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First of all we would like to thank ALLAH ALMIGHTY, who blessed us the courage to
accomplish this project. Apart from the efforts of us, the success of this project depends largely
on the encouragement and guidelines of many others. We take this opportunity to express
our gratitude to the people who have been instrumental in the successful completion of this
project. Then, there is a great contribution of our family members, who supported us with all
the aspects at every stage of life and this project. We would like to show our greatest
appreciation to Mr.……. We cannot say thank him enough for his tremendous support and help.
We feel motivated and encouraged every time we attend his class. Without his
encouragement and guidance, this project would not have
materialized. His valuable suggestions, constructive criticism, ever motivating and inspiringattitu
de, keen interest and always-supportive behavior helped us a lot to finalize this project. The
guidance and support received from all the team members who, was vital for the success of the
project. We greatly mention the cooperation of team members
Executive Summary

Textile industry of Pakistan is the main industry of Pakistan.which is contributing in shape

of revenue, employment and intruding new technologies in the country. The business of textile
and tailoring is very profitable business and investors earn a lot of money by stitching and
exporting garments.
ONLINE DARZI will be involved in the production of clothes (casual, corporate, sport clothes
etc) that will meet the needs of male, female, young adult and children. Our target is to become
one of the leading brands in the fashion industry in the world and we will ensure that every cloth
that leaves our factory can favorable compete with the best brands in the industry.

Our workers are going to be selected from a pool of talented dress markers in Karachi and we
will ensure that we take them through the required trainings that will position them to meet the
expectation of the company – ONLINE DARZI.
We have put plans in place to build a state of the cloth stitching factory in Karachi, which is why
we have entered agreement with some manufacturers of sewing machines to produce customized
sewing machines for us that will give us the quality of clothes that we want to be known for. Our
factory will be well equipped and we will ensure that we follow the trend in the industry.
ONLINE DARZI will stitch clothes for high end customers and also for low income earner; we
want to become one of the people’s choice where ever our clothes are put up for sale. Aside from
mass production of clothes, we will also be engaged in customized production of clothes for
customers based on their demands.
We are quite aware that there are some clients such as sporting clubs, political parties, schools,
churches and organizations that would need quality customized clothes for specific purposes and
we are well prepared to deliver as requested.

The Business Development Plan is for the ONLINE DARZI which is basically a small online
STITCHING unit with the capacity of ….. stitching and other related machineries. In the market
there are many large units are operating and having orders from many many customers. The
main target of our business is to get attract a lot of employeed customers and stitched according
to requirement but as for new in the business we are starting our business on CMT basis and will
get orders from local big units who outsource. The current scenario of the country is not much
supportive to this business because of utility rates are increasing on the continuous basis and
electricity is also very big problem industry facing currently. But overall Pakistan has yet
successful textile industry and in future chances for stability and growth is very much high. Raw
material is easily available, labor rates are cheaper, infrastructure is also very fast, skilled labor
and management is also available all these factors are contributing for the good survival of the
industry.For this Business Development Program almost all the phases are deeply described from
business concept to financial overview. Complete and in depth industry analysis, value creating
process, marketing and promotional strategies, manufacturing and delivering process are given in
detail and based on in depth research and information from the industry. The organization has
functional structure with centralized authority in the departments and overall in the organization.
Employees are recruited on the basis of their experience and education and labor is selected on
their skills and related experience.
Vision Statement:
We want to become the first choice of buyer’s in all around the world. To achieve customer’s
satisfaction we make sure that we stay true to the highest standards of excellence.

Mission Statement:
To go beyond the customer’s expectations and desires in quality, delivery, and cost
through permanent improvement and customer relations
Stitching of dresses are under the category of readymade Garment industry. Readymade garment
industry has occupied a unique place in the industrial scenario of our country by generating
substantial earnings and creating lot of employment. Its contribution to industrial production,
employment and export earnings are very significant. This industry provides one of the basic
necessities of life. The employment provided by it is a source of livelihood for millions of
people. It also provides maximum employment with minimum capital investment. Since
this industry is highly labour-intensive. This project report is prepared for the stitching as they
find wide acceptance in markets. Any person having the knowledge of cutting and stitching
operations can easily set up such establishments.
1. This project is based on single shift basis and 300 working days in a year.
2. Since this industry is labour-intensive, the working efficiency is considered at 75%.
3. Costs of machinery and equipment/ material indicated refer to a particular make and
approximately to those prevailing at the time of preparation of this project

Online darzi establish in 2018 to help Textile and Fashion companies increase
their global competitiveness, by facilitating Innovative Design & 3D visualization
tools optimizing Sales, Design Communication and enabling E-commerce.

