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Propellers, Rudders and

Steering Gears

Nejat Oztezcan Chief Engineer 1

Manoeuvring of the ship means;
•The motion of the ship is kept or changed

Factors that affect manoeuvring;

•Rudder forces
•Other forces acting on the ship

Nejat Oztezcan Chief Engineer 2


Nejat Oztezcan Chief Engineer 3


A rudder allows the ship to turn.

Rudders are hollow and so provide for some buoyancy .

In order to minimise the risk of corrosion internal surfaces are

provided with a protective coating and some are even filled with

A drain plug is provided to allow for the drainage of water.

The propeller is driven by a vertical shaft through bevel gears and

a swivelling arrangement allows the propeller to rotate through
3600 thus providing thrust in any direction and dispensing with the
need for a rudder. Nejat Oztezcan Chief Engineer 4
The selection of the proper type of rudder is as important as the
location of the rudder behind the propeller.

The location of the rudder should be such that it is properly

oriented within the propeller’s outflow, so as to produce the
required turning moment on the ship.

A slight change in the rudder type, dimension, and position can

bring about a huge variation in the ship’s response to the rudder, as
well as he turning ability of the ship.

Nejat Oztezcan Chief Engineer 5

Area and shape of rudders

• no fixed rule for determination of the size

• in practice, rudder area, expressed as a fraction of the product of the

length and draft or centerline plane area, often selected by comparison
with a ship with similar maneuverability requirements.

• (Rudder Area)Cargo Ships = 0.017 * LOA * T

T = Ships draft (m)

LOA = Ships overall lenght (m)

Nejat Oztezcan Chief Engineer 6

Area and shape of conventional rudders

Nejat Oztezcan Chief Engineer 7

• Rudder consists of two parts:

1. The blade (flat part) against which the water pressure acts
2. The stock (shaft) which transmits motion of the steering gear to the

• There are 3 types of rudders:

Balanced: a portion of the blade area is disposed symmetrically

through the rudder height and fwd of stock

Unbalanced: blade is entirely aft of stock

Semi-balanced: area fwd of stock does not extend to the full

height of the blade aft of the stock – upper portion may be
considered unbalanced and the lower portion, balanced

Nejat Oztezcan Chief Engineer 8

Unbalanced rudder : Where all the rudder area is aft of the turning axis.

Semi-balanced rudder : Where some of the rudder area is forward of

the turning axis.

Balanced rudder : Where more than 25% of the rudder area is forward
of the rudder axis.
Nejat Oztezcan Chief Engineer 9
Spade or Balanced Rudder:
A spade rudder is basically a rudder plate that is fixed to the rudder
stock only at the top of the rudder. In other words, the rudder stock
(or the axis of the rudder) doesn’t run down along the span of the

The energy requirement of the

steering gear equipment is reduced,
therefore lowering the fuel
consumption of the ship.

Nejat Oztezcan Chief Engineer 10

Semi- Balanced Rudder:
If you have been able to visualize a balanced and unbalanced rudder
by now, it should be pretty easy to visualize a semi-balanced rudder.
In fact, the rudder you see on most ships are semi-balanced in the
modern industry.

Nejat Oztezcan Chief Engineer 11

Semi-Balanced Rudder

• Which are very common

• Have less than 20% of the
lateral area forward of the
• Modern ships’s use this
design of ruder.

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Flaps Rudder:

Nejat Oztezcan Chief Engineer 15

Flap rudder – A high-lift rudder developed by German flap
rudder specialist Willi Becker.
It consists of a blade with a trailing edge flap activated by a
mechanical or hydraulical system, thus producing a variable flap
angle as a function of the rudder angle. Flap rudders give a much
higher lift per rudder angle and a 60% to 70% higher maximum
lift compared to the conventional rudder of same shape, size
and area.

Nejat Oztezcan Chief Engineer 16

Nejat Oztezcan Chief Engineer 17
Flap-type spade rudder

Nejat Oztezcan Chief Engineer 18

Rudder attachment

The attachment and support of rudders depends on rudder type of the

design of the stern area.

Larger vessels will usually be constructed with supported rudders, while

yachts and small commercialNejatvessels may
Oztezcan Chief have hung or spade rudders.
Engineer 19
The stern framing of semi balanced or balanced rudders has no
sternpost. The rudder is connected to the stern frame at the top and at
Nejat Oztezcan Chief Engineer
the bottom by means of an axle passing through the ruddeer itself. 20
This particular device,
known as a Rapson slide, is used for
many, but not all, ram type gears.21
Nejat Oztezcan Chief Engineer
The rudder carrier bearing ( also known as a Pallister Bearing)
takes the weight of the rudder on a grease lubricated thrust
face. The rudder stock is located by the journal, also grease
lubricated. Support for the bearing is provided by a doubler plate
and steel chock.

Rudder carrier – A fitting placed inboard (on the steering gear

deck) which carries the whole weight of the rudder and the tiller.
Rotary vane steering gears and some RAM-type steering gears
have the rudder carrier integrated.

A gland or seal is fitted where the stocks enters the hull to

prevent water entering. This gland may be combined with teh
rudder carrier.

Nejat Oztezcan Chief Engineer 22

An alternative type of carrier bearing with a conical seat has the
advantage that the seat and side wall will locate the rudder stock.

The angle of the conical seat is shallow to prevent binding.

