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Table of content appendices

Appendix I Project assignment ....................................................................................................................... 1

Appendix II Pyramid model ......................................................................................................................... 3
Appendix III Process report .......................................................................................................................... 4
Appendix IV Steering Inputs ......................................................................................................................... 5
Appendix V Storage of a landing gear .......................................................................................................... 6
Appendix VI Gross weight and C.G. Limitations ............................................................................................ 7
Appendix VII Above and wing dimensions with MAC boundaries ................................................................. 8
Appendix VIII MLG Retraction......................................................................................................................... 9
Appendix IX MLG Extension ........................................................................................................................ 12
Appendix X Cylinders ................................................................................................................................. 13
Appendix XI Pressure sensor example ........................................................................................................ 14
Appendix XII Proximity sensors on the MLG ................................................................................................ 15
Appendix XIII Schedule AGS .......................................................................................................................... 16
Appendix XIV Free body diagram .................................................................................................................. 17
Appendix XV Determining lengths and angles ............................................................................................. 18
Appendix XVI Non Normal Checklist Landing Gear ....................................................................................... 20
Hogeschool van Amsterdam
Domein Techniek

Appendix I Project assignment

De projectopdracht vraagt om een analyse van een landingsgestel van een modern verkeersvliegtuig, en het
doen van onderzoek naar mogelijke storingen. Hiervoor is een aantal richtlijnen gegeven, waar het onderzoek
zich op moet richten (1.1). Voor de uitvoering van het project zijn weer randvoorwaarden opgesteld (1.2). Het
eindresultaat is een projectverslag, dat nu in vlekkeloos Engels is geschreven (1.3).

1.1. Opdrachtomschrijving
Hogeschool van Amsterdam
Domein Techniek
Opleiding: Aviation Studies

Periode : 5
Onderwerp : Analyse landingsgestel
Groep : 2A2-A


Om diepgaande technische discussie over toekomstige vlootuitbreiding mogelijk te maken, geeft

luchtvaartmaatschappij Amstel Leeuwenburg Airlines [ALA] de afdeling Engineering opdracht een onderzoek in
te stellen naar storingen die voor kunnen komen bij het landingsgestel van een (zelf te kiezen) modern
verkeersvliegtuig en de daaraan gerelateerde systemen. Hierbij kan gedacht worden aan air/ground logic en
aan het remsysteem inclusief autobrakes en antiskid.


Als projectteam van de maatschappij gaan jullie een landingsgestel analyseren; deze analyse zal bestaan uit
drie delen. Ten eerste een uitgebreide beschrijving van de opbouw en technische werking van het gekozen
systeem. Ten tweede een structureel mechanische analyse waarbij de dimensionering van een aantal kritische
onderdelen aan bod komt. Ten derde een operationele analyse waarbij voorkomende danwel mogelijke
storingen, onderhoudstaken en financiële aspecten besproken worden.


Deel 1:
- Hoe is de werking van besturingsmechanismen van neus- en hoofdonderstel, van intrek-, uplock- en
downlockmechanismen, van verende stijlen, van alternate gear extension en van de bediening en indicaties?
- Hoe werken de subsystemen, die afhankelijk zijn van of samenhangen met het gebruik van het
- Aan welke wettelijke eisen moet het landingsgestel voldoen?

Deel 2:
- Hoe groot zijn de spanningen die in de bepaalde kritische onderdelen van de constructie optreden?
- Welke krachten en momenten werken op het onderstel tijdens de verschillende vluchtfasen, met en zonder
- Welke constructiemethoden zijn toegepast (denk hierbij aan bevestiging aan vleugel of romp)?
- Hoe heeft de fabrikant zijn materiaalkeuze bepaald (sterkte, duurzaamheid, gewicht, afmetingen)?

Deel 3:
- Wat voor storingen kunnen zich zoal voordoen in het onderstel of de subsystemen (zie ook afbeelding 2)?
- Wat is de invloed van storingen op de luchtwaardigheid van het vliegtuig?
- Op welke manier zorgt het onderhoudsprogramma voor het voorkomen en verhelpen van storingen?

2A2A Project “Landing Gear" 1

Hogeschool van Amsterdam
Domein Techniek

- Welke invloed heeft het standaard onderhoudsprogramma en het reguliere gebruik van het vliegtuig op de
operationele kosten?

