Dosing Methods For Conventional and Mass Concrete: Souza, G.T, Gouveia F. P, Bittencourt, R.M

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Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia de Barragem e Gestão Ambiental (PEBGA)
Rodovia BR-422, Km 13, Vila Permanente, Tucuruí / PA.
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Keywords: Concrete, Mix-proportioning methods, Cement.

Abstract. Various mix-proportioning methods of Portland cement concrete are available

in the literature, each with a specific characteristic. Therefore, a correct dosage study
can result in technical and economic benefits, being essential to guarantee the quality of
the concrete in the fresh state as in the hardened state. Thus, the present article
highlights on the main aspects related to the concrete dosage, emphasizing the method
recommended by IPT / IBRACON, as well as the method based on Fineness Modulus of
aggregates, according to the specificity of each method. In this way we have as
contribution the detailing and evaluation of the methods from the technical
bibliographies and experiences accumulated by the authors
of the present article.

According to a definition recommended by Tutikian and Helene [1], the dosage study
of Portland cement concretes refers to the procedures necessary to obtain the best
proportion among the constituent materials of the concrete, also known as “trace”.
Wherein, dosage study should be carried out in order to obtain the optimum and
economical mixture in a given region and with the materials available to meet a series of
In the historical context, the first consensual normative document on concrete dosage
was published in the United States in 1944, since until then only individual proposals
were made by researchers regarding their experimental observations and theoretical
attempts to generalize. This is the text prepared by Committee 613, established in 1936
under the coordination of Robert F. Blanks of the Bureau of Reclamation USA, published
by the American Concrete Institute (ACI) after eight years of intensive discussions [2 ].
It should be noted that, although the dosing methods differ, certain activities are
common to all methods, such as the calculation of the mean strength of the dosage, the
correlation of the compressive strength with the water / cement ratio for a determ ined
type and class of cement, provided that a dosage study aims at obtaining a specified
resistance, without neglecting the economy and sustainability that should always guide a
contemporary dosage study [1].
It is important to point out that in Brazil, there is still no consensus method or
technical standard of dosage study procedure. As a consequence, several researchers
propose their own dosing methods, and among the existing methods, the most common

Souza, G.T, Gouveia F. P, Bittencourt, R.M

ones for conventional concrete may be cited as follows: Portland Concrete Association
Method (ABCP); Method of the American Concrete Institute (ACI); Vitervo O'Reilly
method; Method IPT (Technological Research Institute) / IBRACON.
In relation to the special concretes, it is observed the existence of specific methods by
virtue of the type of concrete to be produced, such as: the Method of Gomes et. al (2002)
[3] and the Tutikian and Dal Molin Method (2007) [3] (concrete self-supported); the
Method of the Fineness Module [4] (mass concrete) and the Method of Mehta & Aitcin [5]
(high strength concrete).
The dosage methods to be emphasized in this research are the method standardized by
IPT / IBRACON and the Method of the Fineness Module, considering the specificities and
applications of each methodology. Thus, it is intended to cover the details of the two
methods, pointing out their main variables and parameters, based on the technical
bibliographies and experiences accumulated by the authors of this paper.


The IPT / EPUSP dosing method, also known as the Helene and Terzian method
(1993), is applied nationally among the scientific community, and was initially proposed
by Eládio Petrucci (1965). Over time, this method has been improved with the
collaboration of several researchers, being later called IBRACON, Brazilian Concrete
The IPT / EPUSP methodology described in the flowchart of Figure 1 provides for an
experimental adjustment of the proportions between the constituent materials of the
concrete based on the search for an ideal content of dry mortar (α), from an intermediate
trait known as normal (1:m) and two traces with lower and higher mortar content,
referred to as poor trace (1: m-1) and rich trace (1: m + 1), wherein m is the relation of
the total weight of aggregates and total weight of cement in (kg/kg).

Selection of the maximum size characteristic of the coarse


Selection of slump compatible with available technology.

Establishment of the average resistance to be achieved at the

specified age.

Choice of three different traces of dry mass of cement (1:m-1)

(1:m) (1:m+1)

Realization of the experimental dosages to obtain the dry mortar

content ideal for the intermediate relation and later mixing of the
other traces.

Check resistance and other requirements at specified ages.

Construction of the Dosage Diagram.

Obtaining the optimized trace from the Dosage Diagram.