Nejat Oztezcan Chief Engineer 23

Rudderstock –The rod which is attached to the rudder and is turned
to rotate the rudder.

A vertical shaft through which the turning force of the steering gear
is transmitted to the rudder blade.

Rudder carrier

Nejat Oztezcan Chief Engineer 24

Checking rudder stock and pintle bearing wear :

It is important to include the rudder system in routine maintenanace to

ensure it remains in satisfactory working condition.

If the rudder has been poorly constructed or allowed to deteriorate, the

rudder stock could break loose within the rudder itself. This will result in
the rudder rudder stock effective rotating inside the rudder while the
rudder remains still.

If there is any sign of seperate movement between the rudder stock and
the rudder, the rudder sould be replaced.

The wear of pintles or bearings can be checked by feeler gauges.

Clearance must be taken fore, aft, port and starboard. If there is more
then slight movement, the bearings should be replaced.
Nejat Oztezcan Chief Engineer 25

In active rudders that principle of propellers capable of providing a

thrust at various angels utilised.

Nejat Oztezcan Chief Engineer 26

Azimuth Thruster : Azimuth thruster ( other names Z-drive, Z pellers,
duck pellers , variable angles kort nozzles) are a propeller driven by a
vertical shaft through bevel gears in a housing. The housing and
propeller rotate as one.In tugs and some special purpose ships this can
be rotated through 3600 to provide exceptional manoeuvring ability.

Voith Schneider Propeller : It is a vertically rotating device. It has

vertical blades of aerofoil section located aroun a disc. This blades can
be rotated by cams and the angle of the blades determines the
magnitude and line of thrust.

Pleuger Active Rudder : Pleuger Rudder has a smalller auxiliary

propeller housed within it (Which runs by a electric motor)
The steering gear turns the rudder. The thrust of the small propeller in
line with the rudder blade applies a turning moment to the ship. All
bearings are water lubricated.
Nejat Oztezcan Chief Engineer 27
Azimuth podded propulsion system
• It provides propellers with high manoeuvrability, low fuel consumption,
high efficiency, low noise and less cavitation
• Today, the major users of pod units have been cruise liner operators.
• The introduction of pod propulsion, which will allow the propulsion unit
to be placed without considering any shaft arrangements or space for
machinery will, of course, give the naval architect many new opportunities
to design the 'ultimate hullform’.
Voith Schneider propulsion system
• The system is also called vertical axis propellers which comprise a set of
vertically mounted vanes, six or eight in number, rotating on a disc
mounted in a horizontal or near horizontal plane.
• The system has considerable advantages when manoeuvrability or station
keeping is an important factor in the ship design.
• A separate rudder installation on the vessel is not required.
• Vertical axis propellers are fitted in tugs or other cases where low speed
manoeuvrability is desired.
Nejat Oztezcan Chief Engineer 28
Voith Schneider Propeller

Azimuth Thruster
Nejat Oztezcan Chief Engineer 29
Nejat Oztezcan Chief Engineer 30
Most propellers for seagoing ships are manufactured of copper alloys.
However, for inlend shipping and small ships and yachts propellers are
also made of cast ıron, aluminium alloys, stainless stell and numerous
synthetic compounds.

Material used in the

manufacture of large propellers;

• Corrosion proof
• Sturdy
• Easy of casting
• Easily machined
Nejat Oztezcan Chief Engineer 31
A ship propels on the basis of Bernoulli’s principle and Newton’s third
law. A pressure difference is created on the forward and aft side of the
blade and water is accelerated behind the blades.

The thrust from the propeller is transmitted to move the ship through
a transmission system which consists of a rotational motion generated
by the main engine crank shaft, intermediate shaft and its bearings,
stern tube shaft and its bearing and finally by the propeller itself.

A propeller is a rotating fan like structure which is used to propel the

ship by using the power generated and transmitted by the main
engine of the ship.

Nejat Oztezcan Chief Engineer 32

Basic Nomenclature:

• Hub The hub of a propeller is the solid center disk that mates with the
propeller shaft and to which the blades are attached.

• Blades Twisted fins or foils that protrude from the propeller hub. The
shape of the blades and the speed at which they are driven dictates the
torque a given propeller can deliver.

• Diameter The diameter (or radius) is a crucial geometric parameter in

determining the amount of power that a propeller can absorb and
deliver, and thus dictating the amount of thrust available for propulsion.

Nejat Oztezcan Chief Engineer 33

Pitch (geometric pitch) :Propeller pitch is the theoretical forward
movement of a propeller for one revolution.

Propeller pitch x revolutions per minute = distance travelled per minute

Theoretical speed in knots = Propeller Pitch X Propeller revolutions X 60 min.

1852 meters per mile

Theoretical speed - Apparent speed (Log speed) = Loss/gain in speed

(apparent slip)

Pitch angle : Ø is the pitch divided by the circumference of

the prop at a given diameter.

Nejat Oztezcan Chief Engineer 34

Nejat Oztezcan Chief Engineer 35
Cavitation : The results from pressure variations on the back (forward
face) of a blade forming vapour filled cavities (bubbles).

This leads to a loss of thrust/torque and increase in revolutions until

the bubbles collapse.

The collapsing bubbles produces intense local pressure on the blade

that results in erosion and surface pitting.

Gear and propeller ratio –The gearbox reduces the drive speed from
the engine to the shaft and propeller to reduce the likelihood of
excitation and slip.

