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European Journal of Neurology 2010, 17: 885–889 doi:10.1111/j.1468-1331.2010.02950.


High-resolution ultrasound in the evaluation and prognosis of BellÕs

Y. L. Loa, S. Fook-Chongb, T.H. Leohc, Y. F. Danc, M. P. Leec, H. Y. Ganc and L. L. Chand
Department of Neurology, National Neuroscience Institute, Singapore General Hospital; bDepartment of Clinical Research, Singapore
General Hospital; cDepartment of Neurology, Singapore General Hospital; and dDepartment of Diagnostic Radiology, Singapore General
Hospital, Singapore, Singapore

Keywords: Introduction: BellÕs palsy is a commonly encountered paralysis of the facial nerve
Bell’s palsy, blink reflex, occurring worldwide. Prognosis for BellÕs palsy is good, but the proportion of patients
diagnosis, nerve with poor outcomes may reach 30%. Ultrasound (US) may provide a novel approach
conduction study, for evaluating and prognosticating BellÕs palsy, in comparison with known electro-
prognosis, ultrasound physiological techniques.
Methods: In this study, we measured the diameter of the distal facial (VII) nerve
Received 9 October 2009 using US in patients with BellÕs palsy treated with prednisolone, in comparison with
Accepted 22 December 2009 healthy controls. Blink reflex and VII nerve conduction studies were also performed.
Studies were prospective and performed within 1 week of disease onset.
Results: Our results have shown that diameter of the distal VII nerve is a good
predictor of favorable (positive predictive value: 100%) and bad outcomes (negative
predictive value: 77%) in BellÕs palsy at 3 months after clinical presentation. Fur-
thermore, we also noted the lack of correlation of VII diameter with conventional VII
nerve conduction studies (NCS) and blink reflex studies. US was superior to VII nerve
conduction and blink reflex studies in outcome prediction.
Conclusions: This first study utilizing US in BellÕs palsy highlights its role in outcome
prediction and contributes to our understanding of recovery processes in this common
neurological disorder.

BellÕs palsy is a commonly encountered paralysis of the nerve conduction, and blink reflexes. In particular,
facial nerve occurring worldwide. The etiology remains preservation of the blink reflex and absence of sponta-
uncertain, although preceding viral infection may play a neous electromyographic activity were associated with
role. Prognosis for BellÕs palsy is good, but the pro- good outcomes [7]. Their clinical utility has not been
portion of patients with poor outcomes may reach compared with other methods of evaluation to date.
30%. Recently, a large multi-center trial has shown that The usage of ultrasound (US) is of proven efficacy in
early use of prednisolone significantly improved the carpal tunnel syndrome, ulnar neuropathy, and femoral
chances of completely recovery [1]. neuropathy [8]. It is quick safe, painless, inexpensive
Marked facial nerve enhancement in the facial canal and has the added capability of demonstrating struc-
is the characteristic MR change in BellÕs palsy [2]. tural lesions along the course of the affected nerve. We
However, various studies have separately documented have previously demonstrated its efficacy in the locali-
involvement of the mastoid, [3] tympanic, [4] and zation of peroneal and radial nerve entrapment [9,10].
pre-meatal portions [5]. Despite these observations, To our knowledge, there are no published studies
prognostic value of MRI remains uncertain [6]. Fur- detailing the use of US in BellÕs palsy. Previous experi-
thermore, MR scanning is expensive, time-consuming ences have been for operative workup of parotid tumors
and necessitates the use of contrast agents. [11]. To this end, US may provide a novel approach for
Before the advent of imaging, electrophysiological evaluating and prognosticating BellÕs palsy, in compari-
methods have been utilized to predict outcomes in BellÕs son with known electrophysiological techniques.
palsy. Tests employed included electromyography, facial
Correspondence: Dr Y. L. Lo, Outram Road, Singapore 169608,
Singapore (tel: 65 63265003; fax: 65 62203321; This study was carried out prospectively after approval
e-mail: was obtained from our institutional review board. We

