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The“ HOW DID WE FIND OUT’ sents by Isaac Asimov HOW DID WE FIND OUT— The Earth is Round? About Electricity? About Numbers? About Dinosaurs? About Germs? About Vitamins? About Comets? About Energy? About Atoms? About Nuclear Power? About Outer Space? About Earthquakes? About Black Holes? About Our Human Root? About Antarctica? About Oil? About Coal? About Solar Power? About Volcanoes? About Life in the Deep Sea? About the Beginning of Life? Isaac Asimov Tllustrated by David Wool WALKER AND COMPANY ‘New York Library of Congress Cataloging io Publication Data Asimoy, Isaac, 1920- “How did we find out about the beginning of life? (How did wo find outseries) Includes indox Sammary: Devore scientists’ attempts to find oxt how life be- son including such topics as spontarecs generation and evolation. 1 Life—CriginJuverile literature. (1. Life— Origin) T Wool, David ill Th Tile UL, Tithe: About the beginning of Me quies.a74_ ios "577 81-71196 TERN 08007-84479 AACR, ISBN 0.8027-4487 (Mh, bd.) Copyright ©1988 by Isaze Asimov Thustrations copyright ® 1982 by David Weol ‘All sights reserved. No part of this book may bereproduced or wansmited In ‘any form or by any means electie or mechanical, including photocopying, ‘ecoreing or by any infortaation storage andretzieval system, without peranisston in welting from the Publisher. irst published in the United States of America 1882 by the Walker Publishing Company, Inc. ublished simatancously in Caraca by Jobo Wiley & Sons Canada, Limited, Resdale, Ont ‘Trade ISBN: 0-9027-6447-9 Reinf, ISBN: 0-8027-6448-7 Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 1-71196 Trinte inthe United States of Amerioa 9s7654321 To Hazel Jeppson Price, with a nephew-in-law’s affection.

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