Better Cities For Sustainable Development

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Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture 11 (2017) 127-134

doi: 10.17265/1934-7359/2017.02.003

Urban Regeneration: Better Cities for Sustainable


Mahmoud Ali Alsubeh

Urban and Regional Planning Department, Faculty Of Environmental Design, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah 21589, Saudi

Abstract: With the increasing growing of the environmental issues and climatic change, sustainable urban development of cities
became an urgent demand. Urban development relied on four pillars; the institutional, social, environmental and economic pillars.
Urban regeneration is not a single concept; it is a group of strategies. This study concluded that those strategies include; the public
action, certification programs and corporate responsibility theories.

Key words: Urban regeneration, sustainability, city.

1. Introduction throughout harm to the main assets as well as the

uncertainty’s creation concerning the future that with
Industrial emissions, waste production, traffic
each other erode assurance within the financial and
congestion, poor air quality, noise and overcrowding
social capital [4].
are only a few of the several externalities concern
Furthermore, socio-economic inequalities are
contemporary urban consumption and production
supposed to be noticed as the main challenge to the
patterns. Cities are presently facing main challenges
sustainable regeneration, which is urban. Within an
into their life’s quality as well as to the opportunities’
international context, the growing competition for the
range, in which the urban environments have the ability
resources and energy is probable to connect for the
to provide their residents. A particular individual has
influences of climate change to influence
the ability to speak about three major families of
disproportionally on the most vulnerable and the
confronts for the sustainable regeneration which is
poorest [5]. This is no less true within the cities,
sustainable: institutional (geographic and governance),
wherever inequalities are increasing because of the
social (health, cohesion and inequality) and
number of economic and demographic phenomena,
environmental (resource use, carbon emissions and
particularly aged (with several aged individuals being
climate change) [1, 2].
less capable to cope with the impacts of environment)
The fact of climate change represents specific
developing racial variety and increasing numbers of
challenges intended for the cities. Droughts, heat
individuals experiencing social exclusion and/or
waves, flooding as well as the other extreme whether
poverty. These improvements are considered
proceedings physically influence on the urban
inter-related as well as join to generate various
infrastructures and neighborhoods; thus, on the
configurations of the environmental weakness within a
mortality and health of urban populations [3].
particular city [6].
Moreover, they have the ability to influence in indirect
Organizational challenges to the urban sustainability
way on the urban economies and communities
are connected to stress among managerial, technical
Corresponding author: Mahmoud Ali Alsubeh, associate and top-down approaches in the direction of the urban
professor, research fields: theories of architecture and
regeneration as well as grassroots or bottom-up
restoration. E-mail:
128 Urban Regeneration: Better Cities for Sustainable Development

environmental initiatives, expectations and needs. It is understand through the sustainable regeneration [9].
extensively accepted that in the urban regeneration, Whereas, a steady definition of sustainable urban
processes of democratic societies are supposed to development or urban sustainability has confirmed in
accept governance approaches which contain several order to be vague, in the most academic circles and
stakeholders involving civil communities-of-interest as policy, which is agreed that they have the ability to
well as the residents [7]. Nevertheless, too frequently, recognized as a combined four major pillars:
we notice uncertain clashes among what local institutional, social, environmental and economic (see
communities desire for their neighborhoods on one Fig. 1) [10]. On the similar layer, the word “integrated
side and on the other side, the city administrations’ sustainable approach” is mostly utilized to depict the
plans. Besides, the commercial developers’ corporate incorporation of these various scopes of sustainable
interests add for the mix that has the ability to generate local improvement. Urban sustainability can be
lasting blockages within win-lose situations or understood from the environmental pillar’s direction,
decision-making [8]. thus the urban sustainability that is environmental,
In this study, we will study urban regeneration as the whereas taking into account the connections with
best method for sustainable development in cities. In economic, institutional and social pillars [11].
this work, the mechanisms, challenges and Urban regeneration is considered as a way for
opportunities facing sustainable urban regeneration upgrading and reorganizing existing spaces more
will be reviewed in order to come up with plans to the willingly than proposing recent urbanization [12].
best sustainable development in cities. Urban regeneration is mainly interested in reinforcing
2. Literature Review the centers of the city before the industrial areas,
inner/early ring suburbs as well as post war (post 1945),
2.1 Sustainable Urban Regeneration
the areas of housing facing decline’s periods because
Generally, it is significant to explain the things we of intersecting and compounding pressures. Factors

