The Oredigger Issue 8 - November 1, 2010

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For Halloween celebrations

at Mines, see page 6

Volume 91, Issue 8 November 1, 2010

Mines football remains undefeated in RMAC


Dan Palmer, #36, accumulated 21 points in Saturday’s game against Adams State.

The 411 on Sigma Kappa Sweeping changes

proposed for
time with each other as sisters. One are now proud members of Sigma
Courtesy Sigma Kappa
way we get to know each other is by Kappa: Amanda Ayala, Ali Gerhards,
As you may know, Sigma Kappa throwing a sisterhood retreat which Michelle Griffith, Sarah King, Hope
is one of the three sororities on is held near the beginning of the fall Morton, Lianne Nelsen, Kara Ninke,

McBride Program
campus. Our chapter, Zeta Pi, was semester. Sammie Powell, Kate Rooney, Aman-
founded on January 26, 1980 mak- This is always a great time for ac- da Ross, and Alyse White.
ing us the first sorority on the Mines tive members to meet and become We look forward to continue
campus. familiar with the new pledge class getting to know these girls and are
The values that we live by in our of that semester. Speaking of new super excited for a great year ahead
everyday lives consist of personal pledges, we would like to congratu- of us. We hope to see you at the Ryan Browne tee emphasized their desire that the
growth, friendship, service and loyalty. late the following girls for initiating Ultraviolet event on the evening of Editor-in-Chief McBride continue to be viewed as a
We excel in scholarship, leadership, on Sunday October 24th, 2010 and November 19th. college-wide program; housing the
and social activities within the soror- COURTESY SIGMA KAPPA At the request of Provost Steve program in the LAIS department was
ity and around CSM. Sigma Kappa Castillo, several faculty committees merely to streamline financial and
currently holds the highest GPA of the have been working since as early as administrative functions.
sororities on campus with an overall last spring to recommend changes Once the Futures Committee
average of 3.14 and has 17 sisters to the McBride Honors Program. submitted their proposal, the task
on the Dean’s list. These committees have recom- of reinventing McBride was passed
We strive for achievements such mended sweeping change to the to two additional Provost-built com-
as these through study hours and program, including moving it into mittees: a Curriculum Committee
help amongst each other. We, as the Liberal Arts and International and a Bylaws committee. At press
members, are also proud to uphold Studies Department and changing time, the Curriculum Committee
our name as Sigma Kappa’s in the which semester students start in has completed its task of creating a
course of all of the events and servic- the program. revised curriculum for the McBride
es we do for our community. Some One hot-button proposal among program. The Bylaws Committee is
services that we contribute to include the faculty was the inclusion of currently working to incorporate the
the Memory Walk for the Alzheimer’s McBride as part of a professors recommended changes in McBride
Association, Clear Creek Clean-up, teaching load. Currently, McBride into the Faculty Senate Bylaws.
Highway Clean-up and Second Wind mentors are all volunteers, teaching The Faculty Senate hosted a
Fund. Coming up, on November the McBride classes in addition to forum on Wednesday to review the
19th from 5:00-10:00 PM in Freidhoff their normal teaching load. Under current proposals and allow the
Hall in the Green Center, the Sigma the proposed plan, professors would faculty and students to provide feed-
Kappa’s are holding their annual fund- be allowed to count McBride as part back. At this meeting Carl Mitcham,
raising event called Ultraviolet. It is of their teaching load, and their de- a professor in the LAIS Division and a
the biggest event of the year in terms partment would be compensated for member of the Curriculum Commit-
of raising awareness and money for the cost of an adjunct professor to tee, reported on the changes to the
The Sigma Kappa Foundation, which teach that professor’s regular class. McBride Curriculum recommended
contributes to Alzheimer’s. The McBride Futures Committee, by that committee. “We initially said,
It is a bingo and buffet evening full the committee responsible for the just like the Futures Committee said,
of friends and fun! The whole campus proposal of McBride changes, also ‘We are committed to the seminar
is invited and the ladies would be so suggested that the program be “nor- pedagogy.’ This is one clear continu-
thrilled if you came! Not only do we malized” and housed in the Liberal ity,” emphasized Mitcham.
do stay involved with our community, The members of Sigma Kappa welcome the new pledges Arts and International Studies (LAIS)
but we love to have fun and spend to the family. department. However, the Commit- Continued at


~world headlines ~music review ~athlete of the week ~minds at mines ~free chipotle
~scientific discoveries ~geek of the week ~csm football ~morals for your story ~snow days coming
page 2 n e w s november 1, 2010

Molecules move in Dr. Derrick Hudson

response to light explores Christian-
Joshua Kleitsch
Staff Writer
captured between two conduct-
ing plates, and a voltage is applied
As the experiments were con-
ity, spiritualism
across the plates. The molecules ducted, Lo discovered that the Bryant Pocock like “orientation programs for new
Molecules of a substance then orient themselves with re- photo-active methyl red gradually Staff Writer recruits,” gradually “replacing
known as methyl red respond to spect to the light that is passing stopped responding to the chang- faith in Jesus with beliefs about
polarized light by moving in a way through them, allowing only the es in polarized light. It seems that With church memberships him.”
as to block the light. Ms. Yu-An desired wavelengths through. This methyl red degrades much the dwindling in many traditionally The “Age of the Spirit,” pre-
Lo of the Metallurgy and Materi- effect can be tuned using different same way that photovoltaic cells in Christian countries and with the dicts Hudson, will be marked by
als Engineering department has voltages or different wavelengths solar panels degrade due to expo- rise of prominent atheist figures the slow death of fundamentalism
been researching these molecules of light. sure to sunlight. Lo experimented such as Christopher Hitchens and its “nostalgia for the mythical,
for her Ph.D. and has discovered Lo went on to discuss how with various environments to de- and Richard Dawkins, it seems unrealistic past,” along with tradi-
some unique properties. The mol- different wavelengths of light pro- termine if the lifespan of the methyl odd to declare the dawning of a tional, hierarchical churches and
ecule, Aminoazobenzene deriva- duced an altered response from red monolayer could be extended. new “Age of the Spirit in the 21st religious institutions based upon
tized-methyl red, is dissolved into the methyl red. It seemed that at She found that cooling the glass Century,” as Dr. Derrick Hudson dogma and creeds. Rather than
a solvent and then deposited onto certain wavelengths the molecule plate had some affect and that as did Wednesday night as part of being totally displaced by sci-
a silicon dioxide (glass) substrate. would undergo “isomerization,” a the methyl red absorbs light, the CSM’s Hennebach Lecture se- entific rationalism and atheism,
The glass with the methyl red is process by which a chemical is al- energy of the molecules increases, ries. Hudson believes in a resurgence
then heated and allowed to cool, tered in its chemical and physical thereby heating the monolayer un- Currently a professor of Afri- of fast-growing, non-canonical,
in a process called thermal relax- state and exhibits different proper- til the molecules begin to degrade can-American Studies at Metro decentralized, discipleship-
ation. After the thermal relaxation, ties from the parent chemical. After and are no longer able to respond State, Hudson grew up in a Bap- based, and Holy Spirit-embracing
the glass is then exposed to fil- this isomerization, the molecule’s to changes in light. tist household. Hudson was bap- churches.
tered, polarized light and allowed absorption of light increased dra- These molecular interactions tised at the age of 15 after be- Although such a movement
to rest. In a matter of seconds, the matically, effectively blocking all are not well understood, “And that coming intrigued by the teachings is by its nature difficult to quan-
molecules of methyl red will orient visible light. One possible reason is why I want to study them,” Lo of Jesus, and deciding to “follow tify and measure, Hudson claims
themselves to oppose the polar- for this, Lo explained, might be be- said. And while Lo did not specify that person’s model” for his life. that “Christianity is actually grow-
ized light, evidenced by the glass cause of the oxygen in the environ- any real-world applications that After graduating from the Air ing faster than it ever has before,”
plate turning black. The glass is ment under which the experiment might be found from this research, Force Academy and serving for and projects global growth of
then rotated and the same effect is was conducted. A member of the it would seem that through extend- several years at a base in Oklaho- church numbers in the hundreds
observed. audience postulated that if you ed experimentation and a deeper ma, Hudson became disillusioned of millions for the next 40 years.
This effect of methyl red re- were to conduct the experiment understanding of what causes with the Anglican and Evangelical This growth of a new style of
sponding to changes in polarized in a pressurized nitrogen environ- these reactions and interactions, churches he encountered, as well Christianity seems to eschew the
light is similar to how liquid crystal ment, you might experience differ- applications and uses for this as mainline Protestantism in gen- traditionally Christian areas of Eu-
displays (LCD) in computers work. ent absorption from the molecule, methyl red technology would soon eral. rope and is instead most evident
The liquid crystal molecules are to which Lo confirmed that it was become evident. He points to their focus on in the “developing” countries of
creeds, beliefs, and schedules as Africa, Asian, and Latin America.
unsatisfying. Instead he turned Whether such a prediction