Souza, G.T, Gouveia F. P, Bittencourt, R.M

Figure 1: Flowchart of the IPT / EPUS / IBRACON dosing method. Adapted from Tutikian e Helene, 2011

In this scenario it is important to highlight classical concrete technology laws. In this

approach have been adopted as laws of behavior the following models that govern the
interaction of the main variables involved:
 Model of Powers (1966) or Abrams's Law (1918): "The concrete strength at a
given age (fcj) is inversely proportional to the relation water cement (w/c)", as
expressed in Figure 2, containing the equation of this determination.

Figure 2- Graphic expressing Abrams' Law. Adapted from Viero, 2010 [12].

 Ley de Lyse (1932): "Fixed cement and aggregates, the consistency of fresh
concrete depends preponderantly on the amount of water per m³ of concrete"
and can be simplified. Figure 3 shows the typical graph that expresses the Lyse
Law containing the equation expressed by this classical law.

Figure 3- Graphic that expresses the Law of Inge Lyse. Adapted from Viero, 2010 [12].

 Priszkulnik & Kirilos's Law (1974): "Cement consumption per cubic meter of
concrete varies inversely with the ratio of dry mass of aggregates / cement

Souza, G.T, Gouveia F. P, Bittencourt, R.M

(m)", according to the equation expressed in Figure 4 which shows the typical
graph that expresses the Law of Molinari.

Figure 4- Graphic that expresses Molinari's Law. Fonte: Adapted from Viero, 2010 [12].

After the proper calculations, laboratory tests and results, the dosing diagram is
generated, according to Figure 5, in which the first quadrant in the clockwise direction
relates resistance to water cement (Abrams' law), the second one confronts the water ratio
cement with the total dry mass of aggregate per kg of cement and finally the third gives
us, based on the total mass of aggregate, the consumption of the cement.

Figure 5 - Dosing diagram of Portland cement concrete (Tutikian e Helene, 2011) [1].

Considering a complementary approach to the IPT / EPUSP method [6], it proposes a

methodology of concrete dosage seeking: a) simplification of the systematic calculation
of the trace, always according to the dosing parameters, b) determination of an initial
trace as close as possible to the definitive trait and c) adoption of a system of
experimental adjustment of the initial trait from simplifying premises.
Therefore, [6] seeks to reach the adjusted trace in the fresh concrete phase as fast as
possible, with the minimum material consumption, maintaining the same accuracy of
procedures. The main features of its adaptation proposal are the facilities provided to
define the traits and adjustments in the laboratory, due to the flexibility for changes in
service, whether of compressive strength, consistency and / or cohesion.

Souza, G.T, Gouveia F. P, Bittencourt, R.M


Among the special concretes, we have the mass concrete, being defined by ACI 116R,
2005 [7] as a concrete volume that presents dimensions large enough that some measures
are taken to reduce the internal temperature of this structure, that is, to reduce the thermal
gradient between the internal and external parts of the concrete and to mitigate the
tendency to thermal cracking. This type of concrete is applied in dams, foundation blocks
of buildings, foundations of wind towers, as well as in large beams and pillars of
buildings, bridges and viaducts, among others.
Thus, the care with the dosage of concrete in these great works intensifies. For
application in these structures, a widely used method is based on the fineness modulus of
the aggregates.
The development of the Fineness Module (MMF) dosing method is directly related to
the construction of dams on mass concrete. In this respect, the corresponding period from
1930 to 1970 is characterized by great technical development of these const ructions.
Thus, in 1930 the ACI 207 was organized that deals with the information and properties
of the mass concrete. The construction of Hoover Dam at that time contributed to this
evolution, which, due to its size, required a more thorough analysis of the materials and
construction techniques, as well as post-cooling pipes (ACI 207.1R [7]).
In this scenario, W. P. Andrade and R. Bittencourt, together with other researchers
from the FURNAS Laboratory, can be considered as pioneers in Brazil when they
presented, in July 1981, a dosage method for mass concrete [1].
The systematic use of this method in some Brazilian dam works is due to a suggestion
of the engineer Roy Carlos, initially adopted by FURNAS for the concrete dosing studies
of the Itumbiara, Tucuruí and Itaipú hydroelectric plants. Subsequently other construction
have also successfully adopted this method [10].
According to ABNT NBR 248: 2003 [8] the fineness modulus is part of the
granulometry tests (it is equal to the sum of the accumulated retained percentages of the
normal series sieves divided by 100) and is intimately bound to the specific surface, the
exposed surface of the aggregates, which needs coating by paste.
The dosage study for the mass concrete of dams becomes particularly complex due to
the difficulties of evaluating the handling and behavior conditions of the mixtures studied
in the laboratory, depending on the maximum size characteristic of the large aggregate,
the construction of dams, for example, the following graduations: 19, 38, 76 and 152 mm
However, it is worth mentioning that coarse aggregate with high diameters can
compromise the performance of the fresh concrete in the launching stage in the
formwork. Experiments carried out in the FURNAS laboratory on the dosing of concrete
for dams (with the participation of one of the authors of this article) observed that as the
mixtures used smaller aggregates, the phenomenon of segregation was reduced, which
motivated the preference in Brazil in general, by concrete dams dosed with aggregates of
MSA 50 mm in combination with optimal sand percentages. This trend became stronger
with the evolution from the conventional launch method to the pumpable method
associated with the sliding forms.
Thus, the authors believe that the MMF dosing method should not fail to consider the
combination of the maximum characteristic size of the aggregate and the type of concrete
launch, conventional or pumped.
Figure 6 shows the flowchart of the steps necessary for the development of the MMF