1.2. Randvoorwaarden voor het project

Randvoorwaarden zijn in feite eisen van de opdrachtgever, waar het project absoluut aan moet voldoen. Deze
eisen zijn:

- De tijdsduur van het project is zeven weken (week 35-

41), het verslag moet ingeleverd zijn op 14 oktober
2010, vóór 15.30u. De toetsing vindt plaats in week 44,
dit is kort na de tentamens (als je het herfstreces niet
meetelt) dus plan goed wanneer de presentatie
gemaakt gaat worden;

- Uiterlijk aan het eind van de tweede week moet een

startdocument worden ingeleverd, waarin de
projectplanning en de taakverdeling binnen de groep is opgenomen;

- Het eindrapport wordt aan de directie van ALA gepresenteerd in de vorm van een verslag, dat voldoet aan het
dictaat Wentzel (2009);

- Het verslag wordt in het Engels geschreven, is ingevoerd in de computer en heeft, exclusief bijlagen, een
omvang van 30-40 pagina’s.

- Het verslag moet tweemaal in hardcopy en eenmaal in digitale vorm op cd worden aangeleverd (scan op
plagiaat). Op de cd zijn tevens alle groepsnotulen opgenomen.

1.3. Projectuitvoering
Met dit project krijgen jullie een tamelijk complexe opdracht, die je binnen zeer korte tijd moet hebben
uitgevoerd. In het propedeusejaar hebben jullie geleerd om projecten te plannen, aan te pakken en (synchroon
aan het project) de bevindingen van jullie onderzoek gestructureerd op te schrijven in het projectverslag. Met
de leerervaringen uit dat eerste jaar moeten jullie nu je voordeel doen. Probeer te voorkomen dat er opnieuw
stress ontstaat in de laatste week voor inlevering van het verslag, of dat theorietentamens (week 42)
onvoldoende worden voorbereid.

Het onderwerp van dit verslag bestaat uit een analyse, volgens Van Dale staat dit voor “de ontleding in
bestanddelen ter nadere beschouwing”. Jullie zullen dus een eigen ontleding moeten maken van het
landingsgestel van een door jullie te kiezen type en hierbij vragen moeten formuleren die beantwoord dienen
te worden in jullie verslag. Bedenk hierbij dat jullie bij de structureel mechanische analyse veel gebruik zullen
moeten maken van de in het eerste jaar opgedane kennis van de mechanica. Let op, er zit in tegenstelling tot
voorgaande jaren geen losse zelfsturende opdracht mechanica meer bij.

2A2A Project “Landing Gear" 2

Hogeschool van Amsterdam
Domein Techniek

Appendix II Pyramid model

1.1 Introduction to the 1.1.1Purpose
Boeing 777-200 landing
gear 1.1.2 Dimensions Boeing
1.2.1 General Boeing 777-
1.2.2 Retraction and
1.2 Mainlandng gear uplock nechanism
Boeing 777-200 1.2.3 Extension and down
lock mechanism
1.2.4 Shock strut

Chapter 1: Technical 1.3.1 B777's side brace

analysis of the main 1.3 Materials for a side material
landing gear brace 1.3.2 Possible alternattive
side brace materials
1.4.1 Alternate gear
1.4.2 Proximity Sensor
1.4 Subsystems
1.4.3 Air/Ground logic

1.5.1 General regulations

1.5 Regulations 1.5.2. Shock absorbtion

1.5.3. Retracting
2.1.1. Forces on the

2.1 General forces of 2.1.2 Forces on aircraft

Boeing 777 touchdown during touchdown
case 2.1.3 Forces on aircraft
Analyzing the Boeing 777 during touchdown with
Landing Gear crosswind

2.2.1 External forces

2.2 Calculation side-bar
2.2.2 Internal forces
Chaper 2: Main gear forces
on the side brace and 2.3.1 Maximum force on
possible new materials 2.3 Maximum force of the the side brace
side brace and material 2.3.2 Maximum force on
the material
2.4.1 Comparison criteria

2.4 Possibel new materials 2.4.2 Steel 4330V

2.5 Conclusion 2.4.3 Aluminium 7175

3.1 Retraction Problem

3.2.1. Consequences
3.2 Consequences of the during the flight
retraction problem
Chapter 3: Malfunction of 3.2.2 Maintenance
the landinggear and
improvement of the 3.3.1 Direct costs
3.3 Costs and benefits 3.3.2 Oparational cost

3.4 Conlusion 3.3.3 Benefits

2A2A Project “Landing Gear" 3

Hogeschool van Amsterdam
Domein Techniek

Appendix III Process report

Cooperation is one of the most important things during a group project. That is why the group 2A2A made
improving points during the first week of the project. All the group members wanted to improve appointments
with relation to the project planning, further the group wanted the lay-out stricter to be pursued. The daily or
weekly meetings with all appointments will be discussed, with the warnings which are given. For the future
projects the group made new point of improvement.