to the charismatic, or pentecos- comes true, it can be said that
tal, movement, with its focus on many around the world are trad-
the Holy Spirit and willingness to ing traditional religions for mysti-
“wait until the Spirit comes.” cism, or declaring, “I am not re-
Hudson claims that this move- ligious, but I am spiritual.” This
ment, founded in the early 20th movement tends to focus on the
century, is fast displacing tradi- sayings of spiritually-minded ce-
tional Christianity, especially in a lebrities rather than the writings of

post-modern world where “peo- saints or theologians.
ple want meaning in their lives,” While Hudson advocates for
rather than a set of beliefs or ritu- the separation of church and
als. state, at least in the institutional
Hudson divides the history and legal sense, he also senses
of Christianity into three distinct a yearning for individuals to find
Located at CTLM eras: the Age of Faith, from 30 to “the sacred in the secular,” and to

Now Open
300 AD; the Age of Belief, from integrate the two arenas in their
300 to 1900 AD; and the Age of own lives.
the Spirit, from 1900 AD to the Hudson is optimistic for the fu-
present. This dichotomy between ture role of religion and religious
faith and belief may not be imme- leaders in the public sphere, as
diately obvious, especially when well as their ability to achieve hu-
the words are often used inter- manitarian progress. Ultimately,
changeably, even by the religious. opines Hudson, religion is simply

Hudson defines faith as a deep- a tool “to find meaning on this
seated conviction or “ultimate side.”
concern,” while he regards belief He points to past successes
as a more transitory opinion with such as the Truth and Reconcilia-
some degree of uncertainty. tion Committee of post-apartheid
As canon and orthodoxy be- South Africa as models for the
came established during the future and encourages religious
fourth century AD, argues Hud- people to become socially and
Monday - Thursday Friday son, beliefs and creeds became civically literate.

7:15 a.m. - 11 p.m. 7:15 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. BRYANT POCOCK / OREDIGGER

Check out for Dr. Hudson, center, responds to questions following his
weekly Einstein’s Specials! presentation
w w w . O R E D I G G E R . n e t
november 1, 2010 n e w s page 3

Joshua Kleitsch, Staff Writer

Leicester, United kingdom - Decaying fish may offer insight into

how to interpret the fossil record. Paleontologists at the University of
Leicester in the UK have closely watched the process of decay in two
different fish species, and noticed that it follows a very similar pattern
for all fish. Bones react with minerals in the ground to make fossils that
last for millions of years. Soft tissues decompose very rapidly, and leave
no record of their structure or composition. Understanding modern-day
decay patterns will help researchers to better interpret the fossil record.

Sydney, Australia - Assassin

bugs may help humans by killing
Woods Hole, Massachusetts - A 10-mil- unwanted pests. Researchers at
lion-year glaciation may have been the driving Sahara Desert, Libya - 39-million- Macquarie University in Sydney,
factor in the evolution of mammals on Earth. year-old monkeys may be mankind’s Australia, have been studying
Bio-geochemist Noah Planavsky at the Woods oldest ancestors. A group of paleon- how the assassin bug lures and
Hole Oceanographic Institute in Massachu- tologists from around the world have kills spiders. The insect uses a
setts discovered that a phenomenon known as been working on archaeological digs technique known as “aggressive
“snowball Earth” could be the cause of a rapid for three years and have discovered a mimicry” to lure spiders or other
increase in atmospheric oxygen that allowed group of primates believed to be the prey to within it’s reach by sitting
mammals to develop. Snowball Earth is the idea earliest members of the subgroup of on the web and plucking the silk
that in the past the entire earth was wrapped in primates known as anthropoids. The fibers, imitating a trapped insect,
an ice age, and most land masses were covered subgroup of anthropoids includes mon- and then stabbing the spider
in glaciers. The glaciers would have advanced keys, apes and humans, and is believed in the back of the head when it
and receded over time, grinding down the land to have evolved from a group of tiny comes to kill the trapped insect.
masses and releasing massive amounts of 45-million-year-old primates from Asia.
phosphorous into the oceans. This phospho- Some believe that the advancement of
rous would cause algae blooms which would in the species is due to these anthropoids
turn produce organic matter and oxygen. moving from Asia to Africa.

Oredigger Staff Local News

Ryan Browne
Headlines from around the world On October 30, Mines had
three teams compete in the 35th
annual “Battle of the Brains”
programming competition. They
Katie Huckfeldt Joshua Kleitsch, Staff Writer
Managing Editor competed against teams from
CSU, Mesa State, Montana
Abdullah Ahmed The Chinese are poised to conducted sting operation to tainted drinking water, has infected State, United States Air Force
Business Manager take to lead in supercomput- flush out a suspected Al Qaeda 4,000 people and killed nearly 300 Academy and University of Wyo-
ing, with the Tianhe-A1 super- supporter on Wednesday. The op- as of Thursday. The Pan American ming.
Steven Wooldridge computer set to be officially an- eration involved leading the sus- Health Organization says that the
Webmaster nounced Thursday. The computer, pect to believe he was facilitating influx of aid has increased, but the RMAC announced sopho-
which operates using a combina- several plans to bomb the Metro- death toll will continue to rise be- more Sarah Moore as the Rocky
Barbara Anderson
Design Editor tion of nVidia graphics processing rail subway system in Washington, fore this is all over. Mountain Athletic Conference
units and Intel CPUs, has been asking him to provide diagrams The Mentawai islands were Women’s Diver of the Week.
Zach Boerner clocked at 2.5 Petaflops, a 40% of the subway stations and give pounded by a tsunami Monday af- Moore has received this honor
Copy Editor increase in processing power over bomb placement suggestions. ter a 7.7 magnitude earthquake seven times in her career at
the current leader, the Jaguar su- The US and South Korea are occurred off the coast of Indone- Mines.
Neelha Mudigonda percomputer at Oak Ridge Na- involved in trade talks that will sian Sumatra. The death toll is at
Asst. Design Editor tional Laboratory. dictate how beef and autos are 370 and continues to rise as relief Mines’ annual Holiday
Robert Gill Sir John Sawers of the United traded between the two coun- workers attempt to rescue survi- Food Drive and Castle of Cans
Asst. Business Manager, Kingdom’s counter-terrorism tries. The trade agreement was vors. CANstruction competition and
Sales and Marketing agency MI6 gave his first pub- first proposed during the Bush Airlines are increasingly moni- food drive will join efforts this year
lic speech Wednesday. Sir John administration, but was never toring Twitter and other social November 18-19. Volunteers will
Ian Littman plans to focus the efforts of MI6 brought before congress. Presi- networking sites to get feed- begin collecting donations on
Asst. Business Manager, operatives on stopping terrorism dent Barack Obama criticized the back on the quality of their servic- campus on November 1 and
Web Content within the UK, with the goal of agreement during his 2008 cam- es. Sites like Twitter offer disgrun- this year’s CANstruction will take
bringing down terrorism groups paign, and has not voted on it. tled customers an outlet for their place November 18 in Ballrooms
Trevor Crane
Content Manager within Europe. Haitians are struggling to complaints, and airline employees B and C of the Student Center.
Tulsa, Oklahoma residents are contain an outbreak of Chol- often search through tweets to try
Deborah Good taking strides to reconcile 89 era, an infectious and deadly to resolve problems before they On October 27, the American
Content Manager years of strife between whites disease that is spread through go viral. Academy for Park and Recre-
and African-Americans with the ation Administration, in part-
Stephen Hejducek construction of a new park in nership with the National Rec-

