Patient Information System Dataflow Diagram (DFD) FreeProjectz

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in2010 Paton! lformation System DataRow Diagram (DED) FreeProjecte DOWNLo a . % 4ec Prajectz ‘ABOUT US (/PROJECTS/ABOUT Synopae | Ror Projet Salut ‘Solution {/) Patient Information System Dataflow Diagram. contact isp Rv Beco Intell Engit Fame ofg2en Convert a. rlecorve simplilearn Restaurant Management Systems Pre-Owned Vehicles Big Data Analytic Trends Public Bus Service Online Prt Time Jobs Simple Project Management Download Free POF Books Free Online Courses Online College Programs Inventory Management Software Posted By freonroject userniteeproject on Api 47, 2017 Paton Information System Data flow diagram fs often used as preliminary step to create an overview ofthe Patient Information without going ito great deta, which can latr be elaborated. normally consist of overall appliction datatow and processes ofthe Patient Information process. It contains all ofthe usefiow and thelr entitles such all the flow of Patient, Doctor, Appointment, Booking, Medicine, Test, Doctor Shedule. All ofthe below sagrams has been used forthe visualization of data processing and structured design ofthe Paiont Information proces and working flow. Zero Level Data Flow Diagram(0 Level DFD) Of Patient Information System. ‘This is the Zero Level OFD of Patient Information System, where we have elaborated the high level process of Patent Information. I's abasic overviow ofthe whole Patent Information System or process being analyzed or modeled. I's designed to be an at-a-glance view of Medicine, Test and Doctor ‘Shedule showing the system asa single high-level process, with is relationship to external enites of Patient, Doctor and Appointment. I should be ‘easily understood by a wide aucience including Patient Appointment and Medicine In zero leve DF of Patient Information System, we have described ‘he high eve low of the Patient Information system High Level Entities and proccess flow of Patient Information System: + Managing athe Patent + Managing all the Doctor {+ Managing all the Appoiniment + Managing all the Booking + Managing all the Medicine + Managing all the Test + Managing allthe Dactor Shecule (. peessnssonsonsomsenrnen 18470010001] —— 7 anes — aes ae — cee oe = [inmate | First Level Data Flow Diagram(lst Level DFD) Of Patient Information System First Level DFO (1st Level) of Patient information System shows how the system is divided into sub-systems (processes), each of which deals wih one ‘oF more ofthe data flows to or from an extemal agent. and which together provide al ofthe functionally of the Patient Information System system as a nolo also identies intornal data stores of Doctor Shade, Test, Medicine, Booking, Appointment that must be present in order fr the Patent Information system to dois jb, and shows the low of data between the various parts of Patient, Appoiniment, Test, Doctor Shedule, Medicine ofthe systom, DFD Loval * provides a more detalled breakout of paces ofthe 4st lvel DFO. You will highlight the main funetionalties of Paton formation Main entities and output of First Level DFO (ist Level OFD): + Processing Patient records and generate report ofall Patient + Processing Doctor records and genorate report of all Doctor + Processing Appointment records and generate repor of all Appointment + Processing Booking records and generate report ofall Booking + Processing Medicine records and generate report a all Medicine + Processing Test records and generate repor ofall Test + Processing Doctor Shedule records and generate report ofall Dacor Shodule (nt Patient Generate Managemont Patient Report Generrate Doctor Report Appointment Generate Management _- | Appointment Report ching at! jenerate Management Booking Report Login check taanagement User Login Details System User Gonerrate Management System User Report — First Level DFD - Patient information System Second Level Data Flow Diagram(2nd Level DFD) Of Patient Information System. FD Level 2 then goes one step deeper nto parts of Level of Patient Information I may require more funetionalties of Patient Information to reach the necessary lovel of deal about the Patent Information functoning. First Level DFD (1st Level) of Patient Information System shows how the system |s vided ino sub-systems (processes). The 2nd Level DFO contains more detals of Doctor Shedule, Test, Medicine, Booking, Appointment, Doctor, Pati. Low level functionalities of Patient Information System + Admin logins tothe system and manage al he functionals of Patient Information Systom + Admin can add, eit delete an view te records of Patient, Appointment, Medicine, Doctor Shedule + Admin can manage all the detals of Doctor, Booking, Test + Aamin can also generate reports of Patent, Doctor, Appointment, Booking, Medicine, Test + Admin can search the detals of Doctor, Medicine, Test + Admin can apply diferent level of fites on report of Patient, Booking, Mecicine + Admin can tracks the detailed information of Dacor, Anpointment, Booking, , Medicine (nt

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