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Fariaha Anunna
ID -16303010
Date -8th April, 2019
Level of student -9
Number of students 20

Description of the class:

This language classroom consist of 20 students. Since they are at level of 9, students are familiar with most of the grammar
rules also they are quite familiar with English words and sentences. So, it is expected most of students can speak fluently and
understand English language at minimal level . Teacher can choose an elective approach for conducting the class where she can
take the class based on the situation .The class will conducted by using target language .However, if students face any
difficulty regarding any term, teacher may use native language for that time.

Lesson Information:

In this class students will be a lesson title “Responsibility” Unit -1 Lesson-1 from their EFT book .At this stage of their leaning
they are familiar with English words and also they can make simple, compound and complex sentences.Although this lesson is
not on any grammar topic, they will practice complex and compound sentence within the text. Also while writing the given
task. Goal of this lesson is to learn meaningfully.

 Lesson objectives

Terminal objective

 By the end of this lesson, students will be able an write an essay on the topic “My daily life”

Enabling Objectives

 Students will be familiar with 5 to 10 vocabularies related to their daily life

 Students will develop interpretation
 Students will be familiar with 4-5 transitional words
 Students will develop communication am ong group
 Students will be able to form sentences

Lesson Plan:

Time Procedure Materials and Other Notes

6 mins  Teacher will greet everyone
 As a grabber, T will give a short description about her daily

 T will ask students about their daily life
Show a video
 T will show a video

10mins  T will introduce today’s lesson

 T will explain the format/Structure of the essay
 T will read an essay “My Daily Life” from the book.
 T will ask the students to read it
 T will ask the students if they have understood

20 mins .
 Teacher will ask students to form a group of 4 students and
in a group share each other’s daily life
 T will make the instruction by mentioning that, students in a
group have to discuss their daily life such as, what they do
in the morning after waking up, followed by in the
afternoon, then what they do at the evening and lastly what
they do at night before going to sleep.
 Teacher will observe how their communication process is
 T will ask students to write in a group, 10 lines about the
things they do in their daily life.

20 mins  T will ask one student from each group to share the
given group work
 T will gently correct their mistakes
 Teacher will appreciate their work

 T will ask students if they have any question from

today class
4 mins
 T will answer the relevant questions
 Lastly teacher will ask assign a home task “My
daily life” based on the instruction given above on
essay writing.

As it is a morning ,class students may feel drowsy .So, it is very important for the teacher to act jolly to keep the

environment active .Teacher can start the class by greeting students. Also teacher can create a grabber .Teacher can

motivate extrinsically motivate students by watching a video.


Teacher elecitates questions from students because this will encourage students to participate. This is also a hint for

students for the lesson. As a result when the teacher introduces the lesson students will fine similarity what have just said

and what they are going to read. Teacher will explain about the structure of the essay, so that it gets easier for the

students to write.After reading the essay students are asked to form a group to discuss the give activity. This is a part of

communicative leaning approach. In a group while they will talk ,this will develop their communicative competence also

. Vander (1998,15)writes in his book on the basic conceptions of linguistic ,language is a means of communication and

therefore it should be handled as social phenomenon . Teacher instructed them to write about their daily routine where it

is clear that ,they are not just copying from the book. But writing about themselves and that is developing their writing

skill also .Also they are using different form to construct sentence . Moreover after completing the group work teacher

ask one person from each group to present, by this task students are practicing their presentation skill which will help

them in real life context .

There is a well balance between Teacher talk time and Student talk time. Because teacher is taking control where she is

supposed to take .At the same there are students participation while they are answering ,discussing also during the


Anticipation of problems

Students may have problem while constructing sentences .Also student may feel shy while communicating

in group .Moreover, they may feel uncomfortable while giving presentation in front of the class.

Backup plans

It is quite possible that some nonparticipants will be in the class .For this type of case teacher may ask them if there is

a problem or teacher can talk to them in such a way that will make them feel comformable .


Singsing, English. “[NEW] 17. John's Daily Life (English Dialogue) - Role-Play Conversation for Kids.” YouTube,
YouTube, 26 Nov. 2018,

Vandar,Beker. (1998). Dilbilimin temel kavramlari ve ilkeleri. Istanbul ,Multilimgual Yayinlri.



My Daily Routine

Every man should read lead his life in a disciplined way. I am a student. So my daily life is not simple. I have to maintain
a daily life routine. My main occupation is study .I study both at home and at school.

I am an early riser. It is my habit to rise very early in the morning .Then I brush my teeth and wash my hands , face and
feet .Then I say my morning prayer.

After that I go out for a walk in the open field .I take my breakfast at 6 a m and start for my school at 6;30.Our school
start at 7 a.m and I go to school regularly .I spend valuable five hours over there daily. I take my seat in the first bench
and listen attentively to what my teachers say. Our school breaks up at 12 a.m. Then I come back to my residence

Returning from school ,I change my dress, wash my hands, face and take some light food. At 1 p.m.I take my bath and
complete my Zoher prayer. At 2.p.m. I take my lunch. Next I go to sleep for a while. At 3.30 p.m. I go to my reading
room and prepare my lessons till Ashor prayer.

In the afternoon I go to my flower garden and work there for half an hour. Coming back from garden, I say Muhrib
prayer. At 7 p.m. I take some light Tiffin and continue my study with rapt attention. At 10 p.m. generally complete my
supper and enjoy T.V. In this way I spend my every day.

Outline for writing essay

1 .Introduction- Give a brief idea about what you are going to write

2. Body paragraph (there can be many division of body paragraph) – Write elaborately about your topic.

3. Conclusion – Restate your introduction.

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