Content Manager downtown Tulsa. The park, called reation and Park Association,
Shira Richman John Hope Franklin Reconcilia- announced the City of Golden
Faculty Advisor tion park, was built to bring about Parks and Recreation Depart-
reconciliation and try to atone for ment the Grand Plaque Recipi-

the riot of 1921 that caused the ent of the National Gold Medal
slaughter of nearly 300 African- Award for Excellence in Parks
Americans in Tulsa. and Recreation Management.
Higher education is becom-

ing more expensive, as tuition
Correction: Last week, The
for all types of colleges continues
Oredigger printed two articles,
to rise. Four-year public universi-
“Students MIUSE over summer
ties saw a 7.9% increase in tuition,
opportunities” and “Herding or-

while private colleges saw a rise
ganisms on a nano scale”, both
of 4.5%. Federal Pell grants also
attributed to Deborah Good. “Stu-
rose, in many cases to match the
dents MUSE over summer oppor-
increase in tuition, with the gov-
tunities” was written by Nick Mat-

ernment giving out over $28 bil-
thews and “Herding organisms on
lion in Pell grants.
a nano scale” was written by Erik
The FBI in Washington, DC

w w w . O R E D I G G E R . n e t
page 4 f e a t u r e s november 1, 2010

This week in Beer review: Dogfish

Colorado History Head 60 Minute IPA
Election Day Bryant Pocock
Staff Writer
pany,’” instead choosing to focus
on their other world-class beers.
more of a neutral sugar flavor
than the slightly caramelized flavor
Deborah Good 1914 and be amended to exclude 60 Minute pours a clear, pale more common with IPAs. Yeast
Content Manager beer in 1916. National prohibition The Dogfish Head Brewery’s amber color, with a thick foamy flavors are also mild and neutral,
began in 1920 and was repealed motto is “off-centered ales for white head. The scent is fruity, much like a lager. The 6% alcohol
As students gear up to vote in 1933). off-centered people.” They might with elements of lime, kiwi, man- content is similarly difficult to de-
Tuesday, they face a long list of The 1932 ballot appeared a bit want to add “darn good” as well, go, and a hint of fresh-cut grass. tect, and also casts suspicion on
decisions. But this is not unique, like the ballot of 2010. Five mea- because Dogfish Head Brewery The flavor is similarly fruity, with 60 Minute’s status as an India Pale
for there have been many compli- sures were listed; two passed and makes a variety of many amaz- a wonderful sweet and citrusy Ale.
cated elections in Colorado’s 134 three failed. The passing mea- ing brews. The 60 Minute IPA, hop character that finishes with a Whether 60 Minute deserves
years of statehood. Ballot mea- sures included a repeal of prohi- their most popular brew, employs moderate bitterness. These floral its IPA designation or if it is merely
sures have ranged from serious bition and a reapportionment of a novel brewing process called and fruity hop flavors almost com- a hoppy pale ale, it definitely fits
to, by today’s standards, silly, but legislators. The failed measures “continuous hopping,” where pletely overshadow the bitterness, the bill as a delicious and drink-
provide an interesting snapshot of are much more relevant to today. hops are gradually added over the so much so that its 60 IBU rating able session beer, though its fla-
life in that year. Colorado Issue 1 limited taxation course of an hour-long boil, rather seems like a mistake. It drinks vor may be a bit on the bitter side.
Whenever anyone complains of cars and gas. Colorado Issue 4 than the more conventional two or more like a 40 or 50 IBU pale ale Consider it also as a tool for intro-
about the number of issues on appropriated taxes to school fund- three hop additions. Dogfish Head than the intensely bitter IPAs that ducing hop-averse friends to the
the ballot, just consider the bal- ing and Colorado Issue 5 added cannot keep up with demand for many craft breweries try to one-up wonderful world of IPAs. For tak-
lot of 1912, which contained 22 a graduated income tax, reduced its flagship IPA, nor do they want each other with. ing on an already competitive style
measures! From this overloaded property taxes on state buildings to. Founder Sam Calagione said, A mild malty sweetness bal- and refining it into a unique and
election, Colorado women, min- and gave revenue to schools. Col- “We are not interested in turning ances and complements 60 Min- special brew, Dogfish Head 60
ers, and underground workers orado Issues 4 and 5 are in some into the ‘60 Minute Brewing Com- ute’s hoppy characteristics, with Minute IPA earns a solid A grade.

Boston still sounds great

received an eight-hour workday, ways the opposite of Amendment
while municipalities received home 61 and Proposition 101 of 2010,
rule. Juvenile courts were created, and Colorado Issue 1 shares simi-
welfare was extended to depen- lar ideas with Proposition 101. It
dent children, and the civil service seems there are few original ideas

after all these years

law was amended. If it seems in seventy-eight years!
a lot was accomplished in this Every election, different issues
election, just imagine if all of the appear on the ballot. Most people
measures had passed. Colorado read them, cross their eyes at the
would have received reduced con- formal language, read them again,
stitutional amendment publishing vote, and forget about the issues.
John Bristow of the whole album. Unlike the first the album. While the final three
costs, a state fair, a new tunnel Finding these forgotten thoughts
Staff Writer song, this song starts immediately songs on the album do not re-
in the mountains, a definition of again after seventy-five or one with the buoyant guitar work that ceive as much airplay as the be-
contempt of court, and statewide hundred years can be entertaining
A few albums do not age almost seems to be part of the ginning of the album, these songs
prohibition of alcohol, among other and perhaps provide a little chuck-
well. Boston, by Boston, on the vocals instead of the instrumental each possess a characteristic that
things. (Prohibition would pass in le on the way to the voting booth. element due to the message it puts sets them aside while still retain-

Book review: The

other hand, has gotten nothing
but better in the 34 years since out. ing the flow of the album. “Hitch
it debuted. Unlike other bands “Foreplay Long Time” begins a Ride” and “Something About
such as Journey, who recently with a wild rushing intro that builds You” serve as romantic songs, an
received a huge boost in sales into a cataclysmic fury before the essential for albums of this era.

