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Pre Final Year project

Year: 2014
Technology : OpenGL
Rainwater harvesting is the accumulating and storing, of rainwater for reuse,
before it reaches the aquifer. It has been used to provide drinking water, water
for livestock, water for irrigation, as well as other typical uses given to water.
Rainwater collected from the roofs of houses, tents and local institutions can
make an important contribution to the availability of drinking water. It can
supplement the sub soil water level and increase urban greenery. Water collected
from the ground, sometimes from areas which are especially prepared for this
purpose, is called Storm water harvesting.
Computer Graphics become a powerful tool for the rapid and economical
production of pictures. There is virtually no area in which Graphical displays
cannot be used to some advantage so it is not surprising to find the use of CG so
widespread. Although early application in engineering & science had to relay on
expensive & cumbersome equipment’s, advances in computer technology have
made interactive computer graphics a practical tool. Today Computer Graphics is
found in diverse area such as science, engineering, medicine, business, industry,
government, art, entertainment, education and training. Computer graphics is
generalized tool for drawing and creating pictures and simulate the real world
situations within a small computer window.
User defined functions:
 flow() : This function is used to show the flow of water, through pipes to
different storages
 rain(): These function is used for illustrating the rain fall
 drawhouse(): This function draws the house, the water container and also
the charcoal container for water purification
 drawconts() : This function draws the water container
 drawpump() : This function draws the pump needed to pump water.
 drawtank() : This function draws the water tank for storage
 bitmap() : This function is used to mark the charcoal and chlorine container
 line() : This function draws lines for marking items displayed on screen.
 drawpixel( ): This function draws the points at different locations for
drawing the charcoal
 plotpixels( ): This function decides where to draw the points.
 circle_draw( ):This function draws the charcoal needed for filtration of
 square( ) This function is used illustrating motor rotation
 disprectangle( ): This function illustrates the underground tank water
 disprectangle1( ): This function illustrates the overhead tank water storage
 disprectangle2( ): This function illustrates the filtration tank water storage
 mykey() : This function is used for user interaction using keyboard

Flow Diagram:
 This project titled as rain harvesting has been successfully completed. The
very purpose of developing the project is to exploit the strength of graphics
capabilities and to illustrate the concepts of rain harvesting.
 The entire project has been developed using standard library functions
available under OpenGL. We have tried to use almost all basic graphic APIs
available in OpenGL and thus making our project user friendly.
 The project helped us a lot to learn about the proper utilization of various
graphics library functions and also the concepts of rain harvesting.The
project can be used for the educational purposes to demonstrate the use of
rain harvesting in balancing the environment conditions.

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