Endosteal Implants in The Irradiated Lower Jaw: Summary

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Journal of Cranio-MaxillofitcialSurgery (1996) 24, 237-244

© 1996European Association for Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery

Endosteal implants in the irradiated lower jaw

F. Watzinger, R. Ewers, A. Henninger, G. Sudasch, A. Babka*, G. Woelfl**

University Clinicfor Maxillofaeial Surgery, (Head." Prof. Dr. Dr. Rolf Ewers), Medical School, * University
Clinic for Dentistry, (Head." Prof. Dr. Rudolf Slavicek), Medical School, **Institute of Medical Statistics
(Head." Prof. Dr. Peter Bauer), University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria

SUMMARY. Since 1990 Endosteal implants have been inserted in the irradiated lower jaw at our clinic.
1MZ implants have been used for dental rehabilitation in 26 patients (21 male, 5 female) suffering from
squamous cell carcinomas stage T2-T4136. The implants were either placed in local bone and soft tissue (group 1,
n = 6 0 implants), or in local bone after marginal mandibulectomy and transplanted soft tissue (group 2, n--26
implants), or in transplanted bone and soft tissue (group 3, n=52 implants). Life-table analysis according to
Kaplan-Meier demonstrated a 3-year implant survival rate of 87.8% in Group 1, 69.1% in Group 2 and 58.3%
in Group 3. There was no statistical significant difference in the amount of marginal bone loss and the degree of
marginal infection between the three groups (P > 0.29).
Major complications: A mandibular fracture passing through an empty implant socket 8 months after implant
loss (Group 2) was caused by postradiation-osteonecrosis; implant removal and bone resection was mandatory.
The poor results of the bone graft group may be explained by two patients, in whom simultaneous placement of
implants in nonvascularized bone grafts was carried out, intraoral tissue breakdown led to graft failure and loss
of the implants (n = 10).

INTRODUCTION restoration in patients having had mandibular resec-

tion and bone graft (Urken et al., 1991; Martin et al.,
Radiotherapy is an essential part of the treatment 1992; Zlotow et al., 1992; Sclaroff et al., 1994;
modalities in patients suffering from squamous cell Donovan et al., 1994; Moscoso et al., 1994). Komisar
carcinoma of the oral cavity. Denture retention is (1990) asserted that restoration of mandibular conti-
frequently compromised by inadequate saliva pro- nuity alone does not enhance function in the majority
duction following irradiation (Larsen et al., 1993). of head and neck cancer patients. The degree to
Moreover, many patients have surgical defects which which mastication is affected depends on the amount
cannot be adequately reconstructed without implants. of mandible removed, but the status of tongue func-
In these patients endosteal implants may be placed tion is equally important. The use of osseointegrated
either in irradiated local bone or in bone grafts. implants can minimize masticatory limitations as well
It is well known that irradiation causes tissue as improve facial contour.
damage to structures adjacent to the tumour.
Hypovascular, hypocellular and hypoxaemic tissue
results (Marx, 1983; Marx and Johnson, 1987). Risks MATERIAL AND METHODS
that must be discussed include postradiation-
osteonecrosis (PRON), fracture, development or Since 1990, endosteal implants have been placed in
recurrence of tumour with unknown risks of treat- the irradiated lower jaw at our clinic. In 26 patients
ment, nonintegration of implants (early or delayed) suffering from squamous cell carcinomas stage
and soft tissue problems (McKenzie et al., 1993). T2-T4, 136 IMZ implants have been used for dental
Accidental or surgical trauma leads to delayed wound rehabilitation. Twenty one patients were male and 5
healing and may include the risk of PRON. The risk female, their ages ranged between 41 and 79 (mean
of developing PRON depends on the radiation dose 62) years.
(Murray et al., 1980; Beumer et al., 1982), as well as After tumour staging including tattooing, preoper-
on fractionation and volume of irradiated tissue. ative radiochemotherapy was applied. Fractionated
Nevertheless, some authors present good results of radiotherapy with a total dosage of 50 Gray was
endosteal implants placed in irradiated bone given. Surgery followed 4 weeks-3 months after
(Albrektsson, 1988; Parel and TjellstrOm, 1991; irradiation. Radical tumour resection was carried out
Granstroem et al., 1992; Taylor and Worthington, as a marginal mandibulectomy in five cases and
1993). segmental resection in 12 cases.
Endosteal implants may also serve for prosthetic Soft tissue reconstruction was carried out by a
238 Journal of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery

Table 1 - Distribution of the implants concerning function and

implant loss
• ,, °o
Number of implants All groups Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 3~ 3