For an engine that turns at 2400 rpm with a propeller designed to turn
at 800 rpm, the following can be found:

Gearbox ratio = Engine speed /Propeller speed = 2400 / 800 = 3:1

Ratio Nejat Oztezcan Chief Engineer 36
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Nejat Oztezcan Chief Engineer 40
Types of Propeller
Propellers are be classified on the basis of several factors.

A) Classification by Number of Blades Attached:

Propeller blades may vary from 3 blade propeller to 4 blade propeller
and sometimes even 5 blade propeller. However, the most commonly
used are 3 blades and 4 blade propellers.

• 3 blade propeller:
A three blade propeller has following characteristics:
– The manufacturing cost is lower than other types.
– Are normally made up of aluminium alloy.
– Gives a good high speed performance.
– The acceleration is better than other types.
– Low speed handling is not
Nejatmuch efficient.
Oztezcan Chief Engineer 41
• 4 blade propeller:

A 4 blade propeller has following characteristics:

– The manufacturing cost is higher than 3 blade propellers.
– 4 blade propellers are normally made up of stainless steel
– Have better strength and durability.
– Gives a good low speed handling and performance.
– Has a better holding power in rough seas.
– 4 blade propeller provides a better fuel economy than all the
other types.

• 5 blade propeller:
A 5 blade propeller has following characteristics:
– Manufacturing cost is higher of all.
– Vibration is minimal from all the other types.
– 5 blade propellers have better holding power in rough seas.
Nejat Oztezcan Chief Engineer 42
Classification By pitch of the blade:

There are two main types of propellers used for propulsion of vessels:
Controllable pitch propellers (CPP) and Fixed pitch propellers (FPP).

When CPP propellers are used, the direction of rotation on the

propeller is the same. To increase or reduce the vessel’s speed the
pitch is altered – increased pitch will give increased speed. To give
astern movement the propeller blade is turned to give astern thrust.

As the name suggests, a fixed pitch propeller is a propeller with fixed

pitch. A propeller’s pitch is defined as the distance the propeller would
move during one complete revolution if operating in a solid material, if
in water the movement will be less due to slip.
To increase or reduce the vessel’s speed, the rpm of the propeller is
increased or reduced. To give astern movement the direction of
rotation is reversed, i.e., the propeller rotates the opposite way to
Nejat Oztezcan Chief Engineer 43
ahead movement.
Advantages of the fix pitch propellers;

• Simple and relatively cheap to manufacture

• Very strong
• High effiency due to relatively small hub
• During docking, the propeller is often stationary and therefore
cannot be damaged by obstacles. It is also less likely that a hawser
will become entangled in propeller.

A fixed pitch
propeller fitted
hydraulically to
the hub. A key
seats as locking
device is no
longer required.
Nejat Oztezcan Chief Engineer 44
Disadvantages of the fixed pitch propeller;

• The propeller must be driven in two rotational directions.

• 1. either the propulsion engine must be reversible.( large ships)
• 2. or a reverse clutch must be mounted between the engine and
the propeller ( smaller ships)

A four bladed, right handed (or left handed), 75 cm diameter x

150 cm pitch propeller. Nejat Oztezcan Chief Engineer 45
Controllable Pitch Propeller
• In Controlled Pitch type propeller, it is possible to alter the pitch by
rotating the blade about its vertical axis by means of mechanical and
hydraulic arrangement.
• This helps in driving the propulsion machinery at constant load with
no reversing mechanism required as the pitch can be altered to
match the required operating condition.
• This provides a method of adjusting the pitch of the blades from the
normal full ahead position to zero pitch then to full astern.
• There are many types of adjusting mechanisms. Some rely on oil
pressure provided by an oil distribution/control box mounted around
a section of the after most intermediate shaft, or on the end of the
aft end of the reduction gear. Oil pressure is generated by a shaft or
electric motor driven pump. A control mechanism is mounted on the
distribution box. A piston rod passing down the centre of the shaft
actuates a servo motor in Nejat
propeller hub which, by means of 46
Chief Engineer
Advantages of controllable pitch propellers

Controllable pitch propellers are often used and have many advantages;
• It allows for rapid manoeuvring, from full speed ahead to full speed
astern; the engine continues to run in one direction at same nominal
speed, and can therefore be rapidly heavily loaded.
• Every speed can be achived without having to stop engine.
• The average efficiency for ships with alternating loads, such as rugs,
fishing boats and dreggers can be improved by adjusting the position
of the propeller blades to the load(pitch)
• With the correct reduction gearing the engine speed can be reduced
to a propeller speed which has the highest effiency. This is effected by
placing an electric shaft bgenerator drive on the reduction gearing.
• It is possible to substitute a damaged propeller blade under water, if
Nejat Oztezcan Chief Engineer 47
Disadvantages of controllable pitch propellers;

• Propeller efficiency is lower than fixed pitch propellers due to the

relatively large hub, which contains the machanism for adjusting the
blade pitch and the bearings.

• They are more prone to damage by objects in the water than are fixed
pitch propellers.

• On average they are three to four times more expensive than fixed
pitched propellers.

• The hydraulic sysytem can fail and then require maintenance.

Nejat Oztezcan Chief Engineer 48

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Nejat Oztezcan Chief Engineer 51
Water jet propulsion

The principles of a water jet

The water jet propulsion system was developed in New Zealand by Bill
Hamilton to provide a propulsion system that would propel a vessel on
fast flowing and shallow rivers.

