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Faculty of agriculture and natural resources

APRIL 2018

I would like to extend my gratitude to the almighty God for enabling me complete my field
work training well and writing report which is like a pain-staking exercise which demands
sacrifice in term of time and resources.

Really with great pleasure and respect, I thank all those persons who assisted me in fulfilment
of this fieldwork attachment and reports as a study requirement. I am particularly indebted to
my beloved parents with a special respect and everlasting appreciation granted for the moral
and financial support they have given me which enabled me to successfully complete my field
attachment and the report.

Special thanks and acknowledgement also goes to Miss Julia Indongo for being a role model
in the coordination of the field attachment, and guidance. I am also to indebted you for the
counseling and guidance you gave me and thank a lot, you made this study a success.

I am grateful to my field supervisor Dr Helena Vaino and Mrs Georgina for the wonderful
work done in as far as my attachment work was concerned. Be blessed without you I would
have not made it. Special thanks go to Mr Clarence. J. Tjipangandjara, for having given me
the opportunity to come do my attachment although there was no proper communication from
the university. Thanks so very much.

Lastly, Appreciation to Mr Linus Antonia for tirelessly working and supporting me in my

academic endeavours. Thanks for being there for me at all times and costs.

Table of Contents
Acknowledgement .................................................................................................................................. 2
Table of figures ....................................................................................................................................... 4
Abbreviations and acronyms .................................................................................................................. 5
Chapter one: Background ....................................................................................................................... 6
1.1 Introduction .................................................................................................................................. 6
1.2 profile of the institute ................................................................................................................... 6
1.2.1 background introduction of the institution ........................................................................... 6
1.3 Objectives...................................................................................................................................... 7
1.4 Vision............................................................................................................................................. 8
1.5 STRUCTURE OF THE DIRECTORATE OF VETERINARY SERVICES..................................................... 8
1.5.1 Reporting structure of CVL..................................................................................................... 9
Chapter 2: Discussion ............................................................................................................................ 10
2.1Why field attachment .................................................................................................................. 10
2.2Activies done during field attachment......................................................................................... 10
2.2.1 General bacteriology ............................................................................................................ 10
2.2.2 reflection of general bacteriology to my course .................................................................. 17
2.2.3 Anthrax Screening ................................................................................................................ 17
2.2.4 reflection of anthrax screening to my course ...................................................................... 18
2.2.5 Isolation of Trichomonas Foetus .......................................................................................... 18
2.2.6 Reflection of isolation of trichomonas foetus ..................................................................... 19
2.2.7 quality session ...................................................................................................................... 19
Chapter 3: Conclusion and recommendation ...................................................................................... 22
3.1 Conclusion ................................................................................................................................... 22
4.2 Recommendation........................................................................................................................ 22
Oral sources .......................................................................................................................................... 24

Table of figures
Figure 1 MacConkey and blood agar plate ........................................................................................... 11
Figure 2, inoculating a plate.................................................................................................................. 12
Figure 3streaking guideline ................................................................................................................... 13
Figure 4 incubator ................................................................................................................................. 14
Figure 5 staining and microscope identification ................................................................................... 15
Figure 6 hydrogen peroxide and oxidase strips .................................................................................... 16
Figure 7 VTEC machine ......................................................................................................................... 16
Figure 8 preparation of sample; bone meal and fish meal and water bath ......................................... 18
Figure 9 addition of antibiotic and sample(right) ................................................................................. 19

Abbreviations and acronyms
CVL- Central Veterinary Laboratory

ISO- International Organization of Standardization

Tsm- Thioglycollote Medius usp

SS5A-Ascorbic acid, horse serum, paraffin

VTEC- Variable Valve Timing and lift Electronic Control

Chapter one: Background
1.1 Introduction
The Department of Crop science is the art and science of crop production whose main aim is
to equip students with the basic knowledge of crops, their characteristics, management and
utilization so that enough food is produced on a sustainable basis to ensure food and improved
livelihood for the farming community. This report is an important part of the academic
document that contributes to the final grades on the transcript, and it helps in the fulfilment of
the requirement for the award of the Higher Diploma in Agriculture. The purpose of this report
shows the practical training experience that I was tasked, expected to perform coupled with the
applied techniques and principles of the problem-solving situations I learnt from class.