251- 25

In function 78 38 15 25 2-1 . . . . 2
Without function 16 8 0 8 15 -- 15
1- -- 1 ,.°°
No osseointegration 10 0 0 10
Marginal bone loss 16 7 5 4 05 - 05

Recurrent tu., death 16 7 4 5 0. . . . 0

Sum 136 60 24 52

Fig. 3 - Gingival index (GI) according to Loe and Silness, 0-3;

(0 = no inflammation, 3 = distinct inflammation; simplified).
Survival rate
Sulcus bleeding index (BI) according to Muehlemann, 0-3; (0 = no
bleeding on probing, 3 =distinct bleeding; simplified). Median
values per patient (.); Median values per group (-).
60 j. L_ 58.3%

40 ~ group 1
30 -- group 2
20 -- group 3

100 I I I I I I 1 I mths
o 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40

Fig. 1 - Implant survival rate according to Kaplan-Meier.


-" .I. --
3 ¸

2. ,*
!: q •

Fig. 4 - Implants inserted in the area of marginal resection of the

mandible (Group 2).
Fig. 2 - Marginal bone loss and crevicular probing depth (mm),
mean values per patient (.); mean values per group (-).

Group 2: The implant socket consisted of

irradiated local bone in which marginal mandibulec-
local flap in twelve cases, by a myocutaneous pec-
tomy had been carried out; the implant was sur-
toralis muscle flap in five cases, by a microvascular
rounded by transplanted soft tissue (Fig. 4).
jejunal flap in seven cases, and by a microvascular
Group 3: The implant socket consisted of trans-
osteomyocutaneous iliac graft in two cases.
planted bone (Fig. 5) and soft tissue, the transplant
Bone reconstruction was performed by a microvas-
recipient region had been irradiated preoperatively.
cular iliac bone graft in three cases, by a free iliac
This group is rather heterogenous, since it contains
crest bone graft in five cases, by a rib graft in two
microvascutar anastomosed bone grafts and different
cases and by a cancellous iliac bone graft in Titanium
types of avascular bony reconstruction, primary and
mesh in two patients.
second step implant placement as well. These were
Prosthetic rehabilitation was carried out by using
summarized so as not to have too many small groups
endosteal implants, the minimum interval between
and to obtain a general view of implant placement in
irradiation and implant insertion was 12 months.
these patients. However, Table 2 presents the distri-
We differentiate between three groups (Table 1,
bution of the implants and the rate of implant loss
Figs. 1, 2, 3): according to different types of bone grafting. In the
Group 1: The implant socket consisted of event of two-step surgery the implants were placed
irradiated local bone and soft tissue. at least 6 months after bony reconstruction.
Endosteal implants in the irradiated lower jaw 239

to estimate marginal infection: gingival index (L6e

and Silness, 1963) and sulcus bleeding index
(Miihlemann, 1978). The function of denture was
evaluated regarding retention of the implant-
supported overdenture and occlusion. The patients
were questioned whether they felt satisfied with their
masticatory function and whether speech function
was satisfactory.