Machine of Death
due to popular media using their much more calm vocal section Still these two do not compare in
songs, Boston appears to have starts. Of all the songs on the al- suaveness to “Let Me Take You
remained somewhere in the lead, bum, this is one to look into as it is Home Tonight,” the final song of
despite having only been in a few a fun ride and will keep you com- the album. While this song feels
games and shows. So why does ing back for more. By nature of the a bit longer than the others, it still
this album stand out? For one, original siding of the vinyl album, is full of meaning and currents of
Tim Weilert this premise; some are dark and
each song on the album carries the second section starts out with passion.
Something Like Sound Blogger deeply thought provoking while
itself and can stand alone. “Rock & Roll Band,” a song that If this album is not in your li-
others are quite funny. The chapter
The internet is a fascinating titled “HIV Infection from Machine The album begins by building gives a brief view into the begin- brary, it is certainly worth a listen
thing. With the rise of quick vir- of Death” is short and hilarious: up to “More Than a Feeling,” a nings of a band and all the excite- on the host of music and video
tual communication, collaborative ‘’Well,’ I thought, ‘That sucks.’” song that has an arena rock type ment and forces that choose the sites that grace the internet. It is
efforts have become the norm quality and gives the first look in to direction of the band including ex- my recommendation though that
This book is a must-read for any
as people from every part of the student of engineering and is high- the versatile chord structure that ecutives and of course the fans. if you like the sound, go out and
global society now have the ability ly reminiscent of the technocratic- Boston embodies. With a little bit “Smokin’,” the fifth track on the get the remastered version that
to work together. This momentum satire popularized by the late Kurt of in-depth research it becomes album, has a much more jazzy feel was released in 2006. Where
was captured by the enterpris- Vonnegut. While the writing styles apparent that the five years spent to it even while retaining character- other bands may mess up cer-
ing creators of perfecting this song and others istic dramatic parts between lyric tain delicacies of an album by re-
are incredibly
the web-comics While the writing styles easy to read, the on the album was time well spent. sections. This song also has some mastering it, Boston proves once
Dinosaur Com- Following “More Than a Feeling” of the better organ parts in the en- again that they are able to spend
content is by no
ics (Ryan North) are incredibly easy to means an “easy is “Peace of Mind,” a song that tire album and the effect leads to the time necessary to make a
and Wondermark retains the upbeat, lively nature one of the more gripping songs on great album even better.
read.” Each story
(David Malki!) for read, the content is by will present the

RED brings an enjoyable action-

a new anthology
of short stories
no means an “easy read.” reader with plen-
ty of questions
titled Machine about the role of
of Death: A collection of stories technology in society and room for

comedy to the silver screen

about people who know how they reflection on how science can in-
will die. fluence philosophy.
Submissions for the book proj- Utilizing the power of internet-
ect came from numerous writ- based collaboration once again,
ers and artists (each story has Malki and North encouraged arrives at his front door, guns blaz- the over-the-top action that only
Stephen Hejducek
a unique picture inspired by the people to purchase their book en- ing. Fortunately for him, he survives the DC Universe can provide. RED
specific plot). What is remarkable masse from Amazon on one spe-
Content Manager
and is able to reassemble his old features old school butt-kicking
about Machine of Death is that cific day. The result was a 14,000% Frank Moses, a former black- black-ops team that features fellow and highlights the theme that new
despite the broad range of writing increase in rank and a #1 spot on ops agent, is placed on a death retirees portrayed by Morgan Free- styles could take a few lessons
styles and story-types, the com- the book-sales website for the day- list when he is man, John Mal- from the old style of getting the job
mon cannon of the machine’s role an impressive feat by any means. classified as RED The movie could have kovich, and Helen done.
remains consistent. However, as would be expected, (Retired Extremely Mirren. Simply put, Though RED has some comic
Basically, the premise is that a the distribution methods for Ma- Dangerous). Bruce been a little more RED is about Frank book dialogue, and the novelty of
machine has been invented that chine of Death have been any- Willis portrays Moses attempting Freeman, Willis, and Malkovich, it
can tell a person how they’re go- thing but normal. On November 2, Frank Moses and original, but nonethe- to get his life back misses the mark slightly with its
ing to die based on a blood sam- a companion podcast to the book
ple, although the results are usu- will begin publishing episodes and
he lives a simple life
as a retired citizen,
less, was enjoyable. to normal and win
the heart of Sarah
similarity to movies like Night and
Day and The Expendables. The
ally fairly vague. A slew of moral, the entire manuscript will be avail- doing activities that Ross, a govern- movie could have been a little more
scientific, and social dilemmas able as a freely distributable Cre- any retired person would do (name- ment pension telephone assistant. original, but nonetheless, was en-
arise as the machines become ative Commons-licensed PDF ly call young women and live off of Since this movie is based off joyable. Overall, it was extremely
pervasive throughout society. through government pension checks). This of a DC comic book, it features enjoyable, but it was not a “good”
Each story is a unique reflection on lifestyle is great until a death squad many explosions, plot twists, and movie.

w w w . O R E D I G G E R . n e t
november 1, 2010 f e a t u r e s page 5

Geek Week
Katy Beseda
Staff Writer
No matter how much we try to

plication. And I filled that out, sent townships surrounding Cape Town
...Liz Kirby, Senior: Environmental Engineering

fight it, there is a little bit of geek in that in. And my college search was with local organizations, help- What is
all of us. Liz Kirby came to this sad done. I also got an incentive schol- ing with orphanages, school and your favorite
realization during her Geek of the arship my junior year to come to health centers. TV show?
Week interview. She is a senior ma- Mines, probably because I’m a girl. And after grad school and I watch most
joring in environmental engineering And I learned about the humanitar- STINT? things on Hulu
and minoring in humanitarian engi- ian minor and that was very ap- Hopefully I would like to get a because I don’t
neering, who initially refused to be- pealing to me. job in consulting and possibly work have a TV. I like
lieve she could be labeled with the What have you been doing internationally. I’m interested in “The Big Bang
dreaded term “geek.” for Humanitarian Engineering? mine site remediation and water Theory.” Mostly
Do you consider yourself a With the humanitarian engineer- supply engineering. because it’s a
geek? ing minor, I’m in a service learning What are some interesting little close to
No. I don’t think I’m a geek. But course. I will be going to Honduras classes you’ve taken? home, being at
I guess to some extent I am be- with 8 other Mines students and I really like Advanced Engineer- Mines. I watch
cause I go to Mines, right? a couple of staff members. We’re ing Mathematics. Really, any math it and think I
What is your most embar- working on housing for Honduras class here. That’s the big heart- know someone
rassing moment? for a community that isn’t eligible break about my major, when they like that.
Freshmen year, the Chem 2 for development funds because take the math out of it. Okay, may- Star Wars
exam. I was walking down looking their basic needs aren’t even met be I am a geek. or Star Trek?
at my scantron double checking. yet. We’ll be either digging or pour- Do you have any advice for I think I
I tripped and fell and cut my chin ing foundations, or working on Mines students? would pick Star
on the front row desk. So you just framing houses. And we’ll be work- Because Mines is such a small Wars. I went
hear a big crack of my chin hitting ing with them in the entire scope of school, you have a lot more oppor- with my parents
a desk and a thud of my person the project to design their homes tunities. Like doing research, even to Disney World
hitting the floor. The best part was the way they want them. as an undergrad. The world is sort when I was little
that a girl in the front row stood Once you complete your de- of run by the people who show up, and they told
up and yelled, “Oh my god, you’re gree, what are your plans? so try to work off of that. me they would
bleeding!” So I’m sure there’s plen- Graduate school at Mines, so I’ll What do you like to do in buy me whatev-
ty of people who refer to me as that graduate in spring of 2012. Hope- your free time? er toy I wanted
girl who tripped in our chem test. fully, if they let me in the grad pro- I play intramural soccer. I’m and for some
And I did bad on that test, I think gram; I haven’t applied yet... I’d be on the “Ninja-neers” team; I think reason I picked
I got a D. a part of Short Term International we’re going to come back and a toy Ewok. So,
Why did you choose to come (STINT), which is done through definitely dominate. I rock climb it would be Star
to Colorado School of Mines? Campus Crusade. We’d be doing sometimes, if I don’t have too Wars. I think
I chose to come to Mines be- university ministry work with col- much homework, and also when that might make Liz Kirby has fun on her summer project in
cause I got a Golden Scholar ap- lege students and working in the I go to Women’s Rock Climbing me a geek. Russia