Therefore, it’s of paramount significance to note that I started my field attachment on 4th
December 2017 and preferably ended it on 19th January 2018. Thus, the field work lasted for 6
weeks at CVL under the section of Clinical Microbiology with a prior supervision by Head of
Section, Dr H. Vaino, who assigned to me a lot of activities that suits my practical requirements
for the field attachment.

1.2 profile of the institute

1.2.1 background introduction of the institution
The Central Veterinary Laboratory (CVL) is a public institution which resides under the
Directorate of Veterinary Services (DVS) within the Ministry of Agriculture, Water and
Forestry(MAWF) and operates within the ambit of the following pieces of Namibian
legislation: Animal Health Act 1 of 2011; The Public Service Act of 13 of 1995; The Public
Health Act , 1919(Act 36 of 1919 as amended); The fertilizer ,Farm Feed, Agricultural
remedies and Stock Remedies Act,1947(Act 36 of 1947 as amended); The Plant Pest Act,
1973(Act 3 of 1973); The Meat Safety Act, 2000(Act 40 of 2000); The Prevention of
Undesirable Residues in Meat Act, 1991(Act 21 of 1991 as amended); The Medicines and
Related Substances Control Act, 2003(Act 13 of 2003). Expertise in agricultural research and
extension, Food safety/food quality and standards, Animal health and veterinary services,
Capacity development.

After the closure of the Gammams Institute in 1915, and until 1967, no diagnostic laboratory
existed in Namibia. Elementary diagnostic procedures, such as the examination of blood
smears, could be performed at the various State Veterinary Offices. Some State Veterinarians
were able to conduct more detailed research, leading, for example, to the discovery of the cause
of gedoelstiasis and grootlamsiekte by Dr P. Basson in the 1960s. Small field laboratories were

used at the beginning of the 1960s in Ovambo and Okavango to establish the prevalence and
distribution of CBPP. Some research in the field of helminthology was also undertaken.

The need to have laboratory facilities available for bacteriological and serological examinations
grew in the mid–1960s, especially as a CBPP survey was to be undertaken in the northern
communal farming areas of Kaokoland, Ovambo and Okavango. This led to the establishment
of a Veterinary Laboratory at Windhoek on 01 April 1967. This laboratory was first housed in
the old Werth home complex at the corner of Mugabe and Lazarett Streets, together with the
offices of the State Veterinarian for Windhoek and Rehoboth. All administrative work was
handled by the State Veterinary Office. This new start for a dedicated laboratory service in
Namibia was the result of the continuous efforts and representations by the then State
Veterinarian for Windhoek, Dr Joachim Bergmann. As a specialist in bacteriology and
serology, he recognised the urgent need for a diagnostic and research facility in Namibia and
was thus instrumental in the founding of the laboratory. By 1969–1970, the bacteriology and
serology sections were fully operational, with the parasitology section being expanded and a
new toxicology section being added. In 1972, a section for reproduction and artificial
insemination was established. However, the biggest handicap to further developments was the
lack of adequate infrastructural facilities and experienced technical assistants.

During September 1974, the Office of the Director and State Veterinarian moved to
Ausspannplatz and, after extensive alterations, the old High Court building became available
to house the Regional Veterinary Laboratory. With these much improved and spacious
facilities, research became feasible and the first postgraduate research student to make use of
these facilities arrived from Germany in 1978. In 1980, with the establishment of an
autonomous veterinary service for Namibia, the name was changed to Central Veterinary
Laboratory. In the following years, facilities for rabies diagnosis and the preparation of CBPP
vaccine were added. Attached to the Central Veterinary Laboratory is the Veterinary Research
farm ’Bergvlug ‘. This 52 000-ha farm is situated some 40 km to the east of Windhoek and was
taken over from the agricultural division of the 2nd-tier Administration for Whites in 1982.

1.3 Objectives
To provide analytical and diagnostic services to the agricultural sector of Namibia and abroad
and to ensure the production and/or import of quality and safe food products through adherence
to ISO/IEC 17025 and Good Laboratory Practice.

