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CALIFORNIA SERIES IN PUBLIC ANTHROPOLOGY ‘The California Series in Public Anthropology emphasizes che anshropologist’s role as an engaged ingelleceual. Ie continues anchropology’s commitment co being an ethnographic witness, xo describing, fn human terms, how life is lived beyond the borders of many readers’ experiences, Bur ie also adds 2 commitment, through ethnography, 20 reframing the terms of public debare—teansforming received, accepted understandings of social issues with new insights, new framings. Series Edicor: Robert Borofsky (Hawaii Pacific University) Conteibuting Editors: Philippe Bourgois (University of Pennsylvania}, Paul Barmer (Pastners In Health), Alex Hinton (Ruegets University), Carolyn Nordstrom (University of Notee Dame), and Nancy Seheper-Fiughes (UC Berkeley) Universivy of California Press Editor: Naomi Schneider University of California Press, one of che most distinguished university presses in che Unized Stace, ensiches lives around the in che humanities, socialsciences, ate supported by the UC Press Foundation and by philanchropie concribucions from individuals and institurions, For more information, visit University of California Press ‘Oakland, California, © 2015 by The Regents of the University of California Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Pablicacion Daca De Ledn, Jason, 1977~ author. ‘The tand of open graves: living and dying on che migrant tail 1 Jason De Leén ; wich plorographs by Michael Wells pages cm. (California series in public anthropology ; 36) Includes bibliographical eferences and index. 18x 978-0-520-28874-2 (cloth : alk. paper) — sn 978-0-520-28275-9 (pbk. : alk paper) — sn 978-0-520-95868-5 (ebook) 1s [mamigeation enforcensent—Soeial aspeets— 2. Immigration enforcement —Sociol aspects—Mexican- American Border Region. 3, Border security—Social aspects—Arizona, 4 Border seeurity—Social aspects — Mexican-American Border Region. 5. Mexico—Emigration and imenige 6. United Srares—Enmigration and immigeation—Government policy. I. Tidle. 1¥6475.04 2015 s3s.73—deas 2015016528 Manufacenced in the United States of Ameziea 244 22 20 8 7 as w 987654328 ‘The paper used in this publication meets ee minimum requirements of awsi/ 150 239.48-1992 (x 2002) (Pernianence of Paper).

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