 Project Planning
 Lay-out rules
 Meetings
 Future projects

ad1 Project Planning

The planning was made in Office Project 2007 which was easy to adapt. The planning had to be changed several
times, because some people were delayed by some reasons. Such as a lack off information or something that
needed to be discussed with a docent. Also the planning weren’t realistic all the time. Some parts needed to be
spread over more people than now was done.

The deadlines had to be more specific and needed to be more a deadline than a directive date according to the
points of improvement made in the first week of the project. A missed deadline should result in a warning, but
the group was still easy with the giving of warning. No one of this project group have had a warning as a result
of a missed deadline.

ad2 Lay-out rules

A second points of improvement made in the first week were the lay-out rules. These should be observed more
strictly than in previous projects. This point of improvement was made with the reason that correction of the
lay-out took the most time in previous projects of all corrections at the end.

This worked according to the plan. For the lay-out, a general stencil key set was made. Every group member
worked with it during the writing of their parts. Figures were numbered and lined according to the exampled
figure of the group agreements. The only thing that did not really worked out were the appendix references,
because the appendix numbering through the project wasn’t done yet when the assembling of the written
peaces was started. This gave some problems with linking the right appendix to the right written peace.

ad3 Meetings
Generally the meetings went smooth, because the group could get along very well. Everyone had the chance to
share his or her opinions in every meeting. During the meeting it was not always clear who the chairman was,
but the meeting were in spite of that always helpful for the project progress. Depending on the need of a
meeting, at least two meeting were held every week. Minutes were taken of every important meeting so an
absent person could read the meeting in the evening.

Agreements were made at the project start concerning being late or excuses. When someone had a delay or
another reason for being late for more than five minutes, a call or text needed to be send to the weekly
chairman of the group. These rules were generally pursued. Only two warning were given because two
members were a little late without calling through the delays. And one warning was given because of one
deadline wasn’t reached for the second time. These warnings didn’t have big consequences for the project.

ad4 Future projects

For coming projects there are some new points of improving. Such as a better planning. This can be done by
reading more of a topic, so the size of a topic is better to adopt. Also a better agreement of appendix
references has to be made. And after all agreements of the deadlines need to be stricter.

2A2A Project “Landing Gear" 4

Hogeschool van Amsterdam
Domein Techniek

Appendix IV Steering Inputs

The steering inputs are from steering tillers or the rudder pedals. The rudder pedals input (1) or the steering
tiller input (2) move an upper cable loop (3) , this loop is connected with a lower cable loop (4). This lower
cable loop will make a input to the nose landing gear steering metering valve module (5). Which will provide a
hydraulic pressure (6) to the centre hydraulic system.

1. Rudder pedals input

2. Steering tiller input
3. Upper cable loop
4. Lower cable loop
5. Nose landing gear steering
metering valve module
6. Hydraulic pressure





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Hogeschool van Amsterdam
Domein Techniek

Appendix V Storage of a landing gear

The landing gear can be stored; In the wing (1a), fuselage (1b), wing and fuselage (1c), wing-podded (1d),
fuselage-podded (1e) and in a nacelle (1f).

1a, In the wing 1b, Fuselage

1c, Wing and fuselage 1d, Wing-podded

1e, Fuselage-podded 1f, Nacelle

2A2A Project “Landing Gear" 6

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Domein Techniek

Appendix VI Gross weight and C.G. Limitations

Several maximum weights in pounds and a weight / C.g. graph for the B777-200.

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Domein Techniek

Appendix VII Above and wing dimensions with MAC boundaries

1. Start wing root

2. Mean aerodynamic
cord middle

3. Maximum C.g.

4. Minimum C.g.

5. Front MAC boundary

6. Aft MAC boundary

Mean aerodynamic cord middle and c.g. limits

Dimensions from above. The middle of the MAC is given with a length and the boundaries of the MAC are
displayed with two blue vertical lines. The front MAC boundary (5) starts at the wing root and ends at 28,65 +
7,07 = 35,72 meter, which is the aft MAC boundary (6).