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Figure 1 Ultrasound (US) of the right

(top row) and left (bottom row) VII nerve
in a patient. The right VII nerve shows
abnormally increased VII diameter of
0.26 cm, indicated by arrows. The left VII
nerve shows a normal diameter of
0.11 cm. The flow duplex shows the facial
artery related deep to the VII nerve which
terminates into branches in the parotid
substance. The patients had an unfavor-
able outcome at 3 months after clinical

included patients with acute onset of unilateral BellÕs surrounding muscle and exhibits a linear fascicular
palsy, all seen within a 1-week period from onset of appearance. In contrast, the abnormal facial nerve is
symptoms. We excluded patients with diabetes mellitus, often swollen, with loss of hyperechoic appearance and
traumatic facial palsy, or other causes of polyneuro- fascicular pattern. Each study was performed within the
pathy that may confound the diagnosis. first week of clinical presentation. US images were
Each patient was seen initially by an experienced stored and analyzed offline by a separate blinded
neurologist who confirmed the diagnosis and classified examiner. Figure 1 shows an actual example of US
severity according to the House-Brackmann grading of examination in a patient.
I to VI [12]. All patients were treated with predniso- In addition, blink reflex studies were performed by
lone 50 mg a day for a period of 10 days [1]. Patients stimulating the facial nerve at the pre-auricular region,
were followed up by the same neurologist blinded to and recordings were made at the orbicularis oculi
US findings when a final grading at 3 months was muscles. We recorded both early (R1) and late (R2)
obtained. components, and results were considered abnormal if
US examination was conducted with a General corresponding to the pathological side showed either
Electric Logiq 7 Pro (GE Company, New York, USA) prolonged latency (R1: >12 ms; R2: >35 ms) or
machine, employing a 5 to 10 MHz linear array trans- absent response.
ducer by an experienced staff. With the subject in a We also obtained direct facial nerve conduction
supine left or right lateral position, the facial nerve in studies (VII NCS) recording supramaximal compound
the longitudinal view can be identified at the mastoid muscle action potentials from the nasalis bilaterally.
region as it emerges from the stylomastoid foramen. At Data from patients consisting of distal latency and
this site, it is visualized to traverse anteriorly into the baseline to peak amplitude were compared with those
parotid gland substance before dividing into five bran- from 25 healthy controls, as were US findings. All
ches. Using color Doppler, the facial artery can be electrophysiological studies were performed with a
identified deep to the facial nerve. Medtronic Keypoint system (Medtronic, Skovlunde,
We obtained the diameter of the facial nerve from an Denmark), where amplifier filter settings were 5 to
average diameter at the most proximal and distal 5000 Hz.
visualized portions, as well as midway between these Data analysis was performed using SPSS for
two points. The normal nerve in this plane has a Windows package. In healthy controls, normality of
relatively hyperechoic neurilemoma compared to parameters was regarded as a value within two standard

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Ultrasound and Bell’s palsy 887

