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System Pipe Design and Analysis Workflow

Designing and Analyzing pipe networks in SSA is made easy through the interaction between Civil 3D and
SSA. Networks can be modeled in Civil 3D, passed to SSA for analysis, and then brought back into Civil 3D
to update the system with sizing information. This eliminates much of the manual pipe design process that
has been traditionally part of the process. In addition, the interaction between Civil 3D and SSA reduces or
eliminates potential data discrepancies that the manual process is prone to.
The addition of SSA introduces a number of advantages over Hydraflow Storm Sewers for pipe network
analysis. While Hydraflow Storm Sewers still offers interoperability with Civil 3D, SSA takes this to the next
step with the ability to export drainage areas from Civil 3D and import them for use within SSA. In addition,
SSA offers enhanced analysis methodology options including hydrodynamic calculations showing actual HGL
elevations within pipes, rather than select data points.

Follow these guidelines for a more successful and

streamlined demonstration:

Launch AutoCAD Civil 3D and Autodesk

Storm and Sanitary Analysis Stand-Alone
prior to beginning the demonstration.

Export Pipes from Civil 3D

1. Launch AutoCAD Civil 3D.
2. Open
3. To export the North Storm network to .STM.
■ Zoom to the North Storm Profile in the
bottom right corner of the drawing.
■ Select on of the pipes.
■ On the ribbon, click Pipe Networks: North
Storm tab > Analyze panel > Storm Sewers
pull-down > Export to File.

4. In the Export to Storm Sewers dialog box, clear

all networks except North Storm.

5. Create a profile plot of the system and verify
inverts and diameters. Right-click on the outfall
and choose Start Profile Plot. Then choose the
upstream most inlet as the ending node. Click
Show Plot.

5. Save the file as North Storm.stm.

6. Close the drawing file. Do not save changes.

Import into SSA

1. Launch Autodesk Storm and Sanitary Analysis
Stand-Alone 2011.
2. From the menu, click File > Import > Hydraflow
Storm Sewers File.

6. Switch back to Plan view.

7. Double-click on a conveyance link and review
the parameters.

Locate and select the North Storm.stm file

created in the previous exercise.
3. Review Log File and then close Log File.
4. Using the Layer Manager import the file

8. Double-click on a node and review the


System Pipe Design and Analysis Workflow ■ 2

9. Double-click on the outfall and review the
possible boundary conditions.

12. Access the Analysis Options from the Project

Tree and set the end date 24 hours from the
start date. This will establish an analysis period
of 1 day.

10. Open Project Options from the data tree.

11. Set the following project options:

13. Double-click on IDF Curves in the Project Tree.
A custom IDF curve could be created here.
14. On the menu, click Analysis > Perform Analysis.
15. Right-click on the outfall and choose Start
Profile Plot. Then choose the upstream most
inlet as the ending node. Click Show Plot.
16. On the menu, click Output > Output Animation.

View Results in Civil 3D

1. In AutoCAD Civil 3D, open
2. To import the STM that was exported from SSA.
■ On the ribbon, click Insert tab > Import
panel > Storm Sewers.
■ Select the STM file created in the previous

17. Choose play from the animation dialog to begin ■ When prompted, select Update Existing
the animation. The speed can be increased to Pipe Network.
show the animation in a shorter time frame.
Since the rational method was use, only the
beginning portion of the storm will be of
18. Note that the system capacity is exceeded.
Revise the system pipe sizes by clicking on
the pipes in profile and increasing the pipe
19. Re-run the analysis and animation to verify that
the system is sized properly.
20. To export the design to .STM, on the menu,
■ Click File > Export > Hydraflow Storm
Sewers File.
■ Specify a name for the file. 3. Review the updated system in both plan and
■ Click Save. profile view.

System Pipe Design and Analysis Workflow ■ 4

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