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This experiment was done to determine the order of the reaction (n) with using a
CSTR (continuous stirred tank reactor) and rate constant, activation energy and
frequency, sodium oxide and ethyl acetate usedas a reactant which produce ethanol
and sodium acetate, PH is measured at different temp. and flowrate, the result
obtained show that the order of reaction is second order, the activation energy
equal -841.4 KJ/mol and frequency equal 95.65*10-9, the value of PH is decreased
with increasing temp. at same flowrate and increasing with increasing in flowrate
at same temp. ,As the volumetric flow rate increase the rate of reaction increase,
the k is a function of temperature When temperature increase k increase.

Results and Discussion:
Continuous-Stirred Tank Reactor (CSTR) is a perfectly mixed reactor in which the contents are
wellstirred and uniform throughout. The exit stream from this reactor has the same composition
andtemperature as the fluid inside the reactor [1].
The following table (1), (2), (3), shows the measured and calculated data represented in appendix
1 ,2
Table (1) measured and calculated data at T = 16 C

NaOH,0 CH3COOC2H5, 0 pH CA -rA Ln(-rA) Ln(CA)

mL/min mL/min (M) mol/L.sec

40 40 12.25 0.01778 4.833*10-5 -9.937 -4.02968

80 80 12.27 0.0186 4.71*10-5 -9.9632 -3.9834

120 120 12.34 0.02187 4.22*10-5 -10.07 -3.8223

Table (2) measured and calculated dataat T = 26 C

NaOH,0 CH3COOC2H5, 0 pH CA -rA Ln(-rA) Ln(CA)

mL/min mL/min (M) mol/L.sec

40 40 12.02 0.01 6*10-5 -9.7 -4.56

80 80 12.04 0.011 5.58*10-5 -9.8 -4.513

120 120 11.97 0.00933 6.1*10-5 -9.7 -4.67

Table (3) measured and calculated dataat T = 34 C

NaOH,0 CH3COOC2H5, 0 pH CA -rA Ln(-rA) Ln(CA)

mL/min mL/min (M) mol/L.sec

40 40 11.74 0.0055 6.675*10-5 -9.61 -5.2

80 80 11.79 0.00616 6.576*10-5 -9.63 -5.08

120 120 11.83 0.00676 6.486 *10-5 -9.643 -4.99

The rate of rxn can calculated by the following equation [1]:
(-rA) = (CA0 – CA) u / V …………………………………. (1)
V is the reactor volume, which can be measured.
u is the total volumetric flow rate of both solutions (uA + uB ).
CA0 is the initial concentration of A in the reactor.
From result as the volumetric flow rate increase the rate of reaction increase
Using the following relation [1]:
ln (-rA) = ln k + n ln (CA) ……………………….……. (2)
The order of reaction can obtain by Plotting ln (-rA) versus ln (CA), which represented in figure
(1), The slope is n (the order of reaction) and the intercept with the y axis is k at the specified
temperature, take K at all temp then evaluate the Kavg.
The order of reaction is second order which is constant at different temp. which is true

Figure (1) Ln(-rA) vs Ln(CA)

Ln(-ra) vs Ln(CA)
0 2 4 6 8 10 12

Axis Title

-6 Ln(-ra) vs Ln(CA)
Linear (Ln(-ra) vs Ln(CA))

y = -0.4961x - 6.0766
R² = 0.2351
Axis Title

Plotting ln k versus 1/T, (T in Kelvin),figure (2) shows that, the activation energy and the
frequency factor can be foundusing Arrhenius equation [1]:
k = k0exp(-E/RT) =ln k = ln k0– (E/R) (1/T) ……………… (3)
Activation energy= -841.4 KJ/mol whichdoesn’t change with temperature
K0 = 95.65*10-9
T (⁰C) lnk 1/T (K ) -1
(4) for
16 50.7 0.00342 and 1/T.
26 22.2 0.00331
34 14.4 0.00321






10 y = -18.15x + 65.4

0.00342 0.00331 0.00321
1/T (1/K)

Figure (2): Ln(k) vs 1/T.

As the volumetric flow rate increase the rate of reaction increase, the order of reaction is second
order, the activation energy equal -841.4 KJ/mol and frequency equal 95.65*10-9, the value of
PH is decreased with increasing temp. at same flowrate and increasing with increasing in
flowrate at same temp.,k is a function of temperature When temperature increase k increase.

Improve controlling the temperature of the reaction and controlling the flowrate to get more
accurate value of PH by buying a new CSTR reactor.

[1]: Dr. Khalil Ali Halhouli, Chemical Processing LaboratoryCHE 436, Chemical Engineering
Department, Edited by Prof. Mohammad Al-harahsheh Eng. LubnaNserat April 2018.

Appendix :
Sample calculation:
1. Concentration of NaOH (CA ) :
PH=-log [H+]
[H+] =10-PH
[H+]*[OH-] =10-14
[OH-]= (10-14)/ (10-PH)
= (10-14)/ (10-12.25)

2. Rate of reaction:
-rA= (CAO-CA)*v/V
CAO=#mol in/ (vNaOH+vCH3COOC2H5)
= (MNaOH* vNaOH)/ (vNaOH+vCH3COOC2H5)
= (0.1*0.1)/ (0.1+0.1)
= 0.05M
-rA= (0.05-0.01778)*(0.2+0.2)/1L*(1min /60sec)
= 4.833*10-5mol/L.sec

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