Club spotlight:
Slackline club
Katy Beseda ably, Tom was scared of the idea at
Staff Writer first. He kept working with his friends
and built up the skill to try it when
What are these people doing? they went out on their most recent
On the way to class, one might trip a few weeks ago. “The amount
pass students walking on (or falling of exposure and the feeling you get
off of) lines strung between trees on sitting on an inch of webbing sixty
Kafadar Commons feet off the ground is
and wonder that very incredible,” Tom re-
thing. members. He thinks
This is the Slack- it is “something ev-
line Club. To rig a eryone should expe-
slackline, a length of rience.”
webbing is tensioned The club is open

between anchors on to everyone, in-

two trees. People cluding beginners.

work on walking on “They’re willing to
it and even doing teach you if you’re
tricks. Some mem- brand new,” said
bers of the group are Jonathon Cummins, HAPPY HOUR featuring MARTINIS & BEER
working on walking, a freshman beginning
while others are mas- to get into the sport.
tering tricks like back Walking or even get-
flips and sit starts. ting up on the line is
Daily • 3PM – 6PM 3.50 Domestic Pints
Mickey Wilson, presi- difficult at first. But Daily • 10PM – Close 6.00 House Martinis
dent of the club, ex- as Tom Grummon,
plained, “Slacklining Above: Mickey Wilson, the treasurer puts it,
becomes addicting “all you need is per-
slackline club presi-
once you try it out.” sistence and enthu-
Mike Kasberg, a ju-
dent, does a backflip on siasm.” If heights are
nior in the Slackline a slackline an issue, that’s okay.
Club, said, “I just KATY BESEDA / OREDIGGER David encourages
like the feeling you get when you’re people walking by to get involved,
walking or doing a trick; it’s the same “walking takes forever to figure out
thrill as any other sport.” For those but stop by and come try it.”
just starting out he recommends to Even if this seems a bit intimidat-
“just practice as often as you can. ing, it can be worth a shot just to COLORADO MILLS • 14500 WEST COLFAX AVE • 303.278.9273
The more work you put into it, the meet people. “All slackliners are su-
more you will get out of it.” per friendly. If you ask to get on their
Yard House supports designated driver programs. We card anyone who looks under 35.
Tom has been going with other line, no one will say no,” said Wilson.
members of the club when they set As he will tell you, “It’s not actually as
up a highline at North Table some 60 scary or dangerous as people think.”
feet above the ground. The slacklin- Slacklining may seem ridiculous at
ers are attached to the line with a first, but it is fun and popular, as the
harness and leash, but understand- club attests.

w w w . O R E D I G G E R . n e t
Costumes and celebrations
page 6 h a l l o w e e n novem

The Den hosts Halloween rootbeer kegger

Joshua Kleitsch dents a chance to relax and enjoy was loud, the bass was solid, and The kaleidoscope of costume stigated a dance party rocking the
Staff Writer Halloween in true nerd fashion: the time was right! Bring on the creativity displayed at this event night even further. Meanwhile, the
with a cup of root beer! root beer pong! was a sight to behold, with every- rest of us settled into the couches
For longer than any student at To start off the night, the local Team after team competed thing from Obi-Wan Kenobi and strewn about on the lawn, watch-
Mines can remember, the Christian band Delicious Penguins opened against each other to gain the high Lucha Libre, to an aging Brett Fa- ing as the flames of another Hal-
ministry house known as “The Den” with some great music and raised honor of Halloween Root Beer vre and a beautiful southern belle. loween died down into embers.
has hosted a Root Beer Kegger at the roof with soaring vocals. As Kegger ‘root beer pong cham- As the party continued inside with As another successful Halloween
Halloween. With an assortment of costumed party-goers continued pion’, an illustrious title that once At The Forefront rocking the house, Root beer Kegger draws to a close,
ghosts, ghouls, goblins and glam- to flow in, the root beer flowed like gained, earns you a life of adora- outside there was consumption of one can’t help but look forward to
our girls, this years’ edition was a water, saturating the bloodstream tion and respect of all your peers. unhealthy amounts of authentic next year, when once again the
fine showing of the best minds at of every ninja and Jedi in the house. The championship was set in a Thomas Kemper root beer while minds at Mines invest their enor-
Mines producing some excellent At The Forefront, an up-and-com- round-robin fashion, with teams the crowd was serenaded by a trio mous mental capacities in dream-
costumery. This Root Beer Keg- ing Denver band, followed the Deli- competing against each other in a of kilted bagpipers. ing up the most clever and creative
ger is an event sponsored by every cious Penguins, rocking the house knock out style tournament, with As the root beer pong champi- costumes one can imagine. Happy
Christian organization on campus, and setting the mood for what was winning teams continuing compe- onship was drawing to a close, the Halloween, and you’d better check
and is put on to give Mines stu- sure to be a great night. The music tition. more energetic masqueraders in- your deadbolt tonight!

Costumes at rootbeer kegger


w w w . O R E D I G G E R . n e t
s mark Halloween at Mines
mber 1, 2010 h a l l o w e e n page 7

