Employment Agreement - JackUp & LB (Wef 01012017) - 3E ZAINAL PDF

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1. Parties to the Employment Agreement

This agreement is made between:

Teras Offshore Pte Ltd

15 Hoe Chiang Road
#12-05 Tower Fifteen
Singapore 089316
(Hereinafter, “TERAS” or “the company”)


Employee’s Name : ZAINAL ARIFIN

Date of Birth and Age : 14 MAY 1980
Place of Birth : INDONESIA
Passport / Identification no. : A6533039

(hereinafter, “you” or “the employee”)

2. Capacity in which employee is to be employed

The capacity in which you are initially employed is THIRD ENGINEER

3. Duration of Employment

Your employment is for a period commencing on 10/07/2017 and ending on 31/10/2017 unless it is
prematurely terminated for justified reasons.

Either party may terminate this agreement at any time by giving twenty-eight (28) days’ written notice
to the other party.

4. Place and schedule of work

Employee’s Company’s
Initial: Representative Initial:

Mail 15 Hoe Chiang Road, Tower Fifteen #12-05 Singapore 089316 Call 65.63090555
Web www.terasoffshore.com Fax 65.62227848
You will be employed on TERAS CONUEST 5 located in U.A.E. Moreover, you agree to be assigned to
any worldwide location and/or offshore unit as determined by the company.

Your work schedule will conform to the legal work requirements in force at the work location or in the
country/area of assignment and the Company / Client requirements.

5. Wages and Account of Wages

Your wages on commencement will be as follows:

Normal Rate - Salary per Day (in USD) Basic USD 68.00

FOT USD 52.00

Leave Pay USD 30.00

Total USD 150.00

Standby Rate – Salary per Day (in USD) Basic USD 48.00

FOT USD 36.00

Leave Pay USD 21.00

Total USD 105.00

Salary per day is counted with Days ON only. Days ON is defined as the day the crew arrives at the
Company work site/offshore unit until the day he leaves the Company work site/offshore unit.

The Employee will be paid the Normal Rate in the following circumstances:
(1) When the Employee is working on the Rig/Vessel while the Rig is on hire to a charterer, is
working and is earning charter-hire on a full rate.

The Employee will be paid the Standby Rate in the following circumstances:
(1) When the Employee is travelling from his home to the Rig/Vessel;
(2) When the Employee is travelling from the Rig/Vessel back home;
(3) When the Employee is travelling from any one Rig/Vessel to another Rig/Vessel;
(4) When the Employee is away for (1) medical checkups of any sort (whether required by the
Company and/or Charterer or for personal reasons), (2) trainings & courses (whether required
by the Company and/or Charterer or for personal reasons) or (3) any reason whatsoever,
resulting in the Employee being unable to perform his assigned duties on the Rig/Vessel; and/or
(5) When the Rig/Vessel is not on-hire (this would include any situation whatsoever where the
Rig/Vessel is on standby rate or partial charter-hire rate or is not on charter).

Standby Rate shall be at 70% of Normal Rate, unless specified otherwise in the table above.

Employee’s Company’s
Initial: Representative Initial:

Mail 15 Hoe Chiang Road, Tower Fifteen #12-05 Singapore 089316 Call 65.63090555
Web www.terasoffshore.com Fax 65.62227848
The Employee will be provided with a monthly account of all payments due to you and the amounts
paid, including wages, additional payments and permitted/statutory deductions.

The company shall not be responsible for any delay arising out of bank transfer, interbank transfer or
the employees’ banks’ internal procedure, which may affect payment to the bank of the employee.
Further, the Company shall not be responsible for any delay or loss resulting from incorrect or
incomplete particulars in respect of the employees’ designated bank account provided by the Employee
to the Company.

6. Joining Arrangements

The Company will make arrangements for transportation from the Employees home port to the
Company’s work site / offshore unit as well as return to the same port of departure at the end of the

Transport arrangement, visa and accommodation while in transit after departure from and return to
Employees’ point of departure shall be provided by Company or will be reimbursed to the Employee.

Transit Allowance of USD20 applies for transit of continuous 8 hours or longer.