Souza, G.T, Gouveia F. P, Bittencourt, R.M

Selection of initial trace

Variation of the% of sand to obtain the curve a % of ideal sand

/ ceq and% sands in mass.

Determination of the Ideal Fineness Module (MFi)

MFi = MFsand x % ideal sand + MF gravel x % gravel

Great Fineness Module (MFo) MFo= MFi-0,2 % of optimum sand

Great Fineness Module (MFo)

MFo=MFsand x % optimum sand + MFgravel x % gravel

Calculation of the content of dry mortar (k) corresponding

to % of optimum sand and chosen ratio

Obtaining the other relations 1: m keeping the same value of k = % of optimum sand
(1+ % optimum sand x m) / (1+m)

Experimental dosages for the other relationships

Testing of the properties of the concrete in the

fresh and hardened state

Development of dosage charts

Composition of the theoretical

properties of concretes

Figure 6. Flowchart of the MMF Concrete Dosing Method. Adapted from Andrade et al. (1981) [3].

In this aspect it is worth highlighting the following terms presented in the flowchart of
Figure 6: Ceq = equivalent cement, MFi = Ideal Fineness Module and MFo = Great
Fineness Module, which through it determines the percentage of optimum sand. The
optimum dry mortar content (k) corresponding to the % optimum sand for the relation 1:

For the beginning of the dosing procedures the aggregates chosen for the study need to
be properly characterized. After the characterization step, the dosage aggregates are
prepared, which must be used in the condition of being saturated with the dry surface,
because they will not contribute or absorb water of the dosage, without distorting the
The materials need to be packed in a way that preserves the state of moisture. In this
sense, immediately after weighing, these must be placed in the concrete mixer which
must be protected with a damp cloth to avoid evaporation.

Souza, G.T, Gouveia F. P, Bittencourt, R.M

As for the procedures of the dosage study, a mass-cement ratio was established: total
aggregate (1: m), aiming to meet the requirements of resistance and workability
(adequate mortar slump and quantity).
The study should start with an intermediate 1: m ratio and varying arbitrated
percentage of sand, so that the graph that correlates sand percentage and water / cement
equivalent ratio goes through a minimum, which will correspond to a maximum
resistance. The percentage of sand that corresponds to the minimum of the graph The
ideal percentage of minimum sand is obtained by curve fitting on the results that
correlate the percentage of sand with the w/c resulting from the experimental dosages
studied, which results in a lower water / (a / c) and best aspect in relation to
homogeneity, being called the ideal percentage of sand of the ideal mixture for the 1: m
ratio studied.
On the points of the correlation curve between the results of sand percentage and w/c
ratio, a trend curve is adjusted, which minimum will correspond to the lowest water
cement w / c ratio and higher resistance, after obtaining the results of the study.
Dosages calculated on the basis of the ideal percentage of sand are influenced by the
workability due to granulometric variations and for this reason, concrete is used a little
more mortar to support small size changes.
This procedure is performed by calculating the optimum fineness modulus of the
aggregate mixture (MFo) by reducing the modulus value of the aggregates of the mixture
with the ideal percentage (MFi) by 0.2.
The optimum percentage of sand is calculated based on the value of the optimum
fineness modulus (MFo) and, based on this percentage, the dry mortar content is
calculated, whose value is kept constant for the other ratios cement:total aggregate (1:
m), in order to standardize the cohesion of all study dosages.
Based on the constant content of dry mortar, the optimum percentages of sand are
determined for each ratio 1: m of the study and the experimental dosages are performed
in order to obtain concretes that meet the requirements of consistency and air entrainment
for the fresh concretes and molded specimens for evaluation of hardened concrete.
After the mixtures were set, the composition of the dosages corresponding to each 1:
m ratio was calculated, using the classical formulas, similar to those of IPT method
(cement consumption, theoretical specific mass of the concrete, unit weight and
theoretically incorporated air).
By means of determined parameters with the fresh and hardened concretes, the dosi ng
unit water curves are obtained which provide the theoretical dosage traces to meet the
design specifications. Figure 7 shows an example of the dosage charts obtained through a
particular study conducted by the authors.