They are now used throughout the world in a range of vessels from
pleasure craft to large sea-going ferries where high propulsive
efficiencies are required.

Vessels in excess of eighty metres in length are now capable of speeds

up to 40 knots using large water jets powered by either gas turbine or
large diesel engines. There are several companies now producing water
jets with the two most popular being Hamilton Jet and KaMeWa.
Nejat Oztezcan Chief Engineer 52
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Steering gear

Nejat Oztezcan Chief Engineer 55

Steering gear
A Steering Gear is the equipment provided on ships to turn the ship
to left (Port side) or to right (Starboard side) while in motion during

The Steering Gear works only when the ship is in motion and, does
not work when the ship is stationary.

All the ships are to be provided with, an efficient main steering gear,
an auxiliary steering gear and, except for very small ships, the main
steering gear should be power operated.

Nejat Oztezcan Chief Engineer 56

Manually operated, mechanical Steering Gears were in use
during sailing ship days. Later on, after the onset of steam
engines, mechanized gears were used. Modern ships use all very
sophisticated Steering Gear systems which could fall in either of
the categories:

1. Fully hydraulic type

2. Electro-hydraulic type

3. Fully electric type

4. Mechanic Type ( Small Boats only )

Nejat Oztezcan Chief Engineer 57
Wire and Pulley

A wire and pulley arrangement which consists of a wire wound

around a drum fitted to the wheel. The wire passes through a
series of pulleys on the two sides which connect to the tiller or
quadrant of the rudder mechanism. All components should be
inspected and greased or oiled as appropriate and the cable must
be kept tight.

Nejat Oztezcan Chief Engineer 58

Chain And Box

A wide variety of chain and box installations make use of

automotive parts such as shafts, universal joints and truck
steering boxes. These systems require periodic inspection and
lubrication. The chain is liable to stretch and should be checked
regularly. For this reason the chain length is usually adjustable.

Nejat Oztezcan Chief Engineer 59

Push-Pull Cable

A push-pull cable type steering arrangement is similar to that used

on outboard motors. The length of the cable should not be too
long or short as this can affect the tiller response.

Nejat Oztezcan Chief Engineer 60

Basic Hydraulic Systems

Hydraulic systems are common in vessels of 12 metres or more in

length. These systems range from simple manual systems to
electro-hydraulic ones.

The system operates utilising the flow of hydraulic fluid under

pressure to control the movement and position of the rudder.

The system consists of a two way hydraulic pump, usually an

internal gear pump, connected to the wheel. Two pipes lead from
the pump to the hydraulic cylinder and ram, which in turn is
connected to the tiller.

The rotation of the wheel will force oil from the pump to one side
of the ram thus rotating the rudder.
Nejat Oztezcan Chief Engineer 61
A major problem associated with any hydraulic system is air
in the system therefore, most systems are built to be self
purging of air.

The emergency steering will require the oil to be by-passed

and a valve is placed between the two sides of the system
for this purpose.

To prevent hydraulic locking, this valve will need to be

opened when the emergency system is to be operational. In
addition, there should be a relief valve which spills the oil
from one side to the other in the event of shock loading to
the system.

Nejat Oztezcan Chief Engineer 62

Simple Hydraulic System

Nejat Oztezcan Chief Engineer 63

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Nejat Oztezcan Chief Engineer 66
Complete Steering Gear system main components are;

• Hydraulic Oil Tank

• Hydraulic Power Unit ( Pumps and motors)

• Hydraulic Cylinders (Rams)

• Hydraulic directional control valves

• Hydraulic Relief Valves

• Other hydraulic valves ( non-return valves, back pressure valves, flow

control valves, counterbalance valves ext.)

Nejat Oztezcan Chief Engineer 67

11 Oil Tank

Nejat Oztezcan Chief Engineer 68

Hydraulic oil tank
Hydraulic oil;

Should be a good quality mineral oil with the following properties;

• Low pour point (-50C)

• Low viscosity ( 30 Redwood sec. at 600C)
• High viscosity index
• High flash point (closed flash point above 1500C)
• Non sludge forming
• Non corrosive
• Good lubricating properties

Different oil should not be mixed.

Nejat Oztezcan Chief Engineer 69

Oil changing:

After every three months oil samples must be taken from;

• Oil reservoir
• One of the main cylinders

Oil samples should be taken immediately after running the gear.

If the oil be outwith the specefied cleanlines, completely drain all oil of
the hydraulic system and after throughly cleaning, replenish the system
with new clean oil together with new filter elements.

Nejat Oztezcan Chief Engineer 70

Pumps suitable for steering gear systems

Pumps used for supplying the working fluid to the main steering gear
can be of either the variable capacity reversible delivery type or the
fixed delivery non-reversible type.

For large capacity outputs with high rates of change in demand, the
variable capacity pumps are normally fitted.

These are of two main types, the Hele-Shaw variable stroke pump
having radial cylinders and the swash plate variable stroke pump having
axial cylinders.

Nejat Oztezcan Chief Engineer 71

Hele-Shaw Pump

Nejat Oztezcan Chief Engineer 72

Variable Stroke Reversible Swashplate Pump
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Non-reverse locking gear
When two pumping units are fitted and only one is running, the
idle pump might be driven in the reverse direction by fluid under
pressure from the running pump, if non-reverse locking gear were
not fitted.

