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NIM : A1A170249






Wiwi S Mokodompit

“Analysis of Deixis in Movie“Guardian of the Galaxy”. This study aims to identify kinds
of deixis and to find out the meaning of deixis in the Movie “Guardian of the Galaxy”. The
source of the data is the Movie of “Guardian of the Galaxy”. The method of this research is
descriptive qualitative method. The data of this research have been collected from the
utterances in the movie itself. There were two techniques have been used to collect the data,
they are watching the movie and read the scripts. Furthermore, the data have been analyzed
by using,watching,reading, identification, classification and analyzing The result of this study
can be concluded that kinds of deixis in the Movie “Guardian of the Galaxy”, have been
found in each utterance. In this case, there are utterances that include kinds of deixis itself
(temporal, persona and spatial deixis).

Key Words: kinds of deixis, deixis, movie; Guardian of the Galaxy

Basic Consideration
Human necessarily lives in society to communicate one to another. Communication
represents the vital and elementary social process in human life. According to Yoder in
Moekijat (1993:1), “communication is the interchange of information, ideas, attitudes,
thought and opinions”. Most of the people in Indonesia use language to communication.
Process it refers to communication while do interaction with human being. A language is
used to communicate among people, and it represents the personality and behavior of people
itself. Communication will be realized if the target of language used is appropriate with the
situation or condition of the speaker and the discourse that is done. This situation is related to
determine factor in speech act such listener, goal, and utterance, problem of utterance and
situation. Those factors are mostly discussed in pragmatic.

Pragmatic ,is study about meaning that uttered by the speaker and interpreted by the
listener. It is covered leech (in Mujiono, 2009:8) that pragmatic is study about meaning and
has connection with utterance. It means that this study concerns with how the listener
concludes or interprets what the meaning of utterance that uttered by the speaker is. Hansen
and Visconti stated pragmatic concerned with the redefinitions of the respective roles of
speaker/writers and address/readers in the process of innovation
(Hansen and Visconti 2009:5).
Moreover, when the speaker says something, It is important to the listener respect to make
redefinition what the speakers meant by the utterance.
Because there is some interpretation by the listeners or readers, it needs to be aware what
the speaker means exactly.

Deixis is a way of referring to something related of the speaker context.There are three
types of deixis, namely temporal deixis, persona deixis, and spatial deixis. The three deixis
relies on the interpretation of speakers and speech partners who are in the same context.
Meanwhile, Yule (1996:9) states that deixis is a technical term (from Greek) for one of the
most basic things we do with utterances. It means ‘pointing’ is called a deictic expression.
Hurford (1984:63) also states that a deictic word is one which takes some element of its
meaning from the situation (i.e. the speaker, the addressee, the time and the place) of the
utterance in which it is used. Furthermore, Jack Richards, (1985:75) states in their book
“Longman Dictionary of Applied Linguistics” that deixis is a term for a word or phrase
which directly relates an utterance to a time, place, or person(s).

According to Bambang kaswanti Purwo (1984: 1) a word is said to be Deixis if the

reference to moving or changing, depending on who becomes the speaker, time, person and
place speech those words. In the field of linguistics there is also the term is often called
referral or reference, word or phrase that refers to word, phrases or expressions that will be
given. Yule (2006:13) stated that deixis is a way of referring to something related of the
speaker context. There are three types of deixis, namely persona deixis, time deixis and place
deixis. The three of deixis relies on the interpretation of speakers and speech partners who are
in the some context.
My research focuses on three types of deixis on the movie. In classifying explanation of
deixis above, here is an example taken from the movie “Guardian of the Galaxy”.

Example of persona deixis: “When Yondu say..”Now ,don’t you worry about Mr.Quill,As
soon as we get him back here.I’m gonna kill him myself . “Mr.Quill” means as a subject and
as the third singular person “his” refers to as the first singular person “him” refers to as the
first singular person.

Example of time deixis:” A thousand years of war between us will not be forgotten!” Year is
temporal deixis (time)

Example of place deixis: “They’re here to stop us from getting out.” “They’re here to stop
us from getting out.”Here are spatial deixis (place)

Now day’s, the people are easy to show their feeling by watching the movie. This Movie is
the genre of action movie . Movie is another way to entertain and comunicate people feeling
through by watch the movie and get moral value. It is also the representation of the
composers’ emotion to describe the feelings, such as falling in love, sad, happy, jealous,
broken heart, missing someone, and others. In this research, I apply pragmatic approach
which analyzes the deixis in movie.
Pragmatic approach is an approach that analyzes the meaning of utterance of the speakers
or hearers. Furthermore, in this case the researcher analyze in movie and sometimes uses
personal deixis, time deixis and place deixis. Therefore I apply deixis analysis to analyze
sentence in movie. As Yule (1996:3) underlined that pragmatic is study of speaker meaning.
It means that pragmatic is concerned with the study of meaning as communicated by the
speaker and listener. In this study, there are several reasons for choosing the topic because
deixis are very important knowledge and related to English Department especially in
semantics and pragmatics study.


