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1 ¼ Jam Satu jam lima belas minit


A Kertas soalan ini mengandungi dua bahagian: Bahagian A dan Bahagian B.

B Kamu dikehendaki menjawab semua soalan dalam kedua-dua bahagian.

C Dalam Bahagian A, setiap soalan diikuti oleh empat pilihan jawapan,

iaitu A, B, C dan D. Bagi setiap soalan, pilih satu jawapan sahaja.

D Bagi Bahagian B, jawab semua soalan dalam ruang jawapan yang disediakan.

Kertas soalan ini mengandungi 7 halaman bercetak di Bahagian A dan

8 halaman bercetak di Bahagian B

(20 marks)

Questions 1 to 5

Choose the best answer to complete the sentence.

Pilih jawapan yang terbaik untuk melengkapkan ayat yang berikut.

1. The little girl could not buy her favourite dress as she did not have _______ money.
A. any
B. little
C. many
D. some

2. Sarimah and Karina ______________ their mother in the kitchen when they heard a
strange sound.
A. is helping
B. are helping
C. was helping
D. were helping

3. I have to take care of the children. They can’t take care of ___________.

A. herself
B. himself
C. themselves
D. itself

4. His parents __________ buy him a laptop if he passes his exam with flying colours.

A. won”t
B. will
C. shall

D. shan’t
5. _________ tall girl who is standing beside Sofia is from _______ Canada.

A. The, the
B. The, the
C. A, the
D. The, -

Choose the most suitable proverb.

Pilih peribahasa yanh sesuai.

6. After spending a week camping in the cold, damp forest, Rena feels good to be
home. As the saying goes, __________________________________.
A. no man is an island
B. there’s no place like home
C. familiarity breeds contempt
D. absence makes the heart grow fonder

Questions 7 - 10

Choose the best answer for each blank.

Pilih jawapan yang terbaik untuk setiap tempat kosong.

Samy and Hock Soon were in the garden at Samy’s ____(7)____ . They were going to
catch butterflies with their nets. Hock Soon was trying to catch a butterfly ____(8)____
was very colourful. Samy ___(9)_______ a big butterfly. Hock Soon was not able to
catch the colourful butterfly. It flew high up in the sky.

7. A. backyard 8. A. when

B. background B. who
C. backbone C. which
D. backhoe D. where
9. A. catching

B. catch

C. catches

D. caught

Choose the most suitable homophone.

Pilih jawapan yang paling tepat.

10. The birds perched on a big _________ tree behind my school.

A. fir

B. fur

C. fare

D. fair

Choose the sentence with the correct punctuation.

Pilih ayat yang mempunyai tanda baca yang betul.

11. A This laptop isn’t Peters. It belongs to my sister.

B. This laptop isn’t Peter’s. It belongs to my sister,
C This laptop isn’t Peter’s. It belongs to my sister.
D This laptop isn’t Peters’. It belongs to my sister.
Questions 12 - 15

Look at the picture and choose the best answer.

Lihat gambar dan pilih jawapan yang terbaik.

It was past midnight and Kevin still could not sleep. ___(12)_____his mother nor

his father was around. Both his parents went out to visit their neighbour who was very

sick. Kevin looked out of his ______(13)______ and he saw thick, black smoke coming

from a factory nearby. Immediately he telephoned the ____(14)____. Within minutes,

two fire engines arrived at the scene of the fire. The fire fighters quickly set up

equipment and worked hard to put out the fire. After about twenty minutes, the firemen

managed to bring the fire under control. The fire fighters were ______(15)_____ tired

but happy as they were able to put out the fire.

12. A. Neither 13. A. door

B. Either B. porch

C. Both C. window

D. None D. closet

14. A. hospital 15. A. slowly

B. clinic B. extremely

C. fire engine C. almost

D. fire station D. fairly

Question 16 to 20

Read the passage below carefully and answer the questions that follow.
Baca petikan di bawah dan jawab soalan-soalan yang berikutnya.

The tapir is a relative of horses and rhinoceros in some ways but it is quite
different from the horses. The tapir is the same as horse in the sense that both have
odd hoofed legs.

A tapir is usually heavy and clumsy. It is smaller than a rhinoceros and has no
horns. Its head looks like a pig’s head. Like the rhinoceros, it has small eyes and short
ears. The tapir’s tail is short, too.

Tapirs live in swamps and streams. You can usually find them in jungles and
forests of Malaysia, Thailand, Sumatera and other tropical countries. They like to hide
themselves among the leaves and tall grasses. They sleep during the day and search
for food only at night.

Tapirs are herbivores. They eat leaves, fruits and other vegetation. Their senses
of hearing and smelling are very good. They are also good swimmers and often find
protection in the water.

16. How is a tapir related to the horse?

A. It looks like a horse.

B. It has odd hoofed legs.

C. It looks like a rhinoceros.

D. Its head looks like a pig’s head

17. The animals below do not have the same sleeping habits as the tapir except

A. elephants

B. rhinoceros

C. horses

D. bats

18. Herbivores eat ______________

A. birds

B. fish

C. plants

D. chicken

19. Where does the tapir go for protection?

A. sand

B. water

C. soil

D. air

20. Which is the most suitable title for the above passage?

A. Tapirs

B. Rhinoceros

C. Horses

D. Tropical countries
[30 marks]
Question 21
Based on the given pictures, give the correct answers in full sentences. Write your
answers in the spaces provided.
Berdasarkan gambar-gambar, berikan jawapan dalam ayat yang penuh. Tulis jawapan
di ruang yang disediakan.