Costume contest at volleyball game ALL PHOTOS STEVEN WOOLDRIDGE / OREDIGGER


w w w . O R E D I G G E R . n e t
page 8 s p o r t s november 1, 2010

Oredigger football defeats

Athlete of
the Week Adams State 24-17
... Elizabeth serra-Hsu, Senior, Mechanical engineering: Volleyball Trevor Crane
Content Manager
Garcia and Cody Renken along with
the running attack of Dan Palmer
resulted in a Palmer 1-yard touch-
Trevor Crane on the team was joking, saying, gym, I say to myself, “this is what I The Oredigger offense, known down run, cutting the deficit to three.
Content Manager “This one is going to have to be love doing.” for its prolific attack and reputa- Palmer added a 41-yard receiv-
good!” But it was a great feeling. How are you preparing for tion for putting up points, struggled ing touchdown to his resume soon
When Elizabeth Serra-Hsu ar- Truly indescribable, to be able to these last few games? Saturday, so it seems fitting that a after, giving Mines the lead for the
rived at CSM as a freshman in work so hard and see it pay off. For myself, I just have the men- highlight of the game comes from first time at 14-10. Palmer, a red shirt
2007 the women’s volleyball team How did you begin playing tality that if I don’t do it now, I won’t the defensive side of the ball. Mid- sophomore from Greeley, Colorado,
struggled to a tough 11-20 record. volleyball? ever be able to. And I try to let my way through the third quarter, CSM exploded Saturday, tallying 188 all-
Four years later, Serra-Hsu and her I started to play it in the 7th team realize that same idea and Senior defensive end Marc Schiechl purpose yards (100 rushing, 88 re-
teammates have climbed back into grade. I actually didn’t know that it get us to play in the moment. wrapped up Adams State quarter- ceiving) and was responsible for all
the competition and brought re- was a real sport back then. I was What is some advice you back Trevor Eggleston for a 14 yard three CSM touchdowns.
spect back to collegiate volleyball just playing in P.E. and my P.E. would give to young student loss. It would appear to be a routine Mines came out of halftime cling-
in Golden. And on Tuesday, Serra- teacher told me I should try out athletes? play for the senior, but the sack gave ing to a 17-10 lead. But Schiechl
Hsu made her own personal mark for the team. Before I had played Don’t take any day for granted. Schiechl 8.5 sacks on the season quickly erased any hope that the
in CSM volleyball history. With 13 soccer all the time and, well, I really You got to stay on top of every- and brought his career total up to Adams State offense had of moving
kills against UC-Colorado Springs, don’t like running and I was better thing, every day. If you take a day 42.5, breaking the current NCAA the ball, pulling down Eggleston for
she broke the all-time career kills at volleyball, so it just kind of stuck. off, you will fall behind and it is so division II record. For Schiechl, the his third sack of the game. This was
record of 1433, a 13 year-old re- What has it been like to hard to catch up. sacks have become a norm and the historic sack that gave Schiechl
cord set by standout athlete Jaime watch the program grow in the have helped to anchor a strong de- the career sack record for all of Divi-
Henderson in 1997. Serra-Hsu four years you have been here? fensive line that has propelled Mines sion II football, with still at least two
currently has 238 kills on the sea- Looking back, it is really reward- to a perfect 7-0 record in RMAC games to play.
son and has helped to lead the ing. To be able to look back and play. Later in the third, Palmer found
Orediggers to a 17-7 record with see all the progress we have made The offensive unit for the Oredig- his way in to the end zone for the
two regular season games left. and see all the hard work pay off ger, averaging 37.7 points and 466.7 third time on a 6 yard run, breaking
Mines is currently ranked 4th in the is a great feeling. In the moment, yards per game, struggled to hold the 17-17 tie and giving the Oredig-
RMAC and with only two games it was really tough to fight through on to the ball as they surrendered gers the lead, a lead they would not
remaining, looks poised to make the struggles, but afterwards, to four turnovers. Clay Garcia finished relinquish.
a solid postseason run. They are see us come so far so quickly is re- the game with 245 passing yards, 1 An underlying story to Saturday’s
also currently ranked 8th overall in ally cool. touchdown and 2 interceptions, but contest involved the special teams
the Central Region, on the edge of What were some of your fa- it was still enough as Mines outlast- play for the Orediggers. Often the
continuing on to the NCAA Cen- vorite volleyball memories? ed Adams State 24-17 at Campbell main focus is spent on the playmak-
tral region tournament. This year, For college, it was last year, field in Golden. ers on the offensive or defensive
Mines has been led in part by Ser- on a Saturday night and we were The Grizzlies opened the game sides of the ball. Rarely is the special
ra-Hsu and will look to her to help waiting for the regional rankings to with a defensive stop early on and teams spoken of. But with the Griz-
lead them to success in their final come out to see if we made the top took advantage on their ensuing zlies leading 10-7 and driving deep
games. For her effort, and her out- eight. And as soon as coach tested possession, marching 69 yards in into Oredigger territory, the defense
standing play through four years as us saying we got in, we went crazy. just over three minutes to jump to a came up with a key blocked field
a Lady Oredigger, Serra-Hsu is this It was great, that feeling of having 7-0 lead over the Orediggers. After goal to keep Adams State off the
week’s Athlete of the Week. everything you worked for come a quick three-and-out, Adams State board and turn around the momen-
[Oredigger] Did you know through for you. In high school, I quickly drove another 46 yards to tum. The play seemed to take the air
how close you were to break- remember a teammate and I had a tack on a field goal and extend their out of the Grizzlies and give new life
ing the career kills record? competition to see how many girls lead to 10-0. to Mines.
[Serra-Hsu] During my sopho- on the other team we could hit in But after giving up a quick 10 Again with the game on the line,
more year, I looked at the record the face. Looking back on it, it was points early on, the defense for the the defense came up with another
and kind of averaged out how kind of terrible, but it was entertain- Orediggers began to settle down monstrous block in the third quarter,
many I would need to get it, but it ing (smiles). and take control of the game. For keeping the game tied at 17.
wasn’t until this year that I realized With such a busy schedule, the remainder of the half, Mines held Colorado School of Mines en-
how possible it could be. how do you stay focused? Adams State without a first down, tered Saturday’s game ranked #16
What was it like getting the (Laughs) Do I stay focused? I key to giving the offense time to find in the nation. The win sends the
kill that broke the record? don’t know. I just get into a daily their rhythm. Orediggers to 8-1 overall and 7-0 in
The one that tied it was kind of routine, going to class, going to The CSM offense has not been the RMAC as the Grizzlies fall to 3-6
Elizabeth Serra-Hsu spikes
a miss hit actually. It just kind of practice, doing homework… You stymied for very long at any point overall (2-5 RMAC). Mines continues
bounced off [the Metro player] and just try to make the most of it. But the ball in Saturday’s match
this season. They soon overcame their season on the road at Chadron
went out. And after that, everyone volleyball helps to. When I go to the against CCU. their slow start as the combination of State Nov. 6.

Dan Palmer (#36) scores a touchdown in the 3rd quarter to put Mines
ahead 24-17. Dan scored all three touchdowns for Mines in Saturday’s

Diamond Gillis (#10) and Josh Ruff (#53) tackle a Adams State wide Kaleb Anderson (#99) blocks a field goal attempt by Adams State in the 3rd
receiver. quarter.

w w w . O R E D I G G E R . n e t
november 1, 2010 f e a t u r e s page 9

Ali Baba offers a taste of Perfect pumpkin cookies


the Mediterranean
Katie Huckfeldt
Managing Editor 6. 36 candy corn pumpkins
Directions: Heat oven to
It’s that time of year for any- 350°F and grease a cookie sheet.
thing and everything pumpkin! Be Combine cake mix, pumpkin,
it pumpkin bread or pumpkin pie, margarine, and egg in a large
Joshua Kleitsch decorated with numerous wall was excellent. The dish looked pumpkin is the fall flavor to savor. bowl. Using a tablespoon, drop
Staff Writer hangings and paintings as well very appetizing on the plate, and While pumpkin muffins, breads, the dough onto the cookie sheet.
as various items from both Syria the flavor did not disappoint. The and pies are easy to find, pump- The dough does not flatten much
Looking for a culinary treat and Lebanon. From the Hoo- only flaw, and this is quite minor, is kin cookies are rare. So here is during baking, so make sure to
from another continent? Look no kahs (Turkish water pipes) to the the Pita was slightly crispy. It was an easy recipe to make your own form the dough into a “cookie
further than Ali Baba Grill at 109 Turkish coffee pots, the beauti- served in a basket separate from sweet and savory spiced pump- shape” before baking. This works
Rubey Drive in Golden. Serving fully painted cabinet doors to the the lamb, and in doing so prob- kin cookies. best by pressing the dough with
up a variety of fine Lebanese and hanging light fixtures decorated ably dried out after heating. One Ingredients: the back of a wet spoon. Bake for
Persian foods, Ali Baba Grill of- with beads, the decorations gave possible remedy to this would be 1. 1 pkg carrot cake mix 10-15 minutes, or until the cen-
fers something entirely unique to you a very Middle-Eastern feel- to eat quickly! All lunch entrees 2. 1 cup canned pumpkin ter is set and puffed. Remove the
the Golden area. Founded in 2000 ing, like you were stepping into are served with white rice and 3. ¼ cup margarine or butter cookies and cool for 15 minutes.
by Fiyahd Aoutabachi and Mah- another country on the other side salad on the side. With so many (melted) Frost the cooled cookies and put
moud Dukmak, the restaurant of the world. And the feeling did wonderful options from which to 4. 1 egg one candy pumpkin on each.
has received multiple awards for not stop at the decorations, either. choose, a return visit is requisite. 5. 1 can (16 oz) cream cheese Makes 3 dozen.
best Mediterranean and Middle The menu is filled with a variety of The experience was a good KATIE HUCKFELDT / OREDIGGER
Eastern food in Golden, and has foods whose names are unfamil- one, and for less than $10 with a
become known as a destination iar, and you may even have to be a decent tip, it was affordable too.
for fine dining. Natives of Syria little adventurous to try them. The meal was quite filling, and
and Lebanon, Aoutabachi and The dish of choice was the would be sure to keep you satis-
Dukmak have brought their love Mediterranean Gyros, a seasoned fied for several hours at least. If
for good food and hospitality to lamb topped with cucumber sauce you are feeling adventurous, give
Golden in order to serve a blend of served on Pita bread, with rice. the Ali Baba Grill a try, and let
authentic flavors from their home- The seasoning was wonderful, the tantalizing flavors excite your
land. both in the lamb and the cucum- senses and carry you across the
The restaurant is beautifully ber sauce, and the presentation globe.

