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Enclosure No.

Learning of the Week No. __2__

1. The three (3) most significant learning I got from the weeks’s
session are

There are lot of significant learnings I got from week two

session, one is the huge difference of an instructional leader
and administrative leader, second on how they manage their
subordinates last is on how they approach teachers,
delagates tasks and appreciates their effort as professional.

2. These learning are more value to me personally as a

teacher/supervisor school administrator because it will reflect
what is your approach to your subordinates valuing respect
to co workers and valuing them as part of your working
environment plays a big part because one individual might
become more productive if they are recognized, respected
and valued.

3. I would like to react/comment on the topic where some school

heads / school Principal act inappropriate towards his/ her
subordinates . I know the fact that they are high-ranking
individuals but, still it is not a valid reason for me that they
will be unjust with their treatment to their teachers. Still,
just always to keep their feet on the ground and be fair
enough to all their school teachers.

4. Additional discoveries, insights questions I have realized that

sometimes, public relations is a good value. It enables to
broaden opportunities and build positive relations to co-
teachers and other school employees.
Prepared by:

Enclosure No. 2

Research Output

Please follow these instructions:

1. Interview ten (10) teachers in your school. Present to them what

you learned about the responsibilities of a school head. These
are in terms of a). school management, b). school
communication, c). school community relations and d).
instructional supervision. With them identify significant
problems/constrains in your school under these four
responsibilities and the corresponding possible solutions, which
have not been tried before.

2. Prepare a written text and photo documentation report about

your interview with the teachers. Write appropriate introduction
by describing the people involved, the course learning you
shared with them, and the activity/ies and the process/es you
used in identifying the the problems under the four
responsibilities of a school head/principal.

3. Based on your interview with the teachers, fill out table similar
to the one below.

Matrix on the Four Domains of a School Head’s/Principal’s

Domains of a School Problems Possible Solutions
Head’s Encountered

a). School
b). School

c). School

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