PLACEMENT TEST Za Sedmi I Osmi Razred

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(inicijalni test iz engleskog jezika)

seventh grade Name and surname …………………………………………………………………… Class ……………………

September 2013


Choose the correct answer, a), b), c) or d).

1. Peter is my mum’s brother. He’s my............

a)cousin b)uncle c)grandfather d)father

2. This is a very bad storm with strong winds and rain. It’s a ………. .
a) hurricane b)flood c)tsunami d)eruption

3. My dad keeps all the books in the………. .

a)kitchen b)library c)bedroom d)bathroom

4. When you go to ………. you can feed the pigeons.

a)Buckingham Palace b)Trafalgar Square c)the London Eye d)Madam Tussaud’s

5. I’m afraid I .......... one of the plates when I was washing up.
a)fellb)lost c)droppedd)took

6. Where’s Emily? She’s in the bathroom and she’s ………. .

a)sleeping b)setting the table c)watching TV d)brushing her teeth

7. We didn’t have much time to ________ sightseeing when we were in New York.
a)make b)do c)see d)go

8. Can I have a glass of water please? I’m really.......... ?

a)hungry b)sad c)thirsty d)full

9. We.......... talk in the class.

a)don’t have to b)may not c)mustn’t d)can’t

10. Emily always .......... up at seven.

a)gets b)get c)getting d)got

11. What are you doing? I ........... TV.

a)am watchingb)am watch c)watch d) watches

12. We visited.......... Palace of Westminster.

a)a b)thec)/ d)an

13. There is a bank………… the left.

a)inb)to c)at d)on

14. Robots ........... travel to Mars in future.

a) will travel b)travel c)travelled d)are travelling

15. My mum .......... a potato pie when I came home.

a)were making b)makes c)made d)was making

points ……………………../15
II READING: What’s your favourite thing about London? Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)?

Anna (Belgium)

My favourite thing about London is the view from the bridge near Big Ben. We crossed the bridge about eight times
when we were in London last month and every time I thought the view was fantastic! You can see all along the River
Thames. You can see the Houses of Parliament and that big wheel called the ‘London Eye’. We didn’t go on it this time
but maybe on our next visit. At night the view is even better. All the lights are on and it’s beautiful. There are restaurants
on the boats and there are always lots of people walking along the river. Something else you can see from the bridge is
the difference between the buildings. There are old and new buildings together. I like to imagine London a hundred years
ago – with all the horses and dirty roads. Perhaps people weren’t always in a hurry like they are today. I think it was still
a lovely city. From the bridge you can see all the history of this old city – that’s why I like this view.

16. Anna was in London last week. …………....

17. Anna’s favourite building in London is Big Ben. ……….......
18. Anna hopes to go on the London Eye on her next visit. ……….......
19. There Anna thinks London will always be a beautiful city. ……............
points ……………………../4

III LISTENING : Listen to the recording twice and choose the correct answer.

Katy is introducing herself to her classmates.

20.Katy was born in _________.
a)London b)New York c)Paris

21.Her _________ travels a lot with the work.

a)dad b)mum c)sister

22.When she arrived she thought London was _________ .

a)interesting b)exciting c)boring

23.They are staying in _________.

a)an apartment b)a house c)a hotel

24. She’s staying in her new school for___________.

a)a month b)two months c)three months points ……………………../5

IV WRITING : Write a paragraph about a member of your family.Write about:

 Name and age

 Relationship to you
 What this person does – school/work
 What this person likes doing
 Something interesting this person did recently

points ……………………../6

Katy Hi everyone! I’m Katy. I’m here studying with you for two months. I was born in New
York and I usually go to school there. My mom and dad are in London because my dad
travels a lot with his work. So, I’m here too! I like England a lot. When I arrived I
thought London was boring. You’ve got a lot of really old buildings and the roads aren’t
very big. My mom and dad took me to some different places – like Hyde Park and
Oxford Street. I did some shopping. Now, I think London’s cool! We’re staying in a
small apartment – I think you say ‘flat’. It’s very small. I’ve got a room with my sister –
yuk! I go swimming every day and last week I saw a pop concert at a big place – the O2
Arena? Wow! That’s big. Now I don’t want to go home. It’s good to be in this school. I
know it’s only two months but I hope we can all be friends.

(inicijalni test iz engleskog jezika)

Eight grade Name and surname …………………………………………………………………… Class ……………………

September 2013


Choose the correct answer, a), b), c) or d).

