S A C S: Aim Cademy of Omputer Cience 88/W.B

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Saim Academy of Computer Science 88/W.

Physics (1st) Marks: 30 Ch 11 FULL Time: 1 hour Test.No.11
Q.1 Encircle the best answer.cutting over-writing is not allowed 10

i. Temperature of a gas is increased from 270 C to 1270C. The ratio of its mean K:E will be:
a) ¾ b) 9/16 c) 4/3 d) 10/9
ii. The internal energy of a piece of lead when beaten by hammer will:
a) Increase b) decrease c) remain constant d) first increase then decrease
iii. If the temperature of a system is kept constant, the process is called:
a) Isobaric b) isochoric c) isothermal d) adiabatic
iv. First law of thermodynamics for an adiabatic process will be written as:
a) Q = W b) Q = -W c) W = -∆𝑈 d) 𝑊 = ∆𝑈
v. A heat engine operates b/w the temperature 1000k and 400k. Its efficiency can be equal to:
a) 50% b) 60% c) 70% d) 100 %
vi. An adiabatic process is that which has constant:
a) Entropy b) volume c) pressure d) temperature
vii. A device based upon the thermodynamic property of matter is called:
a) Colorimeter b) heat engine c) thermometer d) Voltmeter
viii. How much energy petrol engine converts into work:
a) 100% b) 75% c) 50% d) 25%
ix. Boltzmann constant ‘k’ has same unit as:
a) Temperature b) energy c) entropy d) pressure
x. The internal energy of system does not depend on:
a) Temperature b) pressure c) path d) initial and final state
Q.2 Write the short answers 06 x 02 = 12

i) Why is the average velocity of the molecules in a gas zero but the average of the square of velocities is not
ii) Derive Charles’ law from kinetic molecular theory of gas.
iii) Why does the pressure of a gas in a car tyre increase when it is driven through some distance?
iv) Give the four postulates of kinetic molecular theory of gas.
v) A thermos flask containing milk as a system is shaken rapidly. Does the temperature of milk rise?
vi) How petrol engine differ from diesel engine?

Q.3 (a) What is Canot theorem?discribe its four steps of its cycle and calculate efficiency of Canot engine.

b) A thermodynamic system undergoes a process in which its internal energy decreases by 300 J. If at the
same time 120 J of work is done on the system, find the heat lost by the system.
M.SHAFIQ M.Sc Mathematics
1a 2a 3c 4c 5b 6a 7c 8d 9c 10c

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