Faculty spotlight: Judy Schoonmaker

Katy Beseda the grandfather of reproductive choose the more creative route
Staff Writer physiology. It was the only un- and applies her talents to mak-
dergraduate seminar he ever ing costumes for operas.
Similar to the freshmen in taught. And I got totally hooked.” Although she was born and
her BELS101 class, Dr. Judy Schoonmaker relies on this grew up on the east coast,
Schoonmaker is also making love of biology to motivate her Schoonmaker fits right in with
the difficult transition from high students. Obviously, control- many of Colorado’s classic ac- Pumpkin cookies serve as a delicious snack during
school to college. She currently ling a lecture hall of 100 college tivities like back-country skiing, holiday season.
teaches at D’Evelyn High School freshmen is more challenging hiking, and biking. She said,

The stars shine

in Lakewood, Colorado, and than a classroom of 30 high “I like to be outside.” She also
comes to the Colorado School school students. She soon real- knits and enjoys weaving her
of Mines campus to lecture in ized, “I’ve got to get these guys own fabric which she uses for
the afternoons. totally hooked.” Her goal is to sewing.

brightly above Mines

Her interest in science stems “work this biology plus engineer- Overall, Schoonmaker is very
from her family. She says simply, ing angle and make it so enticing excited to teach at the college
“Science was what happened at to kids, that they’re fascinated level. She explains, “I like the
home.” She recalls her brother by it.” college kid. I don’t really mind
dissecting a worm for school, ex- In addition to her profession, working with a more grown-up John Bristow thought that the stars in this
plaining, “I was jealous because Schoomaker’s three daughters kid.” To her, CSM has turned
Staff Writer group are young at the age of
I wanted to dissect a worm. My are an important part of her life. out to be a very friendly campus.
around 100 million years. Even
dad was really cool because he The eldest is at Johns Hopkins “They’re just nice people. Ev-
Last time we turned our without a telescope upwards of
took me out into the backyard University working on her doctor- eryone I’ve run into, adults and
sights to the stars, it was in pur- 14 of these stars can be seen
and we dug up worms… and ate, and her youngest is a recent kids, are beyond helpful.”
suit of the deep sky jewel boxes on a clear night and during the
then I dissected them at home.” college graduate volunteering for In the future, she wants to
that are globular clusters. While most pristine nights a faint blue
Driven by her desire to dis- the Peace Corps in Azerbaijan. teach more in depth courses at
through lenses and mirrors aura can be seen surrounding
cover more, Schoonmaker at- And her middle daughter “didn’t CSM. “I always enjoy learning
these conglomerations of stars these stars. The best part is that
tended the University of Illinois know if she was going to do a more. For me to make a move
are beautiful, when looked upon these stars do not require a pow-
and “ended up in a seminar on double degree in microbiology from high school to here is really
by the unaided eye, they appear erful telescope; in fact the best
reproductive physiology. It was and infectious disease or go the fun because it’s mentally stimu-
solely as dots of light, indistin- method of viewing is through
taught by a guy who is actually more creative route.” She did lating.”
guishable from
closer stars and
...Pleiades, one of the the much wider
field of a set of
planets. As the most magnificent binoculars.
winter months In order to
approach and clusters in the north- find this cluster,
the cold drains around nine o’
the distortion ern hemisphere, takes clock at night,
from the skies, head outside
a familiar open the spotlight in the and look direct-
cluster rises to ly east and up
the East. late fall and continues around 45 de-
Unlike the grees. The clus-
much more
making an appearance ter can be best
massive globu-
until the late spring. identified by the
lar variety, open five or six bright
clusters are stars grouped
much younger and several or- together in a tight formation.
ders of magnitude closer and As the winter months progress,
due to their proximity to our so- the cluster will rise higher every
lar system, these can appear as night until December when it is
tight clusters of young stars. Of high overhead.
these, the Pleiades, one of the As this group is close and
most magnificent clusters in the young, like many of the other
northern hemisphere, takes the stars, over time it will wander,
Above, Judy Schoonmaker spotlight in the late fall and con- making the skies unique and
tries to show that biology and tinues making an appearance breathtaking for generations to
engineering overlap. until the late spring. come. Along with other features
This cluster has been identi- such as the Orion nebula and
fied since the dawn of mankind Andromeda, the Pleiades make
and is one of the most refer- the fall, winter, and spring the
enced stellar features outside best time for an amateur astron-
of our own solar system. It is omer to explore the cosmos.

w w w . O R E D I G G E R . n e t
page 10 o p i n i o n november 1, 2010

Morals to your story

at Mines Shira Richman
Ethics Columnist
I come from a country that most people I meet in the United States think is very conservative. People here like to
ask me questions about my country, such as how women are viewed there and if they are less important than men.
Although some of the points they mention are facts, they tend to be very much exaggerated.
Alec Westerman
I have a difficult time deciding how to respond in these sorts of conversations. While I want to explain more about
Staff Writer my country’s customs and reasons for doing things, I don’t want to come across as defensive of the country from
As Halloween approached conversations began to turn towards the which I come. While I’m critical of some of my home country’s practices, I don’t feel like I can freely express these
costumes people were going to wear and the festivities that people would sentiments to Americans, who are already too aware of my home country’s flaws.
be attending. Every year around Halloween there are innovative cos- I want to be open and honest, but explaining the culture of a vastly misunderstood country feels like a big job to
tumes. Minds at Mines would like to know what students plan to dress up take on in small, day to day encounters. How do you suggest I handle this complex and delicate information?
as for Halloween and what they plan on doing to celebrate. --Student Turned Accidental Diplomat

It sounds like you are in a great position to be a diplomat for your country. Many people are curious, and really want
an insider’s viewpoint. Comparing and contrasting the strengths of the cultures in the U.S. and your country of origin
as they emerge in day to day encounters can be a way to focus on the positives of each culture. 
Also, as others get to know you, they will experience first-hand some of the strengths of your culture as expressed
“I’m dressing up as Darth Vader. On the through your personality and behavior. This will help to increase their ability to assimilate and accommodate their
day before Halloween I’m helping out with thinking to include the perspective you have to share.
an event called Funtober. It’s for families --Dr. Diane Nash-McFeron, Psychologist, Seattle, WA
and I’m going to the Root Beer Keg-
ger... My wife is going to be prin- It sounds to me like students’ preconceived notions of what your country stands for are getting in the way of what
cess Leia.” they could learn from you, as a peer from another country. American students are often so ethnocentric because we
Keith Lawrence Stevens are educated to believe that ours is the best country in the world.  What we don’t often learn until adulthood, and
sometimes not at all, is that nearly everyone around the world is raised with great national pride and that often other
countries do things better than we do. 
Cultural relativism is rightly critiqued for not being an effective overarching moral theory, but in your case it can be
applied. The students with whom you’re communicating need to be aware that the American Way is not the only
way, and often it’s the wrong way. I hesitate to encourage you to point out America’s numerous flaws in each of these
conversations, but I do think that emphasizing cultural diversity and iterating your pride in your nation for its successes
would be well-taken. 
--Cortney Holles, Faculty, Liberal Arts and International Studies, CSM