1.4 Vision
To improve the economic vitality and quality of life of all our stakeholders by promoting
healthy livestock, ensure the safety of animal derived consumer products and to conserve our
countries wildlife resource through effective animal disease control; and veterinary public


Office of the Minister

Office of the Permanent


Department: Agriculture Department: Water Department: Forestry

Directorate: Directorate: Directorate: Directorate: Directorate: Directorate: Directorate:

General Rural Water
Planning Resource Research Veterinary Extension and Service Supply
Management and Training Services Engineering

Central Veterinary

Grootfontein Ondangwa
Laboratory Laboratory

1.5.1 Reporting structure of CVL

Division: Diagnostic Services and

Head of Laboratory Head

Administration Unit
1 x Control Officer/Chief
2 x Clerical Assistant Section: Quality
1 x Laboratory Workhand/Senior 1x Quality Manager
1 x Driver

Sub-Division: Biotechnology
Sub-Division: Food Science Sub-Division: Diagnostic Services
Section: Molecular Diagnostics
1x Chief Veterrinarian (SDH) 1x Chief Veterrinarian (SDH) (Bacteriology)
1x Chief Veterrinarian (SDH)

Section: Clinical Microbiology
Toxicology and Residues Analysis
1 x Veterinarian (SH)
2 x Agricultural Scientific Officer
(SHs) 1x Chief veterinary Technician
4x Veterinary Technician 1x Veterinary Technician
2x Technical Assistant 1x Technical Assistant Section: Molecular Diagnostics
1x Chief Veterinary Technician
1x Senoir Veterinary Technician
Section: Food Hygiene 1x Veterinary Technician
1 x Aricultural Scientific officer Section: Sample reception 1x Technical Assistant
(SH) 1 x Veterinarian (SH)
1x Chief Veterinary Technician 1x Administrative Officer
2x Senior Veterinary Technician 1x Technical Asssitant
1x Veterinary Technician 1 x Laborer
5 x Technical Assistant
3x Workhand Section: Serology
1 x Aricultural Scientific officer
3 x Veterinary Technician
3 x Technical Assistant

Section: Pathology, Parasitology

1 x Veterinarian (SH)
1x Senior technician
1 x Veterinary Technician
2x Technical Assistant/senior
1x workhand

Chapter 2: Discussion
2.1Why field attachment
 To enable students, get hands-on real-life experience they are expected to work in when
they complete their studies
 It helps students interact with people they might work with after completing their
 It provides an opportunity for students to apply some of the principles and techniques
they learnt theoretically into practice.
 To provide an opportunity for students to interact with people of different backgrounds
holding different positions
 To trust students into hands of their supervisors, who are assessing them based on their
performance and professional behaviours.
 Field attachment introduces students to their possible future careers.

2.2Activies done during field attachment

Under clinical microbiology section, we focus on microbes that are causing diseases to animals
mainly anthrax screening, general bacteriology and isolation of Trichomonas Foetus.

2.2.1 General bacteriology

Pathogenic bacteria cause a large array of infectious diseases in production animals, wildlife
as well as companion animals. The treatment of pathogenic bacteria can be very unrewarding
and costly if the causative organism is not correctly identified and treated. Bacteria are either
classified as Gram Positive or Gram-negative bacteria and their appearance in stained smears
are observed as cocci or filamentous and branching or rods which can either produce
endospores or not. Specialized stains can further improve the microscopic visualization of

Bacteria requires certain nutrients for multiplication and these nutrients are supplied in
different types of bacteriological media. For diagnostic bacteriology indicator media such as
MacConkey agar are vital as it supports the growth of many of the Gram-negative bacteria. It
is designed to give a presumptive identification of bacterial colonies due to the biochemical
reactions in media. MacConkey agar specifically contains fermentable sugar lactose and
neutral red as pH indicator. Depending on the properties of a specific bacteria it will give a
different colour change if present. Blood agar is another enrichment media which is often used
and which will show haemolysis of a particular bacterium and it supports the growth of most
pathogenic bacteria.
Figure 1 MacConkey and blood agar plate

As for stained bacterial smears this is an inexpensive and quick way in which information about
a sample can be obtained. With differential stain such as the gram stain, gram positive bacteria
retain the crystal violet-iodine complex and stain purple-blue. Gram negative bacteria are
decolourized and stained red by the counter stain. The morphology of the bacteria is can then
be studied under the light microscope.