Business Description:
We are going to start a garments business with our own stitching unit and our main products
will be clothes stitching.

We are starting our business from measure, Cut, stitching and Trimming (MCST) because we are
new in the market and have no well experience and have no clients in the market. So our starting
strategy is to work on MCST basis and get orders from customers. We have some good relations
with many peoples and we are hopeful to get maximum orders from these peoples. When we will
have good experience
of stitching and will have good name in the market with our quality and timely delivery then we
will have a large number of customers.

Stitching Business is designed as a small scale stitching unit along with vocational training
programme for the upliftment of the disabled population and employment for rural women.
stitching industry has occupied a unique place in the industrial scenario of our country by
generating substantial earnings and creating lot of employment. The employment provided by it
is a source of livelihood for millions of people. It also provides maximum employment with
minimum capital investment. This project report is prepared for the manufacture of Ladies
garments, gent’s shirts and gent’s trousers as they find wide acceptance in markets.
Value Proposition:
We will manufacture products according to orders given us from the clients. We will try our best
to fulfill their requirements and provide them the standard they require to maintain our clients
and expand our market. Our machinery is latest and we fulfill the basic requirement that is
completing orders on time to build our reputation in the market. Secondly we are new in the
market and we want to attract more and more clients in the local market in the start so we will
offer low rates as to other stitching units. In this field even a single penny difference in the rates
results in big profits, so by offering low rates and cutting down our profit margin we will attract
Our target is to provide quality services according to orders given to us. As said above that
very big names in the market have booked their orders for many coming years but they also
receiving orders on the regular basis. So we are going to offer them our stitching unit which will
manufacture products for them as they require. Old stitching units have old machineries and
their production process is slow but with help of our latest machinery and well skilled staff
and professional management we will manage our orders timely but also with promised quality.

Basic Objectives:
● To develop business agreement and partnerships worldwide.
● To build customer assurance based on quality & standardized products and state
of artservices
● On time/ in time delivery
● To provide high quality products at competitive rates
● To achieve maximum customer’s satisfaction to gain maximum business potential
● To alleviate poverty in the locality.
● Upliftment of the rural population.
● Job opportunity for the disabled.
● To stitching based on consumer demand.
● To establish a revenue generating unit.
● To provide high quality stitching at competitive rates.
● To achieve customer satisfaction.
● On the Job training in designing stitching.
● Employment for rural women.
Scope Poverty is particularly widespread in the rural areas of our country. According to
government unemployment in this region stands around 40%, over 60% of the working age
population is “not economically active”. As a result, household incomes are very low, producing
dire shortfalls in nutrition, education, housing, access to health care and the overall quality of
life. The project aims at removing poverty among local women households and upliftment of the
disabled by giving them hope to do something themselves

● Our Product and Service Offering

ONLINE DARZI ​ is a standard sewing / fashion design company that is positioned to make
profit and favorable compete with leaders in the industry and we are going to do all that is
permitted by the law of the Federal Republic of PAKISTAN to achieve our business aims and
ambition. Our products and services offering are listed below;

● Designing and Sewing Female Dresses

● Designing and Sewing Male Attires
● Designing and Making Dresses for Marriages (Couples, Bridal trains and grooms men et
● Designing and Making attires for children

● Our Business Structure

Ordinarily, we would have succeeded in running a sewing business with few employees, but as
part of our plan to build a top flight sewing / fashion design business, we have perfected plans to
get it right from the onset which is why we are going the extra mile to ensure that we have
competent employees (tailors and support staff) to occupy all the available positions in our

The picture of the kind of sewing business we intend building and the business goals we want to
achieve is what informed the amount we are ready to spend to ensure that we build a business
with dedicated workforce and robust distribution network.

In view of that, we have decided to hire qualified and competent hands to occupy the following
positions at ‘’ONLINE DARZI’’

● Chief Executive Officer (Owner)

● Human Resources and Admin Manager
● Sales and Marketing Officer
● Accountants / Cashiers
● Professional Tailors / Fashion Designers
● Customer Service Executives

Roles and Responsibilities

Chief Executive Officer – CEO (Owner):

● Increases management’s effectiveness by recruiting, selecting, orienting, training,

coaching, counseling, and disciplining managers; communicating values, strategies, and
objectives; assigning accountabilities; planning, monitoring, and appraising job results;
developing incentives; developing a climate for offering information and opinions;
providing educational opportunities.
● Manages fashion exhibition for the organization in various countries
● Creates, communicates, and implements the organization’s vision, mission, and overall
direction – i.e. leading the development and implementation of the overall organization’s
● Responsible for fixing prices and signing business deals
● Responsible for providing direction for the business
● Creates, communicates, and implements the organization’s vision, mission, and overall
direction – i.e. leading the development and implementation of the overall organization’s
● Responsible for signing checks and documents on behalf of the company
● Evaluates the success of the organization