Nejat Oztezcan Chief Engineer 77

Nejat Oztezcan Chief Engineer 78
3 4

1 2

4/3 Hydraulic direction control valves

Nejat Oztezcan Chief Engineer 79
Nejat Oztezcan Chief Engineer 80
Complete Steering Gear system consists of three main parts :

1. Telemotor

2. Control Unit

3. Power Unit.

Nejat Oztezcan Chief Engineer 81

Telemotor unit comprises of two parts :

1. Transmitter
2. Receiver.

• The Transmitter is located on the navigation bridge in the form of

a wheel, which transmits the given order to the Receiver located
in the steering gear compartment, by turning the steering wheel.
• The Receiver conveys this order to the Control Unit, also located
in the steering gear compartment, via linear motion.

The Telemotor is generally hydraulic type, electric type or, as is the

case with modern steering systems, it could be electro-hydraulic
type. In olden days, Telemotors were purely mechanical type
consisting of linkages and chains with sprockets. As they were
operated manually, they required very healthy sailors to operate
them. Nejat Oztezcan Chief Engineer 82
What are the types of telemotor system in steering gear on ships ?

•Electric system
a) Ward Leonard system
b) Single motor system

•Hydraulic system

•Electro Hydraulic System

a) Ram type system (2 ram or 4 ram)
b) Vane type system

Nejat Oztezcan Chief Engineer 83

Basic connection diagram ofNejat
Ward Leonard speed control system
Chief Engineer 84
Basic connection diagram of the Ward Leonard speed control system
Nejat Oztezcan Chief Engineer 85
Advantages of Ward Leonard System
•It is a very smooth speed control system over a very wide range (from
zero to normal speed of the motor).
•The speed can be controlled in both the direction of rotation of the
motor easily.
•The motor can run with a uniform acceleration.
•Speed regulation of DC motor in this ward Leonard system is very

Disadvantages of Ward Leonard System

•The system is very costly because two extra machines (motor-
generator set) are required.
•Overall efficiency of the system is not sufficient especially it is lightly

Nejat Oztezcan Chief Engineer 86

Nejat Oztezcan Chief Engineer 87
Hydraulic Steering Gear Arrangement

Nejat Oztezcan Chief Engineer 88

The electro-hydraulic system has the advantage that the signal from
the wheelhouse to steering flat is transmitted by electrical wires.

The pump supplies oil at a constant rate to a directional control valve,

which is usually positioned in the steering flat.

The valve consists of three positions, and depending on the position, will
supply oil to either side of the double acting ram. When in the neutral
position, oil is locked in the ram, thus maintaining the given rudder
angle, whilst the pump flow is circulated back to the tank. The valve is
operated by solenoids controlled from the wheelhouse via the control

As with the previous system there is a by-pass and relief valve fitted
between the left and right sides of the ram. Emergency steering can be
carried out by operating the emergency steering lever located in the
steering flat.
Nejat Oztezcan Chief Engineer 89
Steering Gear Arrangement
Oztezcan Chief Engineer 90
Nejat Oztezcan Chief Engineer 91
Electro-hydraulic Steering Gear Arrangement
Main types of steering gears power transmission units:


Piston type

Nejat Oztezcan Chief Engineer 92


pressure balanced valve

counterbalance valve

control valves

Oztezcan Chief Engineer 93
Nejat Oztezcan Chief Engineer 94
Ram type hydraulic steering gear

Nejat Oztezcan Chief Engineer 95

Ram-type electrohydraulic steering gear –

A ram-type electrohydraulic steering gear consists of two or four

hydraulic rams, connected by a link mechanism or a Rapson slide
mechanism to the tiller which turns the rudder.

A link mechanism transfers the ram movement to the tiller and imparts
maximum torque at 35° of rudder movement.

Rapson,s slide – A crosshead arrangement used on ram-type steering

gear in which the mechanical advantage increases with the angle of
turn. It is used to convert the straight line motion of the rams into an
angular movement of the tiller.

Nejat Oztezcan Chief Engineer 96

Ram-type electrohydraulic steering gear
Nejat Oztezcan Chief Engineer 97
Kawasaki RV small type

Nejat Oztezcan Chief Engineer 98

Kawasaki large type FM

Nejat Oztezcan Chief Engineer 99

Rotary vane steering gear – The rotary vane system works by
introducing pressure into compartments formed between a stator
fixed to the ship,s structure and a rotor attached to the rudder stock.

There are two or three vanes on the rotor and an equal number on
the stator to form the compartments.

When steering effort is required, the pressure is increased in the

appropriate compartments. The pressure reacts against the fixed
vanes and pushes the rotor (and the rudder stock) in the required

To increase the available torque, the diameter oft the unit is

enlarged, although it is generally smaller than an equivalent ram type
arrangement. Hydraulic pressures are also lower as the working area
is larger than the total of the rams on the ram-type gear.

. Nejat Oztezcan Chief Engineer 100

With ram operated gear the maximum degree of rudder movement is
limited by the stroke of the cylinders and the scope of the slider

One potential disadvantage of the rotary vane system is that if is a fault

inside the unit, all steering can be lost and specialist repair is needed.

