Which Word Is Correct

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Complete.the sentences below with the correct alternative. Check in a dictionary if you’re not sure.

1. remember/remind
a. Please _________________ me to go to the bank before it closes.
b. I’m afraid I don't _________________ your name.

2. borrow/lend
a. Could you _________________ me your calculator? Mine needs a new battery.
b. It’s raining. Do you mind if I _________________ your umbrella?

3. hear/listen
a. I’m sorry. I didn't _________________ what you said. Could you repeat it?
b. I’m going to _________________ to a programme on the radio.

4. raise/rise
a. I believe unemployment will continue to _________________.
b. The government is going to _________________ taxes on cigarettes and alcohol.

5. effective/efficient
a. Scientists are still trying to find an _________________ treatment for the common cold.
b. We offer a fast, friendly and _________________ delivery service.

6. occasion/opportunity
a. During my university course I had the _________________ to spend a year studying abroad.
b. Their wedding was a really memorable _________________.

7. actual/current
a. The _________________ cost of the project was a lot higher than the original estimate.
b. The _________________ rate of inflation is 3.2%.

8. economics/economy
a. I’ve just read an interesting article about the Japanese _________________.
b. She studied _________________ at university.

9. bring/take
a. I’ve spilt some wine on my jacket. I must _________________ it to the dry cleaner’s.
b. Could you _________________ me the letters to sign when you’ve typed them?

10. accept/agree
a. I’m sorry, but I cannot _________________ to do as you ask.
b. Does this restaurant _________________ credit cards?


Use five of the words in 4 in sentences of your own.


Complete the sentences below using the correct word from each pair of words in the box. Put verbs
in the correct tense. Use a dictionary if necessary.

assist/attend check/control economic/economical

forget/leave library/bookshop lose/miss
pass/take say/tell sensible/sensitive

1. I was late for work because I _________________ my train.

2. I _________________ my briefcase at home this morning.

3. I _________________ him I would send the goods today.

4. My new car is very _________________.

5. I couldn’t _________________ the meeting because I was ill.

6. Be careful about criticizing his work. He’s very _________________.

7. I bought my new dictionary at the _________________ in the town centre.

8. I _________________ my driving rest yesterday but unfortunately I failed.

9. I really like my new colleague. She’s very _________________ to work with.

10. Since the terrorist attack, the police have _________________ every car in the area.

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