Human Resources and Admin Manager

● Responsible for overseeing the smooth running of HR and administrative tasks for the
● Updates job knowledge by participating in educational opportunities; reading
professional publications; maintaining personal networks; participating in professional
● Enhances department and organization reputation by accepting ownership for
accomplishing new and different requests; exploring opportunities to add value to job
● Defines job positions for recruitment and managing interviewing process
● Carries out staff induction for new team members
● Responsible for training, evaluation and assessment of employees
● Oversees the smooth running of the daily business activities.

Sales and Marketing Manager

● Manages external research and coordinate all the internal sources of information to retain
the organizations’ best customers and attract new ones
● Models demographic information and analyze the volumes of transactional data
generated by customer purchases
● Identifies, prioritize, and reach out to new partners, and business opportunities et al
● Responsible for supervising implementation, advocate for the customer’s needs, and
communicate with customers
● Develops, executes and evaluates new plans for expanding increase sales
● Documents all customer contact and information
● Represents the company in strategic meetings
● Helps to increase sales and growth for the company

Professional Tailors / Fashion Designers

● Responsible for designing and sewing female African dresses

● Responsible for designing and sewing male African attires
● Responsible for designing and making dresses for African Tradition Marriages (Couples,
Bridal trains and grooms men et al)
● Responsible for designing and making African attires for children
● Handles any other duty as assigned by the Human Resources and Admin manager.

Accountant / Cashier

● Responsible for preparing financial reports, budgets, and financial statements for the
● Provides managements with financial analyses, development budgets, and accounting
reports; analyzes financial feasibility for the most complex proposed projects; conducts
market research to forecast trends and business conditions.
● Responsible for financial forecasting and risks analysis.
● Performs cash management, general ledger accounting, and financial reporting
● Responsible for developing and managing financial systems and policies
● Responsible for administering payrolls
● Ensures compliance with taxation legislation
● Handles all financial transactions for the organization
● Serves as internal auditor for the organization

Client Service Executive

● Welcomes guests and clients by greeting them in person or on the telephone; answering
or directing inquiries.
● Ensures that all contacts with clients (e-mail, walk-In center, SMS or phone) provides the
client with a personalized customer service experience of the highest level
● Through interaction with clients on the phone, uses every opportunity to build client’s
interest in the company’s products and services
● Manages administrative duties assigned by the manager in an effective and timely
● Consistently stays abreast of any new information on the company’s products,
promotional campaigns etc. to ensure accurate and helpful information is supplied to
● Receives parcels / documents for the company
● Distribute mails in the organization
● Handles any other duties as assigned by the human resources and admin manager

Sewing Business Plan – SWOT Analysis

we were able to take stock of our strengths, our weakness, our opportunities and also the threats
that we are likely going to be exposed to in America and also in other parts of the world that we
intend selling our African attire. Here is a preview of what we got from the critically conducted

● Strength:

Our strength lies in the fact that we have state of the art facility and industrial sewing machines
that has positioned us to meet the demand even if the demand tripled over night or if we have a
massive order to meet and emergency need.

Another factor that counts to our advantage is the background of our Chief Executive Office; he
has a robust experience in the industry and also a pretty good academic qualification to match the
experience acquired which has placed him amongst the top flight fashion designers. We are not
ignoring the fact that our team of highly qualified and dedicated workers (tailors and support
staff) will also serve as strength for our organization.

● Weakness:

We do not take for granted the facts that we have weaknesses. In fact, the reality that we are
setting up a sewing / fashion design business in a city with other smaller and larger sewing /
fashion design businesses might likely pose a challenge for us in breaking into the already
saturated market.

In essence our chosen location might be our weakness. But never the less, we have plans to
launch out with a big bang. We know with that, we will be able to create a positive impression
and we have a proper handle when it comes to building on already gather momentum.

● Opportunities:

The opportunities available to us are unlimited. Loads of people in Lagos state put on Africa
attire for various occasions and all what we are going to do to push our products to them is
already perfected.

The threat that is likely going to confront us is the fact that we are competing with already
established sewing / fashion design businesses and also there are other entrepreneurs who are
likely going to launch similar business within the location of our business. Of course, they will
compete with us in winning over the available market.

Another threat that we are likely going to face is unfavorable government policies and economic
downturn. Usually economic downturn affects purchasing / spending powers and unfavorable
government policies can hinder the importation of some sewing materials from other parts of the

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