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Brandy Williams

12 April 2019

On October the 20th 2018 me and my mentor Ms.Thompson did a activity that was based on

college readiness.Ms.Thompson gave me wisdom on how to make a decision on choosing the

college that is best for me,and this took 30 minutes.

On October the 21st 2018 we studied a court case between Brown and the board of

education.This taught me that representation for individuals is necessary,and this took 20


On October the 22nd 2018 Ms.Thompson asked me questions about the Bill of Rights and what

it means to enforce your rights,she wanted to know if I knew my rights as an individual.This

took 15 minutes.

On October the 23rd 2018 Ms.Thompson made me write down the ten amendments and read

them for 3 minutes as a way to perfect my speaking skills.This taught me how to project my

voice and how to speak with boldness.

On October the 24th 2018 Ms.Thompson taught me how to market myself and how to gain

clients as a individual by helping me to identify a target audience.This took 20 minutes .

On October the 26 2018 Ms.Thompson gave me a list of 5 words and instructed me to define

them to help expand my vocabulary.This took me 5 minutes to complete the task.

On October the 27th Ms,Thompson designed a “priority making activity”.This not only taught

me how to prioritize my life ,but it also taught how to stay focused with a concrete strategy.This

took me 10 minutes to complete the test.

Brandy Williams
12 April 2019

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