Having the above information in mind, I will further move on to the outlined procedures that
are always used. I have worked on a number of plates countless time. But before I outline the
procedures, let me list the instruments that are always used;

1. Incubator
2. Microscope
3. Microscope slides
4. Petri dish
5. Forceps and scalpel kept in 70% ethyl alcohol
6. Waterproof marker pen
7. Inoculating loops
8. Bunsen burner

Moving on to the procedures. I have done this when working on my plates

1. inoculation of culture media

Label a MacConkey agar and blood agar plate (2 plates for MacConkey whereby one is
anaerobic and another is aerobic as well as 2 for blood agar also) on the side with a waterproof
pen Flame the forceps and scalpel and allow to cool. If the specimen is a piece of tissue transfer
it to an empty sterile petri dish. Hold firmly with the forceps and scrape the tissue with the
scalpel, paying attention to the edge of the lesion. A little bit of tissue scrapings is placed at the
edge of each culture plate to be inoculated. When specimen is liquid or semiliquid use a sterile
swab to mix the sample uniformly and apply sample to plate. Blood agar plates should be
inoculated or steak first then selective medium such as MacConkey agar. Now that I have
placed my specimen on the plate, I will further streak it

Figure 2, inoculating a plate

2. Streaking the agar plates

I Use 2 inoculating loops so that one can be cooling while the other is in use. Flame the loops
in Bunsen flame before starting and then streaks 1,2,3 and 4. Streak the bacteria from the well
as shown in figure one with the inoculation loop kept as near to the agar surface as possible to
prevent the loop from digging into the agar. Flame inoculation loop. Streak 1,2,3 should be
kept as close to the edge of the plate as practical leaving plenty of room for streak 4 with the
hope of obtaining isolated colonies. Streak 2 and flame the loop. Repeat for streak 3 and 4

Figure 3streaking guideline

After finishing these two outlined procedures, I further go on and incubate my plates at 37
degrees for 24 hours, if I take them out after that time and I see no growth I re incubate them
again up to 48hours. Now if the culture contains bacterial contaminants, I prepare a subculture
whereby the bacterial colony which is considered the most significant in order to obtain a pure
culture. Another procedure I do to obtain this pure culture is

 Label a MacConkey agar and blood agar plate on the side with a waterproof pen writing
should be kept near the edge of the plate as possible
 Flame an inoculation loop
 Select 2-3 similar and isolated colonies from the blood agar plate and touch it with the
sterile inoculation loop
 Inoculate the MacConkey and blood agar plates
 Incubate the plates

Figure 4 incubator

After getting a pure colony from my plates (those that were impure), I further move on to the
primary identification which is done through biochemical tests and staining

3. Stained smears from pathological specimen(making) a smear

The stained bacterial smears are an inexpensive and quick way in which information about a
sample can be obtained. Clean a microscope slide with frosted edge with lens tissue and pass
it quickly through the Bunsen flame to remove greasy film. Label the microscope slide. Flame
the forceps and scalpel and allow to cool. If specimen is a piece of tissue, transfer it to an empty
sterile Petri dish. Hold firmly with the forceps and scrape the tissue deep with the scalpel,
paying attention to the edge of the lesion. Place small number of scrapings on the cleaned
microscope slide. Use another clean slide with a scissor action and prepare a thin slide

 For liquid/semiliquid specimens a little of the sample is placed on the slide with sterile
 The content of the swab is smeared over the surface of the slide with the aim of having
thick and thin areas of specimen present
 For routine staining smears are fixed by passing the slide, smear side up, quickly
through the Bunsen flame 2/3 times. Do not overheat smear

 For Giemsa staining: fix the slide in absolute methyl alcohol for three minutes and let
it dry

4. Staining

The type of stain greatly depends on the type of sample, history and disease suspected and
species of animal. With a differential stain such as gram stain, gram positive bacteria retain the
violet-iodine complex and stain purple-blue. Gram negative bacteria are decolourized and
stained red by the counter-stain. The morphology of the bacteria can then be stained under the
light microscope.

Figure 5 staining and microscope identification

5. Biochemical tests

The oxidase test is used to identify bacteria that produce cytochrome c oxidase, an enzyme of
the bacterial electron transport chain. We use strips, were you observe the colour changes. If
its yellow, that means its positive and if its pink/purple that means its negative. The catalase
test identifies organisms that produce the enzyme, the catalase that converts hydrogen peroxide
to water and gaseous oxygen. A loopful of bacterial growth is taken from the top of the colonies
avoiding the blood agar medium. Bacterial cells are placed on a clean microscope slide and
drop 3% hydrogen peroxide is added. Positive reaction shows an effervescence of oxygen gas
within a few seconds, while negative reaction will show none.