This chapter explains about the methodology of research that is used by researcher
namely method, source of the data, technique of collecting data and technique of analyzing
the data.

 Method of study In this research I apply descriptive qualitative method. According

to Heigham and Crocker (2009:5) qualitative research entails collecting primarily
contextual data and examining it using interpretative analysis. It means that, this
method gives clear description about the problem that is being researched. In this case
I am going to describe and analyze the movie “Guardian of the Galaxy and then
category of types of deixis.
 The data and the Source of data Data
The data for this research is taken from all utterances in forms of direct speech, and
also the researcher selects the data in this movie which only contains three deixis they are
person deixis, time deixis and place deixis. Source of data Source of data is the movie
“Guardian of the Galaxy”. Technique of Collecting Data Data became the most important
part of this research in which I analyzed in order to answer the research questions.

 There are two steps in collecting the data, such as:

1) Watching the movie In this case, I watch this movie and comprehend with the theory that
is appropriate to be analyzed.
2) Read the movie scripts through watching this movie. It is intie ended to make easy in
classifying the data into the types of deixis.
Technique of analyzing the data
The analysis of data is the process of arrange the data, organizing the data into pattern,
category and a unit of basic analysis.
The procedure of analyzing the data is divided through the following steps:
1) Identification
This part begins to identify the three types of deixis in the movie “Guardian of the
2) Classification
I classify the movie according to the category of in the deixis word.
3) Analysis
This section analyzes the utterances on the data which contain the three types of deixis
(temporal, place and spatial deixis).

In findings, I found deixis in the movie.
The data which I got from this movie show deixis. All the data are shown in the finding. I
categorize the data into three parts of deixis they are temporal, persona and spatial deixis they
have been analyzed. And presented below :

 Time Deixis
DATA #01 Utterance: “A thousand years of war between us will not be forgotten”.
A thousand years of war between us will not be forgotten. As for the years in war it was ,war
that has lasted thousands of years.
DATA #02 Utterance: “Chop,chop.Our guests will be here soon”
These utterances refer to Carina that guest or the enemy will be came ,Mr.Quill and his
friends they came to attack.
DATA#03 Utterance: “Hundreds of years ago,the Tivan Group sent works in to mine the
organic matter within the skull.
Analysis The utterance above means the that thousands of years ago many miners on the
“knowhere”/mining area in the galaxy were sent by Tivan Group.

Table #1
The temporal deixis found in movie “Guardian of the Galaxy”
No Temporal Deixis Meaning
1 Year Object of the hearer
2 years Temporal deictic,period
3 Soon Time,conditional time

 Person Deixis
Data #01 Utteranc: Peter , your momma wants to speak with you

That the utterance refers to peter , your momma it means mother of peter and you is refer to
peter itself.

Data #02 Utterance :Take my hand and I’ve got you covered.

That the utterance my and I refers to mom of peter.

Data #03 Utterance :Put him in the bag.Put him in the bag! No! Not her ,him!

Analysis :
That the Utterance him and her refers to Nebula and Mr.Quill which is being attacked by

Data #04 Utterance: They killed a little frog that ain’t done nothing.

That the utterance They refers to peter friends who killed a frog sadistically.

Data #05 Utterance : He killed my family

That the utterance He refers to Ronan who killed Mr.Quill family.

Data #06 Utterance: A thousand years of war between us will not e forgotten! You can’t do
this ! Our goverment signed a peace treaty.

That the utterance Us and Our refers to king of Kree and Yondu Odunta.

Table #02
The person deixis in movie “Guardian of the Galaxy”
Person deixis
NO First second Third
Singular Plural singular plural Singular Plural
1 i - you your - Her
2 my our - - he Him,his
3 us - - - They,them
4 - - - -

 Spatial Deixis

That the utterance here refers to enemy, they are at war.

Data 02# Utterance : Leave it to me.

That dude,there.

That the utterance There, is showing enemy position.

No Spatial Deixis Meaning

1 here Deictic pronoun
2 there Object pronoun

Based on the result of this research, which dominant the deixis is using in the movie
“Guardian of the Galaxy” are persona deixis contains of first person, second person and third
person deixis. It also the researcher found that temporal, persona and spatial deixis have
different functions in each of their participant. This function can help us as a reader to seen
participant role on this utterance.