With ram type gear for larger vessels there are four single-acting
cylinders so if one ram fails then the steering is not totally disabled

Nejat Oztezcan Chief Engineer 101


• Pump is switched on (bridge
panel, starter cabinet)
• According to the control signal
the hydraulic oil will be delivered
to the three chambers (red)
• The rotor is turning and the oil
of the opposite chambers will be
delivered back to the pump (blue,

Nejat Oztezcan Chief Engineer 102

Rotary vane steering gear
Nejat Oztezcan Chief Engineer 103
Main steering gear – The machinery, rudder actuators, steering gear
power units and the means of applying torque to the rudder stock (e.g.
tiller or quadrant) necessary for effecting movement of the rudder for
the purpose of steering the ship under normal service conditions, (acc.
to SOLAS).

Steering gear compartment – According to SOLAS requirements, the

steering gear compartment shall be readily accessible and, as far as
practicable, separated from the machinery spaces. Handrails and
gratings or other nonslip surfaces shall be arranged to ensure suitable
working conditions in the event of hydraulic fluid leakage. Emergency
escape shall be arranged.

Nejat Oztezcan Chief Engineer 104

Steering gear control system – The equipment through which orders
are transmitted from the navigation bridge to the steering gear power
units. Steering gear control systems comprise transmitters, receivers,
hydraulic control pumps and their associated motors, motor controllers,
piping and cables, (acc. to SOLAS).

Steering gear power unit – An electric motor and its associated

electrical equipment in the case of electric steering gear, or an electric
motor and its associated electrical equipment and connected pump in
the case of electro hydraulic steering gear, or a driving engine and
connected pump in the case of other hydraulic steering gear.

Nejat Oztezcan Chief Engineer 105

Auxiliary steering gear – The equipment other than any part of
the main steering gear necessary to steer the ship in the event
of failure of the main steering gear but not including the tiller,
quadrant or components serving the same purpose, (acc. to

The other set of steering (auxiliary ) may be an arrangements of

some other approved alternative method.
The auxiliary steering gear need only be capable of steering the
ship at navigable speed, but it must be capable of being brought
speedily in to action in an emergency. Navigable speed is one
half of maximum service speed ahead or 7 knots whichever is
the greater.

Nejat Oztezcan Chief Engineer 106

Nejat Oztezcan Chief Engineer 107
Nejat Oztezcan Chief Engineer 108
Nejat Oztezcan Chief Engineer 109
Bridge Control Panel
The remote start-stop push buttons are normally mounted in the
bridge panel together with alarm lamps. There is one push button
for start and one for stop per each pump unit. The start button is
equipped with running indicator light. Indication lights for
automatic stand-by start is also installed.
The Bridge Control Panel consists of following fields:

1. Alarm Panel.
2. Steering Mode Panel.
3. Pumps Control Panel.
4. Override Panel.
5. Control Column.
6. Wing Panel.

Nejat Oztezcan Chief Engineer 110

Alarm Panel

Alarm Panel contains the following elements:

- OVERLOAD PUMP 1 - lamp

- OVERLOAD PUMP 2 - lamp
- LAMP TEST – push button
- ALARM ACKNOWL. – push button

Nejat Oztezcan Chief Engineer 111

Standard alarm function.

Overload pump – electric motor overload.

Phase failure pump – phase failure to electric motor.
Power failure pump – power failure to electric motor.
Power failure control - power failure to steering control system.
Low oil level pump – level switch mounted in the oil reservoir.
Hydraulic lock - alarm may occur where the hydraulic system is
arranged in such manner

Nejat Oztezcan Chief Engineer 112

Control Room / Local Control Panel.
Nejat Oztezcan Chief Engineer 113
Starting procedure
To put the steering gear into service the following duties should be

1. Check the oil level in Pump Unit 1 and Pump Unit 2 tanks.
2. Open valves to rotary vane actuator from Pump Unit 1 and Pump
Unit 2.

- at the Local Control Room Panel:

1. Set Pump 1 Control Switch to position – Remote.
2. Set Pump 2 Control Switch to position – Remote.

- at the bridge control panel:

1. Start pump 1 by PUMP RUN 1 – push button.
2. Set Steering Mode Switch to adequate Steering Mode.

Nejat Oztezcan Chief Engineer 114

Local control from steering gear room
The maneuvering valves on the rudder motor can be operated
manually by use of the emergency device on the solenoids. The
selector switches on the motor controller must be turned to position
Local control.

Emergency procedures are supplied with each steering gear. These are
to be displayed on the bridge and in the steering gear room.

Nejat Oztezcan Chief Engineer 115

Type of controls in steering gear

There are three types of controls as following:

1) Follow up system

2) Automatic system

3) Non-Follow up system

Nejat Oztezcan Chief Engineer 116

Follow up system

In Follow up system mode, movement of rudder follows the

movement of steering controller.

When the helm is applied on the bridge, order is transmitted

to steering engine control. As a consequence, this control
causes the steering engine to shift with it and swings the
rudder associated with it.

When the preferred rudder angle is achieved, the feedback

without human intervention cuts off the steering engine power
through the hunting gear. Thus the rudder will turn until the
actual rudder angle is the same as desired rudder angle shown
on steering pedestal.
Nejat Oztezcan Chief Engineer 117
Automatic system

In Automatic system mode the steering is controlled by the signals

received from the master compass so that the ship is automatically held
on to a selected course.

The compass is electronic equipment. System is arranged in such a way

that when vessel is on course, rudder is amidships and balance is made
in rudder position.

Nejat Oztezcan Chief Engineer 118

Non-Follow up system

In Non-Follow up system mode, the gear will run and rudder will carry
on turning while the steering wheel or the controller is moved from its
central position.