deviations from the mean. A P value of less than 0.05 P < 0.0005). Normal US accurately predicted all
was considered statistically significant. patients (positive predictive value = 100%) having a
good outcome of Grade I at 3 monthsÕ review. This was
higher than the accurate prediction of good outcome of
72% for VII latency, 80% for VII amplitude, and 90%
We studied 37 patients (mean age: 46; range: 25–69; 18 for blink reflex.
men) and 25 healthy controls (mean age: 45; range: Additionally, abnormal US accurately predicted for
24–71; 9 men) whose normal values are depicted in 77% (negative predictive value = 77%) of patients
Table 1. Table 2 summarizes results in all patients. with poor outcome at 3 months (Grade II and above),
Abnormalities in US diameter were 35% compared but only 25% for VII latency, 35% for VII amplitude,
with VII NCS latency (32%), VII NCS amplitude and 33% for blink reflex.
(46%), and blink reflex (73%).
No significant correlations were found for severity
grading at examination with US diameter, VII latency,
amplitude, or blink reflex findings. Neither was there Our results have shown that US diameter of the distal
significant correlation of US diameter with VII latency, VII nerve is a good predictor of good and bad outcomes
amplitude, or blink reflex findings (PearsonÕs correla- in BellÕs palsy at 3 months after clinical presentation.
tion, P > 0.05 all). We did not find any significant Furthermore, we also noted the lack of correlation of
correlation of initial severity grading with patients with US diameter with conventional VII NCS and blink
abnormal US diameter (r = 0.32, P = 0.29), VII reflex studies. US was superior to these other electro-
latency (r = 0.05, P = 0.88), and VII amplitude physiological tests in predicting good and poor recovery
(r = 0.33, P = 0.19). Using logistic regression, we did at 3 months. We have chosen the 3-month review per-
not find any significant correlation of timing (mean: iod after steroid treatment so as to be in line with the
5.14 days, standard deviation: 1.69 days, range: largest trial of BellÕs palsy treatment to date [1]. Finally,
2–7 days) with US examination (P = 0.46), VII latency US also suggested that distal abnormality of the nerve,
(P = 0.94), VII amplitude (P = 0.36), or blink reflex if present, can be visualized early.
(P = 0.1) with outcome prediction. For cases with From the superficial attachments to the brain, the
poor outcome, similar negative findings were obtained two roots of the VII nerve travel forward with the
(P = 0.33) with US examination. Overall, 27 of the 37 acoustic nerve into the internal auditory meatus. At the
patients (73%) had good recovery (Grade I) at bottom of the meatus, it enters the facial canal where it
3 months. travels forward to exit the skull at the stylomastoid
Chi-squared tests were utilized to test the association foramen. Distally, it enters the parotid substance where
of clinical grade outcomes with US, VII latency, VII it divides into distinct branches. Specifically, US in our
amplitude, and blink reflex. US was highly correlated study had visualized the region between the stylomas-
with clinical grade outcomes (v2 = 25.3, df = 1, toid foramen exit and the parotid gland. Overall, US
was painless, quick, and technically easy to perform.
Our experience with the blink reflex was similar to
Table 1 US and VII nerve conduction studies in controls
previous experiences, suggesting its high sensitivity in
Parameter Mean SD Mean + or )2SD predicting a favorable outcome [13–15]. Contrarily, this
test was much less accurate in predicting a poor out-
US diameter (cm) 0.14 0.02 0.18
VII latency (ms) 2.95 0.33 3.61 come when performed within the first 10 days of onset
VII amplitude (mV) 2.39 0.74 0.91 [16]. This may be related to the indirect way of inter-
preting the blink reflex for VII neuropathy itself.
Total number for each parameter = 50 (pool left- and right-sided
Whereas the blink reflex pathway traverses the brain-
US, ultrasound; VII, facial nerve; SD, standard deviation. stem and would be ideal for screening abnormalities
from the brainstem, and distally, it would not be ade-
quately specific for addressing dysfunction involving
Table 2 US and VII nerve conduction studies in patients the VII nerve alone.
For VII NCS, other authors have previously utilized
Parameter Mean SD Range
VII motor conduction velocity and evoked electro-
US diameter (cm) 0.17 0.2 0.09 to 0.35 myography to highlight their value in prognosis [17,18].
VII latency (ms) 3.22 0.6 2 to 5.1
However, theses patents were not treated with steroids,
VII amplitude (mV) 1.63 0.84 0.2 to 3.8
and the differences in methodology made each study
US, ultrasound; VII, facial nerve; SD, standard deviation. not directly comparable with the present. It should be

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noted that VII NCS here have addressed compound are certainly intriguing areas, and the answers may be
muscle action potentials from the nasalis only and apparent with future research.
recording from additional muscles like the orbicularis In conclusion, this is the first study utilizing US in the
would be technically more demanding. The study by evaluation and prognosis of BellÕs palsy. The findings
Olsen [19] had compared VII amplitude of the affected also contribute to our understanding of the recovery
and unaffected side as a predictor of outcome but processes in this common neurological disorder.
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