7. Taxes

Employee shall be solely responsible for any tax liabilities of whatever nature levied in any country for
the execution of this Agreement.

The Company shall assist the Employee in complying with the requirements of the revenue authorities
by providing a certificate confirming Employee’s status and assignment.

The Employee explicitly understands that Employee is fully responsible for all liabilities and that no
Employer charges or levies are paid by the Company, only if legally required in the Country/Area of

The Company reserves the right to withhold any amount related to the Employee’s employment under
this Agreement, in the event that the Company is required to do so by any statutory taxation laws or
regulations in the Country/Area of Assignment.

8. Personal Accident Insurance

Personal accident insurance shall be taken up or maintained by the COMPANY for you while you are
performing the Services.

Prior to engagement, you shall declare your present medical profile and shall go for a full medical
examination as per TERAS requirements.

Employee’s Company’s
Initial: Representative Initial:

Mail 15 Hoe Chiang Road, Tower Fifteen #12-05 Singapore 089316 Call 65.63090555
Web www.terasoffshore.com Fax 65.62227848
9. Training

Employee agrees to attend any and all training courses related to the performance of Employees’
responsibilities and duties as the Company may reasonably request or direct.

All training costs and reasonable expenses incurred by the Employee and associated with such training
shall be reimbursed by the Company. Time actually spent on training courses will be remunerated as
per the Standby Rate.

10. Repatriation

Employee will be entitled to repatriation, at the expense of the Company, if you are away from your
country of residence:

 when this agreement is terminated;

 when this agreement expires;
 in the event of illness or injury or other medical condition requiring your repatriation, in the
event that the ship is proceeding to a Warlike Operations Area or the event of termination or
interruption of employment in accordance with an industrial award or collective agreement;
 in circumstances where you are no longer able to carry out your duties under this agreement
or cannot be expected to do so e.g. shipwreck, the sale of your ship or a change in your ship's
registration, and

The entitlement to repatriation entails transport by …………FLIGHT…………….. [means of transport] to

…….…MAKASSAR………… [ name of home port].

NOTE- You may not be entitled to repatriation at the expense of the Company in circumstances where
you have been dismissed on disciplinary grounds or have breached your obligations under this
Agreement. In such circumstances the Company will still be liable to repatriate you but shall be entitled
to recover from any wages due to you the cost of doing so.

11. Confidentiality and conflict of interest

Employee agrees and confirms that he shall not divulge any confidential information concerning or
relating to Company’s activities or business in which the Company, its affiliate companies or its clients
or customers are engaged without a prior written authorization from Company. Employee agrees and
confirms that he shall refrain from activities which represent a conflict of interest with Company’s
activities or businesses for the duration of this agreement.

Any violation of the obligation to maintain confidentiality as set out above shall be deemed grounds for
immediate dismissal. Dismissal of the Employee on these grounds shall be without prejudice to any
other claims which the Employee may have, including the right to claim damages.

Employee’s Company’s
Initial: Representative Initial:

Mail 15 Hoe Chiang Road, Tower Fifteen #12-05 Singapore 089316 Call 65.63090555
Web www.terasoffshore.com Fax 65.62227848
12. Termination of Employment

Your employment under this Agreement may be terminated in the following circumstances:-

a) by mutual consent;
b) Your misconduct as prescribed in the Employer’s Code of Conduct;
c) Your need to terminate the agreement for compassionate or other urgent reasons
d) If, in the opinion of the OIM/Captain, your continued employment would be likely to endanger
the Rig/Vessel or any person onboard;
e) By appropriate notice in accordance with paragraph 3 above.
The Employer’s Code of Conduct is appended as Annex A.

13. Disciplinary Rules and Procedure

The disciplinary rules applicable to you are set out in the Employer’s Code of Conduct.

If you are dissatisfied with any disciplinary decision taken in relation to you, you should refer to the
disciplinary procedure set out in the Code of Conduct.

14. Governing Law and Jurisdiction

This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Singapore.

