Sacred Assembly Sample

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April 30, 2019: A Sacred Assembly in Your Church

Prior to the sacred assembly obtain permission and encouragement

from the shepherd of your flock, your pastor or priest. Encourage him
to begin his own repentance process even in advance of April 30, 2019.

He will then call for a service on April 30 for a given number of hours,
and will encourage all members of the congregation to attend. The
service as he and Holy Spirit put it together may include times of
worship, prayer, confession of sins privately or with one another, and
times for personal and national repentance.

The invitation to the Sacred Assembly should also include an instruction

to participants to fast that day and not work.

Some suggestions for the service include:

The Lord’s Prayer

Reading of certain Scriptures on repentance, for example : Psalm 51;

1 John 3:1-3; 1 Peter 2:4-10; Revelation chapters 2 and 3; Hebrews
12:3-14; 2 Corinthians 7:1; 1 Thessalonians 4:1-8

Confession of personal sins (based on Proverbs 6: 16-19). (Announce

each one; give several minutes in silence for each one)
Shedding of innocent blood
Heart that devises wicked plans
Running towards evil
False witness
Sowing discord among brethren
Confession of national sins
Killing of innocents
Idolatry---mammon, worldliness, family, sports as focus
Sanctification by courts, legislatures of sexual perversions
Failure to stand with Israel
Fear of man instead of fear of God; breaking covenant

Declarations based on Scripture declaring God’s Words of Truth to

replace old false lies, strongholds of sin, replacing evil with good,
Romans 12:21. For example: 1 Peter 5:8; 2 Timothy 1:7; Romans
13:14; James 3:17-18; John 15:9-11; John 15: 12-17

Testimonies from participants of this experience of confessing sins and

repenting for personal or national sins


Closing Prayer

Time for fellowship; sharing the experience of new JOY as the Body is
more purified as His Bride

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