Statistical methods
Kaplan-Meier analysis of implant survival per
implant was estimated, ignoring the dependence
between implants in the same patient. Comparison
of implant survival times between the three groups
was performed on minimal survival time of the
implants per patient. Since the most critical phase of
implant survival is the time of osseointegration, the
generalized Wilcoxon test for censored survival times
Fig. 5 - Implants inserted in bone grafts after segmental resection was applied as it attributes more weight to the early
(Group 3).
phase as compared with the log-rank test.
Table 2 - Distribution of implants in Group 3 according to the
Marginal bone loss, crevicular probing depth, gin-
variable extent of resection and the various type of bone grafting gival index and sulcus bleeding index in patients 2
years after implantation were examined and analysed
Mean resection Number of Lost
Type of bone grafting (cm) implants implants statistically (Group 1 : 1 0 patients, Group 2 : 4
patients, Group 3:4 patients).
Microvascular 6.5 19 1 Concerning marginal bone loss and crevicular pro-
anastomosed bone
graft and second bing depth, mean values for implants per patient
stage implant were established; concerning gingival index and sulcus
placement bleeding index medians of the implants per patient
Avascular bone graft 5.5 18 10
and simultaneous were used. Patients, not single implants, were used as
implant placement the sample unit for the statistical analysis. The
Avascular bone graft 5 15 3 Kruskal-Wallis test was used to assess the indepen-
and second stage
implant placement dent effect of Groups 1-3 classification on the out-
come of marginal bone loss, crevicular probing depth,
gingival index and sulcus bleeding index. All P-values
We used 2-6 IMZ cylinder implants (Friatec, are results of two-sided tests. The SAS statistical
Mannheim, Germany). Uncovering of the implants software system (SAS Institute, Cary, NC) was used
took place at least 6 months after implantation. for calculation. P-values <0.05 were considered as
Prosthetic rehabilitation followed using a rigid bar statistically significant.
screw--retained on the implants and a removable The aim of the study is to evaluate differences of
overdenture. The patients had a routine follow-up osseointegration, condition of peri-implant bone and
every 3 months during the first year following soft tissue, and implant survival rate, depending on
implantation and every 6 months thereafter. the site of bone and soft tissue in which the implants
Radiographic studies included an orthopantomogram had been placed.
and dental films, using a standard filmholder and a
rectangular technique for standard documentation.
The marginal bone loss was taken from the orthopan- RESULTS
tomogram and dental films, the distances from the
superior border of the implants without abutments The results are presented in the Table 1 and Figures
to the apical border of the radiolucencies surrounding 1-3.
the implants were measured mesially and distally to Table 1 deals with the results of the implants having
the implants; geometric distortion was corrected by been placed (in total 136), the corresponding data of
the known length of the implants. Apart from radio- the single groups are presented in the Table 1.
graphic signs, osseointegration was proved by pal- Figure 1 presents the Kaplan-Meier analysis
pable stability. Peri-implant crevicular probing was (Kaplan and Meier 1958) of implant survival, showing
measured mesial, distal, buccal and lingual to the a 3 years survival rate of 87.8% in Group 1, 69.1%
implant. Further clinical parameters were established in Group 2 and 58.3% in Group 3.
240 Journal of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery

The comparison of minimal implant survival times to Kaplan-Meier, the survival rate in Group 1 was
per patient gave a hint on possible differences between best (87.8%), no severe complication occurred in
the groups (P < 0.10): Implants in transplanted bone these patients. The survival rate in Group 2 was
showed a slightly lower minimum survival time. 69.1%. Four primarily osseointegrated implants were
Figure 2 presents the results of marginal bone loss lost in one patient due to PRON. This patient had
and probing depth: mean values for implants in each had a marginal resection of the anterior mandible
patient and mean values for each group are presented. and soft tissue reconstruction with a microvascular
There was no statistically significant difference jejunal flap. One of four implants was lost 18 months
between the groups (P>0.29). after placement, caused by progressive loss of osseoin-
Figure 3 presents the results of gingival index and tegration (Fig. 6). The patient had very bad oral
sulcus bleeding index: median values of the implants hygiene and after a further 8 months the rigid bar
in each patient and median values of the patients in connecting the implants was removed to treat massive
each group are presented. There was no statistically peri-implant inflammation. Two months later, the
significant difference between the groups ( P > 0.68). patient suffered from a mandibular fracture passing
The results of clinical investigation of denture through the empty implant socket (Fig. 7). The rest
retention and occlusion, and of the patients' satisfac- of the implants had to be removed and a mandibular
tion with masticatory and speech function are pre- resection (Fig. 8) was carried out, histological evalu-
sented in Table 3. ation proved PRON. It is known that primary radio-
therapy of tumours, adjacent to the mandible or
clinically invading it, as in the patient presented, is
DISCUSSION more likely to result in PRON (Murray et al., 1980).
Therefore implant placement in the area of a marginal
In patients who have been treated for squamous cell mandibular resection (Group 1) may be somewhat
carcinoma of the oral cavity, conventional prosthetic questionable. Probably, it would be more favourable
restoration is often impossible. Scars, defects of soft to carry out segmental resection and bone grafting in
tissue and bone result in an inadequate denture base these patients, if implant placement is considered
for a mucosally-worn prosthesis. The placement of later on. It has been reported that PRON occurs
endosteal implants in irradiated bone is discussed most frequently within the first year following
controversially. Some authors present good results irradiation but may also present many years later
(Albrektsson, 1988; Parel and TjellstrOrn, 1991; (Murray et al., 1980; Epstein et al., 1987). Therefore,
Granstroem et al., 1992; Taylor and Worthington, whenever implant loss happens in irradiated bone,
1993), others refuse to employ implant placement, very careful follow-up is mandatory not to overlook
considering the risk of postradiation osteonecrosis development of PRON. We are concerned about this
overshadowing the possible benefit of making pros- problem occurring in our patient, nevertheless in the
thetic restoration (Fischer-Brandies, 1990). Most other patients there has been no evidence of PRON
authors (Granstroem et al., 1992; Taylor and after implant loss until now.
Worthington, 1993; Esser, 1994) agree that a long It is remarkable that in the bone graft group
interval between radiotherapy and implant placement (Group 3) there was a considerable amount of
is preferable. Waechter and Stoll (1994) proved maxi- implant loss within the first months. Deficient osseo-
mum bone damage to be at 6 months after irradiation. integration of all implants (10 in total) occurred in
Therefore the implants were placed at least 1 year two patients within 6 months. In the other patients
after irradiation. The uncovering of the implants was of Group 3, only four implants have been lost.
carried out 6 months after placement, since it is Therefore the low survival rate (58.3%) in this group
known that increased integration time also increases results from the failure in two patients. In one patient
the amount of osseointegration in irradiated bone a bicortical iliac crest bone graft was transplanted
(Larsen et al., 1993). and implants were placed simultaneously. Due to
Regarding the results of implant survival according intraoral tissue breakdown, graft failure occurred and

