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Project Dr Oetkars Architects Studio Code Rajiv, Varun

Location Okhla Ph - 3 Electrical WBGCE Absent
Area 10,000 Sq.ft. Hvac ADC Mohan
Dated 11-Apr-19 General Contractors Tatva Interiors Sumit, Amar, Saquib
Air Purfying consultant Breathe Easy Izhar, Asif
Time 17:00 Hrs Project Type Corporate Fit - Out Sub - Heads Description Status Target date Responsibility

I Drawings & Calculations

Revised Layout
1 Status update on Revised Layout plan basis Changes as per meeting dated 10 Apr

TI has raised query to SC to shared the revised layout dwg, SC informed that this shall be shared in a day
Open 12-Apr SC

2 All Packages list of drawings - along with copy ofTransmittal

It was informed by SC that since the layout has been changed major project packages drawings (As was also
informed in meeting on 10 April as well) will under go changes this will supercede the previously issued Open 12-Apr SC

3 Interior Revised Coordinated RCP drawings - PDF /AUTOCAD

TI has requested SC to share the AUTO CAD VERSION of the dwg along so this can be refered for any deviation at
Open 12-Apr SC

4 Security systems CCTV dwg coverage

TI requested SC to share the CCTV Drawing along with the (Wi-fi) heat map so this can be reffered for execution
Open 15-Apr SC
and also the percentage of coverage can be defined.

5 HVAC Duct type - Square of Oval type

It was informed by ADC that the duct type is square all over on the floor Closed For Info ADC

6 Electrical UPS Load calculations

TI has requested SC to share the UPS load so this can be reviewed and accrodingly the UPS working can be
Open 15-Apr SC / WBGCE

II Construction/Site
1 Review and approval on Site Layout Marking approval

On 11 April Layout marking has been discussed with SC on site; this was suggested with some changes basis the
Open 15-Apr SC
new layout; TI to make required changes - SC to review the same on coming Monday

2 Decesion on Dismantelling of raised Concrete floor

TI Informed SC that floor podium at the front entry is to be dismantelled inorder to work as per the new plan;
this shall be an extra item since this is not the part of the original agreed BOQ - SC to factor the same in BOQ, Open 13-Apr SC
post which TI to share the deviation on cost and time

3 Decesion on Ceiling slab undulation - Putty will not hold the ceiling and eliminate gaps and voids.

TI informed SC that the building ceiling (Ceiling Slab is badly casted; leading to honey combing on slab and
Open 13-Apr SC
undulation in the beams; SC to confirm the paint works methodology where ever open ceiling is to be done.

4 Decesion on dismantelling of plumbing & existing fixtures

TI raised concerns on the plumbing & Exisitng fixtures dismantelling item which is currently not a part of the
Open 13-Apr SC
original BOQ, and needs to be done - SC to share the revised BOQ - TI to share the deviation statement

5 Decesion on dismantelling of Toilet Flooring,Ceiling & doors

TI raised concerns on theToilet Flooring,Ceiling & Doors dismantelling item which is currently not a part of the
Open 13-Apr SC
original BOQ, and needs to be done - SC to share the revised BOQ - TI to share the deviation statement

III Landlord

1 Material Movement time lines into the premises

It was informed by LL representative (Mr Rawat) that stackable material entry shall be made during late evening
hours, 7:00 PM onwards though regular material can be delivered during day time also over weekends material Closed Info TI
can be delivered at any point of time - TI to follow

2 Water and Electricity provision at one point

It was informed by LL representative (Mr Rawat) that water can be tapped from toilet plumbing while for
Closed Info TI
Electricity needs to be tapped from the available panel at Floor - TI to do required tapping

3 Time Window for Working - Noisy works duration

LL Rep informed that heavy noisy works can be carried out post 8 PM while light hammering works can be
Closed Info TI
carried in day time; precisely it do not disturb the lower floor tenants - TI to plan accrodingly.
4 AHU Power Supply till Machines & Health check up for machines

TI Informed; LL Rep; that the HVAC machine power supply shall be arranged by them for the functioning of the
machines, TI also request them to do the machines health check up to check the CFM capacity and functionality Open 21-Apr LL
of these machines - LL to get the machined checked in next 10 days

5 Any work permits / Checklist from LL for construction

It was informed by the LL that there shall be no work permits or checklist to be followed during the works - TI
Closed Info TI
to follow own checklists and documentation

6 Parking and store availability for material

LL Rep informed that parking and storage facility shall not be provide and all material shall have to be stacked
Closed Info TI
on the floor - TI to follow.

7 Dismantelling of front side shutter door and glass door

TI raised concerns on the Front side Shutter & Glass door dismantelling item which is currently not a part of the
Open 13-Apr SC
original BOQ, and needs to be done - SC to share the revised BOQ - TI to share the deviation statement

IV Critical

1 Dismantelling of Ducts

TI raised concerns to ADC / SC that the Dismantelling of ducts is currently not a part of the BOQ and needs to be
Open 13-Apr ADC / SC
factored in the BOQ - TI Shall accrodingly share the Cost and time deviation

2 AHU servicing & CFM confirmation

It was suggested by ADC that the AHU Servicing needs to be done by the LL this was confirmed by the LL Rep to
Open 21-Apr LL
be completed in next 10 days


Actuators for HVAC machines - It was informed by ADC that all actuators for the machines were currently not
1 installted on the machines, This needs to be checked by TI with th LL for providing the same as this is not a part Open 13-Apr TI / LL
of the BOQ and is a LL Deliverable along with the machines accessories. TI to confirm

Entry Area podium decesion - TI raised concerns on the Level difference at the entry; SC informed to get the
2 Open 13-Apr SC
solution by creating step or by filling the rest of the area till the place they want to create the level difference.

Mock up - Slatted ceiling sample - 450 mm x 450 mm sample to be developed by TI for client and SC approval.
3 While it was also conveyed by TI that mock up that needs to be developed at site will have some cost as this was Open 13-Apr TI
not a part of the BOQ - SC agreed to put forth to the client for approval on cost and time.
AV Equipment - It was conveyed by TI that the AV drawings would also be required while planning the raceways.
4 Open 15-Apr SC
SC informed to shared the same

Finishing Schedule - It was conveyed by TI to SC to share the Finishing schedule along with required - Catalogue
5 Open 15-Apr SC
- Code - Template details so sampling can be accrodingly to plan procuement - SC to provide the same

HVAC Drain pipe - It was informed by ADC to utilise the exisiting drain pipes and provide insulation on the
6 Open Info TI / ADC
same; TI to check the pipe conditions it these were usable and accrodingly plan the procurement.

Air Washer Scrubbers - It was conveyed by ADC to plan the Air Washer Scrubbers provisioning on the terrace, -
7 Open 13-Apr TI / LL
TI to discuss the same with the LL to plan this accrodingly

Breathe Easy Air Purification systems - Team Breathe easy met ADC/SC at site, post site round it was informed
8 to ADC team to provide the Shop drawings of the solution proposed along with Technical Specifications and Open 15-Apr BE
other relevant codes.
Meeting room & Cabins - Secondary ducts coming out of Primary main ducts, entrying into the cabins to be
9 planned Zig - Zag Pattern to avoid direct flow and thereby avoid sound travel into the cabins, as has been Open 15-Apr TI / ADC
suggested by ADC to be followed by TI.


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