Any dispute arising out of or in connection with this Agreement, including any question regarding its
existence, validity, or termination, shall be referred to and finally resolved by arbitration in Singapore
before a sole arbitrator in accordance with either the Arbitration Rules of the Singapore International
Arbitration Center (“SIAC”) for the time being in force. The sole arbitrator shall be appointed by the
President of the SIAC Court of Arbitration. The venue and seat of the arbitration shall be Singapore. The
language of the arbitration shall be English. All arbitration awards shall be final and binding on the
Parties. The arbitral proceedings shall be confidential.

15. Additional Provisions included by the Company

Rotation will be 60 days on and 60 days off unless otherwise stipulated.

Off days are not paid.

Employee’s Company’s
Initial: Representative Initial:

Mail 15 Hoe Chiang Road, Tower Fifteen #12-05 Singapore 089316 Call 65.63090555
Web www.terasoffshore.com Fax 65.62227848

I confirm that I have freely entered this agreement with a sufficient understanding of my rights and
responsibilities, and I have been given an opportunity to review and seek independent legal advice on the
agreement before signing.

Signature of Employee :

Rank and Name of Employee :

Date & place :

I confirm that the Employee has been informed of their rights and duties under this agreement prior to or
in the process of his engagement.

Signature of Company’s Representative :

Name of the Company’s Representative : KIRAN JEE KAUR

Place where this Agreement is entered into : SINGAPORE

Date where this Agreement is entered into : 07 JULY 2017

Mail 15 Hoe Chiang Road, Tower Fifteen #12-05 Singapore 089316 Call 65.63090555
Web www.terasoffshore.com Fax 65.62227848
Appendix 1


Name (as in passport) :

Nationality : Date of Birth :

Passport No : Issue At :

Date of Issue : Date of Expiry :

Religion : Marital Status :

Contact Number (s) :

Father’s Name : Mother’s Name :

Permanent Address :

Current Address :


Name : Relationship :

Address :

Contact Number (s) :

Number of Children :

1) Name: Gender : Male/Female Date of Birth :

2) Name: Gender : Male/Female Date of Birth :

3) Name: Gender : Male/Female Date of Birth :

4) Name: Gender : Male/Female Date of Birth :

Signature of Employee: Date:

Mail 15 Hoe Chiang Road, Tower Fifteen #12-05 Singapore 089316 Call 65.63090555
Web www.terasoffshore.com Fax 65.62227848

Conduct in Emergencies
1. In any emergency or other situation in which the safety of the ship, of any person(s) on board or
the marine environment is at stake, the Person-in-Charge and Officers are entitled to look for immediate
and unquestioning obedience of orders. There can be no exceptions to this rule. Failure to comply will be
treated as among the most serious of breaches of discipline and may also warrant prosecution under the
provisions of the relevant Merchant Shipping Acts.

Conduct in Situations Other than Emergencies

2. Emergencies are fortunately rare and this document is primarily concerned with the day-to-day
situation on board. An important factor in securing cooperation, which cannot be stressed enough, is good
communication. This applies both to communications between a company’s shore-based administration
and the ship as well as to communication within the vessel itself. It should be borne in mind, however, that
certain acts of misconduct (e.g. absence from place of duty, etc.) could have the effect of causing an
emergency. The following section sets out some broad general guidance on everyday conduct.

3. Punctuality is very important both for the efficient operation of the vessel and to avoid putting
extra work on others. This is true of joining the vessel at the time appointed, returning from shore leave,
reporting for watch-keeping duty and all other work. Absence at the time of sailing, in particular, may
seriously delay the vessel or even prevent her operating until a replacement is found.

4. Every employee should carry out their duties efficiently to the best of their ability. Employees have
a right to be told clearly what their duties are and to whom they are responsible for carrying them out; if
in doubt, they should ask. Employees must also obey reasonable commands and instructions.

Treatment of Accommodation
5. The vessel is both an employee’s place of work and home. Therefore both personal and shared
facilities and accommodation should be used appropriately with consideration for others.

Communication Etiquette
6. Every employee should be courteous, respectful and professional in the conduct of official
communications with others, including Company representatives, clients, contractors and other
employees. Doing so safeguards the professional image of both the Company and the employee. The mode
of communication shall always be according to official channels when writing to company representatives
including company emails and telephone calls.