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Domein Techniek

Appendix VIII MLG Retraction

= Hydraulic = Description

= Next/to description = Start

= Actuator = Valve

Legend MLG Retraction


Moves to up position
and provides hydraulic
1. MLG Selector/Bypass Valve pressure from the
centre hydraulic system

MLG Truck Positioner

2. MLG Drag Brace-Operated Sequence Valve 3. MLG Up lock Operated Sequence Valve
Actuator is hold in
STOW position

Ad1. Unlock MLG down lock

1. MLG Door-Operated Sequence Valve

2. MLG down lock Actuator Ensures the MLG down lock to


Moves to UP when MLG is almost

3. MLG Drag Brace-Operated Sequence Valve
completely extended and ensures
that the pressure retracts the MLG
truck positioner to TILT position
Ad 2. MLG Door Open
Centre Hydraulic System

1. MLG Door Lock Actuator

Is getting pressure through the

2. MLG Door Priority/Relief Valve
MLG Door Priority/Relief Valve,
with result that the MLG door
3. MLG Door Actuator opens

Ad 3. MLG Retraction
Centre Hydraulic System

1. MLG Retract Actuator brace-operated sequence

valve to the position NOT

2A2A Project “Landing Gear" 9

Hogeschool van Amsterdam
Ad 4. MLG Door Close Domein Techniek

1. MLG Uplock Operated Sequence Valve 2. MLG Door Release/Safety Valve Module

3. MLG Door Lock Actuator 4. MLG Door Actuator

Ensures the MLG door closes

2A2A Project “Landing Gear" 10

Hogeschool van Amsterdam
Domein Techniek

ad5 Truck positioner

The MLG truck positioned actuator moves the MLG to two positions. When the MLG truck is moved 13 degrees
forward wheels up, it is called TILT. This happens when the aircraft is in the air and the MLG is down and
locked. The second position is called STOW. The actuator moves the MLG truck approximately 5 degrees
forward wheels down. This happens when the MLG is being retracted. When the MLG is being extended, the
truck is hold also hold in the STOW position till the MLG is down and locked. The MLG truck positioner actuator
can be found on the forward end of the MLG truck. The MLG truck positioned is designed to allow a maximum
toes down angle of 19 degrees on the truck

2A2A Project “Landing Gear" 11

Hogeschool van Amsterdam
Domein Techniek

Appendix IX MLG Extension

= Hydraulic = Description

= Next/to description = Start

= Actuator = Valve

Legend MLG Extension


Moves to down position
and provides hydraulic
1. MLG Selector/Bypass Valve pressure from the
centre hydraulic system

MLG Truck Positioner

2. MLG Drag Brace-Operated Sequence Valve 3. MLG Up lock Operated Sequence Valve
Actuator is hold in
STOW position
Ad 1. MLG Door Open
Centre Hydraulic System

1. MLG Door Lock Actuator

Is getting pressure through the

2. MLG Door Priority/Relief Valve
MLG Door Priority/Relief Valve,
with result that the MLG door
3. MLG Door Actuator opens

Ad 2. Unlock MLG Up Moves to OPEN when the door is

lock 1. MLG Door-Operated Sequence Valve almost open

2. MLG Up lock Actuator Ensures the MLG up lock to unlock

MLG Extending

Moves to DOWN when MLG is

3. MLG Drag Brace-Operated Sequence Valve
almost completely extended and
ensures that the pressure retracts
the MLG truck positioner to TILT
Ad 3. MLG Door Close position

1. MLG Up lock Operated Sequence Valve 2. MLG Door Release/Safety Valve Module

3. MLG Door Lock Actuator 4. MLG Door Actuator

Ensures the MLG door closes

2A2A Project “Landing Gear" 12

Hogeschool van Amsterdam
Domein Techniek

Appendix X Cylinders
Shock struts work with an oil-air cylinder. The compressed air (nitrogen) (1) bounces the forces the orifice (3)
lets oil (2) flow through a small gap which results in restrained forces. Energy will be converted into heat.

1. Compressed nitrogen
2. Orifice
3. Oil

2A2A Project “Landing Gear" 13

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Domein Techniek

Appendix XI Pressure sensor example

A sensor is a mechanical device that is transmits a signal measuring or control instrument. Sensors can for
example be sensitive for pressure, light and temperature. In the following example a the operation of pressure
sensor is describe.

A pressure sensor is used to transduce pressure input to an electrical output. Operation of the pressure sensor
is based on a conductor (a conductor is a metal device that can retain the electric charge). The pressure sensor
contains of a small rectangular chamber (1) where the bottom is cutoff with a rigid plate (2). The upperside of
the pressure sensor is sealed with a diaphragm. This diaphragms is very small, so it can be seen as
as membrane (3).When on the upper side pressure is released, the upper side of the sensor will twist. By this
twisting a difference of pressure will be generated in the chamber. If the pressure on the upper side is larger
than in the chamber, the membrane will stand in a hollow position. When the pressure on the upper side is
smaller than in the chamber the membrane will come in a convex position. This twisting is of the membrane is
transduced to the conductors which caused an electrical output signal.