Fig. 1 Urban sustainability’s prism [13].

Urban Regeneration: Better Cities for Sustainable Development 129

concern the adoption of projects and regeneration distinctions among “stepping-up” and “progressive”
policies involve pressures, the main long-term or cities to demonstrate the level since they are at
short-term economic problems, physical changes, developing their regeneration actions’ environmental
physical deterioration, social or ethnic tensions, sustainability [15].
political disenfranchisement, cyclical or structural Therefore, urban regeneration is defined in this study
employment issues, infrastructural obsolescence, as a range of strategies or initiatives, encompassing and
underinvestment and demographic changes to the addressing a number of inter-related economic, social,
urban areas. Normally, the actions of urban environmental, institutional or physical aspects of
regeneration contain environmental/physical, social urban areas [16]. In sum, areas in need of regeneration
and economic development measures within the areas suffer from a weakened economic base, combined with
under the intervention. Urban regeneration within the high concentrations of unemployment and socially
majority of its contributes in the direction of the disadvantaged residents. These problems are often
implementation concerns the sustainable development manifested in an area with a poor physical and
during the “recycling” of buildings and land, lessening environmental setting such as contaminated or derelict
recent construction materials and demolition waste in land and poor quality housing and amenities. This
addition to lessening the requests for marginal urban nexus of conditions can lead to poverty, crime and
development as well as facilitating compactness and other problems [17].
intensification of obtainable urban areas [10]. For that Following from the above, we understand
reason, we recognize sustainable urban regeneration sustainable urban regeneration as regeneration policies
the same as regeneration processes, policies and and processes within a city, which seek to address
actions in a city that attend to consistent inter-related problems in order to consider, reduce and
socio-economic, spatial and technical problems for mitigate their environmental impact. More specifically,
lessening the environmental influence, lessen the the policies, plans and actions that urban actors
environmental risk, as well as to develop the implement to sustainably tackle regeneration issues
environmental quality of urban assets, lifestyles and have to be studied that have a strong environmental
systems [14]. dimension whilst also addressing wider relationships of
Environmental actions within the urban regeneration these aspects with other dimensions of sustainability.
are entrenched in the complicated policy/political, These policies, plans and actions can include the
economic, geographical, cultural and social contexts. minimization of required inputs and of energy, water,
Moreover, environmental and successful actions are food, materials, etc., and process outputs of waste, heat,
not only supposed to be precisely effectual; they are air and water pollution, carbon emissions, etc. (see
also supposed to respond to the conditions’ series of Table 1) [18].
sustainability concerning the exceeding contextual
2.2 Cultural Quarters as Mechanisms for Urban
factors on the local scale, as well as to be standardized
in order to accomplish effects vital for ensuring
sustainability on the global scale. Moreover, we Table 2 summarizes the constituents once a
conceive that this particularity demands to be taken particular individual would anticipate for finding
into consideration for evaluating the relative within a victorious cultural quarter. These are provided,
successes/merits of the tangible actions within under the mentioned three sub-headings: meaning,
particular contexts that based on a great extent on form and activity. It is significant to assure that
contradictory preliminary points. We utilized a high-quality cultural quarter would involve a single
130 Urban Regeneration: Better Cities for Sustainable Development

