Im Is Assignment 1

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Punjab Group of Colleges

M.Com, MSc.IT, ADP & BS hons Campus

FALL 2018
Intro to Management Information System

Assignment No.01
Course Instructor: Prof. Anosha Khan

Section: ITA3 Program: ADP Date: 13th November, 2018

Submission Date: 23rd November, 2018 Maximum Marks: 20


1. Clearly mention your Roll Numbers and Names

2. Assignment submission through email is highly discouraged.
3. It should be clear that your assignment will not get any credit if:
 The assignment is submitted after due date.
 The assignment is copied.

Assignment Topic & Details:

This is a grouped assignment. Each group has to identify a local firm (organized sector) in your
home town and visit the firm and try and understand how they are utilizing information support
systems for their business.
The Characteristics to be studied:
1. What are the main uses of computer-based systems in this particular organization?
2. For each system identified, what is the main type of data stored on the computer? How is
the data stored (in a file, a local database, or a shared database, on disc or on tape)?
3. For each system, who are the main users, who puts data into the systems and who makes
use of it subsequently?
4. Has the advent of new systems had a significant impact on the organization? Have jobs
been lost or gained, have the required skills altered, has the management structure
5. Does the system support the organization’s overall strategy in a substantial way?

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