To Make A Difference

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To Make A Difference..!!

Life has its own attributes in each individual career...Students’ particularly are
obsessed with daily schedules- Studies, Assignment, projects etc...Which in fact it is common
to all pupils... But a determined student never let it go as it wants-to-be they make a little
difference from other. For instance, Proper maintenance of notes, prioritise the works, timely
completion of assignment. The Question is how one can be differentiating from their mates, it
is a very simple techniques:-

• Aptitude

• Interest

Talking about the capacity and creativity, God have given intelligency to every one-
the problem being person lack of aptitude and also lack of interest to implement the learned
knowledge in real practical aspect. Example: The engineers- it is their application of
creativity that makes an outstanding among their counterpart. “A small change can make a
big difference”. E.g. A small change in the newly developed product-Size, design, price,
packaging, distribution channel- it will for guarantee gives more weightage from the
existing competitors. Likewise, it is all the same technique that a successful person differs
from a failure. The interest of a person is an unstoppable by is the inner
willingness to do and get experienced of the new things. Inventions are the result of one’s
creativity and interest.

To develop all this one needs to have a good attitude in every actions, for which
certain traits are required to get rid-off the barriers that comes in the way:-

 Passion

 Dream

 Vision

 Perseverance
• Passion- The first thing to begin any project, it is essential to acquire the
tendency of zeal and ardour to do with prior knowledge of what it meant to be.

• Dream- One needs to have a clear and precise goal in life, for whatever the
condition it would be the outcome, because without a dream to start-up in life
it will be a kind of probability in achieving ones’ goal. It must be in tuned with
SWOT factor analysis of individual person-

 S-Strength

 W-Weakness

 O-Opportunities

 T-Threats

Thorough analytical knowledge of this factor “MAKES DIFFERENCE” from other

participants in the competition world of advancement. Failing to understand the SWOT will
leads to a zero value in the personal and society in general. At times it may occur negative en
route in the progress but one have to consider it as a challenge- “Failure is a Lesson”. For
this a person got to work hard to succeed. E.g. “The taste of the Sweat that comes out of the
body is Sweet.” Similarly, ones effort of hardships and hindrances will certainly give a
sweeter result. Infact, all great man goes through agony in life.

• Vision- Concerned with long-term awards and accomplishment, it serves as a

back-up to the set goal in wider prospect for which enhanced the spirit in the
progress to goal.

• Perseverance- A very important tool in pursuit of achieving in every aspect of

life is to have a strong determination, which anticipates in doing things in the
correct track. “Perseverance is not a long race, it is many short races one
after another.” It should be combined with individual willpower to give a
better output. Perseverance is the “MOTHER OF CHANGE”

To become great-man one needs to have a “THREE FRIEND”-

 Crack Joke- A person who makes one laugh, an entertainer.

 Gossip- A person engaged in talking and sharing out every word he heard.

 Books- A one-in-all knowledge provider.

This will provide a platform of analytical skills and sense of multi-dimensional

applicability of mind. Further it will help to know the different perspectives in a concise for
which it enhances the creativity power that move towards achievements of goal.

Summary: To make the above statement a successful one, certain rituals has to be
maintain in everyday of Life-

 Commune to the Nature: Have a glimpse of the beautiful mountain, beaches,

creeping sound of birds, glittering stars and the moonlight, breeze, flowers and the
other objects of nature. This kind of a habit will ultimately enriched one mind into a
depth of wealth in the mind

 Serenity: Here it means to convey the ethical aspect of peacefulness with concerned
in keeping the physical body firm and diligent. With this, there would not be any age-
par in learning and understanding new things.

 Good Living: Be a foodie no doubt but be very particular about what you eat. Go for-
Fruits, Vegetables, good diet, BURGER & SOFT DRINKS. This will sustain a long
healthy life. Also, the functionality of brain which is the secret of one’s success

 Abundant Knowledge: Never stop to the road of learning. Grasp every alternatives
of knowledge that comes on the way. Learning is a lifelong process, it has no
boundary. Lifelong learning leads to no ending success.

 Personal Reflection: Believe in whatever you do. Hope for a better outcome. For
this, do certain priceless work- Make a point to Pray, visit meditation centres, Church
& garden. It will give a psychological relief to the mind, soul & body. Further
enriches one’s mind in harsh and stormy situations.

 Early Awakening: A variance in personal identity makes a huge difference among

its components. A man of early bird who wakes up along with the rise of sun will be
identical in life. E.g. Every morning the sun rises, if human beings daily practise to
arise with the sun this kind of habit it will have a tremendous impact of shinning and
arise in the path of career like the sun.

 Music: Set a time for music infotainment. Listen to music in the intervals of the study
schedules... not of rocky system of songs, but go for soft music, classical, country
etc...It will give not only a break-even in your studies but serves as a mind relaxation
after a prolong engaged in reading. It has the tendency to suits your heart and
motivates to some certain extend.

 Spoken Word: Let the word of your mouth be a clean one. Speak in a positive
manner; speak the truth, if situations demands speak in a soft. No wanders, if you
could able to believe in yourself and speak positive words-it will be always a plus
point to yours. Remember here is a strong quote- “A person who tell lies will die
soon”... give a deep thought in it- it will be scary, danger and hard to belief but never
give-up the confidentiality you have in life. Take this proverb as daily challenge
before your mouth. Always give a quality talk-

“If you talk too much your word will eat you up.”

 Confrontation: Never hold on the negative perceptions of your mind. Avoid it and
build up in a more interesting method- your deeds should be reflect every end-of-the-
day. This will improve the position of your self-esteem. Also it will encourage you to
strive for more in life.

 Simplicity: Live a pleasant life, the attractions of one person comes from the humble
attitude he possess. Be loyal to your friend, teacher, and parents’ and to your entire
companion who are around you.

Putting all these rituals in daily life will lead the road to achievement of goals.
Keeping in mind and making into a reality can be confidently assure that

Benrithung. C. Shitiri


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