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Indoneshia Jishin Shisha 1300-nin Koeru 2018/October/03

Indonesia earthquake: the death toll rises to 1,300

9-gatsu 28-nichi, Indoneshia no Suraueshi-too de tsuyoi jishin ga

Kono jishin de takasa 6-meetoru no Tsunami ga okimashita.
Jikan ga tatsu ni tsurete, higai no jookyoo ga wakatte kimashita.

2-ka genzai, Shisha wa 1300-nin o koemashita.

Genchi de wa Kyuujo-katsudoo ga okonawarete imasu ga,
mada takusan no hito ga yukue-fumei ni natte iru soo desu.
Saishuu-teki na shisha wa Suu-sen-nin ni tassuru kanoosei ga aru soo

インドネシア 地震 死者 1300人 超える 2018/October/03

Indonesia earthquake: the death toll rises to 1,300

9月28日、インドネシアの スラウェシ島で 強い 地震が あり

この 地震で 高さ6メートルの 津波が 起きました。

時間が たつに つれて、被害の 状況が 分かって きました。

2日 現在、死者は 1300人を 超えました。

現地では 救助活動が 行われて いますが、

まだ たくさんの 人が 行方不明に なって いる そうです。

最終的な 死者は 数千人に 達する 可能性が ある そうです。

Practice Each Sentence

Indoneshia Jishin Shisha 1300-nin Koeru

Indoneshia Indonesia, jishin earthquake
shisha dead person, the dead, the death toll, koeru root form of koemasu; exceed, go

1. 9-gatsu 28-nichi, Indoneshia no Suraueshi-too de tsuyoi jishin ga

ku-gatsu September, nijuuhachi-nichi 28th. of the month
Indoneshia Indonesia, Suraueshi-too Sulawesi island, -de place marker; in, at
tsuyoi strong, powerful, jishin earthquake, arimasu to there is, have, happen
"island" is Shima.
-too follows the name of an island such as Suraueshi-too "Sulawesi island"
or Boruneo-too "Borneo island".
2. Kono jishin de takasa 6-meetoru no Tsunami ga okimashita.
jishin earthquake, -de cause marker; by, because of, from, due to
takasa height, roku-meetoru 6 meters
Tsunami Tsunami, okimasu to happen, occur

3. Jikan ga tatsu ni tsurete, higai no jookyoo ga wakatte kimashita.

jikan ga tatsu ni tsurete as the time passes, as time goes by (expression)
jikan time, hour, tatsu root form of tachimasu; pass (time)
higai damage, harm, jookyoo state, situation, conditions
wakaru root form of wakarimasu; understand, know, find out
wakaranai nai form of wakarimasu, wakatte te form of wakarimasu
-te kimasu something began in the past and it is still continuing, kuru root form
of kimasu

4. 2-ka genzai, Shisha wa 1300-nin o koemashita.

futsuka 2nd. of the month, genzai as of (time)
shisha dead person, the dead, the death toll
sen-sanbyaku-nin 1,300 people, koemasu to exceed, pass, go over

5. Genchi de wa Kyuujo-katsudoo ga okonawarete imasu ga,

mada takusan no hito ga yukue-fumei ni natte iru soo desu.
genchi on the spot, site, field (something happened), -de place marker; in, at
kyuujo-katsudoo rescue work, rescue effort
kyuujo [sv] rescue, katsudoo [sv] activity, action, act, work
okonawarete passive te form of okonaimasu; be held, be performed, -te
imasu expressing progressive or state
mada still, takusan no hito many people, takusan many, a lot of , hito person,
yukue-fumei ni narimasu be missing, go missing (set phrase), yukue-
fumei missing, be missing
natte te form of narimasu; become, come to, -te iru root form of -te imasu;
expressing progressive or state
-soo desu reported information; I heard, he/they said
6. Saishuu-teki na shisha wa Suu-sen-nin ni tassuru kanoosei ga aru soo
saishuu-teki [na] final, shisha dead person, the dead, the death toll
suu-sen-nin thousands of people, suu-sen several thousand, tassuru root form
of tasshimasu; reach
kanoosei ga arimasu there is a possibility of/that, it can happen
kanoosei potential, possibility, aru root form of arimasu; have, there is
-soo desu reported information; I heard, he/they said

Practice the following words

1. IndoneshiaIndonesia 14. genchi
on the spot, site, field
2. tsuyoistrong, powerful (something happened)

15. kyuujo-katsudoorescue
3. jishinearthquake
work, rescue effort

4. arimasu / aruto there is, have, 16. kyuujo[sv] rescue

17. katsudoo[sv] activity, action,
5. takasaheight
act, work

6. TsunamiTsunami 18. okonawaremasu /

7. okimasu / okiruto happen, passive form
occur of okonaimasu; be held
8. jikantime, hour 19. madastill

9. higaidamage, harm 20. takusanmany, a lot of

10. jookyoostate, situation, 21. hitoperson, people

11. wakarimasu / wakaruto 22. yukue-fumeimissing, be
understand, know, find out missing
12. shisha 23. narimasu / naruto become,
dead person, the dead, the come to
death toll 24. saishuu-teki[na] final
13. koemasu / koeruto exceed, to
be over
25. tasshimasu / tassuruto
reach, come up to
26. kanooseipotential, possibility

Functional patterns used in the sentences (Chapter numbers are from Building Up
higai no jookyoo ga wakatte kimashita
verb te form + -te kimasu:expressing that something began in the past and it is still
Level 3 Chapter 11
kyuujo-katsudoo ga okonawarete imasu
verb passive form:passive form and structures
Level 3 Chapter 14
kyuujo-katsudoo ga okonawarete imasu / yukue-fumei ni natte iru soo desu
verb te form + -te imasu:expressing the progressive, a state of being or a habitual
Level 2 Chapter 4
yukue-fumei ni natte iru soo desu / kanoosei ga aru soo desu
plain form + soo desu:reported information; I heard, he/they said
Level 2 Chapter 11
shisha wa suu-sen-nin ni tassuru kanoosei
phrase + noun:Noun Modifier

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