer using Cu Ka (l ¼ 1.5406 A) radiation at 40 kV (blue color) and cobalt (gray color). Based on the EDX analyses,
and 30 mA. Before the experiments, the X-ray diffractometer was the actual atomic ratios of CoO, Co0.75Cu0.25O, Co0.5Cu0.5O and
carefully calibrated with a reference of a silicon crystal. All the CuO are determined to be 0.483 : 0.517, 0.332 : 0.127 : 0.541,
XRD tests were performed on a continuous scan mode with scan 0.246 : 0.252 : 0.502, and 0.488 : 0.512, respectively, which are
rate of 1 min1. To determine the peak position and full width very close to the nominal composition of the oxides.
at half maximum, the XRD patterns were analyzed using the To study the crystallographic properties of the oxides, XRD
HighScore soware. The d-spacing values of the samples were tests were performed and the resulting XRD patterns were
calculated from the Bragg' law. carefully analyzed using the HighScore soware. Fig. 2a

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Fig. 1 FESEM (a–d), TEM (e–h) and elemental mapping images (i–k) of CoO, Co0.75Cu0.25O, Co0.5Cu0.5O and CuO. Insets in (e) and (h) are high-
resolution TEM images of CoO and CuO, respectively.

displays the XRD patterns of the oxides. Five diffraction peaks that the peaks of the oxides slightly shi to high angles of 2q
located at 36.5, 42.4, 61.5, 73.7 and 77.6 are clearly noted in the with increasing copper content. For clarity, Fig. 2b displays the
XRD pattern of CoO, which can be well indexed to the diffrac- enlarged view of the (200) peaks of the oxides. The d-spacing
tion of (111), (200), (220), (311) and (222) planes (Reference value was accordingly calculated using the Bragg's law and the
code: 01-089-7099), respectively. In the XRD pattern of CuO, results are presented in the inset in Fig. 2b. The d(200) spacing
these ve peaks shi to 36.6, 42.6, 61.8, 74 and 77.9 (reference values of CoO and CuO are calculated to be 2.13 and 2.12 Å,
code: 01-078-0428), respectively. A single set of peaks are pre- respectively. The d-spacing value linearly increases with
sented in the XRD patterns of Co0.75Cu0.25O, and Co0.5Cu0.5O, increasing cobalt content, which is well consistent with the
indicating formation of solid solutions in these binary metal Vegard's law.
oxides. A careful examination on the XRD patterns can reveal

Fig. 2 (a) XRD patterns of the catalysts and (b) enlarged view of peak (200). Inset in (b) is the relationship of spacing value of d(200) and Co/Cu
atomic ratio.

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Catalytic activities oxidative oxygen-containing species. Given a xed amount of H2O2,

the number of the produced oxidative species is limited, leading to
The catalytic activity of as-prepared oxides was evaluated by
increasing Ce/C0 with increasing initial CR concentrations as
using CR as a model pollutant. Shown in Fig. 3a, the normalized
shown in Fig. 4a. However, it should be pointed out that, high
CR concentration is recorded as a function of time. To check the
substrate concentrations are always favorable for suppressing the
reproducibility of the results, for each sample, the experiments
parasitic scavenging reactions occurred in the Fenton reaction,
were repeated for three times and the standard deviates were
thereby resulting in high efficiency of H2O2.
Published on 15 October 2015. Downloaded by Universidade Federal de Pernambuco on 10/22/2018 13:10:03.