1. I’d like to buy a .......... dress because the material is so soft but it is very expensive.
a)cotton b)silk c)woollen d)leather

2. This jumper is very.......... . I can’t breathe!

a) loose b)tight c)baggy d)long

3. Have you ever met a ………. actor?

a)famous b)fame c)/ d)the most famous

4. You should avoid…… .. food because it’s not good for you.
a)healthy b)spicy c)junk d)tasty

5. They saw a thief in the house and it was very ……………………… .

a) frightening b)frighten c)frightened//

6. There is a ________ in several African countries because they have had no rain for a long time.
a)flood b)pollution c)deforestation d)drought

7. Have you ........... a decision about your next holiday yet?

a)had b)made c)reached d)found

8. I can’t solve this puzzle. Can you help me find the .......... ?
a) solution b) decision c) choice d) adjustment

9. We’ve run.......... time, we’ll have to finish this later.

a) of b) off c) out of d) out

10. This is the boy .......... lives next door.

a) which b) who c) whose d) where

11. I ..…… the street when I saw Peter.

a)was walking b)walking c)walked d) was walked

12. He plays the guitar, .......... ?

a) plays he b) does he c) doesn’t he d) don’t he

13. An email………… a few moments ago.

a) is sent b) was sent c) will be sent d) has been sent

14. If that lion catches us, he ......... us up.

a) will eat b) eats c) ate d) would eat

15. She has .......... to someone in English.

a) write b) wrote c) written d) writes

points ……………………../15
II READING: Read Tina’s story about a holiday. Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)?

There have always been heroes in our lives. People have always needed brave, strong and clever people to respect, admire
and tell stories about. Sometimes these heroes have been real people – like Robin Hood, and their stories have passed from
one generation to another for hundreds of years. Other heroes are from books. Writers invent characters that are bigger,
stronger and more powerful than the rest of us.
In the 20th century writers started writing about heroes who had special powers and used these powers to do good things
and save the world. They were the ‘superheroes’. Superheroes first appeared in American comic books in the 1930s. Since
then we have seen many different superheroes with different powers, doing different things. They have been on television
and these days they are the subject of great films. Everyone has heard of Superman, Batman, Spiderman and so on. But
who was the first? That was Superman in 1938.
So what does a character need to be like to be a real superhero? Firstly, they need to have powers that no one else has.
Superman can fly and he can see things that other people can’t. Other superheroes can change into animals or machines. A
real superhero must also be a very good person with a good sense of what is right and wrong. They put other people’s lives
before his own. Something else that most superheroes have is a secret identity. No one knows who they really are. Clark
Kent is a newspaper reporter in his normal life but he can change into Superman in a second. And of course, all
superheroes have a special costume! There are all sorts of costumes – red, black, blue...with different words, letters, or
pictures on them. And most superheroes wear a mask! The perfect superhero has a lot of enemies that he must fight against,
and another important thing is that all superheroes have a weakness. There is usually something that their enemies can use
to hurt them.And we must remember that not all superheroes are men. There have been many strong female superheroes –
such as Wonderwoman, Catwoman or Batgirl.

16. The oldest superhero is Batman. …………....

17. Superheroes first appeared in American comic books in the 1930s. ……….......
18. We can recognise a superhero by his/her costume. ……….......
19. There aren’t any female superheroes. ……............ points ………../4

III LISTENING : Listen to the recording twice and choose the correct answer.

Listen to Jack talking about being a contestant on a reality TV show called ‘Big Brother’.

20.Who was the winner of the show? _________.

a)Jack b)Frank c)Maria

21.The contestants couldn’t use _________ in the House.

a)a radio b)a computer c)a mobile phone

22.Jack stayed _________ weeks in the House.

a)five b)four c)six

23.Jack’s main job in the house was _________.

a)cleaning b)cooking c)washing up

24. He’s a___________ now.

a)teacher b)musician c)fashion model points ……………………../5

IV WRITING : Your class is writing a class magazine. Write a paragraph to introduce yourself for the
magazine. Write about:

Your familyYour hobbiesYour homeYour weekendsYour holidays

points ……………………../6

I stayed in the House for five weeks. I thought I could be the winner but Frank won, not me. But I
was nearly there! For me, it was a terrific experience. I really liked meeting different people. I think
I’m quite a relaxed person and I’m easy to talk to. But not everyone was! But it’s a difficult situation.
You have to stay inside. You can’t speak to anyone outside the house – no mobile phones! – and
some people didn’t like that. They got angry and shouted a lot. Sometimes I got angry too but not for
long. My main job in the house was cooking! I think the others were pleased that I could cook! The
experience really helped my career. I’m a fashion model now and I’ve been on a game show. I’ve
met some famous people and I’m going to be in a film next year. So the House was good for me!

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