Behaviour towards Others

7. Every employee should behave appropriately and with due consideration for others’ cultural and
religious sensitivities. A person’s anti-social behaviour can be a nuisance to others on board. In extreme
circumstances, it can also place the vessel and the employee at risk of danger. Such behaviour includes but
Employee’s Company’s
Initial: Representative Initial:

Mail 15 Hoe Chiang Road, Tower Fifteen #12-05 Singapore 089316 Call 65.63090555
Web www.terasoffshore.com Fax 65.62227848
is not limited to excessive noise, abusive language, harassment, bullying, aggressive attitudes and offensive
personal habits. Employees should also be considerate towards those who need to sleep whilst others are

Compliance with Company Rules and Procedures

8. Any person on board a Company vessel must abide by Company policies, rules and procedures.
These include but are not limited to rules and procedures relating to alcohol, smoking, drugs, offensive
weapons, unauthorised persons or possessions or cargo, the environment, health or safety, harassment or
bullying, criminal or fraudulent activity and IT systems.

9. The Company enforces a strict no-alcohol policy on board all our vessels. Every employee is
expected to perform their duties while in full control of their mental and physical faculties and can expect
an onboard environment that is free from interference by inebriated personnel. Bringing and consuming
liquor on board vessels owned or operated by the Company is strictly prohibited. The Company reserves
the right to randomly test our employees for the use of alcohol in accordance with prevailing local law.

10. Every employee is to observe the rules concerning smoking on board their vessel. Smoking is only
allowed in designated areas in the interests of safety to prevent fire accidents.

11. Company policy prohibits the illegal use, sale, purchase, transfer, possession or consumption of
controlled substances, other than medically prescribed drugs, while on board our vessels. Every employee
can expect a safe and hazard-free working environment free from the influence of illicit drugs. Legitimate
and prescription drugs are to be declared to the resident medical personnel on board and consumed strictly
according to medical instructions. The consumption, possession and distribution of illicit drugs is also illegal
in many countries and the penalties for such actions can be very severe, including the death penalty. The
Company reserves the right to randomly test our employees for the use of controlled substances in
accordance with prevailing local law.

Offensive Weapons
12. Every employee should be aware of the dangers in bringing offensive weapons on board. Such
weapons pose a clear and immediate danger to the lives of all personnel on board as they could potentially
be used to cause fatal harm to persons or catastrophic damage to property.

Unauthorised Persons or Possessions or Cargo

13. Employees are not allowed to bring any unauthorized persons, possessions or cargo, including
contraband items, on board vessels. Vessel’s and port authority’s rules should be strictly followed
regarding bringing of unauthorized persons onboard to prevent legal actions.

14. The Company is committed to conducting our business and operations in a manner that protects
the environment. Every employee is expected to support our effort in protecting the environment and
should conduct themselves in a manner that is consistent with this policy.

Employee’s Company’s
Initial: Representative Initial:

Mail 15 Hoe Chiang Road, Tower Fifteen #12-05 Singapore 089316 Call 65.63090555
Web www.terasoffshore.com Fax 65.62227848
Health and Safety
15. The health and safety of all our employees is of the utmost importance to the Company. We are
committed to protecting the health, and safety of each Company employee. Government regulatory
standards and employee input are used to develop comprehensive programs and work processes that are
designed to promote safe workplaces and good health. Every employee is responsible for understanding
and complying with Company Health and Safety policies, processes, procedures, and guidelines, as well as
those issued by applicable regulatory authorities.

Harassment and Discrimination

16. All employees are expected to treat one another with respect. Company policy prohibits
discrimination against any employee on the basis of sex, race, colour, age, religion, sexual preference,
marital status, national origin, disability, ancestry, political opinion, or any other basis prohibited by the
laws that govern its operations. “Harassment” includes any conduct likely to cause offense or humiliation
to any person or that might, on reasonable grounds, be perceived by a reasonable person to place a
condition on employment or on any opportunity for training or promotion.

Criminal or Fraudulent Activity

17. All employees are responsible for complying with the various laws, rules and regulations of the flag
state and regulatory authorities that affect the vessel’s operations. Any employee found to be in violation
of local laws or regulations will be subject to internal disciplinary as well as relevant local legal proceedings.

