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Ordu is in the Eastern Black Sea Region. In the north there is Black Sea, in the south Tokat
and Sivas, in the east Giresun, in the west Samsun. The location of the province is
between 40' 41' north latitude and 37' 38' east meridian. Its total area covers 5961 km²
and there are some alluvial levels in patches formed by the rivers like Melet, Civil and
Akçaova. The general population of the city is 715.409 according to the census in 2008 .

Culture And Tourism

Ordu is one of the most beautiful places of the world with its natural richness, historical tissue, sea,
creeks and plateau. It is possible to find the all tones of colours in Ordu. You can do all types of
nature sports in our province where four seasons can be experienced in a day. Birdwatching,
mountaineering, tracking, camping, picnic, watching sun rising and setting, walking under the rain,
swimming in the sea with its long and untouched beaches, eating fish in our breathtaking plateaus
and have a rest are the activities can be done.

It is breathtaking to watch Boztepe from the city and the city from Boztepe that has become the
symbol ot the city. Boztepe, Bozukkale (Cotyora), Kurul Rocks Settlement, Büben Rock Graves,
Taþbaþý Culture Centre (Former Prison-Church), Ethnography Museum (Paþaoðlu Mansion) are the
historical places in city centre. The historical mosques, fountains, cliff tombs; due to having been

the settlements for centuries, the castles, the entrance-halls on the top of the cliffs, handicrafts,
craftsmen are all worth to appreciate and see from the point of view of culture and tourism.

Historical & Natural Places
Ulugol: Ulugol is a crater lake 17 km away from center of Golkoy District. The lake's diameter is
about 250 m. Wild duck hunting is allowed around the lake. It is surrounded by the forest. Camping
facilities are available. Further touristic investments are under progress.

Hoynat Island: It is one of the most important historical places of Persembe district. It is a paradise
on which gulls and cormorants live. It is known as the only place on which cormorants build a nest in
our country.

Unye Castle: It is in Unye district on the Unye - Niksar main road's 7 km left. It is situated on a rock
which is in 5 km south eastern part of the district. It was built 2500 years ago. It is in Kale Village

Golkoy Castle: It takes place in Kale quarter in Golkoy district. It was built on a wide area with a
single entrance. It overlooks the district and it is convenient for observation and defence. There is a
bastion and an observation tower which is in cylinder shape on left part of the castle's entrance. It
was put on the list of UNESCO's World Heritage Sites list in 1997.

Bolaman Castle: It is a castle which is built on the eastern black sea coast. It consists of two parts
as interior and outer part for controlling. The interior castle is on the west point of the castle and it
is made of hewn stones. A wooden mansion was built on the interior castle in 18 century. This house
which is known as Kademoglu Mansion was built with double bayed windows on the interior castle. It
forms civilian architectural example of our region.

Tasbasi Culture Centre (old Prison-church): It is in urban sile area in Tasbasi Street in the city
centre of Ordu and it was built in 1853. It has been used as Culture Centre since April 10, 2000.

Pasaoglu Mansion (Ethnography Museum): Ordu museum takes place in Selimiye district on the
main mad of Bozlepe. It is among the registered work of arts and it has a wonderful stone
workmanship. The mansion was built by Pasaoglu Huseyin Efendi in 1896. It constitutes the most
beautiful civilian architectural of the 19th century and it has three floors with the ground.
Pasaoglu Mansion is nationalized by Ministry of Culture and Tourism General Directorship of
Monuments and Museums in 1982, it was restored in 1987 and it is now in the service as 'Pasaoglu
Mansion and Ethnography Museum'. There are 2.121 works in the museum.

Osman Pasa Fountain: It was build for Trabzon governor Hazinedarzade Osman pasa, originally from
Ordu in the year 1842. It was deconstructed in 1937 and was rebuilt by the city municipality in
accordance with its original under the patronage of businessman Fahri Celebi of Ordu in 1992. It is
the fountain with highest highest pillars in the country.

Boztepe: The Province of Ordu extends along the banks of Boztepe. It is 450 m to the sea level. It is
splendid experience to view the Province from Boztepe, a panorama combined with the magnificent
appearance of Blacksea. It is possible to have access to the city center at 6 km away on the
highway. There are refreshment and boarding facilities and picnic areas within the forestry.

Cape Jason Peninsula: It is in Caytepe Village borders, 15 km away from Persembe district and 28
km from the city centre. There is a church in Yason which was built in 1869.

Caka Sandbank and Excursion Area: Caka Sandbank is near Hoynat Island, an extremely natural
corner of Per§embe District. It is one of the rare beaches that are immune from ecologic pollution.
Caka while sand beach are full of premises to address to every needs and tastes.

Efirli Beach: It is located east ol Persembe District in the boundaries of Ordu Province. Efirli Beach
is the most important resort place of the Province since years. Accommodating the public resort
premises. There are also boarding premises, music, and entertainment areas in Efirli beach. There
is an observation tower, lifeboat and jumping dock.

Spas: Sarmasik Spas in Fatsa District are among the leading spas within Ordu Province.
The public spa is located at 10 km of stabilized road from Bolaman Pasture at the east of Fatsa
District, operated by provincial management. The spa premises include 236 beds in 85 rooms,
Turkish bath and conventional bench baths.


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