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Christine Collins

“Stump Speech”
Topic – The topic is a stump speech.
Specific Purpose – The purpose of me giving this speech is to inform the audience about a
position I would like to run for.
Thesis Statement – By giving this speech, I hope to enlighten you, the audience, on why I should
be elected as President of the Social Programming Board here at Nichols College.

 Greet audience, state name
 Give basic background information (where I’m from, age, etc.)
 What position I am running for (President of the Social Programming Board)
o Why I am running for this position
 Have a chance to show off my current skills and experience
 Would like to further my involvement
 Have the chance to “leave my mark” and make a difference at this school

 List reasons why I would be a strong candidate…
o I have external experience (community service group)
 In for 5, almost 6 years in December
 Had to plan events for 6-month terms and run meetings and different
o I have internal experience (SPB E-Board)
 I am in charge of Education and Awareness events right now
 On Tuesday, February 12, I ran my first event of the semester, which was
making Valentine’s Day cards for the Sandalwood Center in Oxford
(senior citizens) and was successful
 Current skills that set me apart from other candidates
o I have strong communication skills, learned from my community service group
o I am punctual and organized when it comes to dates and deadlines, which is
essential for running an efficient organization and/or executive board

 In conclusion…
o Vote for me to see change enacted on this campus
 I have the necessary skills to keep people in the loop and involved
o If elected for President of the Social Programming Board, I promise to
bring fun, fresh ideas to Nichols College to enhance the social atmosphere
and campus culture
 Thank the audience

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