Precaution: 3 % hydrogen peroxide should be stored at 4 degrees in dark bottle. Presence of
red blood cells from the agar can lead to false-positive reactions

Figure 6 hydrogen peroxide and oxidase strips


After you have done your primary identification of the bacteria, whether its gram negative or
gram positive, you take your respective cards to VTEC which is a machine that is used to
identify bacteria’s, like what name is it. All you do is just follow the correct procedures of
machine then the next day you come collect your results (the machine takes about 12 hours to
do this)

Figure 7 VTEC machine

2.2.2 reflection of general bacteriology to my course
The shapes of bacteria are a reflection of what we were taught in biology, as for everything
else there was none. The biochemical test could have been a reflection of what we were
supposed to do in physical science, but we never did any lab work.

2.2.3 Anthrax Screening

Anthrax is a serious infectious disease caused by gram-positive, rod-shaped bacteria known as
Bacillus anthracis. Anthrax can be found naturally in soil and commonly affects domestic and
wild animals around the world.

We have done screening on bone meal, fishmeal, tissues and organs. Out of all the plates I have
worked on, none was positive for anthrax. Preparation of sample: add distilled water to plastics
tubes, add spoonful of sample (make sur you dip your spoon in spirit then flame it before you
add to another tube. Heat at 65 degrees for 15 minutes to kill other bacteria’s, anthrax can
survive this temperature. Inoculate sample, by serial dilution by adding 450 macro litter of
distilled water to Eppendorf tube. Then we take 50 macro litter of the sample, then add to
distilled water in the Eppendorf tube, we mix, transfer two drops (which is 100 macro litter) to
the blood agar plate, you then spread with ansa loop. Incubate at 37 degrees for 24-48 hours.

If we get any suspicious colonies for anthrax, we do the phage test together with penicillin
(since anthrax is sensitive to penicillin. For the positive plates like the ones I found from the
bwabwata outbreak on the hippos, they were stored in a nutrient growth in an Eppendorf tube
to make it last longer, as it is easily contaminated and other bacteria overgrows it on the blood
agar plate. These tubes are then frozen at -8 degrees to make it last longer for even up to 2
years. When doing this screening, we do not include any MacConkey plate because anthrax is
Gram-positive. All anthrax plates and specimens are isolated (kept in one fridge from the
sample fridge which we put the bacteria plates.

Samples received for anthrax screening can be bone meal, fishmeal and Taham, which we get
from the food hygiene section after receiving them from meatco.

Figure 8 preparation of sample; bone meal and fish meal and water bath

2.2.4 reflection of anthrax screening to my course

Anthrax alone, is a reflection of the animal diseases we were taught in Applied animal health,
how we screen it does not apply to my course. For my course we deal on with the clinical

2.2.5 Isolation of Trichomonas Foetus

Trichomonas is protozoa that causes sterility in bulls and abortion in females. No effect in
males. Its sexually transmitted. Three samples are used namely Sheath wash, Vaginal wash,
Sheath scrapping. This samples are sent in a media which is steeves transport medium, and it
should reach the lab within 72 hours. 2 medias that are cultured, Tsm(aerobic) and


 Prewarm the medias in the walk-in incubator for about 1 to 3 hours

 Add 1ml of antibiotics (streptomycin and penicillin) to each media
 Add sample
 Incubate 37 degrees (in the walk-in incubator) 5 to 7 days
 Observe under microscope at magnification of *10

Figure 9 addition of antibiotic and sample(right)

You should always have a positive control which is already a cultured one (positive of
trichomonas), this is done in order to see that when you were incubating, your temperature does
not kill out the trichomonas foetus. And when you are preparing your medias, make sure to live
a little in the sample for direct reading on the microscope. After you read your media and
suspect the present of trichomonas, stain it with Gamis quick, which helps demonstrate the 3
flagella. We then sent it to biotech for confirmation

2.2.6 Reflection of isolation of trichomonas foetus

Trichomonas foetus is a reflection of the animal diseases we were taught in Applied animal
health, but as to how we isolate it, doesn’t reflect to my course at all.

