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Local A-2 - Friday, July 10, 1992- Santa Cruz Sentinel

Teenkiller's'horrorride'endsin 11-y8arterm I
a v STEVE PEREZ girls" AulJ. 10. a family to pay. We've lived In upheaval
S.n11nel"•" w111e, Kamradt. 61. befriended the 1een,agers since the murder "
SANTACllUZ After writing 10 the near the Boardwlllk and. after a day ot Prosecutor Christine McGuire had ar
ooun 1hnthis life was like a "horror ride" drinking and cruising In his luxury car, gued for 1he maximum terms. which
rhoi ltn~n·1 Sloppcdlsince he shol (Ind wa~ shol by Wilson .at a cul,de,sac in L.a 'That day was such a blur feel J would have brought a 16,year,sentence.
ktlled rorwicted child moles1crCarl "Al, Selva Beach. Wilh no parole board to answer to before
p~" Knn1r11d1 lns1August, 18-year·old Aar
on Wilson was scn1enced Wednesday 10
Marshall hod been dropped off ai home
before 1he shooting Kitchen pleaded
like I'm Stfil On a hor ror rid e Which he Is released, she said, coumy residents
are not assured Wilson will be rehabUltat-
.crve 11years 111prison. guilty to anned robbery, car then and l)e.
Ing an accessory Io murder after the fac1
hasn't slowed down since I got on.' ed when his term ends.
"Whal do you think. you live here In
With rrrd11 for nearly A year served In 11ndIs serving a nvc-year term In CVA. _ Aaron Wilson Santa Cruz," she said, asked by a reporter
County Jail and limo olTror (!OO(Jbehav, According to testimony during Wilson's for her reacllon to the sentence.
1or he rould be free nner S<'rvlnghatrthm Irial. Kamradl was a pedophile who had "I've got some concems 1hat n~e years is
1lmt In :i fndlhy run by the Callfornlo made suggesiive remit rks and advances 81 not enough cror rchablll1a1lon), she said,
Vou1hAu1hnrhy. · rile trcn,agcrs during the course of lh~ Wilson's record Included a string of mlsde-
WllM>n rttelved six years for his Moy 20 evening. was." meanor olTcnses.
~onvk1fonon volu111ar y mnnsln~ghternnd Wilson testlned he drew thegun when and Jobs." Kamradt also had nve' i:rand· StephenWright, Wilson's cou~t·appoln1 ·
OvPyr.,r~. 1h1 • rnaxlrnum,ror uslni: a gun Kamradt grabbed a1 E<it chen's crotch. Ho 'T m 1old con11n11ulatlons and good go- children. ed aUorney,SAldIM leuer his client wrote
in II r~lon) said he pulled ihe 1rlgger when Kamradi ing, and all kinds of .stulT.And it sucks'" "The bad man the defense made him 0111 to S1evensshows the Wilson man Is re-
took a s1ep townrd him and srud "You're morseful and beginning to ioke responsl·
··11ha~ f)('f'nmy conf:l'rn ail alonn 1he b'Olng10have 10shom mo... · He added he was beginning 10 turn his 10be was 1101 the person I knew," she sald. billly for his crime. Wright said he did no1
clrt·umManre, under whfrh Mr Wilson life aro.und by findIn•• relMon and recou. 1he1e11er bc'ore 11,vas given to auLhor
!(Ill1hr ~un, how he loaded h, and how he
us('(t 11," S111lt'rior
WIison did 1101speak during Lhe sen•
rouri Judge Sam Ste Ienclng hearing, but s·uhmllled an 11Jiage
nizing lhat he had a p"roble~lwllh alcohol. )o:Sa~rt1~ ~i~~,u~:~ ~~st.h:~~
Mcwrote that he needed "extensive lhera died without will and the familv lost
. " .
WIison's father, !lob WIison orBoulder
ven, ~11111 " I Ormly believe Mr. Wilson handwritten loller 10 Stevens. 11y." O ' Creek, 1old reporters 1he Jury's verdlc1,
had 111ten.\!n gcnrru l ln1cnt to u~e this properly he had 1i1le 10 because it was whlcli paved Lhe way for the relallvel•
1,'\111111qomr f.ishlon"
WIisonwrote he wa:s "sorry for me and Kamradl's ex,wlfe, llobln Kamrod1. was " highly leveraged" a1 1he time of his '
my family. I'm sorry for Gian and his ram, the only member ot the vlc1im'sfamily 10 death. Mis company went bankrup1 last shon sentence was "right and proper."
\Vlll,(lnMole Ihe gun from his father's Uy and I am extremelysorl ~orMr. Kani s1>0akbefore Stevens pronounced his ~en, h 'd
year. s c sai •
The pas1 year had been a year of "tur
moil," tie s•1d,1earfull" " I hope he'll con,
f11mlch •r !'ret•k home and ran nway days radt and whnl his fam ly has gone tence. M • ,
IM•fon·1h~,hooting through. "Alex Kamradt was not 1he only victim tlnue hJs education, ge1 on a work pro-
She read a prepai,ed lener 1hat called of this crime." she said "l strongly dis· gram, ge1whaiever he needs"
A 1h1'('e·i·ear scmt•n('r rorMealing Kom "Thal day was such a blur I feel hko I'm testimony of Kamradt's sexual 1>refcrencc agroodwith lhe jury's verdict. 11was nrst· Wilson's mother. PeggySmith of Scotts
rud1', t·ar, and a two,ycar senirnce for ~till on a horror ride which hssn'1 slowPd for Ieen,nce boys "character assnsslna, degree murder. Valley.said his family would continue to
Jlrand lhefl will he <;Crvcdconcurrently, down since I 110 10 11." 11011" "suppon him."
Stcwns ruled "His children have lost their father. Mls " We have a strong fallh," she said.
Wll~o11 wns 17ll'hrn hr ran oway, mee1 In his leller. WIison also snid he had lhe The rwo were married In 19.57 and sepa, grrandchlldrenhave lost their """ndCather. "A h 101of lov~sur 'Ound1'ng him
111111111 with friend, Glan Klk·hcn and Jus 1mprcsslo11other lnma1cs" lookal me in a rnted In 1972,•<hft '" 'd. Tlieir llircc "hll·
, ..., , " ' • They've It'saron
They've lost their in herltanco. as a he come~oui (of
our desire 1 the system).
ti11Marc.hail, both IR. lit ~o "looking for ROOdway bocm1sc or who Mr Kamn.tdt dren, nowages 3t ~Oand 29,hnvc "honie$ lost Jholr Jobs. That's a very high price for ror ihe better"
San Cruz Sentinel, Oct. 25, 1991, page 3