3. 1. Chamber
2. Rigid plate
1. 3. Membrane


2A2A Project “Landing Gear" 14

Hogeschool van Amsterdam
Domein Techniek

Appendix XII Proximity sensors on the MLG

On the MLG there are proximity sensors to provide warning indication for GPWS. The sensors are for specific
operation of the MLG:

 Sensors for MLG up lock

 Sensors for MLG down lock
 Sensors for closing the MLG doors
 Sensor for MLG truck tilt

Ad 1 Sensors for MLG up lock

There are two MLG up and locked proximity sensor on each MLG. The up lock input from the sensor will be
send to the PSEU. On the MLG up lock assembly the sensor and target are mounted.

Ad 2 Sensors for MLG down lock

Four MLG down proximity sensors are on each MLG. Two drag brace links are on the upper drag brace lock link
and two side brace down sensors on the upper side brace lock link. These proximity sensors provide down lock
date to the PSEU.

Ad 3 Sensors for closing MLG doors

There are two MLG door closed sensors . Input from these sensors supply door position of the MLG to the
PSEU. The sensors are located on the corner of the wheel well and targets are located on the MLG doors.

Ad 4 Sensor for truck tilt

There are two MLG truck tilt sensors for each MLG. The sensors send truck tilt position to the PSEU. The MLG
tilt sensors and the target as well are located on the bracket assembly.

2A2A Project “Landing Gear" 15

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Domein Techniek

Appendix XIII Schedule AGS

For a better understanding of the AGS a schedule is illustrated below.

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Appendix XIV Free body diagram

The free body diagram of the main gear. Fz is the force of the gravity on the beam. Fw is the drag caused by
friction. Fside and Fdragbr are the forces of the braces. Fv represents the resilience.

2A2A Project “Landing Gear" 17

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Domein Techniek

Appendix XV Determining lengths and angles

The lengths of the parts in the landing gear are not easily obtained. Therefore, an approximation is made. The
most logical way to perform this is by using a drawing and a picture of a scale model. This drawing contains a
side view and a down view. Because the tires fitted on a 777 have a given diameter, this can be used as a scale
to determine the lengths and angles of the braces and the main gear beam.

The tires of the B777 have a diameter of 50 inch and have a width of 22 inch. In the metric system this is a
diameter of 127 centimetres. At this point, the drawing will be altered with some lines to make the measuring
of the lengths and angles easier. The length of the diameter will be displayed by a line drawn in the bottom
right of the figure. A bit less than three times the diameter (380 cm) is the length of the main beam measured
from the top of the bogey (a). The main beam has an 8° angle with the vertical length. To calculate the length
of the main beam, the cosine (cos) will be used. Thus following that the beam length is
383,7 cm. The angle from the side brace (front brace in the figures) in regard to the bogey is 45°, which is
illustrated in the right corner. The length of the down view in vertical length to the bogey is 174,6 cm. To
determine the length of the side brace down view: Results in a length of 246,92
cm. In order to calculate the angle of the side brace to the main beam, the length of the main beam must be
calculated from where the side brace is attached. Measuring this in the figure gives a length of 222,25 cm.
Where x represents the value of 48°. The length of the side brace is calculated by the
2 2 2.
Pythagorean theorem, a +b =c , c would then be 332,2 cm, which is the length of the
side brace. The angle of the drag brace (rear brace in the figure) in regard to the main beam is 10°. Down view
measurement in vertical direction gives a length of 211,7cm. The length of the
down view is 214,97cm. The point of attachment is the same as the side brace so it has a further length of
222,25cm. The length of the drag brace is equal to 309,2 cm.

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2A2A Project “Landing Gear" 19

Hogeschool van Amsterdam
Domein Techniek

Appendix XVI Non Normal Checklist Landing Gear

Non-Normal checklist- Landing gear

Condition: Gear position disagrees with landing gear lever position.

IF landing gear lever UP:

Note: Observe gear EXTEND limit speed (270K/82M)
[From GEAR DOOR checklist]

Note: Flight with gear down increases fuel consumption and decreases climb
performance. Refer to Gear Down performance tables in Performance-Inflight
chapter for flight planning.

Do not accomplish the following checklists:


2A2A Project “Landing Gear" 20

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