Table 3 - Function of prostheses in patients wearing implant-supported overdenture (n = 17)

Denture retention, occlusion Masticatory function Speech function

Group I Satisfactory 3 2 3
Unsatisfactory 1 2 1
Group II Satisfactory 7 6 7
Unsatisfactory 3 4 3
Group III Satisfactory 4 3 3
Unsatisfactory 0 1 1
All groups Satisfactory 14 11 13
Unsatisfactory 4 7 5
Endosteal implants in the irradiated lower jaw 241

Fig. 6 - Orthopantomogram,demonstratingthe loss of one implant (arrow) 18 months after placementin a patient of Group 2.

Fig. 7 - Fracture of the mandible passing through the empty implant socket (arrow), histologyproved postradiation-osteonecrosis
(PRON) 10 months later.

all implants were lost. In the other patient, an iliac (Riediger, 1987), primary osseointegration of endos-
crest cancellous bone graft in Titanmesh ® was incor- teal implants may be expected (Donovan et al., 1994).
porated, implants were placed simultaneously, too. Concerning marginal bone loss, the best results
Postoperative wound dehiscence led to the intraoral have been observed in Group 3. In Group 2 the
exposure of the Titanmesh ® and grafted bone, graft results were slightly better than in Group 1 as a
and implants were lost. Dumbach et al. (1994) also considerable amount of marginal bone loss (mean
presented poor results with the last mentioned method 9 ram) was observed in one individual in the latter
in irradiated patients. Since then, we no longer use group. However, since these four implants are clini-
these methods together with simultaneous implant cally stable, they are not presented as implant loss in
placement. If ever simultaneous implant placement is the life table analysis. The crevicular probing depth
contemplated, we think that it should be carried out presented higher mean values in Group 2 and Group 3
only in vascularized grafts. They do not depend on than in Group 1. The deeper pockets in Group 2 and
the blood supply from the surrounding tissue 3 may be explained by the missing attached gingiva
242 Journal of Cranio-MaxillofacialSurgery

Fig. 8 - The implants were removedand segmental resectionof the mandible was carried out.

Fig. 9 - Orthopantomogramof a patient of Group 3: bone graftingwith a free iliac crest graft 1 year after tumour resection.Four IMZ
implants placed in a secondstage procedure 8 months later.

compared with Group 1, in which the implants are groups of patients, none of these values showed
surrounded by local mucosa. The results of gingival statistically significant differences between the three
index and sulcus bleeding index, indicating the degree groups.
of marginal infection, demonstrated inflammation of In all groups, removable implant-supported pros-
the pen-implant soft tissue in the majority of the theses have been used, since these give patients the
implants. Therefore the median values are relatively ability to remove their prostheses to maintain meticu-
high in all groups. On the one hand, the patients' lous hygiene, which is considered to be critical for
bad oral hygiene is responsible for the marginal long-term success (Sclaroffet al., 1994). Nevertheless,
infection, on the other hand it is known that chronic as presented above, good oral hygiene was seldom
soft tissue complications are relatively common in achieved in our patients. Moreover, in some patients
implants placed in transplanted soft tissue. (Mitchell masticatory function could not be reconstructed by
et al., 1990). All of the above mentioned parameters incorporating an implant-supported denture pros-
may only be regarded as tendencies in our small thesis (Table3). The impaired tongue function
Endosteal implants in the irradiated lower jaw 243

Fig. 10 - Intraoral view of the patient after a further 8 months and the placement of a rigid bar screw--retained by the implants.

Fig. 11 - Intraoral view of the prosthetic restoration.

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