I can relate to this particular dilemma since I also come from a country that is very different from the United States.
My friends always ask me about my culture and tell me their understanding of it. In most cases, I agree with them,
in others, I don’t. When I don’t agree with their assumptions, I argue until I get my points across. I do this because I
highly value my culture. As a result, many of my friends understand my culture better and respect it as I respect theirs.
I’m going to be Ash from The --Nhan Nguyen
Evil Dead wielding my chainsaw
and boom stick. I will dominate Being foreign myself, I am aware that Americans love stereotyping. However, I think you are doing the right thing by
any Halloween party I attend.” trying to explain your culture to them. This way they will understand that what they hear in the media or on stand-up
Jonathan Harrelson comedy shows may not be true.
--Quoc Tran

I’m sorry if any of my fellow Americans make you feel uncomfortable because of where you’re from. We do tend
to be extremely curious and can come across as intrusive. My advice to you would simply to be open. Honesty is
always the best option.
My favorite part about America is being able to tell anyone what you believe without worrying about getting in a
serious bind. You will always find people who you enjoy and who enjoy you. Honesty will be useful in making friends,
even if it turns away a few ignorant people.
As long as you’re clear about what situations make you uncomfortable, you’ll be fine. Just tell it like it is.
--Kit Pfeiffer

Sometimes the best thing to do when you want to give someone a piece of your mind is to, instead, give
them a piece of your heart. Instead of focusing on the negatives about your country, emphasize the positives. While I
“I was going to be Willow, the faithful don’t mean completely ignoring their misconceptions, guide them to the truth of things that make you proud or happy
sidekick of Buffy the Vampire Slayer but to be from your country. Take their misconceptions and break them but not to the point of overexerting yourself.
you can’t be a Willow with no Buffy... So --Kimberly Ventrello
I’m looking for my Buffy out there...But I
do have an all Saint’s day Costume. I’m I think you should tell people who ask you these questions that, while some of what they think is true, the situation
going to be Saint Dymphna.” is not so extreme. Though it might seem like a large task to change a society’s opinion of a place, it may be much
Laura Yanowich easier than you may think.
The people who are asking the questions are probably not the people who are set in their beliefs or society’s
beliefs about your country. In fact, these are most likely people who are looking for you to discredit false views.
So, tell them about your country proudly and leave out the parts you don’t want to tell. Remember, everyone has
a pet peeve about his or her mom, but we don’t talk about that when telling friends about her.
--Kim Lamphere

Next Week’s Dilemma

I work for a company whose clients are property owners. It is my job to advise our clients about their options re-
garding property damage claims and their potential to recover any damages as a result of poor building, soil damage,
or other factors.
I often find myself choosing certain points to emphasize, based on what the client wants to hear, regardless of
whether or not the points I emphasize are the most relevant to the situation. Since I work so closely with these clients,
I find that omitting or deemphasizing the negative is better than upsetting them about the unknown. It also helps me
“I don’t have a Halloween cos- keep a better working relationship with the client.  Is this ethical behavior?
tume yet. I’m thinking of dressing -- Little Gray Lies
as Sarah Palin just for the political
statement. I’m going to the Root We would love to know what you think Little Gray Lies should do and the
beer Kegger and I’m going to Trick-or- reasons that make you think so.
Editorials Policy
treat for Cans with Inter-varsity.” The Oredigger is a designated public forum. Edi-
Katie Mills Do you have an ethical dilemma in your personal, academic, or profes- tors have the authority to make all content deci-
sional life? You don’t have to figure it out on your own. Send it in and see sions without censorship or advance approval
and may edit submitted pieces for length so long
what ideas others have to offer. as the original meaning of the piece is unchanged.
Opinions contained within the Opinion Section do
not necessarily reflect those of Colorado School
Send your ethical dilemmas and responses to Little Gray Lies to: of Mines or The Oredigger. The Oredigger does not accept submissions without identification and
will consider all requests for anonymity in publica-
tion on a case-by-case basis. Submissions less
Be sure to let me know if you want your name printed or not and if you than 300 words will receive preference.
ALL PHOTOS ALEC WESTERMAN / OREDIGGER have a preferred nickname what it is. We look forward to hearing from you.

w w w . O R E D I G G E R . n e t
november 1, 2010 s a t i r e page 11

Send a letter to Santa

Santa clubs ring in the season
Janeen Neri apologists are indeed on the de- my parents told me that they dren of Christmas Club, Virginia ing them that St. Nick is no more
Grown-up cline. An informal poll of students filled my stocking, ate the cook- O’Hanlon, agreed that Santa than a ‘historical figure’ – I mean
confirmed this trend. ies, all that, I figured they were Claus is often seen as “a figure no offense to anyone in particu-
The numerous Father Christ- “I never really bought it,” said just being grown-ups. I mean, for children that adults don’t trifle lar here, but y’all are going to cry
mas clubs on campus have one sophomore (all respondents everyone knows how adults tend with.” when you find coal in your stock-
banded together to designate were promised anonymity), “I to forget that Santa Claus ex- However, she added that “just ing. That’s the truth, whether you
this Friday a “Day of Letters,” mean, if it was so clear that Santa ists. They don’t want to believe, because children are the prima- want to accept it or not.” Moore
during which all students who was real, why would people risk so they pretend ry believers in and O’Hanlon both expressed
still believe in Santa Claus, are getting coal in their stocking by that they’re be- Once they get to col- Father Christ- a wish that the upcoming letter-
encouraged to write him a let- being jerks and saying he wasn’t? hind it all. That mas doesn’t writing day would help break the
ter. “Belief in Father Christmas Besides, there was never any real they’re the ones lege, there’s all these make him any stereotype of Father Christmas as
is declining all across the coun- proof that it was anyone other in charge of the less real. It’s a a child’s myth.
try,” said Father Christmas Asso- than my mom who was stuffing presents. But professors filling their sad fact of life Students do not have to be
ciation president Clement Moore, that thing. I tested it one year, as I got older, I that as children members of a Santa club on cam-
“and we decided it’s time to take and no matter how many letters I realized that it’s heads with the ways of grow up and pus to participate. Anyone who
pretty hard to
some drastic action.
Writing letters to Santa has
wrote to Santa, if I gave my mom
a different list, I would only get convince your-
the ‘grown-up,’ teaching gain knowl-
edge, they lose
wants to write a letter is invited to
write one or more letters to Santa
traditionally been kind of a per- what was on hers.” Said another self that some- them that St. Nick is no that innocence for themselves or for others. “In
sonal thing, sort of a private con- student, “It was a big relief when thing’s true just and purity that fact,” O’Hanlon said, “we encour-
versation with the jolly old man, I realized I wouldn’t really get by wanting it to more than a ‘historical makes them so age people to write letters on be-
and traditionally [it] happens coal if I slipped up once or twice be. It’s kind of special; they half of their grown-up friends.
closer to December 25. However, in the year. I mean, seriously, it’s sad when you figure’... become af- Maybe this Christmas, Santa
due to the rapidly shrinking list of kind of mean to torture kids with realize that or- fected by the will give them the gift of a childlike
‘good children’ that we see going the thought of imaginary punish- phans or kids skepticism of a spirit.” There will be a box outside
on today, we felt that we needed ments.” in bad families, no matter how skeptical age. Once they get to of Ballroom A from 11 AM to 6
to get an early start.” “I used to believe he came good they are, Santa isn’t bring- college, there’s all these profes- PM this Friday where students
A recent Gallup poll has shown down my chimney every year,” ing them anything.” sors filling their heads with the can drop their letters off to be de-
that the number of Santa Claus said another, “and even when The spokesman for the Chil- ways of the ‘grown-up,’ teach- livered to the North Pole.

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page 12 a d v e r t i s e m e n t november 1, 2010

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