Let’s play
Let’sfootball this
play football
(b) this afternoon.

Read the excerpt below and answer the questions that follow.
Baca petikan di bawah dan jawab soalan-soalan berikutnya.

“Hi Sara, it’s my dad’s 43rd birthday tomorrow. What did you give your dad this
year?” asked Rahim.
“We went to the Natural History Museum for the day and I got him a necktie. He
wears it to work every day.”
“Now”, sighed Rahim. “A tie sounded a whole lot more useful than a painting”.
Rahim kicked at stones as he walked towards the park. Dani was playing on the
“Hi Dani”, he said. “What did you give your dad for his birthday?” Dani swung
down and landed with a thud. “I got him a model spaceship. It has over five
hundred pieces. He loves it so much that he’s still working on it”.
“It sounds great,” said Rahim. He walked on past the skate ramp and he saw
Kimi was flying his kite.
“Kimi, any ideas about what should I get my dad for his birthday?”
“I got my dad a chemistry set,” said Kimi. “He got a real blast out of it!”
“Cool,” said Rahim.
And all he had ever given his dad for the past three years were paintings.

Question 22
(a) Tick ( ) the correct answer.
(i) What did Sara give her father for his birthday?

A model spaceship

A necktie

A painting
( 1 mark )
(ii) The model spaceship has …..

over five thousand pieces

over five hundred pieces

over fifty pieces

( 1 mark )

Write your answers in the space provided.

(b) State two presents which you think are suitable for your father’s birthday.

i) ___________________________________

ii) ___________________________________ ( 2 marks )

(c) How old was Rahim’s father three years ago?


( 2 marks )
(d) What present do you think Rahim should give his father this year? Why?


( 2 marks
Study the poster and answer the questions that follow.
Teliti poster dan jawab soalan-soalan berikutnya.

The Environment Club of SK Pelindung

presents a talk on ‘What can I recycle?’

in conjunction with the Environment Week Get your forms
and details about
the poster-
Open to Year 4, 5, and 6 pupils drawing
Day : Wednesday, 28 February competition after
the talk.
Time : 3.00 p.m.
Venue : School hall

Register : Give your name to Farah, Club Secretary

Limited to 50 pupils only.

All pupils will receive an educational gift pack.

Keep your school, neighbourhood, and town beautiful.

Question 23
(a) Cross out ( X ) the false statement.

(i) The talk is opened to the ……..

Level 1 pupils

Level 2 pupils

50 pupils of SK Pelindung
( 1 mark )
(ii) The activities will be held during the Environment Week are …..

a talk

a poster-drawing competition

a gotong-royong
( 1 mark )
(b) Match the phrases in List A to the suitable phrases in List B. An example is
given below.

List A List B

The talk is organised by will receive a gift pack each

It is only for the secretary of the club

The pupils involved The Environment Club

Sarah is 50 pupils of SK Pelindung

( 2 marks )
(c) Sharon wants to take part in the poster-drawing competition. What should she


( 2 marks )

(d) Do you think the talk on ‘What can I recycle’ is beneficial? Give a reason.


( 2 marks )
Read the story below and answer the questions that follow.
Baca cerita di bawah dan jawab soalan-soalan berikutnya.

There was once a little red hen. She lived all alone in the forest. One day, a
cunning fox moved into a nearby cave. The fox decided to catch the little red hen
to cook for dinner.
The fox then waited for the little red hen to come out of its house. He ran into
her house. He hid behind the door.
Later, the hen came back to her house. She saw the fox and quickly flew up
into a high beam. The cunning fox started to run round and round, later faster and
faster. Watching this, the little red hen became dizzy. She lost her balance and fell
down from the beam onto the floor.
The fox quickly tied the little red hen up in a bag and started off for home.
Halfway down the hill, he sat down to have a nap. The little red hen used her beak
to cut her way out of the bag. Then she filled up the bag with stones and sewed it
Later, the fox woke up, he took the bag and headed home. At home, he boiled
a pot of water. When he opened the bag, the stones splashed into the hot water.
The fox yelped. After the incident, he never disturbed the little red hen again.

24 (a) Circle the correct answer.

(i) The little red hen lived in a …….

A cave
B coop
C forest
( 1 mark )
(ii) The fox wanted to cook the hen for ……
A breakfast
B dinner
C lunch
( 1 mark )
(b) What kind of animal was the fox?


( 2 marks )
25 (a)
The fox yelped.

What do you think happened to the fox?


( 2 marks )

(b) What do you think the little red hen should do to protect herself from the
cunning fox? Suggest one way.


( 2 marks )


1 A 11 C
2 D 12 A
3 C 13 C
4 B 14 D
5 D 15 B
6 B 16 B
7 A 17 D
8 C 18 C
9 D 19 B
10 A 20 A



a) I’m sorry to hear that.

b) I don’t think it is a good idea.
c) Hello, can I speak to Ramli please?

(a) i a necktie
ii over five hundred pieces

(b) accept any suitable answers

(c) He was 40 years old three years ago.
(d) accept any suitable answers
(a) level 1 pupils

(b) a gotong-royong


List A List B

The talk is organised by will receive a gift pack each

It is only for the secretary of the club

The pupils involved The Environment Club

Sarah is 50 pupils of SK Pelindung

(d) She should register her name to Farah, the secretary of the club.

(e) accept any suitable answers

24 (a) i forest
ii dinner

(b) He was a cunning animal.

25 (a) The hot water splashed onto his face / (accept any related answers)

(b) accept any suitable answers

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