Teen-ager will be tried as adult

Wilsoncouldbe sentenced
to life 1nprisonif convicted
of murder
SANTACRUZ- Seventeen.year-oldAaron WIison
must face munler charges as an adult.a judge ruled
'This minor has no
aner an emotional slx.<fayhearing Thursday.
Wiping tears away. Superior Coun Judge SamSte·
appreciation for human life.
vcns said he couldn't ignore the gravityof the crime
In deciding whether the minor will be treated as a
His appearance is deceiving.
Juvenileor an adult.
The announcementsent Wilson's father into tears
He appears to be a
as he sat in the front rowof the courtroom.
"Aaron anticipatedusingthe gun:·Stevens said. ..,
nice-looking, clean-cut
have a great deal of difficulty in rationalizing for
Aaron the second shoL It's not a rnnexmove.•. He
young man ... He's
consciously shot him again in the torso. That's very
cold-hearted and ruthless.'
Stevens·ruling means 1fWilson isconvicted or mur·
derlng 61·year•old Carl Alex Kamradt in Ln Selva - Assistant DistrictAttorney
Beach this summer. he could servea maximum term ChristineMcGuire
of life in prison. As a Juvenile, he faceda term in the
California YouthAuthority unlil age25.
..A decision was madein a court of law that wasnot
in his (Wilson) best Interest:· said defense attorney thingthey neverdid before.'' Wrightsaid. ..The victim
Stephen Wright...His future is clouded." succeeded...
AssistantDistrict AltorneyChristineMcGuire, who He also said Wilson is a teen•a.gealcoholicin needof
said Wilson planned the murder. agreedwith the rul· help. The youth's life dramatically changed after the
Ing. "Under the law. ii was an appropriatedecision:· divorce or his parents severalyears ago.Wright said.·
she said. McGuire argued durin g the hearing that Wilson
Accordi"g 10 McGuire.If Wilson is convicted there should be tried as an adult because the shooting was
is still a possibility he could be housedin a Juvenile premeditated.
program until the age of 25 and thentransferred to a "This minor has no a11preciatio n for human life,"
prison. she said. ·
Up untll the last mome1ttsof the hearing. Wright McGuire's position was supported by a probation
argued the BoulderCreekyouth shouldbe treatedas officer. who evaluated Wilson and reported he s hould
a Juvenile and be given a chan ce at rehabilitatio~. be tried as an adult.
"Adults don't go afier a ui me skateboarding at the Shealso had called uponseveral or Wilson's friends
Boardwalk," he said in his closing arguments. WIison to tesllf)• during the heaiing.
A 17-year·old youth told the court Wilsonwhispered
is accusedofshooting Kamradt twice.hours after they
met near the Boardwalk on Aug. 18. Wilson·sfriend. to him he was goingto kill Kamradt. Anotherwitness Murder suspect Aaron Wilson .
Gian Kitchen, 18.has alsobeen chargedwith murder said he saw Wilson with o gun and that Wilson Wilson and Kitchen.
and robbery and has pleadedinnocent. planned to rob the victim. Wilson will be arraigned In adult court In the next
..His appearance is deceiving... McGuire said. few days, where he will enter Innocent pleas. Wrlglu
Wright said Kamradt had a historyor child molest- lookingat Wilsonin the courtroom. "He appearsto be sa id.
Inga.nd was seeking his own victimsthe night he met a nlce·looking.clean-cut youngman.... He's manipula· "Or course. we're disap1>0
inted:· he said. "I respect.
the young men. tJve.a risk·taker. He's cold·hearted and ruthless ... fully disagree with ihe judge's decision. \Ve have to
"The vlcllmwanted 10 ~el those kids to do some· McGuire ,uiirtshe ho11P..~ lo hllvP. one trial for hoth Iive with ii. "
Santa Cruz Sentinel · Wed, Oct 23, 1991 · Page 10 Downloaded on Apr 11, 2019

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