Project Concept Note

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Format for Project Concept Note:

Contract details

Project Title Mitigation of risks of Climate change through forest and biodiversity
conservation and promotion of IGA in forest for sustainable
Principal Researcher Chhotelal Chaudhary
Address Janakpur-
Collaborators/ partners

Project details

Title of the project

Mitigation of risks of Climate change through forest and biodiversity conservation and promotion of
IGA in forest for sustainable development
NAST/ Climate Change Research Thematic Area:

C. Forest and Biodiversity

Project Location:
Janakpur Zone ( Sindhuli, Dhanusha, Maahottari & Sarlahi districts)
Start Date: August 2014 End Date: January 2016
Number and Type of beneficiaries:
 Farmers: 50,000
 People engaged on Timber work: 15000
 People engaged on NTFP: 15000
 Livestock farmers: 12000

Total Cost: $ 40,000

Estimated budget as per budget ceiling mentioned in this manual
Project background (200 words)
Brief, project background, importance of research

The central aims of this study is to scale out the elements that has effected environment degradation
and suggest the means to reduce the adverse effect of climate change on forest and biodiversity.
Climate change is the most important determinants of change in the distribution of species in both
managed ecosystems such as agriculture, production forests, and natural terrestrial and marine
ecosystems. Along with anthropogenic dispersion, it is the main driver of change in the geographical
distribution of species—crops, livestock, wild species, pests, predators and pathogens. Tree and NTFP
for commercial purpose can be the solid means of livelihood for many. The cultivation of products that
have high commercial value; offer opportunities for value addition and increased productivity provide
opportunities for poverty alleviation; if made available in sufficient sustainable commercial level it offer
opportunities for local use and export to foreign markets. By promotion of forest plant and animal
biodiversity many indigenous varieties of plants (trees, herbs, thallophytic and micro organism) can be
Collective forest management offers local employment, environment protection and productive lands
for agriculture, NTFP farming or livestock farming. The practice of forest management enables local
people with knowledge, skills and develops entrepreneurial and cooperative culture.

Project justification( 300 words)

Real problems, intended to address and analyze them to researchable topic
Illegal encroachment, repeatedisettlements, constructions of infrastructural overheads without IEE and
EIA intended interests of politicians and bureaucrats has continuously destroying forest ,wild life
biodiversity and eco system of Nepal. These phenomena have collectively brought changes in climatic
conditions – rise of temperature, seasonal variations, degradation of natural habitat and ecosystem. If it
go on uncontrolled all the creatures including human life system and ecosystem would be destroyed and
create complexity even to the existence of life on the earth.
There are more than 323 glaciers in Himalayas melting rapidly and at least 20 snow lakes have been
formed which are at the brink of explosion which would bring a great disaster to people living around
the bank of rivers. Similarly Siwalik range is also at a high risk of flood and landslides due to rapid
deforestation and uncontrolled settlements of human. Degradation of Siwalik range would turn Terai
(bread basket) into desert.
Deforestation and destruction of eco system and biodiversity has created challenging issues of flood,
landslides, earthquakes and spread of various epidemics. Climate change has influenced seasons
duration, nature of wind, rain, temperature, variation in plants flowering and fruiting time, crop yield,
animal habit, and birds behavior. These are the indicators of natural phenomena which would cause
complexity to existence of life on earth and create vulnerability to human life in Nepal. Himalayan region
with rapid melting of glaciers look black and ugly losing its panoramic beauty which is prime thing to
attract the tourists and base for tourism industry. Mountains with rapid deforestation and are the
principle cause of landslides and desertification. Terai is in pressure of regular flood in every monsoon.
All these conditions are warning us to face big calamities in future.

Project Purpose( 200 words)

Measurable outcome of the project:
Area and locations determination for forestations, certifications of varieties of ecologically beneficial
plants transplantation, maintenance of bio-diversity according to topography and climatic conditions.
Measures for control of landslides, wildlife preservation along with conservation of indigenous varieties
of plants (trees, herbs, thallophytic and micro organism would be certified.