Table 1 Types of regeneration policies, plans and actions with a strong environmental dimension [18].
Type Regeneration policies, plans and actions
Energy-efficiency in buildings
Energy demand management and fuel poverty (nonphysical)
Energy generation (renewables)
District heating and smart grids
Cycling and walking
Transportation Public transportation and modal shift
Smart travel and car pooling
Densification of existing urban areas/urban infill
Change of land use in response to local needs
Water conservation
Sustainable urban drainage
Waste Waste recycling and reduction
Food Urban agriculture/allotments/locally resources food
Urban biodiversity and “green” landscaping
Use of local construction materials and contractors
Taxation on consumption (non-physical)
Behavioral “nudges” for more pro-environmental behavior (non-physical)

Table 2 Cultural quarters: success and factors necessary conditions [19].

Factors Necessary conditions
The variety of secondary and primary land uses
Variety and extent of cultural venues
The attendance of an nightfall economy, involving the culture of cafe´
Forceof small-company economy, involving inspired businesses
Entrance to the education
The attendance of events and festivals
Workspaces’ availability for artists as well as low-cost of the producers that are cultural
The economic development of small-firm within the cultural sectors
Controlled workspaces for the users of studio and office
Arts development’s location concerns companies and agencies
Arts, education and media training
Evening uses and harmonizing daytime
The urban morphology of Fine-grain
Adaptability and Variety of building stock
Streetscape’s permeability
The form Legibility
Quality and amount of communal space
Street frontages which are active
Individuals attractors
Gathering spaces and important meeting
Sense of progress and history
The Meaning Imagery and area identity
The ability of knowledge
The environmental signifiers
Urban Regeneration: Better Cities for Sustainable Development 131

combination of these constituents [19]. activities [21].

Consequently, an unsuitable urban shape will not
2.3 Connecting “New Urban Economies” to
consider a cultural quarter within the sense of being a
Sustainable Urban Regeneration
high-quality place that attracts every visitor and user.
This indicates that the quarters of culture and certainly The clearest instance has to work with what is called
the city creative economies’ wider notion cannot be “green economy” more solid with the activities
taken into account in separation from the connected to the building renovation and
characteristics and geography of urban places, the energy-efficiency. A great number of activities and
matters of place. Likewise, a cultural quarter with no services are essential to modernize a particular building,
meaning, inter alia, does not much the place. Nor will it ranging from the materials of insulation, boilers and
is likely to be modern, or chiefly innovative. After all, panels, to each of the connected service involving
culture is recognized as meaning. More willingly than design services and architecture. Moreover, what
this, cultural quarter that generates on the recent attractive is that whilst the earlier has the ability to
meaning—within the form of recent concepts, ideas come from out of the country, the later is most
and work [20]. frequently nearby sourced, consequently, there will be
A good quarter of culture, subsequently, will be a great of economic power connected to the urban
reliable, however, also changing and innovative. A city regeneration [22].
economy, a good place, yet a personality enterprise will A small piece is less clear, however, attractive is the
require preserving what is good, nevertheless to be connection between the urban regeneration and digital
highly adaptive and flexible as well as embrace economy; for instance, digital artifacts like smart
transformation, recent ideas, recent methods of doing meters frequently strengthen renewable energy
new work and things. Collapse for doing so will distribution and production. Nevertheless, we can
indicate that the quarter of culture will fade away notice the driven solutions of the citizen [23].
completely, or become merely a group of openly The environmental regeneration’s economic spill
funded facilities and venues, or else a symbol of overt within the cities is likely to be to somewhat
previous culture—“heritage” [19]. spontaneous; there is frequently modest action from the
A number of quarters concern culture will justify local government’s side for making it occurred.
disappearing or ossifying with each other, in order to be However, I think that more planned action could
taken above through further rival uses (apartments, improve the connections. For this to occur, the staff of
offices) or to become a significant section of the the city needs to have the ability to work within the
heritage industry. The others may well carry on departments (for instance, economic, planning, social
growing and developing to the future, even though and environment) nevertheless interrelate with the
achievement too has the ability to have its risk, other, the council and external stakeholders. Here, we
wherever, the uses of low-value are driven out of the notice, for instance, that the usefulness of companies
places that are successful. This conveys us to a mystery, with several business and technical expertise (however,
in which, within a smallest amount, an amount of the with restricted understanding about the nature of a city),
activity discovered within the quarters of the culture works on the ground, but in addition, communities of
may need governmental support for surviving within consumers and knowledge institutes are progressive. It
situ. Then, the issue becomes one of inspiring recent is significant that various stakeholders are having the
work, recent innovation and activity at the same time as ability to be familiar with the views and the language of
harmonizing a wider mix of meanings, built forms and each other. The staff of the city could be significant
132 Urban Regeneration: Better Cities for Sustainable Development

