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How To Run The Numbers

on Telemarketing
How to Run The Numbers on

By Marlon Sanders

Let’s say you’re selling to businesses. need to sell a higher ticket.

That means in the U.S. you can call businesses Let’s say you’re selling a $500 product. You
without hassles with the current do-not-call spend $87.50 to get your10 leads, you spend
legislation. Of course, legislation changes $7.00 per lead sending a series of follow ups by
quickly, so by the time you’re reading this, the mail. That is another $70.00.
laws could be different.
Your break even, not taking into account any
Let’s assume you can telemarket to businesses. overhead, is $157.50. If you were selling a ticket
Or that you’re in a country where telemarketing for $300-$500, those numbers don’t look bad.
is OK. Especially if you have several big tickets on the
back end.
Let’s say your telemarketers get 3 people per
hour to ask you to send ‘em a letter on your In a month, you sell 70 people a week times 4
product. weeks. That is 280 people per month.

And let’s assume 10% who request the If 10% buy a $1000 something or the other, then
information buy. That number could be 5%. It you have 28 more sales times 1 G or $28,000.
could be 15%. 10% is a reasonable number to
work with. Say it costs you 50% in direct mail and/or sales
person costs to grab the 28 G’s.
At 3 per hour, 10 leads will require 3 ½ hours of
calling. At $25.00 per hour for a telemarketing That is STILL 14 G’s for the month. All you need
firm, you’d pay $87.50 for those leads. per month to make your 100 G’s is around 8.5
G’s net per month.
You close 1 sale and you’ve brought in $100.
If you snagged 14 G’s per month, that is 168 G’s
That leaves you with $12.50 per sale. net per year. Not too shabby.

You’d need 560 sales per week to make the That means you could pay a sales person 40%
$7,000, quite a hefty figure. commissions to pitch the $1,000 follow up ticket,
allocate 10% for product cost and net out your
What’s more, we haven’t taken into account the 50%, assuming your front-end sales covered
cost of the literature mailed out. your other overhead costs.

There’s just not much juice in this model as it You figure you’re going to pay a G a month to an
stands. accountant to make sure all your corporate
papers are filed with the government for taxes
If you had low overhead, maybe you could get and so forth.
your 2 G’s a week by selling $3,000. That’s 240
sales per week. Looks to me like you would
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You figure a G a month to have an assistant Close 10% on a $500 ticket and you have 18 sales
come into your office and help out. x $500 = $9,000.

You figure a G a month for rent on an office. You can lease an office for the telemarketers for a
Although with this business model, you’re using G. That leaves $8,000.
outside telemarketers at $25.00 per hour.
You have $1,000 to spend following up with 180
So you could skip the office and the personal prospects = $5.55 in follow up for direct mail.
assistant if you wanted to. But any business has
paperwork. Arggh. And you’re probably going That’s maybe a skinny rabbit direct mail program
to want someone to help out. Maybe you get because you’re trying to sell a big ticket item.
them part time for $100 a week and you spend Plus, you have to pay someone to get the direct
$400 a month. mail out to the leads.

Basically, if you’re using a telemarketing model Sounds like what you do is have the telemarketers
and you got something 10% of the people will INVITE the prospects to be on a teleconference
buy front end and another 10% back end, you call where you sell them.
have a GREAT business model going there.
Then you spend the $5.50 on 1 sales letter
How do you come up with a product they’ll want inviting them onto the teleconference and several
and keep your product cost down to 10% on a follow up postcards.
$1,000 product?
Or you sell a ticket for more than $500. Say
That’s the purpose of the course. $697.00. And that gives you more juice for direct
To show you how to do that. It’s very step-by- mail.
step and in depth.
Or you tack on a back end sale to the $500 folks.
Oh, if the costs ended up being a problem, you If you had 180 leads per week, that is 720 per
could either: month. Maybe you can go back to those people
and get them on other teleconferences for other
a. Hire someone at home to do the products. Or send them a letter for a $100
telemarketing and pay LESS than 25 bucks per product.
What if 10% bought a $100 product? That is 72
b. Get an office and bring in telemarketers at sales times $100 or $7,200. Minus $720 costs at
$7-$10 per hour. a buck a letter, or $6480.

But figure you’ll need another $12 per hour on That alone is very near what we needed to net our
top of that for someone to manage them. Say 2 G’s.
you had 3 telemarketers at $7 per hour and 1
manager at $12. So if you made $3-5 G’s upfront on a $500
product and 5-7 G’s back end on the follow up
That is $33.00 per hour. But you’re running mailing for the $100 “downsell” version, that
THREE telemarketers, not 1. wouldn’t be bad. I call it a “down sell” because it
sells them down from $500 to $100 for a “starter
If you get 3 leads per hour per telemarketer, kit” or something like that. And then, you “upsell”
you have 9 leads per hour for a lead cost of 10% of the downsells back UP to the $500.
$3.66. Figure you run the telemarketers 4 hours
per day. That is 36 leads per day or 180 per But let’s say you only broke even upfront on the
week. telemarketing and the $500 product. You could
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to Run Marlon’s Internet Lifestyle Club Newsl tter
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pretty much meet your projections with a back

end downsell for $100. What’s more, if out of
the 72 buyers @ $100, 7.2 upsold back to $500,
that is another $3600.00 to help with overhead
or go toward profit.
Think of this:

Your GOAL is to net 2 G’s a week, right? That

way, you can make 100 G’s a year.

If the front-end $500 broke even, and the back

end $100 sale to the 720 people broke even, if
ALL YOU MADE was the upsell on 7 buyers of the
$100starter kit to the $500 ticket, you’d EXCEED
your 2 G’s net goal, as long as the other
promotions covered your overhead.

I mean, your CPA, accountant (or whatever you

UK and Australia guys and gals call ‘em) is
gonna want a G a month to crunch your taxes
for you.

And so forth. But if your nut was covered, you

can pretty much snag your 100 g’s a year off
the upsell. And if the other promotions brought
in money, maybe you’d be making $200,000 or
$300,000 net a year instead of 100 G’s.

What a pity THAT would be!

Best Wishes,
Marlon Sanders

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