Final accomplishment of the project:

a. Report produced for guidelines for all the concerned institutions for conservation of forest
according to the geographic and climatic conditions of different topography.
b. Certification of NTFP( medicinal and aromatic plants) production for livelihood promotion of
local people
c. Establishment and preservation of wildlife sanctuaries and management of bio-diversity and
means of promotion and maintenance of ecosystem
d. Landsides controlled, mitigation measures applied for flood control, destruction and
degradation of natural system controlled
e. Present climatic adverse impacts reduced in all geographical area covered by this study
Implication of the project:
a. Guidelines for policy makers and planners on conservation of forest, bio-diversity and
b. Resource material for agriculture, forest based industries and livestock rears
c. Support material for community forest keepers, environmentalists and infrastructure builders

Research and development design 500 words

Experimental design ( for natural science)
Choice Experiments method is a way of incorporating social values in forest planning and management
processes. Multidimensional forest values reflect environmental values and that there is a sound
rationale for innovative ways of capturing such values in forestry decision making processes. A
discussion of both theoretical and methodological aspects of the method which influence the design of
the empirical elements of the research which is based on a study related to state-owned and community
forests. The CE survey in the local communities around forest areas would be designed to explore and
explain the relationship between three major dimensions of forest management; nature conservation,
provision for public access and experience of nature. The analysis of the survey data analysis would be
used to estimate several models which describe the effect of each of the specified dimensions to the
overall value placed on the forest environment. The models would be estimated for the whole sample as
well as for sub-groups of the sample distinguished by socio demographic characteristics. There would be
three key findings from the CE survey First, the analysis of the data revealed strongly expressed
preferences towards higher levels of conservation and lower levels of provision for public access in the
form of recreational facilities. Second, indifferent preferences would be observed in relation to the form
of nature experience in the woodlands. Third, the use of sub-groups and separate models be allowed
differentiation between segments of the population within the whole sample and hence the exploration
of heterogeneity in tastes. The application of the CE method is expected to demonstrate the usefulness
and suitability for identifying preferences and trade-offs between specified environmental value
dimensions of the information obtained as well as the flexibility for estimating separate models to
represent preferences of different segments of the studied population. CE method is more suitable for
dealing with multi-attribute properties; it yields rich statistical information and reduces biases. The CE
method implies a construction of hypothetical tasks, which are presented to individuals in a manageable
number of choice sets (choice tasks), each containing descriptions of 2-3 alternatives. Respondents are
then asked to choose one alternative from each choice set. The analysis of the results would enable
estimation of the trade-offs between the alternatives (as perceived by the respondents).

Survey design ( for social sciences)

How will the research project be implemented?

The experiment will provide a platform for testing various questions relating to the effects of tree
diversity and ecosystem processes, including:

 Indicators of successful forest re-establishment e.g. survival & growth in mono specific vs
diverse stands
 Bio-geo-chemical ecosystem processes, e.g. primary production, nutrient retention,
decomposition rates
 Ecological processes, e.g. levels of diversity in associated (non-tree) taxa, patterns of herbivore
and disease
The experiment would covers three geographical zones namely i. Forest of Mahabharat
mountain, ii. Forest of inner Terai & Siwalik range iii. Forests of Bhawar and Terai. It would
comprise 30 ha of forest land plots arranged in near-identical blocks. Treatments would be
allocated to plots in a stratified random design.

Project output( 200 words)

What will be the outputs of research work?
 To facilitate long-term, collaborative research in forests and other natural and modified habitats
of this region
 To encourage multi-site, multi-disciplinary research particularly that which adds value to the
major forest based productions and management of Biodiversity
 To ensure, through strategic partnerships, that research findings are effectively disseminated
and influence land-use and conservation planning and sustainable resource management across
the forest region
 To contribute to an improved understanding of the problems of, and need for, natural forest
management in the Siwalik and Terai region , leading to improvements in (1) the condition of
natural forests and increases in the supply of forest products in areas where the guidelines are
applied, (2) livelihoods of people in communities where dependence on forest products is high,
and (3) in the service role of the Forest Department and allied institutions to extend their
activities in conservation of forest biodiversity and ecosystem.
 To develop and establish institutional capability for a functioning system of criteria and
indicators for sustainable forestry development, with community participation.

