Exp. (2) Vector Addition (Force Table) : Name: Osama Ayub Khalil ID: 2014001804 Course Number: Phy. 111 Lab Lab Section:1

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Name: Osama Ayub Khalil

ID: 2014001804
Course number: Phy. 111 Lab
Lab section:1

Exp. (2)
Vector addition (force

Abstract: this
experiment is about the Vectors addition .i am going .1
to indicate how we can find resultant of two and three vectors by
use force table to determine the magnitude and direction of several
.simultaneously applied forces

:Objective(s) of the experiment .2

Determination of the resultant of two and three vectors

Experimentally .1
Graphically (geometric solution) .2
Analytically (algebraic solution) .3

:Background (Theory) .3

|R|=R= √ R2x +R2y=
Rx = Ax + Bx + Cx

R y = Ay + By + C y

∅=tan−1 ( )

:Procedure (method) .4

Two Applied Forces

Place a pulley at the 20.0o mark on the force table and place 0.100 kg on the end .1
of TheString

Magnitude of the force (in Newton) produced by the mass .2

Place a second pulley at the 90.0o and mark on the force table and place a total of .3

0.200Kg on the end of the string

Experimentally determine by trial and error the magnitude of mass needed and the .4

Angle at which it must be placed in order to place the ring in equilibrium

Determined mass calculate the force produced and record the Magnitude and .5

Direction of this equilibrant force FEIin Data Table 1 and from the value of the
Equilibrant force FEI, determine the magnitude and direction of the resultant force FRI

And record them in Data Table 1

Find the resultant of these two applied forces by scaled graphical construction .6
using the parallelogram method

Using trigonometry, calculate the components of F1 and F2 and record them in the .7

Analytical solution portion of Calculations Table 1

Three Applied Forces

Place a pulley at 30o with 0.150 kg on it, one at 100owith 0.200 kg on it, and one at .1

.145owith 0.100 kg on it

Calculate the force produced by those masses and record them as F3, F4 and F5 in .2

Data Table 2

Determine the equilibrant force and theresultant force and record their magnitudes .3
and directions in Data Table 2 as FE2 and FR2

Find the resultant of these three applied forces using scaled graphical .4

But for this case use the polygon method

Using trigonometry calculate the components of all three forces, the components .5

The resultant, the magnitude and direction of the resultant, and record them all in

.calculations Table 2

:Data .5

:A. Two vectors

Experimentally .1

Direction Force (N) Mass (kg)

1 = 20 F1 = M1. g =0.981 M1= 0.100

2 = 90 F2 = M2. g = 1.962 M2=0.200

E =250 FE = ME . g = 2.6487 ME= 0.270

R = 69 FR = MR. g = 2.6487 MR= 0.270

Graphically (geometric solution) .2

R = 5.5 x 0.49 = 2.69 N

R = 68.1o

Direction (deg) Force (Newton) = M g Mass (kg)

1 = 20o F1 = 0.981 N M1 = 0.100

2 = 90o F2 = 1.96 N M2 = 0.200

R = 68.1 Resultant force = 2.69


Analytically (algebraic solution) .3

y- x- Directio Force (Newton) = M g Mass (kg)

comp comp n (deg)
0.335 0.921 1 = 20o F1 = 0.981 M1 = 0.100
1.96 0 2 = 90o F2 = 1,96 M2 = 0.200
2.295 0.921 Resultant force = 2.69
R =68.1

F1X=F1COS20=0.921 F1y=F1 SIN20=0.335

F2X=F2 COS 90=0 F2y=F2 SIN 90=1.96

FX =0.921 ∑FY=2.295∑

√ 0.9212+2.295 2=2.47 ∅=tan−1 ( 2.295

0.921 )
:B. Three vectors

Experimentally .1

Direction Force (N) Mass (kg)

3 = 30o F3 = M3. g = 1.47 M3= 0.150

4 = 100o F4 = M4. g = 1.96 M4=0.200

5 = 145o F5 = M5. g = 0.98 M5=0.100

E = 270o FE = ME . g = 3.433 ME= 0.350

R = 89o FR = MR. g = 3.433 MR= 0.350

Graphically (geometric solution) .2

Direction Force (Newton) = M g Mass (kg)


3 = 30o F3 = 1.47 M3 = 0.150

4 = 100o F4 = 1.96 M4 = 0.200

5 = 145o F5 = 0.98 M5 = 0.100

R = 88.8o Resultant force = 3.3

R= 3.23 , R = 87.69
Analytically (algebraic solution) .3

y-comp x-comp Direction Force (Newton) = M g Mass (kg)

0.735 1.27 3 = 30o F3 = 1.47 M3 = 0.150
1.93 0.34- 4 = 100o F4 = 1.96 M4 = 0.200
0.56 0.80- F5 = 0.98 M5 = 0.100
5 = 145o
3.231 0.131 Resultant force =3.23
R = 88.67

F3X=F3COS30=1.27 F3y=F3 SIN30=0.735

F4X=F4COS100=-0.34 F4y=F4 SIN100=1.93
F5X=F5COS145=-0.80 F5y=F5 SIN145=0.56

FX =0.131 ∑FY=3.231∑
√ 0.1312+3.2312 =3.336
∅=tan−1 ( 3.231
0.131 )

:Conclusion .7

We determined how to arrange the vectors .1

how to find the resultant force of the vector .2

used graphical solution for the addition of vectors .3

used analytical solution for the addition vectors .4

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