presented as error bars as shown in Fig. 3a. It is found that the

experimental errors in this study are limited and that the results It is well known that H2O2 plays a crucial role in the Fenton-
are reproducible. The binary metal oxides, viz., Co0.75Cu0.25O, degradation of organic pollutants.45,46 Shown in Fig. 4b, the
concentration of H2O2 in the pollutant solution indeed affects
and Co0.5Cu0.5O exhibit better activity in comparison with the
the degradation of CR. In the absence of H2O2, the CR
single metal oxides, viz., CuO and CoO. Further inspection
concentration slightly decreases due to the adsorption of CR to
reveals that the Co0.75Cu0.25O possesses better activity in the
the surface of Co0.5Cu0.5O nanoparticles. With addition of
initial 60 min compared with the Co0.5Cu0.5O. However, with
H2O2, the degradation of CR is dramatically accelerated and the
further increasing reaction time, the activity of Co0.5Cu0.5O
degradation performance of the Co0.5Cu0.5O catalyst depends
surpasses that of Co0.75Cu0.25O. Within 300 min, the concen-
tration of CR solution decreases from the initial of 100 mg L1 on the H2O2 concentration. The degradation of CR is promoted
to 70, 62, 33 and 22 mg L1 in virtue of CuO, CoO, Co0.75Cu0.25O with increasing H2O2 concentration from 1.5 to 4 wt% but
retarded with further increasing H2O2 concentration to 5 wt%,
and Co0.5Cu0.5O catalyst, respectively. Overall, among the four
resulting in an optimal H2O2 concentration of 4 wt%. In the
catalysts, the Co0.5Cu0.5O exhibits the highest activity and the
Fenton process, the number of oxidative oxygen-containing
activity follows the sequence of CuO < CoO < Co0.75Cu0.25O <
species is highly dependent on H2O2 concentration. An
Co0.5Cu0.5O. Consequently, the Co0.5Cu0.5O is preferentially
adequate H2O2 concentration in the CR solution is favorable for
selected for further study. Fig. 3b displays the UV-visible spectra
increasing the number of oxidative species and facilitating the
of CR solutions treated by Co0.5Cu0.5O catalyst at varying time
intervals. It shows that the intensity of the maximum adsorp- degradation of CR pollutant. However, when H2O2 is overdosed
tion peaks located at ca. 500 nm decreases with increasing time, (>4 wt% in this study), the number of HOc decreases as illus-
trated by following reactions:47
indicating the degradation of CR arisen from the catalyzing
effects of Co0.5Cu0.5O.
H2O2 + HOc / HO2c + H2O (1)
The efficiency of heterogeneous Fenton process is highly
dependent on the operating conditions.35–44 The effects of experi- HO2c + HOc / O2 + H2O (2)
mental parameters including substrate concentration, H2O2
concentration, pH and temperature in the degradation perfor- The pH of pollutant solution affects the surface properties of
mance of the Co0.5Cu0.5O catalyst were studied. To investigate the catalysts as well as formation of oxidative species.48,49 The initial
effects of substrate concentration, CR solutions with different pH of pollutant solution was carefully adjusted (but not buff-
initial concentrations varying from 50 to 800 mg L1 were treated ered) to four different values of 5, 7, 9 and 11 by adding a proper
for 24 h and the nal CR concentration in the solution (denoted as amount of 1 M H2SO4 or NaOH solution. Fig. 4c illustrates the
Ce) was determined. Shown in Fig. 4a, the normalized concentra- effects of the initial pH in the degradation of CR. Among the
tion Ce/C0 monotonically increases with increasing substrate four tested initial pH values, the pH of 9 is most favorable for
concentration. This is reasonable considering the fact that the the CR degradation. The Co0.5Cu0.5O catalyst shows similar
degradation of CR pollutant is attributed to the number of catalytic performance at the three other pH values. Such a pH-

Fig. 3 (a) Comparison of four catalysts and (b) UV-vis spectroscopy of CR solutions treated with Co0.5Cu0.5O and H2O2. Experimental condi-
tions: initial pH ¼ 7; catalyst loading ¼ 100 mg L1; H2O2 concentration ¼ 3%; initial CR concentration ¼ 100 mg L1; temperature ¼ 30  1  C.

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Fig. 4 Effects of (a) substrate concentration, (b) H2O2 concentration and (c) pH of solution in the degradation of CR. Experimental conditions: (a)
catalyst loading ¼ 100 mg L1; H2O2 concentration ¼ 3 wt%; temperature ¼ 30  1  C; pH ¼ 7; (b) catalyst loading ¼ 100 mg L1; CR
concentration ¼ 100 mg L1; temperature ¼ 30  1  C; initial pH ¼ 7; (c) catalyst loading ¼ 100 mg L1; CR concentration ¼ 100 mg L1; H2O2
concentration ¼ 3%; temperature ¼ 30  1  C.

