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William Colgate

It was on January 25, 1783 that Robert and Mary

Colgate had a son. They named him William. The young
William first saw America when he was 15 years old, his
family moved from their home in England and settled in
Hartford County, Maryland USA. When the family arrived
in America, they settled on a farm. Then William’s father
formed a partnership with Ralph Maher to manufacture
soap and candles, and William helped the two men. The
partnership dissolved after two years – William’s father
wanted to get back to farming. At 19, William decided that he would go into business on his
own. However, his business failed within a year.

Then, only about a year later, young William left home

because his father was too poor to continue supporting
him. He took all his possessions with him in a bundle
and headed for New York. When the country boy
arrived in New York City, he found it hard to get work.
He then gained an apprenticeship with a soap maker.
Along his journey, he remembered the encouraging
words of his mother and also the words of a boat
captain he had met. They both told him to earn his way
by working hard and by being honest in his business
dealings. He lived by those words and made certain to
always pay what he owed. The youth dedicated his life
to God, determining to return his Maker an honest tithe
of every dollar he earned. William determined to try again in business – this time in New York

When his first dollar came in, the young man sacredly dedicated ten cents to the Lord. This he
continued to do. And the dollars roll in. Soon he became partner in soap business and candle
making. When his partner died a few years later, he became sole owner of the concern.
Although it took him 5 years to get a really good business going, Colgate and Company
became the first great soap making company in the United States. The prosperous
businessman now instructed his bookkeeper to open an account with the Lord and to credit to
it one tenth of all his income. The business began growing almost faster than he could keep up
with it. William’s innovative practices are credited with bringing America’s soap-making
business out of the dark ages. Traditionally, soap on this side of the ocean didn’t smell good.
He introduced perfumed soaps to the United States. He made individual bars of soap
available. He offered home delivery service. What some considered his folly in 1820 proved to
be one more wise business decision. The starch additive reduced his costs, which lowered
prices for the buying public. William started making a lot of money, and he gave a lot of the
money he made to churches and to other organizations that helped people.
A Pact with God

Why did God continue blessing William Colgate? Because William’s Christian faith advised all
his parts of his life. He committed his family to God (William and his wife Mary raised their sons
in the faith); he served as a wise steward of God’s money (not only tithing, but giving
generously to missions and other Christian causes); he led his business with a servant’s heart,
constantly improving his products for the public.

Well Remember

William didn’t create the toothpaste his name. That came later. He did reinvent the world soap
for America. Although he died on March 25, 1857, his influence lives on through his company’s
products, through the distribution of God’s word by the American Bible Society and through the
university to which he donated so much.
Exercise 1: Vocabulary
Directions: Get the meaning of the following words.

1. Manufacture - _______________________________________________________________
2. Dissolve - __________________________________________________________________
3. Apprenticeship - _____________________________________________________________
4. Sacred - ____________________________________________________________________
5. Bookkeeper - ________________________________________________________________
6. Innovative - _________________________________________________________________
7. Starch - ____________________________________________________________________
8. Additive - ___________________________________________________________________
9. Tithe - _____________________________________________________________________
10. Possession - ________________________________________________________________
11. Steward - ___________________________________________________________________

Exercise 2: Writing
Directions: Construct or make your own sentences using the 11 words on Exercise 1.

1. ___________________________________________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________________________________________
3. ___________________________________________________________________________
4. ___________________________________________________________________________
5. ___________________________________________________________________________
6. ___________________________________________________________________________
7. ___________________________________________________________________________
8. ___________________________________________________________________________
9. ___________________________________________________________________________
10. ___________________________________________________________________________
11. ___________________________________________________________________________

Exercise 3: Question and Answer

Directions: Answer each question in long sentence/s.

1. How has William’s story informed, encouraged, or otherwise helped you?


2. What lessons can an aspiring business minded person learn from Colgate in emerging

3. How did William fulfill his dream?


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