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1. Origins of the English language.

assimilation of Anglo-Saxon dialects into those
of early British tribes. The Roman influence;
similarities and differences with continental
Germanic languages.
2. Old English. The effects of Viking raids on its
3. Middle English. The impact of the Norman
4. Early Modern English. The influence of the
Industrial Revolution. The history of London’s
dialect being accepted as the standard.
5. Cross-cultural influences of the English
language. The origins and development of a
particular English dialect: American, Afro-
American, Creole, Aboriginal, Indian, or Asian.
6. Gender controversy in modern English. The
correct use of nouns and pronouns in
situations where gender is unclear. Gender-
sensitive words. The relationship between the
increasing role of women in the public sphere
and gender changes in the English language.
7. Challenges of learning English as a second
language (ESL). This topic may especially
appeal to you if English is actually your second
8. Shakespeare’s contribution to English
literature. This is one of the most obvious
choices, but you can still produce an
interesting paper about Shakespeare’s work or
a character that you are really passionate
9. Victorian literature.
10. The imagist movement in English literature.
11. American literature. The differences between
literature of the North and the South.
12. Afro-American literature.
13. Contributions made to English literature by
Indian writers.
14. Female writers in English literature.
15. Scottish writers in English literature.
16. Irish writers in English literature.
17. An author’s life story. Investigate the impact of
the author’s biography on the style, topics, and
characters of his or her books – for example,
what made Upton Sinclair write “The Jungle.”
Such papers are always interesting to read,
and they do not take much effort to write.
18. Presentation of women in literature. Compare
and contrast female characters in old and new
books, or conduct a case study on a famous
female character.
19. The sociological and political impact of a
particular book.
20. A banned book. Explore the story of a famous
book that has been banned from school
libraries, e. g. The Adventures of Huckleberry
Finn or Harry Potter. Identify and evaluate the
reasons for its removal. Such a controversial
topic will arouse the interests of readers.
21. The architecture of language
22. Towards a functional grammar
23. Thematic interpretation of a text
24. Mood as system
25. Text illustrations
26. The functional analysis of English: a
Hallidayan approach
27. The pronouns of power and solidarity
28. The meaning potential of language:mapping
meaning systemically.
29. Rhetorical units and decontextualisation: an
inquiry into some relations of context,
meaning and grammar

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