dependence behavior is related to the activation of H2O2 in the (Fig. 5c), the activation energy of the degradation process is
Co0.5Cu0.5 catalyst as discussed later. In general, the homoge- calculated to be 616 kJ mol1.
neous Fenton reaction is conducted at acidic solutions (pH < 3) To study the pathway of CR degradation, the degradation
to achieve high efficiency. However, such a requisite greatly products were analyzed by HPLC-MS. Six products are identied
limits the application of the Fenton process because large as shown in Fig. S1† and the evolution of the products is
volumes of pollutant solutions always have neutral or slightly illustrated in Fig. 6. It is found that the asymmetrical cleavage of
basic pH values (5–9). In this regard, the heterogeneous Fenton C–N bonds is the rst step of CR degradation. Subsequently, the
reaction mediated by Co0.5Cu0.5O catalyst shows a remarkable resulting compound #4 is degraded via four different routes,
advantage because of the working environment. leading to the generation of compounds #3, #1, #2, #5 and #6 as
The effects of reaction temperature in the CR degradation are shown in Fig. 6. The degradation products obtained in this work
illustrated in Fig. 5. It is noted that the degradation performance were consistent with those reported in the literature.50,51 The
of the Co0.5Cu0.5O catalyst increases with increasing temperature. symmetrical cleavage between the two benzene rings in CR
At 20  C, the degradation of CR is slow and the CR concentration molecules was reported to be a second pathway of CR degra-
is still up to 46 mg L1 aer 300 min, which is much higher than dation.52 Notably, such a degradation pathway of CR does not
those of 22, 7 and 2 mg L1 at 30, 40 and 50  C. To reveal the occur in the Co0.5Cu0.5O/H2O2 system.
kinetics of the degradation reaction, the experimental data were The metal leaching is a critical issue of many heterogeneous
tted with the pseudo-rst kinetics equation. The apparent rate Fenton catalysts for practical application. The concentrations of
constant was obtained by plotting ln(C/C0) vs. time as shown in cobalt and copper ions in the solution were monitored as shown
Fig. 5b. The apparent rate constants are determined to be 2.35, in Fig. 7a. The concentration of cobalt ions increases with
4.7, 8.73 and 11.5  103 min1 at the reaction temperatures of reaction time while the concentration of copper rst increases
30, 40 and 50  C, respectively. Based on the Arrhenius plot with increasing time from 60 to 240 min but decreases with
further increasing time to 300 min, yielding a maximum

Fig. 5 (a) Effects of temperature in the degradation of CR, (b) plotting of ln(C/C0) vs. time and (c) Arrhenius plot of ln k vs. 1/T. Experimental
conditions: catalyst loading ¼ 100 mg L1; initial CR concentration ¼ 100 mg L1; H2O2 concentration ¼ 3 wt%; pH ¼ 7.

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Fig. 6 Proposed CR degradation pathways in the Co0.5Cu0.5O-catalyzed AOP process.

concentration at 240 min. The concentration of cobalt is always increases with increasing reaction time. Interestingly, when the
lower than that of copper. It is noted that the maximum of solutions with initial pHs of 7, 9 and 11 are used, the constant
copper ion concentration is 1.9 mg L1, which is lower than the pH solution rst decreases in the initial periods of reaction time
emission standard of 2 mg L1.27 The variation of H2O2 and then increases with increasing time. The variations of pH
concentration in the pollutant solution was determined as are probably related to the degradation products in the degra-
a function of time. As shown in Fig. 7b, the H2O2 concentration dation process.
decreases with increasing reaction time. Careful inspection The role of heterogeneous catalysts in the Fenton process is
reveals that the concentration of H2O2 showed the similar trend to activate H2O2 molecules to produce oxidative oxygen-
with that of CR, conrming that the degradation of CR pollutant containing species. The activation mechanism of H2O2 in the
is directly related to the activation of H2O2. The constant pH cobalt oxide catalyst is attributed to the redox pairs of CoII/CoIII
values of the solution are also monitored as shown in Fig. S2.† as described by eqn (3)–(6):28
With an initial pH of 5, the constant pH monotonously

Fig. 7 (a) Variations of (a) metal ion and (b) H2O2 concentrations as a function of time.