Major assumptions
External conditions of factors over which the project does not have control but on which the
accomplishment of objective depends
 Coordination, cooperation, communication good governance influence the result of a project
 Support of local administration, community and FUG effect on functioning of the research
 policy-makers may have considerable difficulties in getting access to available information of the
research outcome
 Road access to project site, and water for irrigation
Project Logical framework

Organization Profile

Name of the organization Ratauli Yuba Club (RYC), Mahottari

Type of the organization( local, regional, Local
Contact details ( address , telephone, fax, e-mail) Ratauli VDC-6, Mahottari, Contact office
Janakpur-7, Zeromile, Phone/Fax 041-525218,
525818, P.O. Box 046
Registration date and serial number with 10-2-2091 (2047-10-24 B.S.) Regn.No 13
concerned organization
Date start to work 2047
System of book keeping Double entry system
Date of last renewable of the organization Oct. 10-2013 [2070-6-24 B.S.]

Research team composition

Name Professionals Academic Years of Remarks

discipline qualification experience

14. Format for Logical framework

A four* four table for developing logical framework

To mitigate the adverse effects of climate change by improving the forest and bio diversity
outcome indicators Means of verification Assumptions/Risks
Improvement trends Temperature , Rainfall Forest offices report, Coordination ,
in climatic conditions measures VDCs report and cooperation and due
and improved Metrological stations communication
environment readings between the
Improved condition of Report of vegetation & stakeholders
soil erosion, landslides soil conservation office,
and flooding VDC and Metrological
stations readings
Increase in number Number of plants and Forest offices report, Cooperation between
and species of plant animal species community forest users all allied workers of
and animal diversity groups’ report forest and
Development of natural Forest offices report, environment
habitat community forest users
groups’ report
Output 1
National , District and DDC, VDC, forest office Lack of collaboration
To facilitate long-term, VDC level plan and vegetation and soil between stakeholders
collaborative research conservation office’s
in forests and other report

natural and modified

habitats of this region

Output 2
Number of species of DDC, VDC, forest office Lack of collaboration
To encourage multi- plants and animals and and CFUGs report between stakeholders
site, multi-disciplinary monetary income of the
research particularly forest based products
that which adds value
to the major forest
based productions and
management of

Output 3
Dissemination of research DDC, VDC, forest office Timely budget
To ensure, through findings on land use and and CFUGs report, allotment and
strategic partnerships, conservation planning for impact study report of cumulative effort of all
that research findings sustainable resource the research the actors of forest
management by no and environment
are effectively farmers community forest workers
disseminated and users groups, forest
influence land-use and workers.
conservation planning
and sustainable
resource management
across the forest

Output 4
No and area ( Hectares) DDC, VDC, forest office Timely budget
. To contribute to an
extension of forest, and CFUGs report, allotment and
improved Number of removal of impact study report of cumulative effort of all
understanding of the illegal encroachments, the research the actors of forest
strict prohibition on and environment
problems of, and need poaching and legal workers
for, natural forest actions taken on those
who impeach the state
management in the rules of forest and
Siwalik and Terai environment
region , leading to Number of people whose DDC, VDC, forest office
livelihood condition have and CFUGs report,
improvements in (1) improved impact study report of
the condition of the research
natural forests and
increases in the supply
of forest products in
areas where the
guidelines are applied,
(2) livelihoods of
people in communities
where dependence on
forest products is high,
and (3) in the service
role of the Forest
Department and allied
institutions to extend
their activities in
conservation of forest
biodiversity and

Output 5
No community that is DDC, VDC, forest office Timely budget
To develop and participating for and CFUGs report, allotment and
establish institutional sustainable forestry and impact study report of cumulative effort of all
capability for a biodiversity development the research the actors of forest
and environment
functioning system of workers
criteria and indicators
for sustainable forestry
development, with
15. Format for submission of curriculum vitae of principal Researcher and research team members

NAME: Chhotelal Chaudhary




Degree Year Institution Major Subject






15. Format for submission of curriculum vitae of principal Researcher and research team members

NAME: Yogendra Yadav




Degree Year Institution Major Subject






15. Format for submission of curriculum vitae of principal Researcher and research team members

NAME: Akhilesh Kumar Jha




Degree Year Institution Major Subject

M.A. Tribhuvan University Sociology
B.A. Tribhuvan University Sociology
I.Sc. Tribhuvan University Forestry





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