Based on the analysis of data finding above, the researcher can observe that the kinds of
deixis (temporal deixis, persona deixis and spatial deixis) can be the essential using in
conversation and analysis the three kinds of deixis meaning in utterances in the movie
“Guardian of the Galaxy”.
In the findings, the research was observed the characteristics of the deixis itself and after
that analysis the meaning of three kinds of deixis based on the findings. For instance,
temporal deixis is main point to explain the time and the place in context of utterance.

Therefore, person deixis is required in language and can be useful to achieve the purpose of
communication. The variation of usage of person deixis is based on the personal pronoun.
For example: there are some person deixis:
Namely first person deixis (I, We, Me, Us, Myself) second person (You, Yourself), third
person (She, He, It, Him, Her, They, and, Them, Theirself, Herself, Himself, Itself). Next,
spatial deixis is point to the relation location of people and things (here, there).
For example, speakers often refer to physically distant locations like “Home” using “Here” or
the place of the movie take place. The result of analysis data that were taken by researcher
can represent the occurrence of kinds of deixis itself (temporal, persona, and spatial deixis).
In this case, the research explains all about the characteristics and then analysis based on the
the characteristics itself (three kinds of deixis). It more understand when we seen the finding
the data. First, the temporal deixis have been found in this movie at least is four corpuses. It
is because temporal deixis there is in each utterance just few amounts. The researcher, do not
find the many temporal in the movie “Guardian of the Galaxy”.
Therefore, in the temporal deixis the researcher show the table to make more accurate the
meaning itself. Next, The data finding shows three persona deixis namely: first person
involves me, me, us, us, second person involves you, and third person involves him, him, her,
her, them, and them. So, the researcher can observe 6 data that is contains three types of
persona deixis. In addition, persona deixis are more occur in each utterance in the movie
‘Guardian of the Galaxy. At least, spatial deixis is gotten minimal 2 data in this movie. For
instance, the word ‘here and there is gotten in all utterances. However, in each the data
findings the researcher appends the table that is showed the deixis itself. Additionally, each of
kinds of deixis is really important in this story and has relation each other. It is become a
good movie if there are three kinds of deixis itself. Next the reference of each temporal deixis
can be appear in when the speaker talking to hearer. Therefore, persona deixis is indicates of
the speaker, addressee, and other participant whether it is. It means that the reference of
persona deixis can be seen directly by seeing the referent of personal pronoun or the names of
person itself. Spatial deixis is can be point out where the speaker talking to the hearer. As we
can see from the location of people and things for example (here, there) when the speaker
talking to. The dominant type of deixis from three types of deixis (temporal, persona and
spatial deixis) are dominant appear in all utterance is persona deixis. It is because is indicate a
persona deixis which is can be inferred based on the context, and conditional specifically.
Even though, persona deixis is not clearly referred by using a definite explanation. So, the
researcher concluded based on the finding the data and discussion, deixis in the movie are
really relation each other and do not be disappear. Furthermore, the three kinds of deixis
(temporal, persona and spatial deixis) are there is in this movie “Guardian of the Galaxy”.


In the movie entitled “Guardian of the Galaxy’ is movie that contain of deixis in each
utterances. Therefore, researchers assume that every language has deictic words which points
to person, place, and time. However, it is relation of deixis reference in a language point to
the speaker and hearer or addressed. Three types of deixis more are happened in all
utterances. Furthermore, mostly occurred the deixis in this movie is persona deixis. It is based
on the result of this research with of persona deixis. It means that the communications have a
participant or speaker to happend interactions each other. Temporal or time deixis, including
the adverbs now, last night, and tomorrow, year involves three different times. The encoding
time is the time at which the utterance is made. So, based on this research with of temporal
deixis in this movie. It looks out of the table which is done in the finding the data. Persona
deixis refers to the speaker, addressee, and audience of the utterance. Examples are pronouns
and possessives such as I, we, yours, my, etc. Spatial or place deixis, including the locative
adverbs here and there and the demonstratives this and that, are divided into two types.
Therefore, in the movie ”Guardian of the Galaxy” are few that is contain in this movie. The
researcher found with of spatial deixis in this movie itself. Based on the result of this
research, which dominant the deixis is using in the movie “Guardian of the Galaxy” are
persona deixis contains of first person, second person and third person deixis. It also the
researcher found that temporal, persona and spatial deixis have different functions in each of
their participant. This function can help us as a reader to seen participant role on this
utterance. Suggestion Based on the result of this research, deixis in the movie was useful
approach to deitic language applied in the pragmatic approach. I hope this research can be
conducted to Letters and Culture faculty; especially English department within development
of the pragmatic approach. It is done by other research can more develop the pragmatics
study especially deitics of discourse. The researcher want the other research can more to
broad doing the researching relate of pragmatics study especially deixis in the movie. Finally,
the researcher define that movie have to be applied pragmatics studies.


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