mediators here, bridging the various players’ interests. complexity of the task at hand, often used, is through
Besides, several cities have many ungraceful actions certification standards. Certification programs can
within these fields (for example, the strategies of smart cover most of the aspects of urban property
city, energy and environmental plans, the deals of development, including setting targets for site
green economy, and regeneration policies) which could decontamination, use of recycled materials, brownfield
positively profit from more incorporation [15]. redevelopment, provision of public transport, options
to discourage fossil transport use, energy consumption
2.4 Actual and Emerging Strategies for Improving
and efficiency in buildings, water recycling and waste
Sustainability in Urban regeneration
management. As for policies, best-known directives at
Sustainable development is a moving target: the moment concerning CO2 are energy performance
knowledge, technologies, and skills are being directives. An example of the latter in the Netherlands
developed every day. Now, few integrated theories for is the EPC (Energy Performance Coefficient) directive
achieving sustainability in the built environment can be [25].
identified. In fact, sustainability often relies on the Besides certification standards, sustainability
management of transitions—a shift to doing things approaches are often based on corporate responsibility
differently—that tends to be specific to each site, rather theories. Some examples here are the “triple bottom
than a constant recipe or “one size fits all” type solution. line” approach [25], the “creating shared value”
The issue of sustainability is even more complex in the strategy [26] and “the natural step” [27].
case of redevelopment or regeneration of existing In recent years, (local) governments have embarked
urban areas. Redevelopment can be defined as “one or on a passionate race to achieve climate goals before
more public actions that are undertaken to stimulate their neighbor. Largely due to incentives in public
activity when the private market is not providing funding, cities have appropriated sustainability at large
sufficient capital and economic activity to achieve the as a standard for competitiveness and means to attract
desired level of improvement” [24]. various types of investment. Some international
This public action often involves measures such as examples include “the Rotterdam Climate Initiative”,
direct public investment, capital improvements, “the 10 Melbourne Principles”, “the Vancouver
enhanced public services, promotion, tax benefits and Climate Leadership” and “the Chicago Climate Action
other stimuli including planning initiatives such as Plan” [28]. At building and project development level,
rezoning. This is slightly different from regeneration, the application of building certification programs is
defined as “a holistic process which aims to reverse the coming more and more to the forefront. Their purpose
economic, social and physical decline of places where is to encourage measures in all possible areas of
market forces alone will not suffice. The planning sustainable (re)development or even regeneration
process provides the opportunity to enhance the role beyond actual design and construction, from the
and capacity of communities as well as balancing sourcing of materials to the management of a building
community, business, environmental and individual (or area) once completed [24].
needs. Effective regeneration requires active and
3. Conclusions
meaningful long-term community engagement and
involvement, as well as changes to the physical We have provided an overview of the key challenges
environment” [24]. for environmentally sustainable urban regeneration
With respect to the introduction of sustainability as a today from different angles of the “prism of
key-force for regeneration, one way of addressing the sustainability”: physical/environmental (climate
Urban Regeneration: Better Cities for Sustainable Development 133

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