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Article I.

Trade to territory
1600- east India company acquired charter granting them sole right to trade with the east
1498- Portugese explorer Vasco da Gama discovered sea route to india
1651- first English factory set on banks of river Hugli
1696- fortification of settlements around factory (where company asked traders to settle down)
1698- EIC bribed Mughal officials to give zamindari rights ofthree villages including kalikat
1707- death of Aurangzeb (last Mughal emperor), emergence of regional kingdoms
1743- robert clive came to india, age 18
1756- Alivardi Khan died, Sirajuddaulah became nawab
1757- battle 0f Plassey, first major victory of the company
1761-1782 – haidar ali, Third battle of panipat
1764- Batle of buxar , mir qasim defeated
1765- death of mir jaffar, company becomes diwan of bengal
1767- Robert Clive left India
1772- Clive was cross examined by british for vast wealth
1774- Clive commited suicide
1782-1799- tipu sultan, treaty of salbai
1785- he stopped the export of pepper cardamom and sandalwood, dissalowed local merchants (?)
1799- battle of seringapatam
1801- Awadh forced to give half of territory ad they failed to pay for subsidiary forces
Battles with mysore: 1767-69, 1780-84, 1790-92 and 1799
1803-1805- second anglo Maratha war
1817-1819- third anglo Maratha war
1824- rani chanamma arrested
1829- rani channamma died
1830- rayanna caught and hanged, eic worried about Russia
1838-1842- prolonged war with Afghanistan
1839- death of ranjit singh
1843- sind was taken over
1849- Punjab was annexed
1848-1856 Lord Dalhousie
1848- satara
1858- sambalpur
1856-awadh (misgovernment)
1857- revolt of 1857

Article II. Ruling the Countryside

12 August 1765- Bengal diwani given to Robert clive
1770- a huuge famine hit Bengal
1793- Permanent settlement
1822- mahalwari system

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