IT Systems
18. The Company provides computer equipment, phones, email and internet access on board our
vessels primarily for the conduct of operations and business purposes. These equipment are monitored
regularly to help the Company defend against cyber-attacks and malicious activity. Every employee is to
limit their personal use of such equipment to acceptable limits. All employees are expected to observe
good computer etiquette, be vigilant against cyber-attacks and are only allowed to install official and
authorised programmes on the onboard computers.

Gross Misconduct
19. Acts of gross misconduct, examples of which are listed below, may, if appropriate in the
circumstances and established to the satisfaction of the Person-in-Charge or the Company CEO, lead to
dismissal from the vessel either immediately or at the end of the voyage and to dismissal from employment.
This is separate from any other legal or disciplinary action which may be called for.

Gross Misconduct will include, but shall not be limited to, the following:

 Assault (including threatening behaviour).

 Wilful damage to the vessel or any property on board.
 Theft (including attempted theft) or possession of stolen property.
 Possession of offensive weapons.
 Persistent or wilful failure to perform duty.
 Unlawful possession or distribution of drugs.
 Conduct endangering the vessel, persons or cargo on board, or the marine environment.
 Combination with others at sea to impede the progress of the voyage or navigation of the vessel.
Employee’s Company’s
Initial: Representative Initial:

Mail 15 Hoe Chiang Road, Tower Fifteen #12-05 Singapore 089316 Call 65.63090555
Web www.terasoffshore.com Fax 65.62227848
 Disobedience of a lawful order.

 To be asleep on duty or fail to remain on duty, if such conduct would prejudice the safety of the
vessel, persons or cargo on board, or the marine environment.
 Breach of company rules and procedures relating to alcohol, drugs or smoking.
 Failure to report to work without satisfactory reason or absence from place of duty or from the
vessel without leave.
 Interference with the work of others.
 Behaviour which seriously detracts from the safe and/or efficient working of the vessel.
 Conduct of a sexual nature, or other conduct based on sex affecting the dignity of women and men
which is unwanted, unreasonable or offensive to the recipient
 Behaviour which seriously detracts from the social well-being of any other person on board,
including but not limited to bullying, harassment, intimidation and coercion.
 Causing or permitting unauthorised cargo, possessions or persons to be on board the vessel or in
parts of the vessel where prohibited.
 Smuggling of any nature or breach of Customs’ regulations, including but not limited to contraband,
stowaways or refugees.
 Demanding and/or receiving any commission or any other favour or benefit from any passenger,
customer or supplier (excluding only unsolicited tips given by passengers for service provided, to
the extent permissible under company rules).
 Deliberate misuse of a harbour pass or personal identity card.
 Commission of a breach of a lesser degree listed in paragraph 21 after warnings have been given
in accordance with the procedures in paragraph 19.

Less Serious Misconduct

20. Breaches of a lesser degree of seriousness may be dealt with by:

 An informal warning.
 A formal warning.
 A written warning.
 A final written warning.

21. When a warning other than an informal warning is given, the employee should be advised of the
likely consequences of further breaches of discipline.

Examples of Less Serious Breaches of Discipline

22. Examples of less serious breaches of the disciplinary rules include, but are not limited to, the

 Offences of the kind described in paragraph 18, which are, in the sole discretion of the Company,
not considered to justify dismissal in the particular circumstances of the case.
 Minor acts of negligence, neglect of duty, disobedience and assault.
 Unsatisfactory work performance.
 Poor time keeping.
Employee’s Company’s
Initial: Representative Initial:

Mail 15 Hoe Chiang Road, Tower Fifteen #12-05 Singapore 089316 Call 65.63090555
Web www.terasoffshore.com Fax 65.62227848
 Stopping work before the authorised time.
 Offensive or disorderly behaviour.
 Unreasonable behaviour which is detrimental to the health or safety of fellow employees, or
which adversely affects Company operations.
 Offensive or unprofessional official communications with others, including Company
Representatives, clients, contractors and other employees.

Employee’s Company’s
Initial: Representative Initial:

Mail 15 Hoe Chiang Road, Tower Fifteen #12-05 Singapore 089316 Call 65.63090555
Web www.terasoffshore.com Fax 65.62227848

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