Souza, G.T, Gouveia F. P, Bittencourt, R.M

3 4

Figure 7 - Dosage charts obtained from the experimental dosing study (MMF).

It is worth mentioning that currently this method is widely used in large dams, and
Bittencourt et al. [10] highlights that more than 22 million m³ of concrete have already
been produced using this dosing methodology. However, it is verified that the MMF is
little divulged among the academic environment, and its greater domain is observed in
laboratories specialized in concrete dosages for dams.


From the literature review and the practical knowledge of the authors, it can be stated
that the IPT / EPUSP method is mainly characterized by the experimental design of the
dosage diagram, which correlates compressive strength, water / cement ratio, total dry
aggregate cement and cement consumption per cubic meter of concrete. It should be
noted that the method considers the w/c ratio as the most important parameter for
structural concrete.
One of the advantages observed in the methodology of the IPT / EPUSP is its simple
execution and its efficiency in applications of conventional concretes, being, therefore,
the most widespread method in Brazil.
Another advantage is obtaining a suitable concrete, in which the generated dosage
diagram indicates the behaviour model of the concrete produced for the same reduction,
within a range of mechanical resistance. In this way, it is not necessary to repeat the
experimental dosage in order to know the trace, the cement consumption and the w/c
ratio for concretes that are in this range.
In addition, the IPT / EPUSP methodology highlights the determination of the ideal
mortar content as the most important phase of the experimental method, and this step has
the purpose of avoiding a concrete with deficiency or excess mortar.

Souza, G.T, Gouveia F. P, Bittencourt, R.M

Campiteli's complementation to the IPT / EPUSP dosing method offers an easy way to
define the initial parameters for a trace that meets the requirements of the work and
allows easy correction of cohesion and consistency of the dosages studied during the
experimental phase.
In relation to the fineness modulus method, the methodology is applicable to mass
concretes with specific characteristics, since according to [2] it allows the best use of the
resources in the production process and the reach of the characteristic parameters of a
given type of concrete, decreasing the porosity and increasing mechanical strength.
The advantage of the method is the search for concrete compositions containing
optimized granulometry, which fineness modules (ideal and optimal fineness modulus)
are determined for all relations studied (1: m), making possible the production of
concretes that meet the design specifications in an economic way.
Even when applying MMF, this method uses the characteristics of the available
materials and not tabulated data that represent wrappers of characteristics of various
Due to the characteristics of the method, this one not fully applicable to dosages of
concrete that require higher strengths, therefore, it is necessary to study adequations to
meet this parameter.

When considering the peculiarities of both methods studied in this research, it can be
stated that the IPT / EPUSP dosing method is characterized by simple execution,
becoming quite adequate in conventional concrete applications. This is the method most
widely used by researchers and laboratories in Brazil.
It is also concluded that the results generated by the IPT / EPUSP method
(notwithstanding the Campiteli considerations) are indicated not for large studies of
concrete dosages but for individualized dosages that meet specific requirements of
established works.
In relation to the Method of the Fineness Module is highlighted that is directed to
mass concrete dosages, since it aims to work the characteristics of the granulometric
compositions of the materials and their packaging, resulting in a lower consumption of
cement. This method is interesting for broader studies, "sweeping" a range of
applications into more complex structures that require certain specific properties, such as
hydration heat control.
In this sense, the study and execution of the MMF are more observed in restricted
environments, such as specialized concrete laboratories, not being a broader domain
method, such as the IPT / EPUSP method. Also, due to the characteristics of the method,
it is not fully applicable in concrete dosages that require higher strengths; therefore, a
study of adequacies to meet this parameter is necessary.

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