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Fig. 8 Effects of tert-butanol (a) and chloroform in degradation rate of CR. Experimental conditions: catalyst loading ¼ 100 mg L1; initial CR
concentration ¼ 100 mg L1; pH ¼ 7; H2O2 concentration ¼ 3 wt%; temperature ¼ 30  1  C.

decomposes into water and oxygen (eqn (7)),53 which signi-

cantly decreases H2O2 concentration but without gain of
oxidative radicals. Therefore, the degradation performance of
the Co0.5Cu0.5O catalyst is reduced signicantly at pHs over 9.

2H2O2 / 2H2O + O2 (7)

In the Co0.5Cu0.5O catalyst, the copper ions also play an

important role on the degradation of CR pollutant. On one
hand, the redox pairs CuII/CuI can activate H2O2 molecules to
produce radicals based on eqn (8) and (9):26

^CuII + H2O2 / ^CuI + cO2 + 2H+ (8)

^CuI + H+ + H2O2 / ^CuII + ^OH + H2O (9)

Fig. 9 Cyclic tests of Co0.5Cu0.5O catalyst. Experimental conditions: The superior catalytic activity of binary metal oxides could
catalyst loading ¼ 200 mg L1; CR concentration ¼ 100 mg L1; pH ¼ 9; also be explained from the critical role of CuI, which showed
H2O2 concentration ¼ 3 wt%; temperature ¼ 30  1  C. outstanding ability to degrade azo dyes via the Sandmeyer
equation.27 In this study, the resulting CuI is capable of
breaking the –N]N– bonds via the Sandmeyer reaction to
H2O2 + OH 5 OOH + H2O (3) generate carbon radicals. Compared with CR molecules, these
carbon intermediates would react with radicals more easily,
^CoII + H2O2 / ^CoIII + cOH + OH (4) resulting in faster degradation.

^CoIII + OOH / ^CoIIcOOH (5) Azo compounds + CuI / carbon center radicals + CuII (10)

^CoIIcOOH / ^CoII + cO2H (6) In addition, it should be pointed out that the presence of
copper could also facilitate the reduction of CoIII. Considering
It was demonstrated that the Co0.5Cu0.5O catalyst showed the standard reduction potentials of E0 (CoII/CoIII) ¼ 1.81 V and
superior catalytic performance at a pH value of 9 in comparison E0 (CuII/CuI) ¼ 0.15 V, the reduction of CoIII by CuI would be
with the pH values of 5, 7 and 11 (see Fig. 4c). This can be well thermodynamically favorable, as shown in eqn (11):29
interpreted from the above mechanism. At high pH values,
a larger number of perhydroxyl anions (OOH) are available in CoIII + CuI / CoII + CuII (11)
the solution via eqn (3). Compared with H2O2 molecules, OOH
is more nucleophilic and show higher activity to interact with Therefore, the efficient regeneration of CoII and CuII in the
CoIII in the Co0.5Cu0.5O catalyst (eqn (5)).28 Therefore, a high pH catalyst surface by this process would also be responsible for the
value in the pollutant solution facilitates the activation of H2O2 superior catalytic activity of the Co0.5Cu0.5O catalyst.
to generate oxidative oxygen-containing species, thus acceler- To verify the above-mentioned mechanism, tert-butanol and
ating the degradation of CR pollutant. However, in strong chloroform were separately added into the pollutant solution
alkaline solutions, (e.g. pH ¼ 11), H2O2 becomes unstable and as scavengers for hydroxyl radical and superoxide radical,

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respectively.54 Three different molar ratios of scavengers and CR Acknowledgements

(10 : 1, 50 : 1, and 100 : 1) were used for the parallel experi-
ments and the blank test without scavenger was also included The Project was nancially supported by the Scientic Research
for comparison. Fig. 8 shows the effects of t-butanol and chlo- Foundation for the Returned Overseas Chinese Scholars, State
roform. It is indicated that the presence of t-butanol and chlo- Education Ministry and the Natural Science Foundation of
roform in the solutions signicantly depresses the degradation Guangdong Province, China (2014A030310315).
of CR. These results clearly indicate that both hydroxyl radical
Published on 15 October 2015. Downloaded by Universidade Federal de Pernambuco on 10/22/2018 13:10:03.

and superoxide radical are generated during the H2O2 activa-

tion, which is well consistent with the aforementioned
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