Rudder movement is stopped when steering control is centered once

again or by the mechanical stops placed at 37o on either side.

Controllers with non follow up systems take the form of wheel, tiller
lever , joystick or push buttons.

Nejat Oztezcan Chief Engineer 119

Requirements for Steering Gears

Steering Gears are surveyed during a vessel’s annual and

periodic surveys. The requirements for steering gears are laid
down. These are summarised below.

General Design

• All vessels except twin screw vessels and vessels where the
normal means of steering is a hand tiller shall be fitted with two
independent means of steering.
• The steering gear shall be of adequate strength to steer the
vessel at maximum speed both ahead and astern.
• Rudder movement should be 35 degrees port and

Nejat Oztezcan Chief Engineer 120

• In vessels 12.5 m and over the steering gear shall be
capable of putting the rudder from 35 degrees on one side to 30
degrees on the other in 28 seconds at maximum speed.
• The steering gear shall be so designed and constructed to
prevent violent recoil of the steering wheel.
• In hydraulic systems, changing over from primary to
secondary systems should be able to be carried out easily and
• Power driven hydraulic systems shall be fitted with a relief
valve to prevent mechanical damage.
• The rudder indicator shall move in the same direction and
give a true indication of the rudder angle.
• If the emergency steering is remote from the
steering/navigation position an adequate form of communication
between these two positions shall be installed.
• Where necessary the steering gear will be fenced and have
adequate guards to avoidNejat
injury to personnel
Oztezcan Chief Engineer 121
If the the rudder is rotated by hand as in small vessels it is not
required to have a back up or emergency system.

However, in most modern vessels a mechanical means is employed to

move the tiller, thus requiring an emergency back up.

This may take the form of a hand tiller, which can be quickly and
easily fitted to the top of the rudder stock.

This emergency tiller must be kept in a place close to the steering flat
and stock.

Nejat Oztezcan Chief Engineer 122

Ships steering gear testing requirement

Testing in Port and prior to Departure

The regulations SOLAS Chapter V Regulation 26

“Tests before entering or getting underway” have to be complied


During stays in port between voyages or passages a test is to

be carried out within 12 hours of the estimated time of "stand
by departure".

Normal acceptable practice is one hour before departure, with

all the generator/alternator engines required for standby on line,
and Bridge and Engine room watchkeeping officers on duty.
Nejat Oztezcan Chief Engineer 123
Prior to testing, the following checks are to be carried out :

•The hydraulic oil levels in the main gear, its reserve tank (minimum
level equivalent to 90% total capacity), and the telemotor systems.

•The grease points and greasing arrangements.

•A visual inspection of the steering gear and associated linkage.

•The communication system between the steering gear

compartment and the bridge.

Testing is to include the following:

•The main steering gear, power units, pumps, and hydraulic

•All the bridge manual steering controls.
Nejat Oztezcan Chief Engineer 124
•The bridge/steering spaces electric control system.

•Manual operation of steering control.

•Power Unit failure alarms.

•All remote rudder angle indicators.

•Swinging the rudder from hard to port to hard to starboard.

•Automatic isolating arrangements and other automatic equipment.

Nejat Oztezcan Chief Engineer 125

During this operation, the remote rudder angle indicators are to
be checked for accuracy with the master indicator affixed to the
steering gear.

The amp.meter readings from both motors are to be recorded in

the Engine Room Log.

The time taken for the rudder to move from hard over (35
degrees) from one side to the other is to be recorded for both
motors singly and then both together.

These times are to be compared with the manufacturer’s

specified times.

Nejat Oztezcan Chief Engineer 126

If the time taken to move the rudder from 35 degrees on either
side to 30 degrees on the other side exceeds 28 seconds when
using both motors, then the appropriate management office is to
be advised.

When hard-over, the rudder must not exceed its designated limit
as this could lead to the rudder getting stuck in this position. The
SOLAS requirement is 35 degrees on both sides.

A creep test is to be carried out, and the results recorded in the

Engine Room Log.

Nejat Oztezcan Chief Engineer 127

Electrical, Hydraulic and Mechanical Change-Over Procedures

All Engineer Officers must be able to carry out the electrical,

hydraulic and mechanical change-over procedures.

If not in existence, a valve position diagram must be produced with

the position of all valves.

Such valves are to be clearly marked by numbers or letters.

Nejat Oztezcan Chief Engineer 128

Emergency Steering Drill

An Emergency Steering Drill is to be carried out at least once

every 3 months.

It is to consist of direct operation of the main steering gear by

manual control within the steering compartment. Steering is to be
directed by communication from the bridge to the steering

Where applicable, the operation of alternative power supplies is to

be tested. Notices are to be posted next to the steering gear
emergency station with a warning that no testing of the steering
gear control system or its components is to take place whilst the
vessel is underway, unless under the direct supervision of the Chief
Engineer. All ship’s staff must be made aware of this requirement.

Nejat Oztezcan Chief Engineer 129

Testing at Sea

Testing of the steering gear at sea is at the jurisdiction of the Master.

The Master is to be on the Bridge and the Chief Engineer in the

steering gear compartment at the time of the test.

Under normal sea speed, the rudder is to be put from hard to port to
hard to starboard on one motor, and then on the other motor. This
process is then to be repeated using both motors. The ammeter
readings during these tests are to be recorded and entered in the
Engine Room Log Book.