2.2.7 quality session

On the second week we attended a quality section by the quality manager. CVL management is
committed to providing quality diagnostic and testing service to its customers through good
professional practice. Its management system is based on the international standard, ISO/IEC 17025.
The management system aims to meet the requirements of regulatory bodies and South African
National Accreditation Body (SANAS). All personnel concerned with testing activities within the
laboratory familiarize themselves with the quality documentation and implement the policies and
procedures in their work. The management system ensures that there is continual assessment of
personnel and internal audits are done regularly as per schedule. CVL selects and purchases services
and supplies from approved providers only. The quality management system is continually improved
through the use of:

a) Quality policy

b) Quality objectives

c) Audit results

d) Analysis of data

e) Corrective and preventative actions

f) Management review

g) Customer Feedback

below is a list of some of the accredited methods practiced within CVL


Meat, Swabs, Meat Fluids Detection of Salmonella sp BIO SOP 03 BAX (PCR) System

Meat Detection of E. coli 0157 H7 BIO SOP 02 BAX (PCR) System

Detection of E. coli non-0157 H7 STEC BIO SOP 15 BAX (PCR) System

screening and typing
Detection of E. coli 0157 H7 for US BIO SOP 32 BAX (PCR) System
Detection of Listeria monocytogens BIO SOP 29 BAX (PCR) System


Animal Muscle and Milk Determination of Chloramphenicol by TOR SOP 03

Milk TOR SOP 05
Determination of Aflatoxin M1 by ELISA
Serum SER SOP 08
Detection of FMDV NS by Elisa
Brucellosis by Rose Bengal Test
Complement Fixation Test (CFT) for
Pathology brain PAT SOP 01
Rabies Fluorescent Antibody Test (FAT)

Meat, Carcass, Swabs, FHG SOP 01
environmental swabs Aerobic Plate Count
E. coli enumeration

Isolation of Salmonella spp
Meat, Food (Semolina, infant FHG SOP 02
formula) Enumeration of coliforms

Chapter 3: Conclusion and recommendation
This chapter presents the conclusion and the recommendation drawn from the field attachment
activities; lesson learnt; challenges and emerging issues encountered. The recommendations
are directed to the institution and the University and these recommendations are not needs-
identification but rather a discussion on what emerged at the field placement

3.1 Conclusion
The whole field attachment period has been a success. It gave me an opportunity of a hands-
on experience in industrial laboratory work, more befittingly in an ISO/IEC 17025: 2005
accredited laboratory institution. I benefited much in my academic life. Even thou most of the
work seemed new to me, I ended up being exposed to most of the concepts we haven’t done
theoretically and practically in class. Which I will need as I advance in my level of qualification
upon completion of my diploma.

4.2 Recommendation
Having highlighted the activities I was truly tasked in, analysing the issues that emerged, with
critical observation feels very fine to give suggestions to create room for effectiveness,
efficiency and divergence in creativity.

To the institute

I feel primary identification of bacteria should be brought back as this increases the knowledge
and experience of the technicians, even the head of section. Identification by the VTEC
machine limits the level of experience foe one. Since we always just rely on a machine to tell
us what kind of bacteria we have been dealing with. This will make one lazy to even read
further and be able to identify all the bacteria’s out there. As an international accredited lab, I
think the Government should prioritize them in making sure they are supplied with all the
necessary facilities needed. I mean in the case were by we couldn’t make use of a chocolate
agar simply because the lab’s kitchen doesn’t produce one as they do not have all the materials
needed and even if they do, they do not have an incubation with a CO2 atmosphere, which I
think is not acceptable at all.

To the university

The university should really make sure they have a well detailed background of the stations
and institute they send their students to. Field attachment is a place where you go reflect what
you were taught in class and not necessary place where you go do the learning from scratch.
Misplacing of students ends up being a huge challenge to both the student and the field

supervisor. I am also recommending an inter-company rotation schedule for students on
attachment whereby a student will not only be attached at a single company but will rotate on
a number of companies that are in different fields. This will improve students’ exposure to
various industrial fields. The rotation schedule would be drafted by the school authority in
association with the respective companies. Also, can the university make sure that allowances
of students are received on time or before we are sent out there.

Oral sources
• Mr Clarence. J. Tjipangandjara-Quality Manager

• Dr H. Vaino-Head of Section

• Mr Linus Antonio- Technical Assistant

• Mrs Georgina-Veterinary Technician


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