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MATH 506 Number Theory – Exam III

Wednesday April 23, 2014

Check that that you have all three pages. You may assume multiplicativity where appropriate.

τ (n) = the number of positive divisors of n, σ(n) = the sum of the positive divisors of n,

φ(n) = the Euler phi-function, µ(n) = the Möbius function, ω(n) = number of distinct primes dividing n.

1. (6 points) (a) Evaluate φ(350) =

(b) Evaluate µ(210) =

2. (12 points) Use the Chinese Remainder Theorem to solve the system of simultaneous congruences:

x ≡ 2 (mod 5)
x ≡ 4 (mod 7)
x ≡ 1 (mod 8)

3. (12 points) (a) Find (381, 408) and write this g.c.d. as a linear combination of the two numbers.

(b) Solve the following congruence or say why no solutions exist:

381x ≡ 231 (mod 408)

pg score/30

4. (14 points) (a) Show that if f (n) and g(n) are multiplicative then so is F (n) = f (d)g(d).

(b) Define G(n) to be the multiplicative function G(n) = µ(d)σ(d).

(i) If p is a prime then G(pk ) =

(ii) Evaluate G(350) =

5. (12 points) Suppose that f (n) is the multiplicative function satisfying

n2 = f (d).

(a) From the Möbius Inversion Formula f (n) = .

(b) If p is a prime then f (pk ) = .

(c) Evaluate f (350) =

pg score/26

6. (18 points) Circle True (T) or False (F).

T F (a) The equation 15x ≡ 21 (mod 35) has 5 solutions mod 35.

T F (b) {1, 5, 7, 23} is a reduced residue system mod 12.

T F (c) n = 44 is abundant.

T F (d) There are infinitely many n with φ(n) odd.

T F (e) If {x1 , ..., xk } is a reduced residue system mod m then so is {−x1 , ..., −xk }.

T F (f) f (n) = 2ω(n) is multiplicative.

T F (g) Euler’s Theorem says that aφ(n) ≡ 1 (mod n) for all positive integers a.

T F (h) If p is prime then n = 2p−1 (2p − 1) is perfect.

T F (i) If (n − 1)! ≡ −1 mod n then n is prime.

7. (12 points) (a) Suppose that gcd(a, m) = 1. Define ordm a, the order of a mod m.

(b) If ordm a = 10 then ordm a6 = .

(c) Suppose that gcd(a, 17) = 1. What does Fermat’s Little Theorem tell you about ord17 a?

(d) Find ord17 8.

8. (5 points) Show that there are infinitely many n with µ(n) = µ(n + 2) = 0.

9. (9 points) Find three positive integers n with φ(n) = 16. Bonus point for each additional value.

pg score/44

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