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Aylin Canales


Dr. Ehsan Sheybani

Chapter 6- Assignment

The following are all e-collaboration tools: GoToMeeting, WebEx, and My Web

Conferences. They all are great in their own ways. Being that a newly established Internet

company with 40 employees is looking for the type of collaboration tool to use, one must know

the pros and cons of each one. Presenting the advantages and disadvantages of each one is a way

to choose which one is better out of the three choices.

“GoToMeeting is a Web-conferencing service hosted by Citrix Online, a division of

Citrix Systems”, (Bidgoli, 2014). GoToMeeting has one advantage which is that it is capable of

running on both PCs and Macs (Bidgoli, 2014). Another advantage is that it offers high-

definition video conferencing that allows for one to see one’s fellow meeting attendees (Bidgoli,

2014). A disadvantage is that you have to pay for this service (Clear Touch Interactive, 2018). It

has three service tiers which are Starter, Pro, and Plus (Clear Touch Interactive, 2018). The

lowest tier costs $19 per user/month which is billed annually but if it is billed monthly than it is

$24 (Clear Touch Interactive, 2018). The top tier is $49 per user/month which is billed annually

but if it is billed monthly than it is $59 (Clear Touch Interactive, 2018). Another disadvantage is

that depending on which tier you choose it limits the number of meeting participants (Clear

Touch Interactive, 2018). The lowest tier allows up to 10 meeting participants (Clear Touch

Interactive, 2018). The top tier allows up to 100 meeting participants (Clear Touch Interactive,

WebEx has one advantage which is you can pay per host rather than per user (Clear

Touch Interactive, 2018). Another advantage is that it includes many features. (Clear Touch

Interactive, 2018). Some features that it includes are screen sharing capabilities, the ability to

join a meeting with one click, easy integration with other productivity tools, and creating

breakout rooms that allows teams to host private meetings within the larger meeting (Clear

Touch Interactive, 2018). A disadvantage is that you have to pay for this service (Clear Touch

Interactive, 2018). It has pricing plans that start from $19 per host/month to $39 per host/month

and it also has an Enterprise package (Clear Touch Interactive, 2018). Another disadvantage is

that it does not have to option to be able to pay annually, it just has plans to pay monthly (Clear

Touch Interactive, 2018).

My Web Conferences has one advantage which is that it has meeting “rooms”, this means

that an administrator can give different properties for different purposes: interviews, sales

meetings, team meetings, webinars, etc. (InfoWorld Media Group, 2013). Another advantage is

that you don’t have to install any plug-ins or applications (InfoWorld Media Group, 2013). A

disadvantage is that if you are using a PC or Mac it requires Flash to use your microphone and

webcam and also Java to record your screen (InfoWorld Media Group, 2013). Another

disadvantage is that the UI is currently somewhat unpolished and requires some training for

proper use (Heller, 2013).

My final recommendation is My Web Conferences. The reason I choose this is because it

has different rooms to have a certain type of meeting in (InfoWorld Media Group, 2013). It

shows to have a lot of functions included no matter which plan you use (InfoWorld Media

Group, 2013). It is also much cheaper than the other e-collaboration tool options (Heller, 2013).

“$19 per concurrent meeting per month (10 participants, no included toll-free minutes) to $299
per 2 concurrent meetings per month (1,000 participants, 3,000 included toll-free minutes)”,

(Heller, 2013). It is based off of the meetings rather than paying for each host or user (Heller,

2013). This ends up being very beneficial to the newly established Internet company since they

are just starting out. They can always try it out since it has a 30-day free trail on all of its

products which is always a plus to have (Heller, 2013).

Works Cited

Bidgoli, Hossein. MIS. Cengage Learning (2014): 2-64. Print.

Clear Touch Interactive. “Best Video Conferencing for Business: Skype vs. Webex vs.

GoToMeeting.” Clear Touch, 30 Apr. 2018,


Heller, Martin. “Web Conferencing Shootout: WebEx vs. GoToMeeting vs.

MyTrueCloud.” Computerworld, Computerworld, 29 Oct. 2013,


InfoWorld Media Group. “Review: WebEx vs. GoToMeeting vs. MyTrueCloud.” TMCnet

World's Largest Communications and Technology Community, 2013,

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