If the time taken to move the rudder from 35 degree on either side to
30 degree on the other side exceeds 28 seconds when using both
motors then the appropriate management office is to be advised.
Nejat Oztezcan Chief Engineer 130
On vessels with steering gear designed to operate with only one motor
on even when manoeuvring (the second motor being on stand-by),
single motor operation should meet this criteria.

A creep test is also to be carried out and the results recorded in the
Engine Room Log Book.

Creep Test - With 1 motor on a setting midships If the rudder creeps

more than 5 degrees in one minute then management office is to be

Nejat Oztezcan Chief Engineer 131

•What is meant be non follow up system in steering gear ?

When steering gear set to required position, rudder is moved &

when rudder reach the required position, steering gear must be set
to off position.

What is meant be follow up system in steering gear ?

When steering gear set to required position, rudder is moved &

when rudder reaches the set position, steering gear still remains at
that position. This system uses the hunting gear arrangement.

Nejat Oztezcan Chief Engineer 132

Action in case of electrical telemotor failure ?

•Put bridge control to manual

•Emergency steering gear system is operated by (solenoid button)
whether port or starboard.
•Rudder angle indicator and communication system between steering
room and bridge must be provided.

How to operate emergency steering gear ?

Disconnect auto pilot system.

Take out change over pin from attachment with telemotor receiver &
fit to the hand gear.
Use communication system with telephone from steering gear room
to bridge.

Nejat Oztezcan Chief Engineer 133

What are steering gear tests & maintenance ?

Control test
Just prior to 1 hour before departure of vessel.

12 hour before departure

Operation of main & auxiliary steering gear.
Operation of remote control system.
Operation of emergency power supply.
Alarm test.
Actual rudder angle & indicator.
Communication system.(Bridge, Engine room & Steering gear room)

Every 3 months interval

Emergency steering gear drill at steering gear room to bridge with
sound communication system.
Nejat Oztezcan Chief Engineer 134
Steering tests required before departure ?

Steering gear should be checked at least one hour prior to

•Telemotor transmitter oil level to be checked
•Oil level of actuating system tank should be checked and
replenished if necessary.
•Rudder carrier bearing and bottom sea gland checked and greased.
•Start pump and check response of the gear
•Check abnormal noise and heat
•Check load carrying and running of the gear ( swing from port 35°
to stbd 30° within 28 sec )

Nejat Oztezcan Chief Engineer 135

Which types of pump used in hydraulic steering system ?

Motor driven constant speed variable stroke delivery pumps . There are
two types.

•Radial piston type ( hele- shaw pump )

•Axial piston type ( swash plate pump )

Or fixed delivery non-reversible type.

Nejat Oztezcan Chief Engineer 136

What are the advantages of rotary vane type over ram type ?

•Smaller space required

•Low installation cost
•Less weight
•Smaller power required, for the same load, because it can transmit
pure torque to the rudder stock.

Nejat Oztezcan Chief Engineer 137

What are the properties of telemotor hydraulic fluid ?

Good quality mineral lubricating oil is used. Its properties are;

•Low pour point (-50°C)

•Low viscosity ( to reduced fractional drag, but not too thin to mate
gland sealing, 30 Redwood Secs at 60°C)
•High viscosity index (110)
•High flash point (150° C closed)
•Non sludge forming
•Non corrosive
•Good lubricating properties
•Specific gravity 0.88 at 15.5° C

Nejat Oztezcan Chief Engineer 138

In four rams type steering gear system, what unit you make in
service when one cylinder damage ?

If one cylinder damage, four rams steering gear can be used as two
rams type steering gear.

•First place the rudder at mid position.

•Isolate the circuit valves of two cylinder inlet.

Nejat Oztezcan Chief Engineer 139

What are daily check in steering gear room ?

•Pressure gauge of steering pump.

•Motor ampere on the steering switch board & motor hand touch
•Noise and vibration.
•Oil level in tank
•Oil leakage in system
•Grease in rudder carrier bearing
•Check the bottom seal gland whether good or not.

Nejat Oztezcan Chief Engineer 140

What are steering system regulations ?

•Every ship shall be provided with a main steering gear and an auxiliary
steering gear.
•The failure of one of them will not render the other one inoperative.
•Relief valves shall be fitted to any part of the hydraulic system.
•The main steering gear and rudder stock shall be:

(a) of adequate strength and capable of steering the ship at maximum

ahead service speed.
(b) capable of putting the rudder over from 35′ on one side to 35′ on the
other side with the ship at its deepest sea going draught and running
ahead at maximum ahead service speed and, under the same
conditions, from 35′ on either side to 30′ on the other side in not more
than 28 seconds.
(c) So that they will not be damaged at maximum astern speed.
Nejat Oztezcan Chief Engineer 141
•The auxiliary steering gear shall be:

(a) of adequate strength and capable of steering the ship at navigable

speed and of being brought speedily into action in an emergency.
(b) capable of putting the redder over from 15′ on one side to 15′ on the
other side in not more than 60 seconds with the ship at its deepest
seagoing draught and running ahead at one half of the maximum ahead
service speed or 7 knots, whichever is the greater.

•In every tanker, chemical tanker or gas carrier of 10,000 gross ton and
upwards and in every ships of 70,000 gross ton and upwards, the main
steering gear shall comprise two or more identical power units.

Nejat Oztezcan Chief Engineer 142

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