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Writing reference (Paper 2) Contents Checklist of key points for writing p. 206 Model answers, with hints and useful phrases Formal transactional letter p. 206 Story p. 208 Informal letter . 209 Report p.210 Article p.2t Formal letter of application p21 Composition p.213 Set book (article) p20 Useful linking words and phrases p.215 sample answers Formal transactional letter p.216 Story p.2i7 Informal fetter p.218 Composition p.219 Report p. 220 Article p.221 General marking guidelines inside back cover Checklist — When writing the answer to any task, check that you have paid attention to the following points ‘Answering the question Have you ‘+ answered all parts of the question? * included all the necessary information? ‘+ written the required number of words? * organised your ideas appropriately, using paragraphs where necessary? = written clearly so that its easy to read? Accuracy ‘Are there any mistakes in grammar, vocabulary, spelling or punctuation? Range Have you used a variety of grammatical structures? * a range of interesting vocabulary? * a range of linking words? Style 1s your language appropriate for the type of ‘writing? (Remember to think about who you are writing for) ‘= [s your answer interesting for the reader, and would it have a positive effect? 206) nal letter (Part 1) (For work on formal letters, see pages 28, 64 and 140.) Formal transact Task You recently had a short holiday in a large city which you booked through a company called Citibreaks, You were very disappointed with the holiday. Read the CitiBreak advertisement for the holiday you booked and the notes you have made. Then write a letter to CitiBteeks, explaining what the problems were and telling them what you want them to do, Enjoy a short holiday in the capital city. We offer two nights’ accommodation ina four-star hotel in a central Not central — location, long way out! | All rooms have their own bathrooms, is f the river New not. and a view of . fier Cony car park The price of £150 per person includes all meals as well as__ Dinner a ticket for a show of your choice 60st extra | in one of the city’s leading theatres. No choice | ee of show ‘This will be a real holiday to ce remember! Refund — | half cost? | Write a letter of between 120 and 180 words in an appropriate style. Do not write any postal addresses. Writing reference (Paper 2) Model answer Dear Sir, 10 begin by saying T am writing to complain about a short holiday I had recently, Pia Westoo which was organised by Citibreaks. I was dissatisfied with who you ae several things. First, your advertisement promised a hotel in a central location, whereas in fact the hotel was a long way from the DO make a dear connection between Boa city centre. You also said that all the rooms would have a river | | yourleter and the ask || compiamts dear, view, but my window just looked over the ear park, which was” }~] !Nput DONT repeat the ting inking words 1 very noisy. I also had to pay extra for dinner, although the pee complaint with the ‘advertisement had stated that it was included in the price, To. | em! etal make matters worse, I had no choice of which show to go to. Thad wanted fo go to a new musical, but the only ticket offered to me was for one which T had seen already. Thad been looking forward to my holiday very much, bat it ‘was completely ruined by these problems. I therefore feel that you should refund half the cost of the holiday in compensation If you expect a reply to. : for my disappointment, year 09 fh» ae Ifyou begin your letter I yu besin your lt look forward to hearing from you soon. vrth Yours faithful marci | | sous italy tetas fait |) Yous say, ESS Ursine Sclimidt Sign an print your full nama Ursine Schmidt (173 words) Useful language ‘complaining = Lam writing to you about (caveral problems related to my city breok n ln). c * Ihave been waiting for (wo weeks fra reply to my lettey 4 + To make matters worse, (ve wero Informed that there was no record of our cheque being cashed). : + L would be grateful if you could (efund my depose as soon as psible). : Requesting information * Lam uniting In response to (pour advertisemont in The Daly Standard on July 20th) + I vvould be grateful if you could (end me further details about the postion). ‘+ fam writing to enquire whether jou could let me have further details about the holiday. + I would like to know more about (the arrangements for the evening mes), Giving information/Responding to requests for information ‘+ In response to your query | would like to Inform you that passed the FCF in lune) + With reference to your letter of .. lenchse deta of my qualifications) '+ You asked me to tell you about (my travel plans and | enclose further details). Writing reference (Paper Story (For work on stories, see pages 40 and 152.) Task Your teacher has asked you to write a story for the school’s English language magazine. It must begin with the following words: J wanted to do my best, but more than that | wanted the team to win Useful language + We had been (talking about Joi) just before (ne phoned + tewasn’t until read the letter that @reaksed how dengerous the situation was) + While d wes waiting for my fiends | sv someone go int the house ‘poste! + As soon as (ny friends atved, wo went fo have 9 look + Eas just about to (open the door), when (heard a noise downstls + By the time ft go! back to the hous, thore vas no one 10 be seen) + After weting (or afew minutes, | decided to climb in through tie indo) + A few seconds late, he lights nent out «+ Eventuallyfattera while, (ny tends abe \Write your story. (You should write between 120-180 words.) Model answer DO use phrases to show ‘when tings happened in your stow leg. tas the [ast foothal game of the season, When the second half stored.) + At last knew what hed to de). DON'T make mistakes with natatve tenses. DO use direct speech because it makes the story more interesting to read, DO ty to aeate some suspense, DO ty to have a ‘amatic end) | was slipping away. We struggled to get the ball I-}~ We were the champions! | wanted to do my best, but more than that | wanted the team to win. it was the last football game of the season, and if we won, we would be the champions. As we ran onto the pitch, | couldn't help feeling nervous. The crowd was cheering, but the opposition looked strong. It wasn’t going to be easy. The game started. | got the ball and raced —~ towards the goal. ’Go onl’ roared the crowd, but | | kicked it straight into the hands of the joalkeeper. ‘Never mind,’ yelled my team-mate J08. "Good try!’ We played hard, but at half-time the score was 0-0, When the second half started, it was raining heavily. Our chance of winning the championship through the defence, but time after time they stopped us. Now there were only two minutes left. Suddenly | had the ball. | passed it to Joe, who headed it straight into the goal, just as the referee blew his whistle. The crowd went crazy. (179 words) DON'T eit about a topic if you dont know some spetiic vocabulary related to i (6.9, score, ‘goalkeeper, goa path DO use inteesting vocabulary (eg, race DO add extra detall 1 add to the atmosphere ff the stony.

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