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January – March 2018

Hola del Ecuador, (Greetings from Ecuador Backpack Project: Many of you are familiar with our school
and Feliz Año Nuevo, (Happy New Year). supply backpack program as you have
Thank you from the bottom of our hearts purchased items, donated monies or
for your prayers, financial support and just helped get items to Ecuador. This
loving us this past year. You make it year we gave out over 400 back packs
possible for us to share the Gospel, above which included a Spanish Bible to the
children in our communities, but we had some left over and
the clouds, in our remote
gave them to various other missionaries in Cuenca and some
villages of the Southern Andes Mountains of Ecuador. to our friends on the Coast.

Itineration: We returned from a productive two months A testimony from the Coast. Marsha writes, “La Entrada is a
in the U.S. on Itineration (raising money for the ministry). small fishing village on the coast with
We drove several thousand very poor people here in the
miles sharing about the ministry with village. The fishermen go out in the
pastors, church leaders, mission ocean in their boats each night and
teams, small groups and individuals. fish with nets, when they return in
We can’t say thank you enough to all the morning, the fish is shared in the
those who hosted us in your homes, village. We have a small elementary
allowed us to share in your churches, school with about 130 children. This
year we are grateful to the ministry
set up speaking opportunities and
“Pate Ministries” for
purchased meals or gave us gift cards. providing backpacks for the older children that included
Now that we are back, we have started back working in school supplies, a poster of the Christmas story and a Spanish
our bible clubs and are very busy setting up plans for Bible. These backpacks were given to the children at
over twenty-something short term missions teams that Christmas and was the only gift that they received. Of
are coming to work with us this year. course, the children were overjoyed, but the best gift to us,

was after Christmas, when one of the older Christian men in
The “E” Team: While we were in the States, our bible the village came to thank us for providing a Bible in the
clubs continued, Praise the Lord! backpacks. He said, “now each of the families in the village
Our Ecuadorian or “E” team did a has a Bible in their home.” This is because of your
great job. They completely ran our contribution. Thank you.” Wow, what a testimony to the
Bible clubs. They shared Bible Glory of God. Do you see how your money is affecting the
lessons, crafts, music, games, and people in Ecuador? Thank you for supporting Pate Ministries.
Prayer Request: Please pray that God would send a couple or
importantly, scripture memorization. family to come serve with us. If this is you don’t ignore the
At Christmas Leslie even made and Lord’s calling. Please email me (see email below)

decorated over 400 cupcakes. What a
Blessings, Gary & Dena Pate
treat for the kids!

5 Easy ways to donate to Pate Ministries & For the children Ecuador, Inc.
Accessing “PayPal” or
1) 2) Bill Pay 3) Mail a check to 4)Amazon Smile: designate “For 5) United Way:
“PayPal Subscribe” on through your Pate Ministries or the children Ecuador, Inc,” as your designate “Pate
Pate Ministries Website. local bank FTCE at PO Box 893, charity and shop on Amazon Smile’s Ministries” on your Callahan, FL 32011 website; contribution form.

For more information: check out our website at or our Pate Ministries Facebook Pate
Ministries (updated daily) or contact us at 904-879-1396 (US Internet phone) or email us at
Please like us on Facebook & share our newsletter FTCE is a 501(c)3, non-profit organization; all gifts are tax deductible.

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